Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, March 23, 2015
The White House held a science fair. Did President Obama stroll among the projects, bluntly reminding the young contestants that, despite their effort and hardwork, “Hey, you didn’t build that.” The purpose of the event was to highlight the role of women in science. But does the objective experimental methodology take into account whether the researcher possesses a penis or a vagina?
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
The April 2014 issue of The Atlantic asked a panel whom they thought was the most influential teen in history. Harvey Cox missed what should have been a grand slam for someone that professes to be a Christian theologian. The Harvard professor went with David when the shepherd lad slew Goliath. But shouldn't this honor have been extended to Mary and perhaps even Joseph? We are, after all, approaching the Easter season.
Regarding a local arts organization, the acting director said in the community newspaper, “Our role is to serve the community and not everyone is coming into out doors.” Maybe not everyone likes the arts. Furthermore, perhaps other enjoy the arts but don't like it when these forms of expression are utilized to promote leftwing causes.
Obama Frees Thousands Of Murders & Sexual Predators To Prey Upon The American People
Should Wheaton College Allow Non-Practicing Lesbian To Dispense Spiritual Counsel?
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Don't Complain About Immaturity & Then Interview Potty Humor Comedian
In particular, it was mentioned that, in Biblical times, an individual was considered an adult at the age of 13.
Yet in contemporary America, the adolescent period can extend into the 20's as education is completed and the young adult strives to figure out their place in the world.
Nothing was said about most being dead by the age of 40 in the era when adulthood was conferred at the age of 13.
However, don't you undermine your own argument when on the same episode you interview a longhaired comedian who proceeds to make a punchline about his bladder freezing in the Wisconsin cold?
Seems to me there is more set in Biblical stone about it being shameful for a man to have long hair then about adulthood being thrust upon thirteen year olds.
by Frederick Meekins
China Insists It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before They Let Dali Lama Rest In Peace
Why Is The White House Celebrating Iranian Pagan Rites?
Click On The Headline
What kinds of folks are unsettled by the infant sleeping in the flag as a cradle? Technically, isn’t that a violation of flag protocol? Are these folks generally anti-American or pro-American? Veterans deserve respect. However, that does not give them carte blanche to do as they please without question. The primary issue to consider is the criticism leveled anti-Veteran or pro-flag.
Do Vegan Condoms Respect The Pleasure Of Those That Can Handle Only So Much Meat?
Thursday, March 12, 2015
A blog post at Christianity Today suggests that Evangelicals should reevaluate the moral legacy of Margaret Sanger. Rather than judge her as a founder of abortion front group Planner Parenthood, ethicists are urged to also consider the good that has accrued as a result of families not conceiving more children than they could afford. But in light of the millions that have been aborted as a result of her movement, isn't that akin to extolling Hitler for his appreciation of Germanic culture and efficient railroads.
Islamists So Mentally Deranged That Mention Of Swine Sends Them Into Psychosis
Isn’t “Dancing With The Stars” fostering heteronormative stereotypes by partnering NFL washout Michael Sam with a woman rather than a man? Interesting how those insisting upon how broadminded they are in regards to fundamental human relationships cling to bigotry and prejudice when it comes to superfluous entertainment.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Don't Hide Behind Piety During Totalitarianism's Rise
From the clip highlighted as the sound bite of the week, one gets the impression that articulating a defense of the gunned down editorial office's freedom of expression isn't really all that much of a priority.
After all, the ultimate concern of the church is not so much with things such as innate or constitutional liberties but rather with the proclamation of the Gospel message.
That might be true in regards to those called to the ministry in the strictest sense of that narrow vocation.
However, not everyone within the church is required to emphasize the exact same aspect of the comprehensive Christian worldview.
Given that this program is Lutheran, one would think they might be quicker to remember the wisdom of Martin Niemoller who reflected how, because he remained silent as the acolytes of totalitarianism hauled off a variety of dissidents, that there was no one left to protect him when the Fascist hordes came to take him away.
Christians don't have to applaud religiously offensive artwork.
However, when bloodthirsty savages begin murdering those that they disagree with, the believer needs to realize that it won't be long until these demoniacs gun down worshipers for little more than singing doctrinally distinctive hymns or reciting the classic creeds.
By Frederick Meekins
Mohler Condemns Those Not Married By 25 But Insists Queers To Be Viewed As Normal
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Lack Of Racial Diversity Does Not Necessarily Mean Hostility
Depending upon how the question was formulated, that might not even indicate any discernible resistance on the part of the common pewfiller.
These responses might indicate nothing more than a satisfaction with things the way that they are or that this issue is not seen as that big of a problem when compared to other issues such as a decline in overall morality.
One story regarding the conclusions of this survey observed that most White, Black, and Hispanic Southern Baptists attended churches where the majority of parishioners were of the same racial or ethnic background.
So long as they are not blatantly hostile or cruel to others different from themselves, does this really matter?
Perhaps those surveyed simply did not want to alter their basic order of service to satisfy newcomers.
For example, why should 85 year old WASPS that have enjoyed a solemn liturgy their entire lives have to put up with the more “exuberant” Black way of doing church where it is not unheard of for those gripped by a moment of spiritual ecstasy to run up and down the aisles banging on a tambourine.
As has been observed, often Baptists sleep in the pews while Pentecostals jump over them.
Should an Hispanic church that conducts its affairs in Spanish be required to alienate its congregation by switching to highly articulated English?
If Southern Baptist leaders such as Albert Mohler and Russell Moore are so troubled by this finding among Southern Baptists, do they intend to relinquish their own prestigious and highly paid positions so that these can be filled by minorities?
It has been claimed that attendance at Souther Baptist churches has declined for seven straight years.
That could be in part because of this ongoing effort to wrack the average person in the pew with overwhelming guilt for having done little more wrong that simply having been born White.
By Frederick Meekins
Speaking on picking up the mantle of Elijah, an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist remarked that the reason more men don't start churches is because they are too enamored with material comfort. Maybe so. But these same ministers that emphasize an extremist position on ecclesiastical separation would probably go out of their way to prevent someone going into the ministry that did not embrace a particular perspective or ideology regarding an assortment of nonessential secondaries.
Will Navy Chaplain Be Dismissed For Failing To Embrace Obama As The Name Above All Names?
Monday, March 09, 2015
Feminist Undermines Masculinity & Gripes About The Results
What she is asking for simply isn't a lad that protects the innocent and provides his own way in life while giving his mom a heartfelt hug once in a while.
What she wants is one that surrenders without resistance to multiculturalist dictatorship.
She further writes, “Most stories about maleness suffer from the myth of redemptive violence...the dangerous narrative that violence is a natural means to order and stability.”
This translates as she would have preferred her son to have been conceived as a girl and no Superman or G.I. Joe stories for this poor lad.
Wenches like this get on national TV and insist with a straight face that the key to resolving the ISIS threat is an additional government jobs program.
Throughout her article, she struggles with finding an appropriate male role model or mentor for her son.
That means she should have gotten married before deciding to breed and picked a more appropriate individual with whom to procreate.
By Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Frosted Flakes Might Not Be That Great But Neither Are They All That Bad
Reworking his classic catchphrase, he declares, “THEY'RE GR-R-ROSS!”
Additional copy on the cover reads, “Carbs, sugar and stubbornness are killing Kellogg.”
How is this dietary staple any more disgusting than these so-called “health foods”?
“Organic” is simply a euphemism for having been grown in digestive excrement.
The same hipsters and neo-beatniks vowing never to feed these breakfast confections to their own spawn certainly had no problem pigging out on these foods in their own childhoods.
It has always been said sausage is a food that you do not want to see being made.
Apparently the same is true now in regards to breakfast cereal in a world where what constitutes nutrition is as much about embracing the proper politics as about keeping a body energized.
A government panel suggested that Americans cut back on the consumption of meat not so much as a way to prevent clogged arteries but rather to prevent global warming.
Interestingly enough, this proclamation was handed down amidst the coldest winter temperatures in years.
If Businessweek insists on being this blatantly honest regarding what we are eating for breakfast, do the editors intend to be as graphically startling as to what transpires in the average abortion clinic or during gay rights parades?
By Frederick Meekins