Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Will Prince Harry Zing Hermione With His Magic Wand?

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Is Focus On Christian Sufficient Grounds For Church Unity?

Pastor Sean Harris on suggests in a sermon nearly of the same name that the way to eliminate divisions within the church is to focus on Christ.

So what happens when that focus on Christ leads some to believe that His Eucharistic remembrance actually becomes the literal body and blood of the Savior, some that his presence is somehow contained within the elements, and yet still others simply are a symbolic contemplative commemoration?

And whose teaching is to prevail in the way Sunday School positions or slots on the deacon board are doled out when the focus on Christ leads some to conclude that He returns to retrieve His church prior to the Tribulation and others to conclude after the Tribulation?

In his homily, Pastor Harris ruminated what the church in America would be like if there were no denominations.

Provided people did not just abandon organized religion altogether, the situation would return to the upheaval characterizing the Reformation and Counterreformation if it was required that only a singular opinion would be allowed to exist within the boundaries of a unified Christendom.

In a sermon on separation from the world, a pastor remarked that the message was one that the youth especially were obligated to obey. So does that mean the dirty old men get a free pass?

Episcopal Hierarch Makes It Sound Like Drunken Bishop Did Bicyclist A Favor In Running Him Down

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Christian Broadcaster Uses Brian Williams As Pretext For Male Bashing

The 2/15/15 episode of Knowing The Truth with Kevin Boling titled “The Tragedy Of The Male Ego” approached the Brian Williams fiasco from that particular analytical perspective.

Isn't it a testament to how much more frightening the female ego is that hardly anyone would dare raise the specter of Oprah Winfrey's own journalistic embellishments or programs such as the View as examples to which the base impulses and deficiencies of character tempting to that particular gender have been allowed to run rampant throughout the media?

Is it really male ego that prompted Brian Williams to fabricate news accounts or rather a media complex that requires increasingly extravagant spectacles to gain ratings?

How is what Williams did all that different than the “evangelastic” tales many missionaries elaborate in order to guilt-trip congregations into filling collection plates?

There is nothing in the Constitution stipulating that it disrespects the office of the President to question the patriotism of a particular occupant of that office.

Eddie Murphy refused to portray Bill Cosby in a Saturday Night Live skit. The reason given was the impropriety of kicking a man while he is down. But hasn't that been a fundamental modus operandi of Saturday Night Live over the past forty years? Would the show even exist without that variety of comedy?

The same ones insisting that all ISIS needs to turn from their policy of homicidal genocide is a job training program rank among those that would refuse to cut Pope Benedict any slack for having been forced into the Hitler Youth.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

During an episode of Generations Radio, some woman was giving one of those testimonies where they air all of the dirty laundry of their past lives as justification as to why you have to live a super strict lifestyle renouncing nearly every convenience of the modern world. In this verbal pity party, the lady remarked that she had never had a honeymoon. Given that she had six children by that point and was banging against the headboards with her now husband before he had divorced his previous wife (mind you, this is from the same movement where your daughter is classified as a street whore if she holds hands or kisses someone prior to the wedding ceremony), hadn’t she already had a honeymoon multiple times over?

Interesting logic. Because some overly sheltered Christians went hog wild into debauchery once exposed to the secular university campus, a number of homeschool podcasters insist that those in the listening audience aren’t supposed to aspire to anything beyond a life of manual labor even if they do not possess an affinity towards tasks requiring mechanical alacrity or to attain any knowledge other than that possessed by their parents. Sometimes I think about being a preacher. But if this represents the kind of reasoning we are supposed to nod in agreement with while verbalizing a hearty “Amen”, I sometimes think it is more my purpose to be more like a Mark Twain or Chesterton and just expose some of this foolishness.

Gynosupremacists Ban Student For Merely Resembling Sex Fiend

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Is Soylent Green Part Of The Obamacare Menu?

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Can You Be Forced To Support A Bastard You Didn’t Have The Thrill Of Making?

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Has Approving One Man Reaming Another Become The Most Important Thing In The Universe?

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Aroused Cock Frolic Along Interstate Highway

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Iranian Students Posses No Inherent Right To Study Nuclear Engineering In American Universities

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Did Hispanosupremacist Legislator Threaten To Kill White People?

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Lesbian Threesome Eager To Brainwash Infant

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Obama’s Terrorism Conference Refusing To Admit To Existence Of Radical Islam Opens With Islamic Prayer

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Christian Filmmaker Befuddled Over The Relationship Between Media & Religion

In an episode of Generations Radio titled “Filmmaker Chastises Christians For Watching Ungodly Films: Film Has Usurped Church”, Christian filmmaker Rich Christiano provided a summary of an upcoming project as well as reflections upon Christianity and the media.

In the synopsis, he name drops that the upcoming film features Harry Anderson.

The cinematographer reminds that Anderson, before his descent into obscurity, starred as the judge on the sitcom “Night Court”.

So if the truly sanctified believer is to refrain from these kinds of wordly entertainments, how is anyone in the listening audience even supposed to know what “Night Court” is?

Admittedly, I saw a few episodes of Night Court in my youth.

From what I remember, the comedy was heavy on innuendo,

I will confess I enjoy doubled-meaninged word play a little too enthusiastically at times.

However, I don't host a podcast insinuating that your daughter is going to end up being a lesbian if she's too infatuated from a literary or dramatic standpoint with the world of “Little House On The Prairie” as Generations Radio suggested some years back.

Are we to take away that it is acceptable to watch “Night Court” but we need to repent if we find “Hunger Games” to be an intriguing dystopian projection of the world to come in a few decades?

For this very same director that bragged about casting a former celebrity from “Night Court” insisted that it is not enough for a movie to be family friendly, wholesome, or make valid moral observations.

Rather, to be acceptable, a movie must deliberately push Christianity onto the viewer.

Christiano went on to lament how Christians don't get excited over Christian movies.

Sorry, but I don't plop down $10 for any movie where the characters do little more than sit around crying about their everyday feelings and common disappointments.

To be theater worthy in my opinion, considerable spectacle is needed such as some kind of mass battle, talking animals, robots, superheroes, space aliens, clashing wizards or spies.

Christiano further observed that someone couldn't remember what their pastor preached about a month ago but could recall details about “The Wizard of Oz” despite having not seen it in years.

Before heaping hellfire and damnation upon those that might respond similarly, a number of things need to be taken into consideration.

Firstly, how old are they now compared to when they first saw “The Wizard of Oz”?

So isn't that more of God's responsibility for how He allows the brain to decay overtime where it is often easier to recall things that happened to minutest detail 30 or 40 years ago but you can't for the life of you remember what you had for dinner last night?

Secondly, perhaps the blame should be placed more upon the pastor for lack of showmanship and presentation rather than upon the average Christian for failing to retain the intricate details.

For I am sure the next time that there are flying monkeys and dancing midgets in church that you are going to remember it.

Which brings the discussion to another very important point.

One goes to the movies precisely to see an out of the ordinary spectacle.

That is not the the case necessarily in regards to a church worship service.

Upon further consideration, what is retained from a sermon might not be all that different from what is retained from a film.

For example, unless one sees especially at a young age a particular film over and over again, does anyone really retain much beyond a memory of the basic plot usually?

As I approach middle age, sometimes I find I can't recall what happened the previous week on some of the dramas that I follow quite closely.

Thus, instead of condemning a congregation or group of random Christians if they can't elaborate the specifics of a single sermon, shouldn't the professional clergy be more pleased and concerned that those under their care recall the main points of the comprehensive Christian saga rather than the obtuse actions of a single Old Testament character with a name that defies pronunciation?

Along the lines of this criticism about the moviegoer longing for innovation and spectacle, Christiano lamented how movies never satisfy and people always want to see the next big blockbuster.

Let's apply that presupposition to other aspects of life one would otherwise consider wholesome, admirable, and desirable.

For example, according to this logic, shouldn't it be enough to go to church once and never have to go again to quench one's spiritual thirst?

If one's marriage is truly based upon love and not upon the titillation of fleshly desires, by Christiano's thinking, would a couple need to enjoy carnal relations more than once throughout the course of their entire marital union?

Media spectacle will never replace sermonic exposition as the primary didactic methodology through which concise doctrinal content is transmitted to the believer.

However, it often seems that certain Evangelical factions aren't that interested in making much use of these supplementary media formats to augment the learning experience.

In regards to the upcoming “AD” miniseries, the hosts of one program after remarking just moments before about the tendency of a number of Christians to stay in their own bubble, didn't really give much of a reason to avoid the production other than that its producer Roma Downey is a Roman Catholic with mystical New Age tendencies.

Wouldn't it have been better to wait and see if there are any factual errors in Downey's narrative rather than condemn the production on the basis of whatever errant peculiarities she might gravitate towards in the personal aspects of her devotional life?

After all, most conservative Evangelicals allow the King James Bible to stand on its own merits without the homosexual and Romanist proclivities of the monarch for which this translation of divine revelation is named allowed to detract from its literary, historical, or theological merits.

Like it or not, believers find themselves in a culture surrounded by media.

It is therefore imperative not only to figure out how the media can be used to disseminate the Christian worldview but to also understand where the methodologies of entertainment and the church can diverge from one another without there having to be a spirit of hostility between the distinct purposes of each of these modes of communication.

By Frederick Meekins

Have Independent Fundamentalists Surrendered To A Herd Mentality?

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Jesuit Operatives Propagate Subversion Regarding White Privilege

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Did Pope Francis Snuggle Up To Priest Insisting That Homosexuality Is Gift From God?

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Dealing With False Doctrine In The Church

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Will Vatican Propagandists Undermine Private Property In The Name Of The Environment?

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Did Alleged Road Rage Fatality Go Looking For Trouble?

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Oprah Grants Blessing To Pastor Urging Christians To Abandon The Bible As Foundational Teaching

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The Census concludes that 30% of millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 reside with their parents. So what? Isn’t the more important question to ask be how many are employed? Some might just prefer to live with parents rather than in a roach-infested flophouse.

Do Vatican Astronomers Believe Jesus To Be Nothing More Than An Extraterrestrial's Love Child?

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Are Jihadist Sledders A Threat To National Security?

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Should Christian Women Jiggle Their Bosoms Without Notice Or Comment?

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Worldview Clashes In Super Bowl Commercials As Riveting As The Actual Game

A variety of assumptions worthy of additional comment were propagated for public dissemination through a number of Super Bowl commercials.

In one anti-bullying spot, a social engineer instructs the one to be mentally reconditioned to run or fight like a girl.

Upon compliance, the unenlightened male is subjected to Pavlovian denunciation (akin to what one would receive in a prisoner of war camp) over how he has insulted his sister.

Rather than an instructive analysis of preconceived notions, the lesson to be learned from the public service announcement is that, irrespective of whether you comply with or ignore orders issued by a women, you are going to be reamed a new one anyway.

For if the ambushed lad had not been told to run like a girl, he would have not likely perpetrated the offending action.

If producers of this broadcast spot are so outraged about thought crimes regarding gender, it would be interesting to hear their perspective regarding the commercial featuring perennial pottymouth Sarah Silverman.

In that one, she says after delivering a baby to the parents, “Sorry, it's a boy.”

Would such blatant denigration of the female gender be permitted in a similar commercial?

Lastly, what about the Scientology advertisement?

In 2011, Fox rejected a Super Bowl commercial that broadcast the message, “John 3:16, what's that mean?” on the grounds that the message contained too much religious doctrine.

Of course, that is unlike the moral-free content of the constant litany of erectile dysfunction commercials where the term “partner” but never “spouse” is constantly verbalized.

It is certainly instructive that programming executives at NBC had no problem, however, with a commercial for Scientology, which is a cult that believes that human beings are reincarnated space aliens and whose sexfiend founder tried to live aboard a cruise ship in order to elude capture for his assorted crimes.

It is easy to assume that the commercials are a momentary distraction allowing the viewer time for a quick trip to the bathroom or to grab another handful of chips.

However, in those brief 30 second spots, there is a contest underway for minds and at times even souls that is as pitched as any struggle on the gridiron

By Frederick Meekins

Biden Gives Shout Out To His “Old Butt Buddy”

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U.S. Military Agrees To Dull Bradley Manning’s Saber

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If Free Masons Are So Virtuous, Why Did They Want To Open A Nudey Bar?

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Syphilis Syringe & Rectal Pump Cataloged Among Blackbeard’s Treasures

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

In the book “Stop Dating The Church”, Josh Harris popularized the analogy that church membership is akin to marriage. As such, when things become difficult, according to Harris, one should not set out in search of greener pastures but instead endure through the misery. So does his resignation as pastor at the scandal-ridden Covenant Life Church constitute a form of abandonment akin to divorce? In most doctrinally conservative churches, the divorced cannot usually remarry without a profound curtailment of their ecclesiastical privileges and opportunities. So by the logic of his own analogy, should Josh Harris be forever denied another ministry position?

An article claims that Amish children don't get autism. Probably because, with the near inbreeding that takes place with the sect where the vast majority of members are not too distant relatives, the more profound manifestations of retardation unfortunately bubble to the surface first.

Michelle Obama has banned boxed macaroni and cheese from the White House because she insists that the delicacy is not real food. But neither is what we are having inflicted upon us from the current occupants of the White House real leadership.

On an episode of “Standing Up For The Truth with Mike Lemay”, it was claimed that experiments in Christian communal living in the 1960's and 1970's fizzled out because the participants became materialistic and wanted their own possessions. But is that really sinfully materialistic or merely the way that God has wired human beings to maximize individual well being? The sharing of resources mentioned in Acts 2 is more a description of a specific historic incident. It is not elaborated as categorically imperative doctrine.

50 Shades Of Gray Word Jumble Distributed To Middle Schoolers

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Satanists Sign Concordat With Transhumanists

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The Danger Of False Religion

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The Rise Of Early Monasticism

Is Peter Parker Too White To Continue As Spider-Man?

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CBS Correspondent Bob Simon Stricken In Traffic Fatality

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Audio: Overreacting To Elijah's Declaration Of Despair

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Art Historians Downplay Van Gogh’s Christian Struggles

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The Marks Of A Cult

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

With school starting later next school year, will Montgomery County students be getting additional sleep or just staying awake that much later?

If President Obama insists that terrorism is not that serious with global warming actually being the greater danger, why is he negotiating with Congress to expand powers to address a nonexistent threat?

Regarding this commercial where women are judging the same man based on what car he's standing in front of and the woman suggests she'd cheat on one to go with the other, shouldn't that be as much condemned as a commercial where men would say they'd prefer the broad with the pointier bosoms?

A number of Christians have suggested that, if the state sanctions gay marriage, it might no longer be appropriate for believers to acquire a marriage license. Though the state sanctioning gay marriage undermines the institution, how would that impact the quality of your own relationship if you as a heterosexual acquire a license? You are in no way forbidden from pursuing a partner of the opposite sex. If a state allows unmarried couples to own the same piece of property, does that mean a devout Christian couple should not purchase a house or take out a mortgage?

Regarding Christian Reconstructionists opposed to Fifty Shades Of Gray. Are they so much opposed to a firm hand of discipline or that someone might actually enjoy it? Isn't there more wrong with that film than a blind fold and a pair of handcuffs as one homeschool podcaster seemed to go on and one about?

A number across the political spectrum are outraged that Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore would attempt to block the establishment of gay marriage in that state. You know, the law is the law. So in the future, should the inheritor of his judicial mantle step aside as easily as they suggest when Jews are once again onto box cars and octogenarians assert the right to 12 year old child brides? Given the advancement of Islam across the globe, don't kid yourself about the aforementioned scenario being beyond the realm of possibility.

Will Excommunicated Mormon Be Forced To Surrender His Magic Underwear?

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Do America's Chinese Overlords View Raccoon As A Food Source?

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Was ISIS Hostage A Terrorist Sympathizer?

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Discerning God's Will For Former Evangelicals

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Conspiracy Theorists Ponder Is The Greek Prime Minister Possibly The Anti-Christ

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Frau Obama Equates Macaroni & Cheese With Child Abuse

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Is The Emergent Church Edging Closer To Pantheism?

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