Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Monday, May 14, 2018
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Trump Functionary Condemned For Not Wanting America To Become A Third World Slum
Fear Of Rampaging Minorities Frightens Starbucks Into Surrendering Potty Control
Will Student Be Punished For Taking “See Something Say Something” Propaganda Seriously
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Hit & Run Commentary #108
Former Attorney General Eric Holder insists that Trump’s attacks against the FBI prove that the President is not pro-law enforcement. Applying this same presupposition, couldn’t it as legitimately then be said that those that impugn the character of J. Edgar Hoover and his intelligence gathered that Martin Luther King was hardly the font of Christian and American virtue propagandists make the civil rights activist out to be aren’t pro-law enforcement either?
In his criticism of Thomas Aquinas for statements advocating the liquidation of heretics, will homeschool activist Kevin Swanson separate himself from his Reformed brethren that downplay the execution of Severetus or condemn statements by Rushdoonyians that could be construed as advocating the elimination of the civil rights and protections of those of differing theological persuasions that might find themselves in an idealized Christian Reconstructionist regime?
Technically, Olympic diver Tom Daly, age 23, and his 43 year old male partner are not having a baby together. The ones having the baby are the sow that was contracted with for access to breeding rights and whoever donated his man sauce. And another thing about the age gap of this “couple”. Why is this acceptable for sodomites but considered an outrage when Roy Moore was that much older than the ones he had the hots for that were still over the age of consent and Bill Clinton was somehow a child molestor when schooling Monica on the finer points of tobacco policy.
In stating that those on the terrorism watch list should not be allowed to purchase guns, will those placed on the terrorism watch list be given the reason why they are on the terrorism watch list or be provided with a process to have their names removed when incorrectly placed on this registry that is not ruinous in terms of time and resources?
Do the Fox News pundits calling for increased mental health intervention in regards to gun violence realize that in some circles it is enough to be declared mentally ill if you as a free American prefer Fox News as your default TV news source?
Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center and the Parents Television Council is demanding that the View apologize for insulting the Christian faith of Mike Pence. But isn’t anything these nags might have said technically less offensive than Bozell’s firing of the Parents Television Council’s executive director in 2002 for asking Ted Baehr to lead a pubic prayer asking for Bozell’s speedy recovery following a heart attack?
Bill Gates insists that that he should be paying significantly higher taxes. What he really means is that he thinks the remainder of us should be paying significantly higher taxes as well. Because if he really held to the face value of his articulated proposition as a sincere moral conviction, nothing is preventing him from donating what he believes would be a reasonable percentage of his income and holdings alone to the U.S. treasury.
Viewers praising the idea of Wakanda as a utopia isolated from much of the world in the Black Panther film are the same radicals that condemn President Trump for trying to patch the holes in U.S. border security and immigration enforcement.
NRA members are still responsible for fewer crimes than the average malcontents that show up at Occupy or Black Lives Matter rallies. To prevent the spread of norovirus, Olympic authorities are asking athletes to avoid shaking hands. Will officials also implore competitors to forgo the fornication and orgies alleged to regularly take place in the Olympic village?
A Yahoo news story and headline boldly proclaims “Revelation About Florida School Officer Blasts Hole In Donald Trump Plan To Arm Teachers”. Given the account is about how the Broward County sheriff’s deputy never even entered the school to perform the sort of duty for which first responders are heralded with all sorts of praise and benefits such as retailer discounts and assorted tax breaks, doesn’t the story actual make the case of what happens when a firearm is not utilized to interdict a homicidal assailant? This pitiable failure to act also serves as an object lesson of how in a moment of crisis that the individual cannot afford to place their trust entirely in law enforcement to save innocent lives.
Anti-Second Amendment fanatic David Hogg is vowing not to return to school until Florida legislators pass gun control. First, why should an elected official give a flip as to whether or not a whiny brat skips class? Second, will Hogg’s parents be threatened with the same regulatory sanctions that would be imposed upon those of a deliberate truant or forced to jump through the same administrative loopholes as a homeschooling family whose progeny are conspicuously absent from the leviathan of organized education? Would the mainstream media celebrate as a youth of conviction someone of the same age refusing to return to class until Roe vs Wade is overturned or the hysteria against Confederate memorials abated?
Dick’s Sporting Goods has declared that the retailer will stop selling “assault style” weapons. Given the number of assaults perpetrated by baseball bats over the years, should access to that particular piece of athletic equipment be curtailed as well? If nothing else, at least this corporation seems to be accurately named.
If Jeff Beezos is such a good liberal with a record of lavishing funds on Democratic causes, shouldn’t he insist upon paying Montgomery County’s exorbitant taxes rather than county officials having to entice him with a variety of incentives that would exempt Amazon from an assortment of the revenue measures penalizing other county residents in order to build the corporation’s new headquarters in the jurisdiction?
At the moment it is still legal for 18 year olds to purchase a variety of weapons liberals succumb to apoplexy over in regards to appearance rather than function. As such, shouldn’t it be considered as much an outrage in the eyes of jurisprudence for Walmart or Dick’s Sporting Goods to deny 18 to 20 year olds access to these devices as it would be for Christian bakers to deny gay couples nuptial baked goods?
President Trump declared, “Take the guns first. Go through due process second.” Had Obama articulated such a sentiment, Republicans and conservatives would be up in arms. As such, will they issue similar warnings about Trump being an aspiring tyrant?
It has been claimed that the Florida school shooter’s biological mother was a drug addict. Will those calling for the prohibition of firearms now join the effort to keep illicit substances criminalized?
In a humorous tweet, President Trump remarked that he was going to give his grandchild a lesson in socialism by seizing a percentage of the youth’s Halloween candy for redistribution to an urchin that didn’t bother to go out. For daring to make such a suggestion, J.K. Rowling pointed out that Trump’s own wealth was not earned but rather inherited. As such, the comparison would be more akin to candy being left to her by her great grandfather. Frankly, what of it? Assuming that her Harry Potter books continue to sell beyond her years, to be consistent, does J.K. Rowling intend to issue a statement that she does not want these proceeds to go to her descendants but that she is willing to accept these funds being seized and squandered by the British government?
Controversy erupted over a Youtube content provider posting video of an individual taking his life in the infamous Japanese suicide forest. So are those outraged over this going to come out and openly admit that Western culture and values derived from the Judeo-Christian worldview are inherently superior? Because, though it may come as a surprise to those thinking that multiculturalism means the whole world uniformly embraces hipster values, suicide in Japan is not necessarily viewed as all that much of a tragedy. Unless the offended are willing to take this philosophical step, what they are saying is, “Remove this video because it upsets ME.” Isn’t it at this point when traditionalists raise similar objections that we are flippantly told not to watch or simply change the channel?
Aren’t the liberals coming unhinged that Donald Trump used an earthy term for digestive excretory effluent the same ones that condemn parents as reactionary and unenlightened when they vocalize objections to similar terms or even worse appearing in the literature upheld by the public school system as worthwhile of consideration and reflection upon?
In condemnation of contemporary Sunday school curriculum that teaches youth life lessons rather than manipulate them into full blown religious fanaticism, the pastoral staff of Berean Baptist Church in a SermonAudio podcast lamented about the adults that won’t get out of the pew to serve in the church. These days, shouldn’t pastors just be glad that someone showed up to be in the pews at all? Furthermore, how do these ministers not know if these people are not serving God outside the church? Furthermore, aren’t these ministers doing what they do on behalf of the church ultimately because the church is paying their salaries? Would they be putting in as much effort into that particular congregation without a paycheck being involved?
Of allegations against Roy Moore, Albert Mohler is quoted as saying, “This is one of those excruciating decision moments for evangelicals. These allegations, if true, are devastating. If true, this is a very big deal.” But isn’t Mohler a leader in the faction of Evangelicalism suggesting that, if a girl is not married by the age of 23, she is an old maid hardly suitable for breeding? Furthermore, while Mohler seems to be distancing himself from a man whose dating preferences might have strayed a bit from the socially acceptable but still within the boundaries of legality, Mohler in another instance at a prominent conference assured C.J. Mahaney (who could actually be accused of at least abetting molestation) that that particular pastor was there among thousands of his closest friends.
Gun control advocates are invoking the Las Vegas mass casualty incident in order to advance their anti-Second Amendment agenda. Will they also call for the abolition of high rise buildings as well since it appears these structures can be utilized as convenient sniper perches? If headlines are to be believed that the shooter was driven mad in part as a result of incurring significant video poker debts, should America reconsider the prudence of legalized gambling?
By Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Liberal Think Tank Should Be Asked Why Shouldn’t Vandals Be Categorized As Thugs
How Often Are Men Victims Of A Similar Scam Without It Making National Headlines?
NRA Presidency Surrendered To Advocate Of Relocation Camps & Constitutional Suspension
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Will Politicized Catholics Betray Evangelicals To Advance Economic Subversives?
Monday, May 07, 2018
Sunday, May 06, 2018
Saturday, May 05, 2018
Friday, May 04, 2018
Thursday, May 03, 2018
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Hit & Run Commentary #107
Albert Mohler posted an article titled “Moralism Is Not The Gospel But Many Christians Think It Is”. If that is the case, isn’t that more the fault of professional religionists such as himself rather than the mere pewfillers often forced to abide by an extensive list of regulations if they desire to remain in the good graces of those wielding authority? Sometimes these requirements are, at best, merely tangentially related to anything explicitly stated in Scripture or, at worst, the mere opinions of the ecclesiastical staff. If the mere pewfillers are the ones coming off as judgemental about enforcing nitpicky rules, it is often because they have been forced to live under the most stringent requirements their entire lives while they are passed over in terms of position, opportunity, or even attention in favor of newcomers and the like who (though perhaps sincerely Christian) are not held to the same standard as those that have bought into what is being taught from the pulpit that believers must act a certain way and if you don’t you aren’t likely one. Right or not, those told that it’s evil to date and further bashed from the pulpit if they are then not married by the age of 24 are going to raise an eyebrow in resentment if they see the pregnant teen moms fawned over with babyshowers.
In a review of “Thor: Ragnarok”, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson condemned the superhero genre for depicting Germanic gods. One can legitimately point out how these films promote a version of ancient alien hypothesis in that Thor is depicted as an extradimensional entity. But the movies do not really depict Thor as an actual god or that your child is likely to abandon their Christian faith if they happen to enjoy these sorts of costumed adventures. In the first Avengers movie, didn’t Captain America say that there was only one God and that he certainly wasn’t Loki? Even if movies consisted of nothing more than accurate detailed depictions of Bible stories, would those of this sort of hardline mentality accept that or would they find something else to gripe about. Coming to mind particular are fundamentalist objections to “The Passion Of The Christ” and criticism of Roma Downey’s series “AD”.
In his review of “Star Wars” The Last Jedi”, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson lamented that parents should not be surprised if after steadily watching these sorts of films that their children walk away from the church. That is because watching these films is the epistemological equivalent of regularly attending a mosque and then converting to Islam. First, if Swanson wants to remain consistent with his Calvinist soteriology, doesn’t he have to admit that those walking away from the faith as a result of allegedly being exposed to Star Wars were never intended to rank among the predestined to begin with? Second, in his remarks does Swanson intend to criticize those Christian leaders that for decades level condemnation against those believers that would have been drawn towards creative pursuits such as literature and filmmaking?
Isn’t the greater outrage not that a Trump appointee to Americorps articulated blunt remarks over how protected demographics often live their lives at variance with majoritarian preferences but rather that this constitutionally dubious agency continues to exist?
Al Sharpton said the integrity of Evangelicals that support President Trump. But does a “minister” that advanced the lies of Tawana Brawley and stoked the burning of Freddie’s Fashion Mart possess any integrity himself?
President Trump is now being accused of speaking in an Indian accent to imitate the Prime Minister of India. If that is to be condemned, will similar criticisms be leveled against those that spoof the President’s own elocutionary idiosyncrasies such as his oddly shaped lips and sounding hoarse much of the time?’
If all countries are to be viewed as possessing equal quality with no one allowed to admit what these places are really like, aren’t those that vacation in Bermuda, Aruba, or the Bahamas but not Hati even more racist than Donald Trump?
If President Trump does not want his offspring criticized in the media, perhaps he should utilize other minions as his policy advisors and enforcers.
A Washington Post column laments in the title, “Trump Evangelicals Have Lost Their Gag Reflex”. Shouldn’t these establishmentarian elites be the first to celebrate religious conservatives for having advanced their sense of political sophistication to the point that distinction is now made between an elected official’s policy positions and personal moral failings? Didn’t the liberal pundits used to pine how they wished America could be more like France where no one cared how many mistresses a high official might have bedded? If Evangelicals now downplay the importance of private virtue in public life, it is for the most part for having been ridiculed for decades how if they didn’t let go of their outdated morality particularly in regards to sexual ethics, they would forever consign the Republican Party to electoral defeat. For were not influential media outlets the ones that depicted public officials that consistently lived by their professed values such as Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum as something akin to a Sasquatch with communicable leprosy?
For Afrosupremacisit Propaganda Month, a Vermont school has announced it will fly the Black Lives Matter flag for the month of February. Mind you, these are the same sorts that threaten renewed rounds of looting of hair care product providers and electronics retailers unless every remaining remembrance of the Confederacy is removed from public view.
The growing concern is that social media is potentially harmful to democracy. This perspective is now so pervasive that even the Facebook corporate office concurs. Do the propagandists in in the mainstream engage in the same degree of manufactured outrage when it comes to the dangers posed by centralized hierarchical journalism and media analysis?
If so-called “Indigenous People” cannot celebrate Columbus Day because of the mistreatment received at the hands of European colonizers, why should European-Americans support Indigenous People Day because of the mistreatment innocent settlers experienced at the hands of heathen savages?
President Trump has been accused of an alleged affair with a pornstar. If true, talk about low hanging fruit. It doesn’t say much as to the prowess of your manhood and skills as a lover to bed a woman that will not only sleep with anyone for the right amount of money but also allow the encounter to be videoed.
Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay announced that he lost over 50 pounds over fear that his girth would cause him to lose his wife to another man. Frankly, it sounds like she is not worth keeping. Where is the media outrage that would have erupted about fat shaming and positive body image if it was his wife that felt similar pressure to lose weight in order to save her marriage?
In a broadcast commentary transcript, Cal Thomas concluded, “You may not like his behavior. You may not like his personality. But you cannot deny the objective results. This President in his first year in office is bringing about real change that is promoting the general welfare.” So is Thomas now saying that the health of a nation is determined solely in terms of materialistic financial statistics? The promised wall is no more closer to being built, proposals are being suggested for what will essentially amount to yet another amnesty, and (as usual) the State of the Union promises to be a litany of yet additional handout programs that the country can no longer afford. As a self-professed student of Francis Schaffer, one would think Thomas would know better. Does Thomas renounce the inclusion of his name in an edition of National Review published prior to the election suggesting that a Trump presidency would mark the ruination of the Republic?
During the 2018 State of the Union Address, Democrats booed President Trump’s remarks that immigration policy should consider quality individuals or nuclear family units rather than import entire slum villages as results from chain migration. If Joe Kennedy III is stepping forward to spearhead the antithesis of the Trump agenda, perhaps hundreds of migrants can be warehoused on the numerous spacious Kennedy family properties.
Fascinating how liberal agitators demand the remainder of the country refrain from comment when Columbus Day is rebranded as “Indigenous People Day” in urban cesspools of multiculturalism but they have no problem imposing their New York values upon the bastions of the Confederacy when it comes to what memorials will be allowed to remain on public property.
At an event titled “The People’s State Of The Union”, celebrities, activists, and social justice front groups converged to reinforce amongst themselves just how much they despise the idea of others enjoying a standard of living just above that of mere squalor to the point that they are advocating violent Communist upheaval. For if these limousine revolutionaries really gave the proverbial rodent’s rear shank about actual poverty, wouldn’t they have actually instead directed the resources needed to give themselves a gigantic pat on the back to actual poor people?
Did the thought police all jacked out of shape at a racially questionable sweatshirt sold on line ever get around to expressing similar degrees of outrage regarding the knockout game or the looting of businesses over unpopular trial verdicts?
Pope Francis repeatedly lectures the West about defending the oppressed and downtrodden in terms of throwing borders open to swarms of migrants and refugees. Yet in regards to the persecuted in Red China he certainly doesn’t mind turning the proverbial blind eye in terms of forcing two underground bishops to step down and granting Vatican approval to the bishops of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association.
A Super Bowl commercial proclaimed the following: "You come with open minds and the instinct that we are equal. Some people may see your differences and be threatened by them. But you are unstoppable. You'll love who you want. You'll demand fair and equal pay. You will not allow where you come from to dictate where you're going. You will be heard, not dismissed. You will be connected, not alone. Change starts now." Does that include Roy Moore loving whom he wanted to love in his younger days? And what of those now advocating bestiality, necrophilia, and these reports of a man fathering a child with his own 20 year old daughter? Will those that disagree with this predetermined agenda be guaranteed the same right to be heard and not dismissed or will that privilege only be granted to those acquiescing to the preferences of nefarious cabalistic elites? For what if the individual approaches the evidence and articulated justifications with this supposedly open mind and he concludes that the change needed is not to the extent advocated by the nihilistic vanguard?
Amusement Park King’s Dominion will no longer be referring to its classic wooden roller coaster as “The Rebel Yell”. Such an allusion to Confederate heritage might unduly trigger the weak minded and sociologically delicate. Instead the attraction will be renamed “Racer 75”. Just how much longer will this stupidity continue? Should the entire park be renamed since “King” refers to not only monarchy but one ruled over by a patriarchal figure without paying due homage to the gynocracy for the atrocities committed in the name of phallocentrism. And shouldn’t the name “Racer 75” also be considered offensive? For does not “Racer” imply a competition based on speed with that quantifiable measurement used to determine such potentially psychologically damaging categorizations such as winter and loser. Lastly, since the 75 is a chronometric recognition of when the ride was built, shouldn’t that also be considered offensive since that measurement is ultimately a relativistic one calculated through tabulation of the temporal interval having elapsed from that moment back to the existence of Christ?
By Frederick Meekins