Friday, January 19, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Conestoga Wagon

Conestoga Wagon

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Owl Couple

Owl Couple

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Rethinking Church

Monday, January 15, 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Artificial DNA & The Ancient Cult Of The Dead

Old Bird House

Old Bird House

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Can Extraterrestrials & Christianity Coexist?

Michelle Bachmann Considers Senate Campaign

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Is Stan Lee A Dirty Old Man?

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Patriotic Cowboy Boot

Patriotiic Cowboy Boot

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Snow Warnning Sign

Ice Warning SIgn

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Hit & Run Commentary #103

If it is a rule that NFL players must stand during the National Anthem and a rule that players can't engage in showboating gyrations following a touchdown, on what grounds now is it legitimate to penalize a player that engages in celebratory dance?

A homily posted at SermonAudio is titled “Signs Of I Spiritual Immaturity”. A foremost one ought to be that this pastor in question went on for 92 minutes on this one topic.

Having returned from a tour of assorted Reformation sites in Europe, home school activist Kevin Swanson in a SermonAudio podcast now thinks it is his place to hand down decrees as to how you are obligated to spend your vacation. If that sort of itinerary emphasizing ecclesiastical tourism now makes him spiritually superior to other believers, how does that differ appreciably than medieval Catholic pilgrimages?

It was posted at SermonAudio by one minister having returned from a tour of religiously significant sites in Europe that many Christians leave Jesus out of their vacations. So unless you are being explicitly religious at all times as you relax, your weekend at the beach or afternoon at the local amusement park is now the equivalent of Thai sex tourism.

It was astutely pointed out in a sermon that the Christian must be careful in desiring to the point of envy the blessings God has given someone else but not intended for you. It should also be pointed out for the need of other Christians not to look down on those or to hinder the opportunities of others to whom God has not extended certain blessings that organized religion often instead views as life milestones that indicate that those having not experienced them for whatever reason are morally or spiritually deficient.

Frankly, Americans ought to be less offended about a President calling on professional athletes to stand during the National Anthem than these Presidents demanding we give back to the COMMUNITY with uncompensated voluntarism as if what we do for pay is of no public benefit.

In support of the professional athletes disrespecting the national anthem and the flag, the pastoral staff of Berean Baptist Church in a SermonAudio podcast remarked how America is still racially divided and how 11 AM Sunday is still allegedly the most “segregated” hour of the week. So which of the all White pastoral staff is going to resign so that a minority can hired to start the racial healing that these ministers are demanding of the remainder of us?

It is being suggested that Americans should be required to pass a mental fitness evaluation up to and including a record free of depression before being allowed to own a firearm. What would then prevent such a requirement from being placed upon other constitutional liberties before a citizen would be permitted to exercise such rights?

Why do we need to ban silencers if they were not used in the Las Vegas attack? A silencer is not part of the gun that kills a person. Most really know no more about silencers than they do lightsabers. They are nothing more than something fascinatingly spooky that has been seen in a movie.

Moron pundit Joe Scarborough claims that the only reason civilians stockpile weapons is in order to kill American soldiers or the government. But isn't that the primary reason why law enforcement and military also stockpile weapons in order to coerce compliance from civilian populations?

It was said on Saturday Night Live in reference to guns, no one needs 47 of anything. Does that include the number of sex partners had by the average homosexual or even straight deviant of whom an inordinate number of entertainers rank?

Rush Limbaugh is concerned that President Trump is becoming increasingly dictatorial. In particular, the broadcasting legend is referring to Trump's ongoing remarks regarding the intentional disrespect of the flag and national anthem on the part of a number of professional athletes. But wouldn't Limbaugh's keenly analytical mind be better directed towards the hints on the part of Trump threatening the revocation of broadcast licenses over news coverage critical of administration policy?

For leaving a game amidst NFL players refusing to respect the National Anthem, Vice President Mike Pence has been accused of political grandstanding. So how is what he did any more reprehensible than the actions of the recalcitrant athletes? Why must their rights of conscience by celebrated but not those of the Vice President?

A pastor remarked that, if you don't like an opinion articulated by a pastor, you should not leave the church because the pastor is merely exercising his First Amendment rights. But what about the First Amendment rights of the mere pewfiller to find a church the matches closest with their particular understanding of doctrine and its application in the life of the believer?

Diversitymongers have condemned a group of Poles that gathered along the border of that Eastern European nation in an act of prayer. Critics opposing this event claimed that this mass invocation of deity could be construed as a deliberate refusal to accept Islamic migration into the country. So apparently Poles aren't allowed to preserve their heritage but little is apparently said when Islamic regimes execute converts in order to preserve theirs.

A church that actually tossed its support in favor of the anti-American NFL protesters remarked that there is actually nothing the NFL could do that would prevent most American men from watching football. To watch or not to watch in light of these developments is an individual decision and not exactly one where church leaders ought to be making “Thus sayeth the Lord” style proclamations.

Interesting how Michael Savage buttered up to Laura Ingraham on his 10/11/17 broadcast. I remember him at one time deriding her as “that woman that always wears a cross” as if he didn't even know her name.

Producers of the upcoming flop Star Trek: Discovery revealed that the new version of the Klingons are based upon Trump voters in that the characters are advocates of genetic purity. As if the moronic Federation and Starfleet policy that all philosophies are equal is workable and wouldn't lead to civilization's collapse. If anything, Trump would be more like a Ferengi. It is a shame that those now granted control over this venerable science fiction series understand neither current events or the backgrounds of these characters.

President Bush said White supremacy and bigotry are blasphemy against American values. And Black Lives Matter, La Raza, Islamic jihadism, and Jewish supremacism are not?

Soon one will need an ID or even a passport (if one's home state is not in compliance with the Real ID Act) to travel between domestic airports within the United States (but apparently not to vote). Mark these words. Just as it is now against the law to withdraw an amount from the bank less than the amount that now triggers the scrutiny of revenuers if for the purposes to evade these reporting requirements, citizens will be subjected to criminal penalties if it is learned they selected a mode of transportation other than flight in order to avoid this form of intrusive surveillance.

If these actresses were so appalled to find out what Hollywood producers were really like (something known since the middle decades of the past century), why didn't they return to lives of relative obscurity such as Walmart cashiers? Some of what has been exposed is akin to going on American Idol and being shocked when Simon Cowell proceeds to berate you for a shoddy performance.

Even if not himself guilty of any direct incident, in regards to sexual harassment and the verbal mistreatment of WOMEEEENNN, isn't Howard Stern the equivalent of Tokyo Rose or Jane Fonda in Hanoi?

Donald Trump has Tweeted: "Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened." That means secret society elites will have the final say as to whether or not this information is released. And if it is, what proof will we have that it is complete or not doctored?

Regarding those wanting to ban Civil War reenactments. If that form of free speech and right to assemble can be infringed upon, why not also ban Antifa and Black Lives Matter while we are at it? There is nothing in the First Amendment about those wanting to assemble on public land being required to meet a specific ideological threshold.

By Frederick Meekins

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

St. Benedict Prayer Card

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Monday, January 08, 2018

You Wouldn't Want To Live At The Time Of Christ's Birth

A line of narrative in a Christmas cantata described the time in which Christ was born as “simpler”.

One could legitimately say that era in question was certainly less technologically advanced.

However, a case could be made that life then was actually much more complex and complicated to navigate.

Most today might want to get away from the ubiquitousness of their gadgets for a time.

However, would anyone from today really want to remain in such a setting?

It's doubtful most of us would survive for very long, but that is nothing to be ashamed of as we were not meant to be in that time.

The infrastructure of Bethlehem, and probably even the most advanced cities of that day such as Rome or Athens, was so lacking at the time that Mary had to give birth in a barn.

Statistically, just think how many other women had children that night traveling to fulfill the requirements of the census with less of a guarantee that the child was going to survive until adulthood.

Most of the discerning distrust the government now.

But despite the shortcomings of these agencies, have any of us faced the military or law enforcement deliberately killing all of the babies of a particular town just for spite?

IRS requirements to file taxes are burdensome and frustrating enough; however, at least we are not required to return to our respective hometowns in order to do so.

The celebrations of Christmas beautifully announce to the world that the Savior entered into it so that we might be redeemed from the consequences of our sin.

However, we also need a reminder that the world into which the Messiah willingly entered ultimately to die at the time was neither all that joyful or beautiful.

By Frederick Meekins

Mocking Bird

Mocking Bird

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Camouflage Military BDU Pants, Army Cargo Fatigues (Urban Tiger Stripe Camouflage, Size X-Large)

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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Misty Mountain Dragon

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Saturday, January 06, 2018

Demoniac Scum Vandalize Historic Church

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Burning Man Declares Fidelity To Interstellar Goddess

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British Heathens Prefer Islamist Pedophiles Over Franklin Graham

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Professor Goes On Warpath Against White Student

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Brain Surgery Gets Trebek Out Of Jeopardy

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Apostates Infiltrate Moody Bible Institute

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Skanks Dance Topless At Christian Festival To Foster COMMUNITY

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C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength: Fostering The Spark God Gave Mankind

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Jihadists Threaten Attack Against The National Cathedral

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Could Evangelical Christianity Accept An Extraterrestrial Reality?

Never Submit: Will the Extermination of Christians Get Worse Before It Gets Better?

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Deep Space Nine Grows Appreciated In Retrospect

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Are Pants A Gateway To Lesbianism & Witchcraft?

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Intro To Christian Resistance Bootcamp

Timberlake Condemned For Failing To Embrace Racial Subordination

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Friday, January 05, 2018

Christmas Cathedral

Christmas Cathedral

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Fanatic Atheist Advocates Undermining Parent/Child Bond

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Subversives Attempt To Undermine Church Of England’s Sexual Ethics

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Is Carrie Underwood Permanently Disfigured?

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In Calling For The End Of Consumerism Will Pope Liquidate Vatican Ostentatiousness?

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Steve Harvey’s Pimp Costume Raises Eyebrows

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Monday, December 25, 2017

"The Still Light Of Dawn" by Alan Giana

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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Archangel Gabriel Prayer Card

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Nativity Trio

Nativity Trio

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Winter Wishes

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Amish Buggy

Amish Buggy

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Mental Defective Genetically Defecates In The Gene Pool

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A History Of The Amish

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Vatican’s Reprobate Nativity Analyzed

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Discerning Catholics Insist Vatican Nativity A Subdued Overture To Carnal Reprobates

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Christmas Village Church 2

Christmas Village Church 2

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Should Bureaucrats Be Allowed To Determine What Constitutes Truth & News?

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Thought Police More Concerned About Comments Regarding Lingerie Brawl Than Lingerie Brawl Itself

A brawl erupted among lingerie aficionados in front of a Victoria’s Secret at a mall in Florida.

A concurrent investigation has been launched over allegedly racist remarks posted by a sheriff’s deputy’s wife on social media.

Shouldn’t that expenditure of police resources outrage feminists?

After all, it does not view her as her own person but rather as little more than livestock that her husband failed to control.

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Has Anyone Ever Been Mauled To Death By Their Yorkie?

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Germans Capitalize On Livestock Molestation

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Will We Have Unending Media Flagellation Over Female Predators?

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Obamaphiles Having No Problem With Riots & Looting Jacked Out Of Shape Over Parody Cookie

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Drawing Closer to Christ: A Self-guided Icon Retreat

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Will Good Morning America Do A Follow Up 30+ Years From Now HowThose Raised To Be Deferential To Women Have No Spouses?

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Anglicans Baffled By Disintegrating Identity

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Is Women’s Rights Agitator Abetting Sexual Abuse?

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Pentagon Admits To UFO Investigation Program

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Pope Pleads With Nigerian Islamists To Release Abducted Nuns

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Monday, December 18, 2017