Sunday, February 11, 2018

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Toy Dinosaur

Toy Dinosaur

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Wednesday, February 07, 2018



Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Tan Antique Car

Tan Antique Car

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Candidate Castigated For Holding To Restroom Policy Advocated By 95% Of Population

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Canadian National Anthem Emasculated

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Monday, February 05, 2018

Antique Blue Car

Antique Blue Car

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Bicycle Terrorists Attack Motorists

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Philadelphia Liberals Lack Conviction To Condemn Super Bowl Looting

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Men Decide MeToo Sympathizers Not Worth The Trouble Of Dealing With

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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Fans Subjected To Yet Another Superman Reboot

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Dan Brown Bankrolls Occultic Missions

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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Friday, February 02, 2018

CNN Secularists Dictate Christian Doctrinal Content

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Freaky Bottle

Freaky Bottle

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Thursday, February 01, 2018

St. Francis Statue

St. Francis Statue

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Leftists Demand Immigration Policy That Would Destroy America

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Subversive Insinuates For The Overthrow Of The White Race

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Trump Condemned For Failing To Surrender To Illegalist Insurgents

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Airline Passenger Denied Therapeutic Cock

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Scientist Insists Human/Chimp Hybrid Actually Existed

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Yellow Mustang

Yellow Mustang

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Is Magnetic Pole Shift Imminent?

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McLaughlin Group 1/17/18

Salvaging The University In The Western World

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Ventura Rodeo, 1933

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Deluded Pastor Insists Lunar Coincidences Herald The Commencement Of The Apocalypse

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SciFi Memorabilia Expected To Fetch Hefty Price

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Art Fairs: Are They For You?

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hippy Van

Hippy Van

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Headshrinker Blows Mind Suggesting The Right Not To Be Offended Doesn’t Exist

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Thought Police On Warpath Against Baseball Logo

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Whites Practicing Yoga Accused Of Cultural Appropriation

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Darth Vader Named Greatest Villain In Cinematic History

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Anti-Border Subversives Coopt Pro-Life Movement

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Did Keillor’s Accuser Want Her Daughter To Work For Him?

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Green Junker

Green Junker

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Cadet Nurse Corps Enlistment Poster

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Friday, January 26, 2018

Does David Barton Advocate Theocratic Dominionism?

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Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Is Garrison Keilor A Bigger Perv Than He Initially Admitted?

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Why So Many Different Franciscans?

CNN Propagandists Glamorize Threesomes

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Railroad Crossing Sign

Railroad Crossing Sign

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hit & Run Commentary #105

Bette Midler is demanding an apology for Geraldo groping her in the 1970's. But if she liked it so much at the time that it led to an affair described as torrid and as her being insatiable, he should refuse to apologize.

If Bette Midler was really so traumatized by what transpired between her and Geraldo back in the 70's, wouldn't the time to have expose or refute such been when he was bragging about it in his sleazy memoir?

Sexual assault is a terrible thing. However, an act that was apparently not considered such at the time to the point that it has become part of one's comedy shtick doesn't quite rise to the seriousness of such a violation retroactively approximately forty years later.

The use of such is morally questionable. But these radicalized WOMMENNNN had better rethink categorizing nearly every social interaction with men as an assault or most men are going to conclude these threats are not worth the risk and instead seek to fulfill their assorted companionship desires with sexbots.

Is the outrage in Bette Midler's mind that she was groped in the 70's or that, as an aging hasbeen, most American's have not given her much thought in years or perhaps even decades? In the 11/13/17 edition of “America: The Jesuit Review Of Faith & Culture”, an editorial criticized the Trump administration for calling into question the patriotism of NFL players refusing to stand in honor of the National Anthem. Would this publication praise the piety of an individual for refusing to abide by assorted protocols and gestures observed in the presence of the Pope?

Mitt Romney referred to Roy Moore as a stain upon the GOP. To be consistent, shouldn't he refer to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young as stains upon world religion? For at least Moore seemed to at least prefer his adolescent maidens one at a time.

Proponents of theocracy and Christian Reconstructionism insist it would be improper to vote for a woman running for elected office. That is because, in their view, the magistrate is also to be viewed as a minister of God and Scripture forbids women from such formalized ministry activities. If that is the case, wouldn't they also be forbidden from backing Roy Moore as well? For he is apparently married to a divorced woman. And, in most of the churches such theocrats attend, that would disqualify this particular senatorial candidate from ecclesiastical office just as if he was a woman. About all that he would be allowed to do in church is to drop his tithe, of course, into the collection plate.

Regarding NewsMax's list of the 100 most influential Evangelicals, religion columnist Terry Mattingly seemed to lament on an episode of Issues Etc that he was told that there was only a handful on the list that would not be seen on Fox News. In the interview, Mattingly seemed to suggest that even Billy Graham was uncomfortable with this term straddling the boundaries between theology and sociology because of the cultural connotations that have accrued to the concept. This is because, Mattingly suggests, the term has come to describe White Republicans. Why is it that White Republicans need to apologize for their values? Are Black religionists, Muslims, or Jews also expected to articulate such self-reflective loathing on command?

The NAACP is objecting to President Trump visiting the civil rights museum. Had the President not appeared, these racialist agitators would have raised a fuss about that as well. The propaganda office of this subversive front group had probably prewritten two versions of the story to foment faux outrage over either contingency.

Fox News pundit Greg Gutfeld has publically stated that he hopes Roy Moore loses. Thus far, the has been little definitive proof offered that Moore actually violated any laws. The allegations are that he violated the rules of decorum as imposed by an increasingly shrill and uptight cabal of WOMENNNNN that just this time last year getting ready to don their cranial haberdash depicting female anatomy. If this is the case, shouldn’t Gutfeld himself be cautious before his own near constant litany of wisecracks making lighthearted jest about abduction, sexual slavery, and serial killing get him banned from the polite company of the broadcast airwaves as well?

Roy Moore’s wife is being asked to account for anti-Semitism because she publicly noted one of the staff attorney’s is Jewish. In a spirit of ecumenical awareness, are Jewish individuals aspiring to elected office going to be asked to renounce the explicit anti-Christianism of the Talmund?

It is argued that it is unacceptable for a 30 year old Roy Moore to date even a 17 or 18 year old because such young minds are impressionable and easy to manipulate. Then why is it acceptable for those of that age to go into the armed services for the purposes of giving their lives in their country’s wars? Is not the government making promises of providing education and enlistment bonuses not much different than a man promising to lavish assorted material niceties on a compliant young woman?

Liberals are outraged that Roy Moore has not yet conceded defeat in the Alabama senatorial campaign. But so long as his followers are not threatening to take to the streets as an excuse to loot hair care product retailers and electronics establishments, does it really matter? That’s more of an assurance than is provided by these leftist agitation rackets when they don’t get their way.

Rep Mo Brooks announced on the floor of Congress that he has prostate cancer. How long until one of these delicate marms that was rampaging in the streets this time last year decked in a head covering symbolizing female genitalia flies into a tizzy that references to the male anatomy violates her safe space and sparks anxieties regarding patriarchy and rape culture?

So are these WOMMMMMENNN that now insist that social interaction with a prominent or positioned man automatically constitutes an abuse of power irrespective of whether or not he pitches a little woo before trying to cop a feel willing to settle for a variety of dude where a weekend get away consists of dining off of the fast food extra value menu and an occasional run to Ollies or perhaps even Walmart if he is feeling particular extravagant?

A number of Christian leaders are getting on board the sexual harassment bandwagon where not only are unsolicited touching or comments are out of line but apparently any non-professional fraternization is now as well.  Many of these same thinkers would then turn to hyperpiety insisting it is unacceptable to pursue romance in a church setting since one is to be there to contemplate nothing but God.  Online dating is frowned upon because, well, that’s not the way it was done in the 1800’s and you might stumble upon someone beyond the narrow doctrinal proclivities of the exegete on this sort of tirade.  These ministers then get in the pulpit and beat singles over the head because they have not gotten married by the time they are 40 (25 if the speaker is Albert Mohler who stands with draw dropped at Roy Moore’s past even though the jurist’s behavior epitomizes the sort of approach Mohler would have applauded most likely this time last year and certainly nothing compared to the scandal of C.J. Mahaney whom Mohler recently assured still had thousands of Evangelical supporters).

In commenting on the sexual harassment scandals, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson remarked that women do not react well to powermongers.   Yet they are supposed to go along with the sort of system he advocates where young women are to be discouraged from pursuing higher education and should be married off at the first signs of biological maturity.

A brawl erupted among lingerie aficionados in front of a Victoria’s Secret at a mall in Florida. A concurrent investigation has been launched over allegedly racist remarks posted by a sheriff’s deputy’s wife on social media. Shouldn’t that expenditure of police resources outrage feminists? After all, it does not view her as her own person but rather as little more than livestock that her husband failed to control.

Liberals are outraged over potential Trump tax cuts. Senator Bernie Sanders in response lamented that the treasury is being looted. Rosie O'Donnel offered to donate $2 million dollars to any Republican Senator willing to vote against the legislation. For questioning the legality of such a gesture, the no longer funny comedian told columnist Ben Shapiro to perform oral gratification on a bodily appendage she does not possess as a woman but probably wishes she did as a lesbian. If fiscal solvency is truly a conviction of these assorted ideologues, why don't they simply continue to pay the amount to the government that their taxes have been reduced by? Since they like nothing more than to propagandize, they could turn this into a movement where those like them believing ultimate meaning is derived from the state can continue to render their financial oblation of their own free will whether it is required or not.

An Atlantic headline reads, "The Intrusion Of White Families Into Bilingual Schools". First, if Whites are paying taxes, they have every right to be there. Second, if this is now the attitude of the prevailing liberal elites, on what grounds do they pitch their annual February fits about the Southern governors that blocked school integration?

An Atlantic headline reads, "The Intrusion Of White Families Into Bilingual Schools". And if White payments complained or took action to keep their children out of such schools, the liberal media would pitch a fit just as loud about that.

A&E was advertising a program that was to feature Father Pfleger. Will his relationships with anti-White subversives such as Louis Farakhan, Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton be exposed and critically examined? Or do liberals merely agitate to prevent religious controversialists from being broadcast on the network when they are Duck Commander?

If the countries that the media are condemning President Trump for describing as excrement holes are so wonderful, why are so many from these particular lands swarming here?

A whelp at a public meeting in Carroll County, MD insists that she is unable to concentrate in school sitting next to a classmate adorned in Confederate battle flag attire because such an act promotes division. So should the prohibtion being proposed also apply to Black students wearing clothing telling everyone that they are Black (as if such an assessment could not be made from looking at the individual) as well as hijabs, and yalmulkes since these also promote the message of “Look at me. I'm better than you.”

by Frederick Meekins

Don’t Spread Disease By Finger Licking

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Lutheranism & Calvinism

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Diversitymonger Demands Border Must Remain Opened To All Human Rabble

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Junk Pile

Junk Pile

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Did Stroking Senator’s Stick Release Shutdown Tensions?

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Injuries Caused By Black Serial Killer Considered No Big Deal

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Will Skynet Pander Enough To Minorities?

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Daniel Ott Interviews Derek Gilbert

One Happy Weisner

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Feline Cookie Jar

Feline Cookie Jar

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Hit & Run Commentary #104

Donald Trump is accused of being unstable and thin skinned. As if Hillary was any better emotionally? Say something she or one of the gaulieters in her biddy brigade didn't like and you are accused of being a predator on the level of Harvey Weinstein. Furthermore, how many that have crossed Trump have met with “mysterious ends” in comparison to the Clintons? And how is Trump's skin any thinner than Obama's? Tick Obama off and you'd feel like an Israelite in the desert having an “I am the Lord thy God” judgment handed down against you in terms of how loud Obama would get. Would remind one of Loud Howard on the Dilbert cartoon.

It was said in a revival sermon that the multiple hurricanes to hit the southern United States this past season were surely judgment from God. So if the pattern returns to normal and there are no major storms for the next several years, ought we to therefore conclude that sufficient contrition and repentance has been offered to mollify the Almighty?

So if we aren't supposed to believe J. Edgar Hoover regarding the dirt he had on Martin Luther King, why should we automatically believe what the FBI Director is now revealed to have said regarding the Kennedy Assassination?

In a sermon on II Chronicles 7:14, it was said that the Christians of a nation are at fault for the evil and decay in their respective lands. So when the House Church in Red China is persecuted, if we follow this revivalist's logic, are we to assume that the oppression is their own fault?

In a sermon, it was said that things were different in the nation's schools just a few short decades ago. To an extent, this is correct. But in terms of the doctrine taught, weren't the seeds of upheaval actually being planted then?

A pastor in a homiletical illustration claimed that a relative's home repair project failed because it was undertaken on the Lord's Day. Given that the Sabbath and the Lord's Day are two different occasions, where does it say in Scripture someone cannot make home repairs on Sunday? Especially if church is over by noon?

Devoted Papalists are seething with anti-Luther animus over the celebration of the Protestant Reformation. It seems that the mutual respect called for by the likes of Bill Donohue of the Catholic League is apparently only a one way street. For some, it has become something of a hobby to point out the ethical and theological shortcomings of this particular religious figure under consideration. As if Lorenzo de Medici was elevated to the Papacy solely on the merits of his devotional piety and theological acumen. Perhaps a more level headed Reformer might have stepped forward if institutional Catholicism had not been so insistent about upholding doctrinal and organizational conformity at the edge of a sword.

How is condemning from the pulpit those not doing more than they are comfortable with different than the Osteenism that fundamentalist expositors often rail against? So would this same sort of minister be as supportive if what a person felt the Holy Spirit was nudging them towards was another sort of church altogether?

If God is omnipresent, who is to say that those that remained in the pews during revivalistic theatrics were not as much communing with God as those kneeling at the “altar steps”?

Where does it say in the Bible that it is a manifestation of the sin nature not to do something that the pastor wants that is merely a matter of opinion or procedure rather than something clearly delineated in the pages of revelation? There's definitely saying you are obligated to give up a free weekday morning for prayer meeting.

It was said in a sermon that it is hurtful for members to run from small churches into megachurches because the pastor of the small church simply wants to preach the word of God. Maybe so. But where is the mere pewfiller supposed to find the sorts of opportunities that they want to experience just as much as the small church pastor? So are we supposed to put our lives on hold just so such a pastor can be fulfilled in terms of career and ministry? And when the rare opportunity becomes available in these small churches, will the person that has been forced to sit there never be allowed to do anything that they might have a desire to such as teach Sunday school be allowed to because they have never been granted an opportunity or are these opening going to be bestowed upon someone that gained the experience in one of these megachurches? And in regards to some of these small churches, if the parishioner dutifully remains, is that person going to be made to feel less than fully human or Christian if that person never marries as often occurs in hardline congregations because there are no other singles in that church?

If someone has the tune “Tomorrow” from Annie playing in their head as an earwig, is that really something that needs to be confessed during testimony time like it is some sort of grave shortcoming?

Given that Allison Mack has been accused of being what amounts to a priestess in an abusive sex cult, shouldn't the reference to her Smallville character Chloe been removed from this week's episode of Supergirl if precedent regarding other thespians accused of similar offenses is to be adhered to?

Apparently any attention directed towards a woman is now harassment. The sorts of women now raising a fuss are the very same ones that then turn around and pitch a fit when men of discernment come to the conclusion that these gals aren't worth it and turn to lives of seclusion and solitude to wait out the Apocalypse or at least the collapse of civilization.

Didn’t the same liberal culture elites lamenting the antics of Harvey Weinstein and now making unprovable allegations against Roy Moore at one time foist upon the culture propaganda insinuating that, if you are still a virgin at 40, you are somehow even more defective than Forrest Gump because even that cinematic retard sired a bastard by the town whore?

Do Evangelicals such as Russell Moore eager to condemn Roy Moore for his unconventional courtship practices also plan to condemn their theological colleagues insisting that young believers should be married by the time that they are 23 years of age or that a girl is on the verge of being an old maid if she's not married by the time she's had her first “monthly”? Wasn't Roy Moore simply living out the sort of worldview advocated by Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” who suggested girls out to be married by the time they are 16 years old?

If one of the targets of Moore's pitched woo is quoted as saying that she in part felt flattered, that means at one point she liked the attention. In regards to the allegedly forced kiss, if the outcome is that men no longer kiss short of a notarized affidavit, these sorts of wenches going to refrain from criticizing such men as passive or unassertive?

According to the Guardian, a Christmas card depicting a redbreasted robin has been censored from Facebook for being allegedly “adult themed”. Will Kentucky Fried Chicken be similarly banned from from the social media platform because of the perennial quandary it forces consumers to make in favor of breasts or thighs?

The desiccated marms tossing a fit over Roy Moore attempting to date young women still over the age of consent are likely the same skanks that just a few short months ago that went ballistic over Vice President Mike Pence refusing to dine alone with a woman other than his wife or being in a room without his wife where alcohol is served.

Mitch McConnell suggests that Roy Moore should step down as a Senate candidate largely on the basis of unproven allegations over conduct on the part of the seemingly devout jurist some might find objectionable but that likely was not illegal. So should McConnell himself be required to step down largely on the basis of a rumor on the part of a disgruntled female? After all, having been divorced once and married twice, there has got to be at least one woman out there claiming he did something overwhelmingly unacceptable which can consist of nothing more than a raised voice or a single misemphasized word in a sentence these days. That's usually enough to get the feminist goon squad worked up into a frenzy just about calling for a public castration.

I fail to see an inability to remember the reference coordinates of a particular passage of Scripture indicates an insufficient level of gratitude for it. While the numbering system is a useful tool in locating specific texts, these are man made division and not divine in origin.

Perhaps people living in the twenty-first century shouldn't stand in judgment of the past. But that said, neither should those in the distant past figuratively stand in judgment of those now living in regards to issues not clearly spelled out in Scripture. Just because something was done a certain way “back then” does not necessarily make it correct by default.

In a sermon, it was insisted that one must thank God for misery and suffering. Apparently it is not enough as Scripture counsels to be thankful in all things. If such is as the homilist insisted, wouldn't it be wrong to pray for suffering to end? After all, one does not pray for things considered blessings to end or be taken away. For example, one never prays, “Lord, we thank you for this food, but please prevent it from nourishing our bodies.” I am thankful that my dad and brother are here with me to go through this and that my mom is no longer suffering and is in Heaven. But no, I am not thankful that she died. If we are to express gratitude for all things, why do clergy never express gratitude for collection plates being lighter or for their being fewer rears in the pews for Sunday School or the Sunday evening gig?

Almost as disturbing as PBS propagandist Charlie Rose cavorting naked before fellow employees is that apparently is so gripped by a secret society mentality apparently bordering in Bohemian Grove levels that no one jumped at the chance to break the sort of story that they should have been chomping at the bit to publish even if initially anonymously in a tabloid or gossip website.

A pastor is taking guff for suggesting that Roy Moore dated younger woman for their moral purity. Frankly, nowadays a man is probably better off assuming that the young are just every bit the skanks (and possibly even more so) that the older ones are. However, if Roy Moore did not begin dating until older in life, why is he obligated to settle for sloppy seconds? Jesus might forgive, but for whatever reason in this life He doesn't remove STD's.

An episode of Generations Radio is titled “Did Moore Commit Sexual Sin?” Did this program broadcast an episode explicitly asking such addressing why its former cohost Dave Buehner suddenly vanished for allegedly similar reasons?

The Canadian Prime Minister has apologized to the so-called indigenous population there for in the past snatching such children for the purposes of indoctrination. Wonder if he will extend a similar sentiment to parents (particularly Christians) there refusing to go along brainswashing their children with the contemporary prevailing orthodoxies in regards to multiculturalism, the acceptance of alternative lifestyles, and even vaccinations.

A story published in the 11/24/17 edition of Newsweek makes note of the “Far Right's Pedophile Obsession”. The article is subtitled “Why are pro-Trump provacetuers are using allegations of pedophilia to smear the left”. But aren't the ones on the left making a fuss that Roy Moore's antics permissible under Alabama law ought to result in the sorts of raised eyebrows getting the attention of law enforcement and the placement of the accused offender on some sort of registry?

The owners of a Maryland farm rented for a conference shut down the proceedings mid event upon learning that racialist Richard Spenser was the organizer. As such, shouldn't this venue be subjected to the same penalties that befall Christian bakers refusing to prepare cakes for gay weddings?

Some of Matt Lauer's ribald shenanigans were alleged to have taken place at the Winter Olympics. Perhaps the next sexcapade that needs to be detailed is how the Olympic village is usually as debauched as the Playboy Mansion.

Interesting how no one has actually refuted the accuracy of the controversial videos retweeted by President Trump of Islamist violence but rather have fired back with “Kneel before Zod!” pronouncements about inclusion and divisiveness.

By Frederick Meekins

If Anderson Cooper Thinks Haiti Is So Wonderful, Does He Intend To Live There?

Trump Functionary Let Go For Failing To Embrace Leftist Propaganda

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Conservative Oration Prompts Headshrinker Intervention

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What Is The Difference Between A Friar, Monk Or Jedi?

East Coast ComiCon Bans Hercules/Andromeda Thespian

According to the Federalist, actor Kevin Sorbo --- best known to genre fans as Hercules from “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys” and as Captain Dylan Hunt in “Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda” and to Christian audiences from the film “God’s Not Dead --- has been preemptively banned from East Coast ComiCon.

Interestingly, this is news to the actor as he revealed to the Federalist that he had no plans on attending that particularly convention in the first place.

In the article, others claimed to have been similarly blacklisted by Marvel over matters of ideology.

Seems the company has more in common with Hydra than Captain America.

Perhaps it is about time for conservatives of assorted varieties to organize their own pop culture conventions or even zine and small press festivals.