Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Friday, June 03, 2016
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Anti-American Rhetoric Pervades Even Conservative Denominations
Interesting how the default term to denigrate these days out of the mouths of so many professional relgionists is “America”.
Furthermore, is his enunciation of the term “Republican” also invoked to besmirch the ideological proclivity of those assembling under the banner of the GOP to believe that the path towards the broadest swath of prosperity for the greatest number is to be found in individuals for the most part left alone to pursue their own well being, dreams and callings?
Does Rev. Fiske intend to cast as much aspersion upon an American Democratic view of Christianity that instead sees the path to a society approaching something akin to justice as one where the individual is nothing more than a cog in whatever group one happens to be a part of for the purposes of the government dispersing its largess to favored demographics and constituencies?
Furthermore, is the desire to maximize pleasure and evade misery necessarily a distinctively American characteristic?
Or is it that America through the blessings of the Almighty has been more successful than most regimes in achieving this most desirable yet elusive state of affairs?
For one will find that the average Third Worlder (unless brainwashed by the likes of fanatic Islam) is usually as averse to pain as most Westerners.
It is just that their respective society has not been as successful in alleviating these vicissitudes.
Often those given towards ostentatious verbalized declarations of their own piety articulate a willingness to welcome increased suffering.
However, was it not the God such souls claim as their primary loyalty the one that imbued part of His creation with that mysterious quality known as life along with a desire to see that distinct gift continued for as long as possible?
Though it may be ended as a result of a wide variety of intervening contingencies, if the believer strives to live by these principles God has established in the social sphere, won't the odds be in your favor for a life characterized by a bit less trouble?
After all, does not Scripture urge one to honor your mother and father so that your days upon the Earth might be long?
That text even admits it is a Scripture that dangles before the hearer a carrot in order to encourage compliance.
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Pope Downplays Islamist Invasion
That doesn't cut it.
Unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, you are still going to Hell no matter how highly you think of His earthly mother.
She was, after all, a sinner in need of a savior like every other human being.
In the same interview, the Pope went on to assert that the state must be secular and that the ones that are confessional in nature in that they adhere to an established creed end badly.
So, as a sovereign state of its own, does this assessment also apply to the Vatican?
Will those of a mindset similar to Ian Paisley or Jack Chick at their most militant be invited to establish a print shop on Vatican territory as a symbol of this dedication to pluralism?
by Frederick Meekins
Merkel Insists Jihadists Will Be Defeated With Good Thoughts & Warm Intentions
Friday, May 27, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tom Brokaw Insists The Lives Of Common Rabble Unworthy Of Individual Protection
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Apostate Religionists Equate Trangendered Bathroom Plight With The Sufferings Of Christ
Baptist Church Opposed To Old Glory Has Pro Wrestler Address Student Body
Admittedly, I have enjoyed professional wrestling from time to time over the course of my life and don't really know much about this individual.
But it must be pointed out that any other time this church is so wrapped up in practicing its religion 24/7 that the leadership denounces Christians that enunciate a strong devotion to or respect for the American flag.
But apparently it is acceptable to watch professional wrestling.
Just don't root for Sgt. Slaughter or Hacksaw Jim Duggan while doing so.
Both SermonAudio and Berean Baptist Church seem to have little problem with promoting a doctrinal schizophrenia
For example, in his remarks, Brad Cain announced his own practice of “social media free Sundays” as if such a custom made him holier than thou.
Yet according to his Wikipedia entry, Cain has played a homosexual as part of his ringside persona.
One would think that would upset God a bit more than if you check Facebook.
Elsewhere on the SermonAudio website, there are diatribes passing as Biblical exegesis insinuating that your daughter will possibly become a lesbian if she enjoys Little House On The Prairie or the town tramp if she is allowed to leave the house in pursuit of a college education or even premarital employment.
If the response is that ministries enjoy the discretion and Christian liberty to upload from a wide range of perspectives, just say something positive about Catholicism even if you don't agree with that system in its entirety and see how long your account remains active on the site.
By Frederick Meekins
Deluded Fanatic Wants Sister’s Killer Set Free Because Its Probably Whitey’s Fault
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Yellowstone Administrators Too Lazy To Find Baby Bison New Home
It is claimed that before it could be sent to another facility, the calf would have to spend months in quarantine.
So these propagandists are able to assure us that these creatures never wander beyond the boundaries of the park.
Likely the only disease here is lazy ass syndrome.
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