Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

False Teaching In The 21st Century Church

So if we are to believe David Wilkerson had powers of precognition beyond deductive observation and analysis, why didn’t he foresee the traffic accident that took his life in a manner that could have prevented this tragedy?

So in analyzing the decline of Christianity in America, does Jim Bakker reflect upon the role he played in that?

In peddling survivalist rations, does Jim Bakker also intend to provide the firearms to prevent the theft of such provisions by rape gangs?

Jim Bakker Takes Interest In Tom Horn's Vatican Warnings

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Interesting. In the 1980’s, Jim Bakker’s racket was resort hotel timeshares. Now it seems to be survivalist rations.

Increasing Number Of Roman Catholics Insist God Moving The Church To Embrace Gay Marriage

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Fanatic Homeschooler Equates Singles With Filthy Vagrants

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Prolifers Insist Power Of Prayer Limited By Geography

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Students Given Extra Credit If Not Particular As To Whom Strokes Their Privates

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Does The Head Of Southern Baptist Missions Travel Across The Country In Luxury Browbeating Congregations Regarding World Poverty?

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Afrosupremacist Judge Sanctions The Victimization Of White Children

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Will those that have complained incessantly about Jesus and the Apostles being “too Anglo” in certain narrative Bible productions speak out about John the Beloved appearing as Black in the AD miniseries. I thought it was Simon of Cyrene before figuring it out.

Depraved Presbyterians Wallow In Infant Sacrifice

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Apostate Bishops Proclaim Sound Doctrine A Greater Threat To World Christendom Than Moral Depravity

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Government Insists Subjects Lower Than Medieval Serfs

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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Are Deadbeats Poised To Collapse The American Political & Economic System?

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Michelle Obama Shakes Her Ass At Christ's Resurrection

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If Maya Angelou had been White, would the Post Office have authorized a stamp only a year following her death?

Should The Media Ignore Episcopal Scandals?

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Was Maya Angelou A Plagiarist?

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Obama Insists You Must Surrender Modern Technology Because His Daughter Had Asthma

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Will Walmart Security Goons Conduct Intelligence Gathering Operations Against Christian Employees?

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Will Christians Refusing To Hunger Strike Be Blamed For Depravity’s Advancement?

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A 12 year old was denied the $20,000 ESPN prize for completing nearly perfect March Madness brackets because he is under 18. However, had the lad wanted access to an abortion or birth control, the same corporatists would enunciate little objection. Too bad Walt Disney, the parent company of ESPN, is not as eager to protect the underaged from molesters as they are apparently statutorily objectionable financial gains.

New York Times Propagandist Advocates Persecution Against Christians Refusing To Celebrate Homosexuality

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Roman Catholic Bishop Evasive As To Whether Or Not He Endorses Traditional Conception Of Marriage

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Are Totalitarian Sodomites Planning The Systematic Liquidation Of Their Critics?

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At the White House Easter Breakfast, President Obama verbalized his concern that a number of Christians comport themselves in a less than loving manner. At the numerous Islamic functions Obama is eager to commemorate, does he vocalize disappointment towards activist adherents of that particular religion committing numerous atrocities such as widespread decapitations and child rape? About the worst thing Christians have done as of late is refuse to bake wedding cakes for certain people. At the White House Persian New Year celebration, did Obama speak out against Iran’s efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction?

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Resurrection Sunday Used As Backdrop For Questionable Presuppositions Regarding Death

A pastor sneered condescendingly in his Easter sermon at his physician for counseling that, if the pastor did not get a particular health issue under control, that the pastor might go to Heaven before his time.

The minister insisted that it is not possible for someone to depart this world before one has completed one's work for God.

Therefore, there really isn't any reason to be concerned about how one will die.

Perhaps the pastor is correct.

You won't depart this world before you are supposed to.

However, it does not follow that the reason you are scheduled for an early departure is not the result of your own stupidity or actions.

When the pastor left church, did he look both ways before turning into traffic?

To employ the kind of logic applied in the homily, wouldn't such a vehicular procedure denote a lack of faith?

If we weren't meant to give much consideration as to the ways in which we leave this world, perhaps God should not have allowed most of them to be so painful.

A pastor confessed to the congregation that he is going to donate his body to science after he dies.

Is the point to see at the Resurrection or the Rapture if any donated organs come flying out of any reprobates that they might have been reassigned to as they are remanded during the process of sanctified glorification to the individual originally holding title?

Furthermore, doesn't this pulpit revelation negate any potential criticisms of cremation this particular Biblical expositor might enunciate in the future?

One can't really berate a congregation or a perplexed individual making a sincere inquiry about how throughout Scriptural and Church History the precedent is for the believer to be buried when one does not intend to be buried oneself.

Throughout my own studies of Christianity, I do not recall any passages where it is detailed that the Apostles, Disciples, or foremost among the Saints willingly surrendered up their remains for the purposes of dissection or experimentation.

By Frederick Meekins

Colorado Potheads Rule Merchants Can Refuse To Bake Christian Cakes

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Adventist Sectarians Viewing Sunday Worship As Mark Of The Beast Insist Subpoenaed Sermons No Big Deal

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Former American Idol Bows In Submission To The Idol Of Tolerance Regarding Gay Marriage

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Should Food Stamp Leeches Eat Higher Up The Food Chain Than The Wage Slaves Providing The Public Assistance?

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Univision Propagandist Insinuates Whites Opposing The Conquest Of America Deserve To Be Beaten

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Bruce Jenner Scheduled To Debut Boob Job In 20/20 Interview

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Is Disney Out To Destory The X-Men?

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It was remarked in a sermon that contemporary Christianity has departed from the slave mentality initially taught by the faith. The believer might technically be Christ’s slave. However, you certainly aren’t the slave of the church or those that administer that religious body.

Monday, April 06, 2015

So if one of Arrow’s primary plotlines is that Raz Al-Ghool wants him as the new head of the League of Assassins and the program’s version of the Atom is more about a man in a battle suit rather than one that can shrink to microscopic size, the episode where the Arrow and the Atom clashed was more of a proxy spat between Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark just under the banner of other names.

White House Egg Role To Indoctrinate Urchins With The Priorities Of The Fatherland

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Is The Republican Party Assuming A Submissive Position In Regards To Gay Marriage?

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Do New Bible Translations Pander To Islamic Derangements?

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Of his online critics that claim their primary loyalty is to the universal church rather than a particular church or congregation, Pastor Jason Cooley snapped in a sermon titled “Grumbling Against God = Death” have the universal church rather than a pastor preach your funeral. Fine with me. It’s not like the departed probably even know about what goes on at their respective funerals anyway. Furthermore, a “proper” funeral is not required to get into Heaven. If you are relying on one for such, you are already on your way to Hell. The funeral is for those that most likely didn’t give a damn about you while you were alive anyway but who are eager to gawk at your lifeless corpse.

Food Fascists Attempt To Ruin & Politicize Easter With Nutrition Propaganda

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Pastor Hint’s Those That Question Ministers Should Be Executed

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Would Afrosupremacists Rather Their Homes Burn To The Ground Than Be Rescued By Competent Whites?

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Santorum Condemned For Daring To Ask If Anti-Discrimination Means A Sodomite Print Shop Can Be Compelled To Provide God’s Hate Fags Paraphernalia

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Obama Directly Airlifts Illegalist Hordes Into The US At Taxpayer’s Expense

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National Zoo Takes Precautions Against Trayvonite Swarm

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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ceramic Bunny Head

Photo by Frederick Meekins

Pope Caught Consuming Disproportionate Percentage Of World’s Resources

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Friday, April 03, 2015

Newt Gingrich On The Future Of Medicine

Rural Woodsman Condemned For Prophetic Insight

Spineless milksops are outraged at Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty over the most profound thing he may have ever said.

At a prayer breakfast in Florida, the backwoodsman took direct aim at the ethical bankruptcy of moral relativism.

In the example, Robertson postulated an atheist family where not only are the daughters raped, the wife decapitated, and the father threatened with bodily mutilation but where the Nietzschean assailants revel philosophically in their debauchery in light of the possibility that there is no transcendent standard by which these actions could be categorized as wrong.

Media elites such as those at the Huffington Post are insisting that Robertson's remarks are part of a bizarre and disturbing fantasy.

However, the elaborated scenario is not that markedly different than what is taking place across vast swathes of Islamist controlled territory.

And if all there is is what transpires in the realm of physical matter, on what grounds does civilization stand against these kinds of atrocities?

By the moral vision and worldview of ISIS, it is perfectly acceptable to not only brutally eliminate the infidel but to enjoy carnally defiling the women of the targeted population while engaged in such genocide.

The atheist views human kind as little more than an animal.

In nature, all that matters is continued survival, the propagation of your particular genetic line, and your own pleasure.

It is not unheard of for members of a particular species to inflict all manner of what would be categorized as violence by polite society upon their own kind in pursuit of these particular goals.

Others will insist that, even if Phil Robertson is correct in his observations, he needs to be sensitive that his verbal formulations might unsettle a number of those in the listening or viewing audience, particularly liberal females.

Interesting how these very same marms that don't want Phil Robertson heinously describing heinous acts certainly didn't mind plopping down their money at the bookstore or cinema for “Fifty Shades Of Grey”.

Others certainly don't mind overlooking the violence utilized as a literary device by Stephen King, especially if as part of a narrative for the purposes of making traditional religion look bad.

The cultural and moral relativism the Duck Commander warned about in his prayer breakfast homily is a nefarious and manipulative thing.

Under it's rubric, we are obligated to not only refrain from criticizing but must also enthusiastically applaud balladeers from the ghetto celebrating all manner of crime and debauchery.

Educated effetes in metropolises such as New York and Los Angeles might not be accustomed to the plainspokeness of rural elocutes.

However, by the same standard such elites impose under threat of ruination for those failing to abide by it, if they are not members of Phil Robertson's culture and demographic, who are they to impose their values upon despised White Christian Southerners?

By Frederick Meekins

Where Is Liberalism Going?

Regarding institutions of higher education authorizing ISIS student groups, would they also authorize campus chapters of the Ku Klux Klan?

In light of the anti-religious freedom position maintained by activist Sodomites, the KKK ought to compel a Black fried chicken joint to cater one of that sect's rallies.

If a Christian is forced to bake a gay wedding cake against their will, should a Jewish jeweler be forced to engrave a golden cross with the inscription “Jesus is Lord” in violation of their particular convictions?

If Christian bakers are forced to prepare gay wedding cakes, should Hindu restaurants be forced to provide cheeseburgers or Islamic butcher shops pork roasts?

Scourging Post Gives The Contemplative Much To Think About

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Southern Baptists Insinuate Failure To Denounce The White Race Could Send You To Hell

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The Counseling Ministry

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Coulter Asks Why Do The Hyperpious Care More About Africa Than America

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Thursday, April 02, 2015

If a Christian is forced to bake a gay wedding cake against their will, should a Jewish jeweler be forced to engrave a golden cross with the inscription “Jesus is Lord” in violation of their particular convictions?

If Christian bakers are forced to prepare gay wedding cakes, should Hindu restaurants be forced to provide cheeseburgers or Islamic butcher shops pork roasts?

Depraved Subversive Demands 501(C)3 Churches Embrace Gay Marriage

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McLaughlin Group 3/27/15

Minority Heart Transplant Recipient Proves Himself To Be The Deadbeat Hoodlum Some Already Suspected

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Is Turkish Leader Positioning Himself As Pseudo-Messiah?

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Southern Baptists Try To Outdo One Another In Contest To See Who Despises Being White The Most

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Swedes Criminalize Citizens Failing To Embrace National Suicide

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Islamist Savages Succumb To Flesh Eating Plague

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Obama Prepares To Flood America With Immigrant Hordes

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Will Revolutions In Genetics Allow Freaks To Rampage Unchecked?

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Will Deviants Defile The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act?

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Frau Obama Outraged National Parks Lack Ghetto Vibe

Maybe the welfare leeches can burn down national forests the way they do inner cities.

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Libertarian Illusionist Suggests Freedom Of Religion Just Ought To Disappear

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Why Aren’t Sodomite Bakers Forced To Violate Their Convictions Like Christians?

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No Amount Of Positive Thinking Saves Robert Schuller From The Ravages Of Physical Death

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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A radio report categorized the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act as not friendly towards homosexuals. What about the number of court rulings handed down inimical to the adherents of particular religious convictions that require this variety of legislative response? This statute could be carefully modified to protect industries, artisans, and craftsmen below a certain size. Large corporations, for the most part, don’t oppose the disputed lifestyle. They have, after all, been at the forefront of indoctrinating the American people into embracing this form of social decay.

CNN propagandist Chris Cuomo, in violation of his professed Roman Catholicism, exasperatedly in a defense of gay marriage asked a Christian rhetorically offered up in the arena to the lions, “You cannot fix gay, do you understand that? This is who these people are.” So why is the only apparently inalterable aspect of the human psyche that which pertains to whom you enjoy rubbing your privates against? So what if the Christian turned this interrogation around and responded “This is who we are. You can't alter our beliefs against our will. Don't you understand that?” Why are Christians obligated to violate their nature? Why must the carnally licentiousness be allowed to revel in who the are but not the religiously devout?

Sleeping Goose. Photo by Frederick Meekins

In a sermon, men were rhetorically challenged that, as their lives were ending, would they have rather spent their lives watching every episode of their favorite TV program or having given oneself to the faithful service of God’s church. But in this era of DVR’s, DVD’s and even Youtube, is this really an either or decision? Why can’t one do both? But more importantly, given that the sermon addressed the topic of leadership positions within the church, what if one’s church situation does not allow for such opportunities or attach so many extra-Biblical regulations governing the position that filling the office is not worth the trouble?

If a rape victim is uncomfortable around someone that merely resembles her attacker but never laid a hand on her to the point that her psychosis begins to kick in, isn’t it her obligation to remove herself from the situation rather than to force the innocent male to have his own life ruined?