Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tolerancemongers Break O'Reilly's Will

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Monday, March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Crazed Lunatic Insists Missing Jetliner Will Return From Parallel Dimension

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Headline Potpourri #95

Those scuzzy witches descending upon the Nation's Capital no doubt ranked among those that condemned Promise Keepers' Rallies which were little more than high priced Bible studies and not likely gatherings where men glorified their privates in a raunchy manner.

Unless her confession that she has thought a lot about blowing up the White House is an admission that she secretly desires to become an author of thriller novels in the tradition of Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn, shouldn't Madonna be hauled in by the Secret Service for investigation?

So do these shrill banshees that constantly gripe about the “coarseness” of contemporary politics and condemn men for doing anything other than sitting around at tea parties like a bunch of pansies intend to condemn the constant use of the term “pussy” at the Moloch dedication rally in DC the day after the inauguration?

If a church sings a song containing the lyric “brokenness is what I long for”, should the pastor really bemoan the low state of the congregation's finances. Seems you have indeed received the very brokenness you are piously claiming that you desire.

There's really little point in chewing out an elderly congregation about the declining numbers in children's Sunday school and AWANA programs. Frankly any White folks of breeding age that can afford to have long departed the area.

In light of the Trump inauguration, Madonna has admonished that we must now go as “low as we can go”. Given as many times as she's been on her back, that's got to be pretty low.

The media is condemning “the alternative facts” insisted upon by the Trump administration regarding the attendance numbers at the inauguration. Does the media intend to take such a bold stance in favor of objective verifiable empiricism when it comes to other issues such as the outright falsehoods advocated at the million woman march, the advocates of global warming, and much of the public school curriculum?

Russell Moore needs to explain something. For well over a year, Dr. Moore went on numerous tirades against Christians supporting Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency. This opposition was largely in part because of Trump's enthusiastic call to curtail illegal immigration. Because Moore sits on the board of the National Christin Hispanic Leadership Conference, he apparently believes it is his duty to advocate for the advancement of preferred demographics at the expense of conservative Caucasian Americans. As such, does he now intend to direct his condemnation at Samuel Rodriguez, the head of the National Hispanic Leadership, for speaking as part of the official inaugural program? It might be claimed that providing an invocational prayer or Bible reading does not necessarily constitute an endorsement. However, it is doubtful a minister is going to grant this sort of explicit blessing upon a public figure ascending to high office unless the minister and the official shared at least profound admiration for one another.

WRC 4 in Washington celebrated a 90 year old dragged by her family to the infanticide rights orgy that descended upon Washington, DC. Fascinating that, when those of a similar demographic to this crone assembled for Tea Party rallies, such people were condemned for being old and White.

Probably the best way to spin the debate surrounding the size of the Trump Inauguration is to admit that the crowd was smaller than originally insisted. Spindoctors should then immediately proceed to point out that this was because average Americans were afraid of professional Sorosian agitators such as the Black Lives Matter hooligans that proceeded to kick a disabled woman nearly unconscious and the others that set fire to the hair of another Trump supporter.

Madalyn Albright has declared she is ready to register as a Muslim. Good. Can someone now get her a burqa so the rest of us no longer have to gaze upon her withered visage?

An episode of a National Association of Evangelicals podcast was titled “What White Christians Need To Know About Black Churches”. Firstly, a White Christian does not really “need to know”. They might “want to know”, but their continued well being and ongoing survival is not predicated upon it. Second, one of the topics discussed included “What prevents Black Christians from attending predominately White churches?” Usually when such matters are discussed it is for the purposes of getting the guilty party to change their ways. So does the National Association of Evangelicals intend to guilt trip Black churches into altering the practices that make White folks apprehensive about attending such congregations such as those in attendance running up and down the aisles to such an extent that medical professionals must be on standby and the homiletical focus not so much being eternal Christ truth but rather a constant reminder of Whitey's shortcomings.

Both sides are seeming to indicate that the so-called “dreamers” (children brought to America by illegal alien parents) should be allowed to remain here because their residential status is not their fault. Utilizing such logic, wouldn't it be wrong to impose crippling fines against the bakers refusing to bake the cakes for gay weddings because that might negatively impact the lives of the children of those falling afoul of the social indoctrination agenda?

Similar to a drug addict in need of a fix, Citizen Obama could not refrain from commenting on President Trump's restrictions on refugees. The former president assured that he disagrees with discriminating against individuals because of their religion. So is that why his regime turned away Christians at a higher rate than Muslims?

Fascinating how those insisting the loudest that scrutinizing those extended the PRIVILEGE (not the right) to enter sovereign U.S. territory is unAmerican any other time insist that there is no other distinctively America way superior to that practiced by less advanced or even deliberately evil regimes.

If the Boy Scouts must admit into membership girls who only think they are boys, shouldn't the United Negro College Fund disperse scholarship funds to White people claiming to be Black?

A crone was tossed off an airplane for disruptively berating another passenger over Donald Trump's climate change skepticism. If she truly believed in climate change herself, what is she doing on an airplane to begin with given the notoriously high “carbon footprint” inherent to that particular mode of transportation?

In a tweet aimed at Mike Pense, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling posted “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole and forfeits his soul.” Wonder if she is as familiar with the Biblical texts as condemnatory of witchcraft and sorcery?

Charles Schummer is outraged over Donald Trump for relieving a temporary Attorney General of her post for refusing to implement his immigration moratorium of entrants from designated countries noted for their links to terrorism and jihadist Islam. Would the legislator herald as a civil servant of integrity a bureaucrat that refused to implement President Obama's pro-homosexual directives?

Homilists are often hard on the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan. But if these religious functionaries had intervened by touching the bloody victim and gone about their temple duties, would they have been struck dead for doing so in violation of assorted hygiene laws also told to them by God? So the characters in this account would have been in a panic and experiencing considerable inner turmoil beyond simply not wanting to be bothered.

A Youtube video posted by Dallas Theological Seminary is titled “Woke Church”. In the explanation of the term, Dr. Eric Mason elaborates how the concept was developed by Black nationalists in applying sociology and historical analysis to comprehend alleged systemic racism. This theologian then proceeds to elaborate how such a perspective can be redeemed for Christian usage. As such, does Dallas Theological Seminary intend to invite chapel speakers elaborating how the worldview assumptions of the Christian Identity movement or the AltRight if they refined can assist the believer in rectifying the decline gripping American culture?

Regarding the filthy protest mobs that chant “This is what democracy looks like” as they destroy property and cavort down the street in obscene costumes. Did they supportively articulate this sentiment regarding the Tea Party movement?

Propagandist Chris Cuomo insists that Donald Trump is to be blamed for the mob destruction in Berkeley, California. Applying this logic, if a malicious horde laid waste to a TV station, would Cuomo's biased reporting be at fault?

It is no more an “insult against the Founding Fathers” to be in favor of term limits than it is an insult against the Founding Fathers to believe that Black folks should be able to live free. It was the Founding Fathers that implemented the amendment process so that future generations could tweak the system around the edges in regards to those areas where the Founders might have been in error or in light of circumstances that even these visionaries could not have foreseen.

Interesting how in one sermon a pastor will lament that Christians don't take seriously enough the admonition to avoid those that practice the most explicit forms of godlessness and then turn around in other sermons condemning Christians that only associate with other Christians for fear of doctrinal purity and avoiding contaminating compromise.

Will these tolerancemongers get as jacked out of shape over an American attacked for wearing a red hat on the grounds of being an alleged Trump supporter as they do about those allegedly attacked for being adorned in Islamic apparel?

According to an admonition articulated on Fox & Friends, we are somehow obligated to drink beer because some prominent brewery is giving a donation to a charity that provides scholarships to the children of fallen military personnel. So who is giving scholarships to the children of the raving alcoholics or those killed in drunk driving accidents?

The cover of the 2/6/17 issue of Businessweek consists of a photo of Donald Trump holding an executive order with the text manipulated to read, “(Insert hastily drafted, legally dubious, economically destabilizing executive order here).” Interesting how concern over executive orders during the Obama and even the Bush regimes was dismissed along with crop circles, chemtrails, and sasqatch sightings.

Liberals are apoplectic that Trump appointed Jerry Falwell, Jr. of Liberty University to a task force on educational reform. The fear is that a devout Christian will ruin higher learning in America. In comparison to what: the Berkeley student body which apparently cannot countenance a single speaker articulating a viewpoint other than their own without resorting to rampaging violence?

In solidarity with the proposed general strike called for on the part of the same WOMMMMMMEN that perambulated around the nation's capital on costumes depicting their reproductive organs, perhaps men should leave the toilet seat up that day.

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson announced in a podcast uploaded to SermonAudio that he is raising his children to be married. What he is really saying is that you are a failure as a human being if you are not. Yet one doubts that conviction is not so sincere that he is above accepting your tithe or offering dollar even if he considers you substandard. Wouldn't truly godly parents instead raise their children to be moral irrespective of whatever state they might happen to find themselves in?

In an analysis of marriage and divorce trends, home school activist Kevin Swanson observed that it seem that Gloria Steinem's worldview won out over Elizabeth Elliot's. Unfortunately so. But frankly in their religious fanaticism to the point where her husband Jim Elliot reveled in his low grades as indication of his religious devotion and abandoning his family in favor of missionary outreach to cannibalistic Indians, their worldview isn't really worthy of slavish aspiration either.

Technically, in censuring Elizabeth Warren for impugning the character of another Senator, aren't the legislators bringing such a charge also impugning her character?

Establishmentarian media is jacked out of shape over the alleged ethical impropriety of Kellyanne Conway's frustrated outburst urging Americans to go and purchase items from Ivanka Trump's canceled product line. Too bad there is not as much concern regarding the revolving door that traditionally exists between the ranks of administration functionary and the punditocracy to the point where it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish the boundaries between the two classifications.

Virginia is considering legislation that would allow homeschoolers to play on public school teams. But if government education is so wicked that these parents insist upon removing their children from the system altogether, shouldn't they also be willing to sacrifice athletic glory for doctrinal purity? Why don't they arrange for students to play on a private school's team or to form a team consisting of other homeschoolers? Furthermore, are these homeschoolers advocating for this sort of accommodation out of pursuit of the Almighty or rather the almighty dollar?

That lady NASCAR driver in the “Vegan Power” car was a total airhead in an interview. She got on her environmentalist high horse how she is opposed to fossil fuel sponsorship. Lady, if you are against fossil fuels, aren't you in the wrong sport? So apparently it is acceptable for her to expend 500 miles worth of fuel driving in a circle, but you are expected to be wracked with guilt for simply commuting to work or running errands around town.

Maryland is considering letting schools hold class on George Washington's Birthday and Easter Monday in order to complete the required days of scholastic instruction with a first day of school set after Labor Day. Yet not a word has been said about holding class on Martin Luther King Day. Apparently Jesus wasn't Black after all or students would keep the day off.

A cover story article of the March 2017 issue of Foreign Affairs is titled “How America Turned Against Experts”. In other words, the Council On Foreign Relations is jacked out of shape that an increasing number are no longer sitting around quietly as elites conspire to take away your liberty, your property, and even in a variety of these postulated contingencies your very life in the name of planetary sustainability.

An article titled “Own Up: Should A Writer Ever Write A Character Outside Their Identity” published in the January 2017 issue of The Writer suggests that one ought to be cautious in crafting narratives involving characters beyond the categories one has been assigned to by racialist bean counters. However, criticism of White heterosexual Christian primarily males will be allowed to continue unabated by those from beyond that classification.

It was said in a sermon that the child of God that does not want to appear fanatical is likely lukewarm. But cannot this desire not to appear fanatical also consist of a wariness of practices pervasive among certain religious circles that are not necessarily obligatory from a plane reading of Scripture but are at best merely the traditions of man. Discernment is itself a quality stemming from the fruits of the Spirit and the Armor of God.

Media propagandists are insisting that President Trump has not done enough to denounce Antisemitism. Do they intend to demand the President also condemn the hostility against Christianity expressed on the part of Jewish individuals? It's doubtful Trump's own daughter is a convert to Judaism and raising her offspring in that faith out of sincere conviction. Why didn't the son in law renounce his faith to adopt her family's nominal Christianity?

In the hymn “My Faith As Found A Resting Place”, the text reads, “My faith as found a resting place not in device or creed: I trust the Everliving one --- His wounds for me shall plead.” But isn't that itself a creedal statement? There are indeed those that profess a dry and cold orthodoxy. But isn't that the fault of the one articulating such an orthodoxy rather than the orthodoxy itself? Creeds testify to a truth beyond them. However, without the objective statements of the creeds, how do we determine what to put our faith in?

Apparently Cal Thomas's problem with Milo is not that the provocateur is gay and possibly a defender of pedophilia. Rather, in a column, Thomas criticized the flamboyant iconoclast for the tendency to point out how things are heading to Ghenna in a wicker transport receptacle rather than coming up sunshine and lollipops. But in being negative about Milo's lack of optimism in emphasizing what he is against rather than what he is for, isn't Thomas himself being negative? And as a syndicated columnist, hasn't Thomas been griping about what is wrong with the world for over thirty years now?

Donald Trump attended an “African American Listening Session” commemorating Black History Month. Does the federal government intend to hold European American listening sessions to kick off Caucasian American History Month? Usually such terminology is euphemism for minorities to berate Whites with Caucasians not permitted to respond in a similar manner.

It is claimed women use three times as many words as men. Probably because if men used as many, at best whatever we would say would be invalidated or, at worst, condemned as just another form of abuse. Most of these extra words mostly just consist of the woman repeating things she's told you numerous times before but if the man says something that's already been spoken the woman cuts off the conversation like what he is saying is not worth hearing a second time even if it is relevant to the conversation.

From the tone of a Fox News interview, Bill Bennet seems quite pleased with President Trump. The foreign and economic policy Trump campaigned on are inspired in large part by the America First platform developed by Pat Buchanan. Perhaps Dr. Bennet can explain why he denounced that movement when it was spearheaded by Pat Buchanan (a profoundly moral individual that consistently advocated these beliefs for nearly all of his adult life) while he is backing them with Trump at the helm despite the fact that the real estate mogul has adopted them fairly recently and (unlike Buchanan) has not really lived by the principles of Judeo-Christian morality that Bennet has accumulated considerable fame and fortune advocating.

If a deacon points out he began reading the Bible because he did not have a house and a good job, is he really doing these things for spiritual edification or to get the house and job? If the deacon did not get what he wanted, are we to assume God is not pleased with him? How does this differ from Osteenism other than it is being articulated by an independent Baptist rather than some variety of holy roller?

A pastor confessed he has not heard much about fasting until he went to Africa. Was it that these Africans were really into fasting as a spiritual discipline or that this was just a polite way that the African had no food available but felt to ashamed to accept charity?

If a Baptist says we ought to fast as part of the confession of sin, how is this different than a Catholic insisting that the contrite believer ought to perform some act of penance? And if you just happen to preach on fasting the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday, how is that any different than the liturgical churches that celebrate Lent?

If it is emphasized in a homily that fasting is a voluntary personal decision that has no bearing on one's holiness, is it really appropriate to deliver an entire sermon attempting to guilt-trip gullible believers into doing so? If people are to be mocked and ridiculed that they do not fast because they like to eat, who was it that created humanity with a need to eat accompanied by pleasure from doing so?

A fundamentalist lamented how he wished broadcaster Chris Plante would tone down the namecalling. Really? Has this pastor reflected upon the things he has himself has enunciated from the pulpit? If not for the robust rhetoric, what exactly does Christian fundamentalism have going for it? So why is it apparently acceptable to mock women that wear pants but apparently not actual subversive liberals that will actually undermine morality and the American way of life?

Interesting. In referring to Chris Plante, a pastor made it known how he wishes the broadcaster would tone down the namecalling. Yet in favorbably mentioning Tony Campolo in that very morning's sermon no mention was made to be cautious of the assorted debaucheries and apostasies advocated by Campolo. If a pastor is going to enunciate to a congregation that Campolo is a Christian, why not articulate similar pronouncements of fellowship regarding certain Catholics that are as spiritually astute in their observations and reflections?

A Yahoo headline suggests that school vouchers don't help students. The conclusion that the propagandists desire to manipulate the reader into adopting is that this variety of educational subsidy should not be implemented or abolished. By this logic, since the public schools fail a significant percentage of students, shouldn't this form of pedagogy be abolished as well?

At the Oscars, host Jimmy Kimmel remarked, “This broadcast is being watched...around the world in more than 225 countries that now hate us.” That accusation was no doubt intended to be an insult aimed at President Trump. However, the disdain directed at America is probably even more the fault of filth spewed forth by a significant percentage in Hollywood as exemplified by the sorts of productions heralded at these sorts of ceremonies (for it is seldom “The Lord Of The Rings” or “Star Wars” that take top honors) and the way many of these entertainment luminaries live their lives in the public spotlight.

For International WOMMMENNN's Day, paper towel fixture Brawny insists “Strength Has No Gender”. If so, broads buying into this mindset can put the toilet seat down themselves and keep their mouths shut about it.

Newt Gingrich went on a vacation to Antarctica. Yet at one point he apparently thought global warming was such a dire threat that he punished the American people for our resource consumption by subjecting humanity to the image of himself frolicking on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi.

If gays can get married and grown men can now tinkle in the ladies' room in front of little girls, why should a man be condemned for putting ketchup on a steak if that is his lifestyle choice or professed genetic proclivity? Apparently diversity is to be applied to everything other than what the concept was legitimately intended.

To paraphrase the logic Planned Parenthood expects the rest of us to applaud as the greatest breakthrough in intellectual history since the Greeks discovered the syllogism, if you don't like ketchup on YOUR steak, don't eat it that way.

According to homeschool activist Kevin Swanson, Breitbart News advocates the “wrong kind” of conservatism because the content provider is for the most part critical of immigration. As a hardline Sola Scriptura Presbyterian, perhaps Rev. Swanson should point out the passage of the divine text demanding a nation must swing its borders wide for whatever riffraff wants to saunter in.

Giving Day? Don't we give every day the government confiscates a percentage of our income? I invoke the need for a safe space having been mentally assaulted by this manifestation of the false altruism scandal.

Regarding the episode of Arrow that dealt with firearms violence and gun control. Given that the name of the gun used in the attack on city hall was repeatedly enunciated, does that mean from now on Oliver Queen's preferred projectile delivery apparatus will no longer be referred to as a bow but rather by the manufacturer's make and model number? The message the episode attempted to convey might not have come across as so hypocritical if the protagonist's alias was not itself derived from a weapon or that, for the first couple of season's, it seemed that he deliberately killed the majority of his enemies rather than simply beat the snot out of them Batman style.

The Maryland Statehouse is considering the legalization of recreational cannabis. One proposal would allow those over 21 years of age to possess up to an ounce of weed and for licensed dealers to sell up to an ounce to customers. But if there is nothing inherently wrong or dangerous about pot now that its legitimate use is being moved beyond limited medical situations into the realm of party goods, who is the state to say how much of it an individual is allowed to possession? After all, at this time, the government cannot tell me how many Big Macs can be found in my possess or how many used books one can sell on Ebay.

Regarding Baptist ministers all gungho now for Lent and looking down their noses at Christians that don't observe the occasion. What occupational class was it that conditioned the average pewfiller to react in a near anaphylactic state at the mere whiff of anything even remotely perceived as Catholic in the first place? If low church Protestants are now going to be shamed into celebrating Lent, shouldn't we be extended the decency of the traditional pancake supper the night before and the ashes dabbled on the forehead? After all, when was the last time in church history Baptists turned down the opportunity to stuff their faces and pancakes certainly sound more appetizing than the swill of the quasi-annual International Dinner.

In support of gender-based indolence, one shrill banshee wailed that Day Without Women was not just in support of mistreated WOMENNN but also in solidarity with immigrants and Muslims. In other words, this demonstration is yet another excuse to bash Donald Trump. But more importantly, don't these morons realize that Muslims are probably the greatest abusers of women on the face of planet Earth?

Will Evangelicals applauding the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina voting to move its affiliation to the Anglican Church In North America defend the right of Baptist churches refusing to direct offering dollars to the Ethics and Public Policy Commission while that body is headed by Russell Moore? After all, as proponents of congregationalism, Baptists are not obligated to finance organizations found nowhere in the pages of Scripture.

If our civilization is not superior, why do immigrants flock here rather than stay in their native regions? The United States is not geographically contiguous with Syria.

The City of Berkeley is refusing to do business with contractors involved with the construction of the Great Wall of America. Shouldn't this municipality be penalized with financial ruination in the same manner as the Christian bakers refusing to provide goods and services in support of gay weddings?

On the podcast hosted by the creator of Veggie Tales, it was pointed out that in Britain (unlike second rate America as the vocal inflections insinuated) Christianity is not equated with the nation. So what about the establishmentarian “Church of England”? What those advocating this particular perspective would apparently prefer would be to live in a land where Christians are denied basic liberties of speech and where areas of the country have been so overrun by a particular faith not as concerned about imposing its strictures upon others that even law enforcement is reluctant to enter these ghetto enclaves.

In coverage of the African American “listening session” in commemoration of Black History Month, President Trump was instead accused of talking about himself. And how is this markedly different than Citizen Obama who during his own regime would articulate the word “I” so many times that it almost seemed as if one was watching the surrealist jury in the series finale of “The Prisoner”? What those articulating this criticism really mean is that Trump likely did not articulate a sufficiently Marxist condemnation of America along with promises of pending government handouts.

In a podcast uploaded to Youtube, Phil Vischer tackled the topic of whether or not Christian media stunts Christian growth. But is he so convicted by this conundrum as to renounce the gobs of money he no doubt earned as the creator of Veggie Tales? Interesting how he did not formulate this remark on a laptop at his kitchen table but rather from a rather elaborate media studio.

In a speech critical of the Religious Right, Russell Moore admonished that White Christians should properly expect their Black and Hispanic counterparts to raise uncomfortable issues such as racial bias in sentencing. Perhaps they wouldn't get such harsh sentences if they weren't committing crimes.

In a speech critical of the Religious Right, Russell Moore said that prosperity theology is worse than Canaanite fertility religion because such ministries invoke the name of Christ. But apart from modalists such as T.D. Jakes, doesn't that wing of the Charismatic movement still adhere to Trinitarian theology? Furthermore, are the orgies and related human sacrifice for which Canaanite religion was infamous not that big of a deal?

Pope Francis announced that indigenous peoples must give prior consent before any economic activity can take place on their ancestral lands. What someone ought to do is get a group of Protestants together with genetically proven Etruscan ancestry and that all Roman Catholic structures comprising the Vatican be taken down.

A Washington Post headline laments, “German Right Wing Violence Flourishes Amid Online Hate”. Guess those Islamist refugee hordes do nothing more than assemble for prayer and detached contemplative reflection.

A Washington Post headline asks why can't Trump just let things go? What like President Obama who constantly had to remind everyone that he is Black?

If assorted globalists are going to accuse nationalist conservatives of “xenophobia” which is often defined as an undue fear and hatred of foreigners, perhaps similarly a term should be coined to condescendingly describe those subversives exhibiting a pathological contempt and loathing of their fellow countrymen.

by Frederick Meekins

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Book Review Condemned For Promoting Contemplation Beyond Devotional Naval Gazing

This is one of the reasons I nearly don't really care to be around actual groups of Christians or to interact with them unmediated outside my study.

In a book review I posted, I wrote, “As God's revelation to mankind, the Bible is complete in itself and capable of equipping the believer for every good work. Thus, with it alone, the Christian has everything that is necessary to learn the essentials of salvation and the wisdom necessary to sail the turbulent seas of life. Yet, unlike many other theological and religious texts, the Bible presents numerous universal truths by addressing concrete historical situations rather than by presenting a set of detached philosophical postulates."

For posting this at a Christian forum, it was said to me in reply, “Again I am drawn to make quite a sad observation of your OP. You seem to think that the focus of the Bible is us, where as it is God the Father`s revelation of His well beloved Son. The whole word of God unveils His character, His ways & His purposes. It is He who is far above all that we need to know & experience, anything less becomes religion. `And beginning at Moses & all the prophets, He (Jesus) expounded to them in ALL the scriptures the things concerning HIMSELF.` (Luke 24: 27) BTW did you notice there is not one mention of CHRIST in your long OP. It was talking of the scriptures, yet NOT ONE mention of our LORD. That speaks volumes as to where the focus & direction is. We rather should be - `looking unto Jesus, the author & finisher of our faith,...` (Heb. 12: 2).”

So in other words, just because I did not say, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”, like some blathering Hare Krishna in an airport or Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz clicking her heels together in hopes of returning to Kansas, I am just about having the validity of the profession of my faith drawn into question.

For starters, the initial composition was not directly ABOUT Jesus. It was a book review about a text on the New Testament taken from the standpoint as a work of objective literary and religious history.

At no point did I not say that the Bible was not about Jesus.

But if the Scriptures were not written for the benefit of mankind but rather for God to toot His own horn, doesn't that make Him little more than an insufferable egotist?

Jesus did indeed expound upon how the Scriptures testified to Himself. However, that was for OUR benefit.

There comes a point where some are so explicit in their piety that they become a danger to both sound doctrine and clear thought.

For while Jesus is indeed the author and finisher of our faith, how are we to know that beyond a Bible that can be trusted and of solid repute?

If those emphasizing the importance of the Bible in a review of a book about the Bible rather than focusing on Christ in a review of a book that was not about Christology are to be emphatically criticized, the discerning are forced to raise the following observation.

Are those that seem to yammer incessantly incessantly about Jesus as Jesus doing so from a sincere sense of religious devotion or rather because this is what expected if they desire to posture for acceptance by or to acquire position within their particular circle.

For posting in a Christian forum that the Bible as God's revelation to mankind is complete and capable of equipping the believer for every good work and that this divinely inspired anthology often teaches through narrative rather than explicit imperative declaration, I was informed my focus was incorrect.

Instead, that out to be directed towards Jesus rather than the Scripture.

But Jesus really isn't directly here right now.

As such, how can we be sure what He has to say to us apart from the Bible?

Usually, in the case of those claiming to have direct auditory communication with the divine or the numinous, before it's all over with God is telling you to go ahead and bed your neighbor's spouse (and that's in the more respectable cases given the number of ministers these days of confessions both orthodox and heretical that can't seem to keep their hands of teen girls) or to force the congregation to drink the funny smelling fruit punch that burns as it goes down.

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, March 17, 2017

Will Trumpcare Bankrupt Seniors?

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Trayvonites Beat Man Offering To Pay For Meal

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Peacemongers Threaten Rape & Murder

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Religious Persecution In China Continues

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Vaunted First Responders Do Nothing About Assault Against Michael Savage

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Is Mainstream Media Subtly Advocating Insurrection?

The cover of the 3/2017 issue of the Progressive consists of a swarm of bees surrounding a bear that is suggested to be Donald Trump as evidenced by the blond wig worn by the forest omnivore.

In nature, bees go into such a defensive mode when their property is attacked.

So is the Progressive now prepared to come out in favor of the castle doctrine or stand your ground laws?

More importantly, does the Progressive intend to advocate Americans vigorously standing up to protect their property from government thugs seeking to pillage and loot for a variety of reasons justified by any assortment of bureaucratic legalese?

Published in the table of contents of this very same issue of the Progressive is a picture of the White House with the construction crane in the background from which Greenpeace eco-terrorists unfurled a banner reading “Resist”.

How are those flocking to that call by committing assorted acts of civil disobedience any different than the business owners refusing to provide an assortment of goods and services advancing the cause of gay marriage?

An article in the 3/17 issue of the magazine “In These Times” is titled “Cities Go Rogue: In A Sea Of Red, Blue Enclaves Test Their Power To Rebel”.

Ironically, those applauding the spirit of that article probably support hurling rocks through the car windshields of those that are conservatives articulating contrarian perspectives in such progressivist strongholds.

Interestingly, the illustration accompanying the article consisted of X-Wing fighters from Star Wars with a caption reading how the White House and many statehouses are in the hands of the Dark Side.

Since that is an explicit Star Wars reference, shouldn't it be asked if these propagandists are advocating armed insurrection?

Furthermore, why is such imagery acceptable when liberals are out of power but, if conservatives such as Sarah Palin utilizes the image of a bullseye, they are accused of fomenting violence such as mass school shootings?

By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Will Congress Authorize Systematic Eugenics?

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Wenches Rampaging Against Cargo Shorts Aren't Worth Bedding

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Departed Military Dog Honored As Hero

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Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Indigenious Culture Expresses Its Disapproval Of Alternative Lifestyles

A horrible crime.

However, it can only be condemned as such from the standpoint of an absolute morality transcending all cultures.

The adherents of multiculturalism are by definition of their own particular worldview are obligated to applaud the act. Click On The Headline

Discovering A Theology Of Technology

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Is A Borg Cube In Orbit Around The Sun Pirating Solar Energy?

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Monday, March 06, 2017

Trump Halts Subsidies To Moloch

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Test The Spirits

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Smartphones, Social Media & Christianity

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Saturday, March 04, 2017


Drawing By Frederick Meekins

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Episcopal Prelate Sides With Perverts In The Potty

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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Neil Gaiman's Top 10 Rules For Success

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Photo by Frederick Meekins

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The Untold Truth Of Giorgio Tsoukalos

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ISIS Threatens Attack On China

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Brain McLaren Spearheads Apology Tour To Minorities On Warpath

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Countdown to the Apocalypse: Why ISIS and Ebola Are Only the Beginning

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An Old Catholic Priest Provides Insight Regarding The Globalist Conspiracy

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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Teacher Exposes Preschoolers To Occult Ritual

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Photo by Frederick Meekins

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South Carolina Diocese Considers Wholescale Defection To Anglican Church North America

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Canadian Apostates Conspire To Block Franklin Graham Crusade

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Will Trump Surrender To Illegalist Hordes

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Transgender Activist Warns Of Lunarian Onslaught

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Perverts Granted Unrestricted Access To Social Media

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Preaching In Hitler’s Shadow

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Are Homeschoolers Obligated To Sell Their Children To Minorities & Foreigners?

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VA Patients Languish Unattended

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Islamists Tossing Hissy Over Pork Advocate Cannibalism

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Bishop On Death’s Door Squanders Final Days On Earth Undermining Traditional Marriage

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Which Anglicans Will Be Extended The Pope’s Hand Of Fellowship?

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Organ Harvesting Ship Trolling Latin American Waters

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Hillary Once More Declares Dissent As Patriotic

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Mountain Goat

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Jihadists Vow To Exterminate Copts

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Where Are Laboratory Monstrosities Placed Along The Chain Of Being?

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Will Trump Plunge America Deeper Into Debt?

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Larry Elder Interviews Thomas Sowell

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Judge Fondles Constitution To Free Bound Nipples To Swing Low

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Radical Ideologues Mock The Passing Of Alan Colmes

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Yellow Flowers

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Democratic Chairman Insists Whites Undeserving Of Civil Rights

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Reprobates Blaspheme With Glitter Ashes

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The Decline Of American Culture

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Hollywood Morons Applaud Their Own Death Knell

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A New History Of Early Christianity

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017