Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Apostate Bishops Insist Transgender Restrooms Part Of Episcopal Baptismal Covenant
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Didn't Pious Ideologues Lay Foundation Of Trumpism?
In the piece, Thomas astutely points out where the billionaire's bold promises often lack specifics as to how the proposals could be implemented in a way that would minimize the disruption from an uncooperative opposition as epitomized by the Occupy movement and BlackLivesMatter not above the use of what most Americans would categorize as violence in the attempt to sway public opinion and policy.
But did not Thomas himself play a part in paving the way for the ascent of Trumpism?
In “Blinded By Might”, Cal Thomas admonished how the truly devout ought to dichotomize their worldviews to separate what constitutes spirituality from what constitutes competent political leadership or governance.
Now that droves of Evangelicals and Roman Catholics have flocked to a candidate that might not abide by Biblical behavioral norms in his personal life but who not only speaks bluntly about the nation's problems but in a manner that does not act like everything wrong in the world is America's fault, theologians and even conservative pundits that set this ball in motion nearly twenty years ago stand gapping in dumbfounded amazement.
In his commentary, Thomas levels condemnation at Donald Trump for speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
But isn't Thomas a bit guilty of this himself?
In referencing the cruel things Trump's disturbingly fanatic supporters have called Thomas, the witty correspondent confesses being called “old” probably hurt worse than even being called a sack of excrement.
But of that particular verbal put down, Thomas writes, “Remember when age used to go with wisdom unless proven otherwise?”
Yet any other time in his desire to gain the favor of the media elite, Thomas has mocked both Tea Party gatherings and Trump rallies for being composed primarily of elderly White faces.
But one cannot get much more elderly and White than Cal Thomas.
Does he intend to consistently live by the principles he now professes by surrendering the place he does occupy in the media or the no doubt hefty check he receives for doing so?
By Frederick Meekins
Methodist Bishop Insists Surrendering To Debauchery The Only Way To Save The Church
Friday, May 13, 2016
Duck Dynasty Condemned For Insisting The Men’s Room For Men & The Women’s Room For Women
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Monday, May 09, 2016
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Trump Critics Often Fail To Understand World As It Actually Exists
But instead of lifting aloft the famous torch, Trump is instead thrusting the most expressive of digits erect into the air. To clarify for those feigning a sense of shocked innocence, that is of course a reference to the middle finger.
Interesting it is America in general and Trump supporters in particular that are blamed for turning nasty and sour. Apparently the title is a reference to the spreading sense of irritation experienced on the part an increasing number of Americans fed up with having to take responsibility for the expanding number of deadbeats and human detritus in the world.
Donald Trump has indeed verbalized a few things that could have gone unsaid such as remarks directed towards Carli Fiornia, John McCain, and Hedi Cruz. However, many of his other quips were actually quite measured in terms of the domestic and international developments that provoked them.
For example, many were no doubt shocked when Trump suggested banning Muslims from entering the United States. His proposal could have perhaps been worded more artfully as banning admission of migrants and travelers from countries either known for supporting terrorists or unsuccessfully interdicting such violent nihilists within their respective borders.
Such a rhetorical miscalculation is still not as nasty as flying hijacked jetliners into prominent landmarks. Nor are Trump's remarks as nasty as slaughtering an unsuspecting member of the military along the side of the road and making a broadcast pronouncement regarding such an atrocity while still soaked in the victim's blood.
Others are even more outraged at Trump's proposal to build a wall across the border with Mexico for the purposes of curtailing the riffraff compromising the territorial and demographic integrity of the United States. But shouldn't even greater outrage be directed towards incidents such as the case of one particular illegal alien that was released as a result of an alleged bureaucratic mix up that is now accused of a murder spree as a serial killer?
Those whose brains are so wired to crave social acceptance and approval over the innate survival instinct will moan that such crimes are committed by only a minuscule percentage of unauthorized transborder migrants. Supposedly most aren't all that different than any other human being simply striving and struggling to make their way through life.
That is irrelevant. If you are awakened in the middle of the night by someone rummaging through your refrigerator that you did not give permission to be there, should such intruders be allowed to remain if they are otherwise nice people? In such instances, is it also somehow immoral if you decide to have someone kicked off the premises because at one time you did not use to own the house?
A number of uterosupremacists are outraged over a number of remarks made by Donald Trump pertaining to WOMMMMENNN (spelled that way in phonetic solidarity with the way in which prominent activists seem to pronounce the term). But if you are outraged over the things Trump has said in regards to a particular segment of the population no one is allowed to criticize or contradict just because their particular genetic architecture is built upon two X chromosomes, by default aren't you obligated to support the broad principles of Trumpian realist foreign policy?
For example, Donald Trump has been condemned for categorizing Islamists and radical Muslims as being bad. How can such a political and religious movement be categorized as anything but such when contemplating its prospects and intentions for WOMMMENNN (as well as men while we are at it)?
For example, perhaps those obsessed with mammography as about the only form of cancer detection elevated to the level of a civil sacrament ought to be reminded that, in certain ISIS-controlled territories, women have had their breasts hacked off by these ghoulish demoniacs for the offense of not belonging to the regime's sanctioned religion.
At times, the verbal formulations of Donald Trump are a bit gruff and over the top. However, the United States has not faired so well as of late under the leadership of those that elevate ostentatious manners over prosperity and even survival in a world where those gaining the upper hand often don't care so much about what fork to eat the salad with as they do about the rusty knife they intend to use for the severing of heads.
By Frederick Meekins