Monday, October 27, 2014

Nurse Fails To Accurately Diagnose The Police State Menace

The nurse at the heart of a New Jersey quarantine verbalized a concern about this potential epidemic degenerating into a police state situation.

That is indeed a very valid concern.

If she is that sensitive to the preservation of American freedom and liberties, does she plan to condemn the coercive intervention on the part of the President that resulted in her release?

Administration propagandists insisted that differing quarantine standards between the states could undermine the resolve of medical professionals to volunteer in the effected regions?

But shouldn't the primary concern of both the American medical and governmental policy establishments be the preservation of health and well being here in the “Homeland” (the word invoked to condition silence in response to deviants who should otherwise be on an offender registry when they run their hands over your junk in the airport and when they read through your emails)?

By Frederick Meekins

No Obligation To Watch The World Series

The closing segment of the 10/26/2014 episode of Fox News Sunday lamented the decline in the ratings of the World Series over the past few decades.

A number on the panel yammered on about that being statistical evidence of Americans no longer being able to delay gratification.

Where is it written anywhere that Americans are required to enjoy baseball?

Is as much concern expressed on that program about the violation of things that are actually written down such as the Constitution or prohibitions in God's word about marriage being between a man and a woman?

Granted, Fox News does tend towards the right in terms of its commentary programming.

However, the flagship Sunday News broadcast consists of the more establishmentarian analysts that would gladly urge tossing traditional morality overboard if an ethical utilitarianism enables these elites to maintain their hold on power.

By Frederick Meekins

Ministers Condemning Trick-Or-Treat Excuse Their Own Halloween Participation

In a tirade against Halloween, it was assured that, while the autumnal celebration is not referenced directly, the Bible does speak about the works of the devil.

So does that include pastors that can't keep their hands off the teen girls (and shockingly even the teen boys these days) in the congregation?

Since a shockingly high number of these incidents now occur in the ranks of Independent Baptist Churches now that this profound evil has burned its way through the Roman Catholicism, to avoid the appearance of evil and to be separate from these unclean things, does that mean the Christian ought to avoid independent fundamental Baptist churches for the sake of their testimonies as well?

In their annual tirades against Halloween, often aging ministers excuse their past participation in this celebration by insisting that the confectionary collection ritual did not mean back then what it does today.

To justify not only their abstention from the holiday but calling into question the profession of faith of any Christian caught participating as well, often ghastly atrocities that may or may not have actually taken place are elaborated as the sources from which these customs are alleged to have originated.

So unless there has been some kind of chronometric discombobulation where the time stream has become unhinged, even if these ministers are on the declining side of fifty in the their onward perambulation towards the century mark, these pulpiteers are still younger than the evils that they are referencing.

To get around the question that pops into the mind of the discerning of why it was acceptable for the Christian youth of fifty or sixty years ago to Trick Or Treat but a transgression bordering on the unpardonable for the youth of today to participate in the same form of merriment, the geezers at Southwest Radio Ministries concocted a novel but logically questionable justification..
Back when they were wee tots, America was a Judeo-Christian nation.

However, going door to door to collect candy (even if the local preacher doesn't place his hands where he has no business and will land him on an offender registry) will mentally warp the youth of today in these philosophically confused times.

It is still never satisfactorily explained how carving a pumpkin or cavorting about in an amusing but tasteful costume will cause one to apostatize from the faith later down the road.

It seems ministers and clergy that admit to having done one thing still not sounding very repentant about it while demanding another of those under their teaching would be the greater threat of tempting people away from the faith.

It has been suggested that, instead of handing out candy for Halloween, that the Christian should give out Gospel tracts.

But if Halloween in general and Trick Or Treat in particular are so inherently evil, applying this kind of logic to another setting, would placing a gospel tract into an exotic dancer's thong rather than dollar bills justify attendance at a strip club?

By Frederick Meekins

Filthy Beatniks Pervade National Geographic Backwoods Program

There are misleading characterizations on the National Geographic program "Live Free Or Die".

For example, if the one is living in a rundown shack, he's not a "nomadic hunter".

If the another drives a truck to go purchase his goat, he's not really a "primitive woodsman".

The individuals portrayed on Mountain Men seem more authentic and pursuing legitimate backwoods lifestyles.

Even that weird one Eustace is trying to run an historical education complex.

However, the ones on Live Free Or Die just exude the impression that they are a bunch of strung out, doped up beatniks.

Newt Gingrich Address The Reagan Library

American Cops Stand Around With Fingers In Rectums As Sandheathens Stone Christans

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Will Transhumanist Law Further Erode Traditional Morality?

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Would Pope Francis Allow Pedophiles & Mass Murderers To Roam The Streets?

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Is Crotch Rot The Latest Aromatic Fashion?

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In an anti-Halloween sermon, a pastor showed the congregation a picture of himself in a costume as a child. If Halloween is so wicked, isn’t that the equivalent of a repentant adult film star showing a clip of one of her pornos?

Returnees From Ebola Countries Should Be Taken Straight To White House

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A self-loathing Caucasoid has attempted to capitalize on a slice of the racial grievance racket through essays titled “Seven Things I Can Do That My Son Can’t” and “I Hope My Son Stays White”. In these, the author laments the lack of acceptance on the part of the White devils. In summary, he asks why are Black males still feared in White America. Frankly, it’s not the Swedes that have rampaged for months on end in Missouri and threatening more violence if the judicial system does not rubber stamp a predetermined outcome in the Michael Brown case. Perhaps the author should have been more selective with whom he decided to procreate instead of branding everybody as racist that fails to applaud his redistributionist agenda.

Is Obama Conspiring To Eliminate Online Expression?

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Revenuers Now Seizing Bank Accounts Because Deposits Are "Too Small"

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Female Nerds Increasing

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Religious Busybodies Condemn Gravesite Ornamentation

In a tirade against Kirk Cameron's defense of Halloween, fundamentalist Pastor James Cooley also went out of his way to heap ridicule and scorn upon those that place flowers upon the graves of departed loved ones.

The minister rhetorically asked what was the point of doing so since the person's essence is not there anyway.

It is correct that there in the ground are only the physical remains.

However, Christianity is not Gnosticism.

Unlike that errant belief, Christianity places considerable value upon the body.

What lies there is a tangible connection to the departed loved one.

One must indeed be careful about imbuing these remains with a transferable spiritual energy that they do not possess.

Placing flowers at a grave or visiting the location occasionally extends a degree of respect to the person's memory and, in the mind of the Christian, honors the hope and truth that one day one of the saints dead in Christ will resurrect from that very spot.

Furthermore, for those that practice the custom of placing flowers on the grave, the act is often a way for the individual to cope with what may be overwhelming grief.

But perhaps ministers in Pastor Cooley's circles don't want people to find coping mechanisms.

More than likely, they'd rather people go ahead and descend into mental illness so as not to mess up the sermon rotation for those homilies condemning the depression that sets in for many following the Christmas holiday.

By Frederick Meekins

Shouldn't Christians Be More Outraged At Scripture Twisting Than Trick Or Treating?

In an anti-Halloween sermon, a pastor quoted I Thessalonians 5:7, which reads, “For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.”

In the exegesis that followed, the minister expounded that it was nearly a sin to do anything at night other than sleep as if to do so were some kind of mark of evil.

But what if you are a nocturnal type that is more alert at night?

Or what if, no matter what you do, you tend not to sleep the whole night through?

But is the text really so much about the condemnation of any activity at night other than slumber?

Earlier in the passage, the text emphasizes that the Day of the Lord is at hand.

The verses that follow remind the believer that we do not belong to darkness.

There is not much argument that significant carousing takes place while many of the more industrious and diligent are at home resting up for work the next day.

However, from the passage, one could just as legitimately conclude that both sleep and drunkenness are more metaphors for a lack of discernment and awareness.

The drunken could be viewed as those so overwhelmed by the despair of the world that the turn to overwhelming distraction.

The asleep are those that just don't give a tinker's you know what.

From such a comparison, a case could be made that the drunken might be better off because at least they are troubled by some kind of nagging sense that something is not right in the world.

If a pastor is going to position themselves as being so spiritual as to take a hardline position against Halloween, shouldn't they at least be as cautious as to consider the verse of scripture immediately prior to the one they intend to bash over the heads of those that do not agree with their interpretation of certain secondary matters?

I Thessalonians 5:6 counsels, “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.”

This portion of the epistle under consideration is similar in motif to Christ's parable of the virgins in Matthew 25 that let their lamps go out waiting for the groom to arrive at the marriage feast.

If the passage is to be utilized to condemn Halloween on the grounds that it prompts people to participate in nocturnal activities other than slumber, shouldn't the next sermon in the series aim its condemnation at the mattress or pillow industry for abetting recuperative unconsciousness?

For in the passage, sleep is not portrayed all that positively either.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Who Are Some Anglican Theologians?

What a dumbass. Gunman goes on shooting rampage on the grounds of the Canadian Parliament and the most profound thing Obama can say is on the need to not pass judgment.

Assistance Applicants Crying Poor Mouth Live High On The Hog

A coworker of an associate is considering having his pregnant wife apply for WIC.

Yet this individual can afford a $30,000 SUV and a $10,000 loan that went primarily to provide his wench with a wedding or engagement ring.

The couple, despite apparently considering nutritional assistance, can apparently afford an Iphone 6 when there was nothing wrong with the cellphone that they already have.

Out of curiosity, I researched the WIC requirements for the state in which the couple resides.

Two of the criteria are interesting.

One allows for a new mom with a child up to six months of age.

Another criteria allows for mothers breastfeeding infants up to a year old.

One might make a case to extend this program to the mom while she is pregnant or is breastfeeding.

However, as soon as the whelp shoots from the birth canal of a mother that does not intend to breastfeed, there is no need to continue this nutritional assistance to her.

For the baby is not directly dependent upon her for nourishment as in the other examples that might justify the entitlement program.

Why not go ahead and provide the father with food for his own consumption as well?

He is, after all, the one that is traditionally still actually going to work while the mom is loafing about on maternity leave.

By Frederick Meekins

Does Ebola's Ebola Czar Support Systematic Human Depopulation?

Are Zombies Plotting Feeding Frenzy?

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Are Factual & Religious Beliefs Different?

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Will Government Database Track Dietary & Exercise Choices?

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Trayvonites Threaten Terrorism If Brown Case Doesn't Go Their Way

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Will Fanatic Legalists Want To Burn Kirk Cameron At The Stake For Defending Halloween?

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Sacremental Entreprenuers & The Five Two Movement

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Was Ernest Angley Obsessed With Parishoners Genitals?

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Gay Catholics Wantonly Violate Church Doctrine

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Medirval Lives: The Peasant

Jesuit Propagandists Applaud Joe Kennedy's Call For Intrusive Welfare State

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Black Serial Killers Exist After All

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Cyborgs, Mutants & Sentient Holograms Launch Political Party

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Transhumanism: Changing Tomorrow Through Technology

A documentary about the band Hillsong scheduled to be shown in theaters assures that the musicians have not been changed by the world. Given than the musicians depicted in the trailer look like beatnik slobs to begin with, they were probably already living like the world to begin with.

Christian Legalists Prefer Female Students Burn To Death Than Escape Flames Immodestly

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Do Vegetarians Have Less Zesty Man Sauce?

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How Should We Then Live: The Middle Ages

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lawyered Up For Ebola

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Vatican Cosmologist Denounces Creationists As Blasphemers

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Government Institutes Study To Combat "Social Pollution"

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Trayvonite Thuggies Prowl In Search Of Sacrificial Caucasoids

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Trayvonites Besiege Missouri Walmarts

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Will Republicans Embrace The Tide Into Debauchery?

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North Carolina Episcopals To Celebrate Gay Weddings

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The Vatican & Homosexuality

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Cardinal Burke Banished To Malta

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Bishops Tell Pope Hell No Regarding Homosexual Penetration

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Sheriff Prefers Nazi Goons As Deputies

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pastor Baffled Why Christians Reluctant To Embrace Death At The Hands Of ISIS Or Ebola

A pastor mused during a sermon that he wondered why so many Christians were reluctant to die.

It was then remarked you can either die at the hands of ISIS or from Ebola, so you might as well have a positive attitude about it.

Do those making such statements in a religious frenzy actually stop to consider how it is to perish as a result of such necrotic modalities?

Regarding the concern Christians often express regarding death.

Why are we at fault regarding the survival instinct God has imbued into nearly every form of life?

Furthermore, if Scripture says that those that hate God love death, wouldn't it therefore follow that as the most correct religion that Christians would be the most averse to this disputed metabolic state?

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, October 17, 2014

Could The President's UN Remarks Undermine Religious Liberty

In an address before the United Nations, President Obama proclaimed to the planetary assembly, “No children --- anywhere --- should be educated to hate people.”

The President went on to clarify, “There should be no tolerance of so-called clerics who call upon people to harm innocents.”

The President suggested that this could be accomplished in part by composing a “new eradicate the corruption of young minds by violent ideology” and by “contesting the space that terrorists occupy --- including the Internet and social media.”

Such proposed policies sounds like a prudent course of action to take against those out to destroy the American way of life.

But in deciphering the double talk that spews from the mouths of political elites like phlegm during flu season, the discerning grow concerned as to whether or not such rhetorical pronouncements will only be used against the jhadist menace.

Given the President's fundamental ideological orientation as a socialistic secularist, what safeguards are to be put in place that these strategies won't be used against Americans of a conservative Evangelical or Roman Catholic persuasion?

For example, when the average American hears Obama insist that no child anywhere should be taught to hate other people, images of toddlers and preschoolers being indoctrinated by a giant plushy mouse as to the glories of not only killing Christians and Jews but of their own suicide martyrdoms.

However, in the eyes of the crowd that Obama runs with, propagating hate can consist of little more than publicly reading those passages of Scripture critical of homosexuality or peacefully insisting that professing belief in Christ is the only path to eternal salvation.

In fact, columnist Mark Steyn was dragged before a Canadian human rights tribunal for remarks not too much more rhetorically forceful than those made by Obama on the floor of the United Nations by simply exposing what jihadists had themselves articulated.

Obama suggested that different faiths should come together to speak out against this violent worldview.

It depends upon what the President means by that.

Fine and dandy if he means a respect for human decency being enunciated individually from behind each pulpit in a wide variety of houses of worship.

However, if the President is suggesting that widely diverging faiths are obligated to open their pulpits to one another free of doctrinal criticism as to where these guests measure up and fall theologically short, the government will have taken a step one too many to the point where its agencies will likely become the next great threat to our own liberties and well being once the identifiable terrorist menace has been identified and appropriately dispatched.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Naive Lutheran Would Welcome Homiletical Interrogation

Speaking in regards to the subpoena of the sermons of a number of Houston pastors opposing a “gender equality” statute, Dr. Scott Murray of that city's Luther Memorial Church remarked on an episode of Isssues Etc. that he would welcome such an opportunity to have his homilitetical output scrutinized by the state.

He ruminated that it might be the only time that these magistrates might be exposed to a nonlegalistic version of Christianity.

But is it really the proper function of civil authorities to deploy its policing powers to penalize doctrinal expression that has not veered beyond the boundaries of verbalization into the territory of physical or financial abuse?

Will Obama Use Plague To Destroy The National Guard?

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Radical Feminists Vocalize Disapproval Of Imaginary Invisible Penis

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Does Common Core Conspire To Establish A Contemporary Equivalent Of The Hitler Youth?

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Naive Pastor Applauds Sermons Being Subponead

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Ebola & The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse

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Self-Loathing Jew Jon Stewart Calls For The Elmination Of The Caucasoid Hegemony

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Vatican Prelate Insists Darkies Not Enlightened Enough To Determine Church Doctrine

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Queen Sasquatch Gets Giggy With Turnip

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Government Food Fascists Develop Biometric Sensors To Track Weight & Caloric Consumption

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

British Magazine Denigrates White Males

The 10/10/2014 issue of The New Statesman is a special edition titled “The Great White Male Issue”.

Among the articles is one titled “The Whitest Men: We Talk To Four Unexceptional Party Leaders”.

Since this is a British magazine, of course leaders in that European nation that climb a conventional career ladder aren't going to be as exciting as the Nigerians there that select a solider at random to decapitate in the middle of the street to make a political point.

If this same periodical had published a similar edition with a caricature of the hook-nosed Jew from Nazi propaganda or something similar emphasizing the fiendishly exaggerated features of the typical Islamist, wouldn't these editors have violated some kind of hate speech regulations?

Broadcaster Michael Savage was banned from entering the United Kingdom altogether for simply highlighting the threats posed by assorted manifestations of multiculturalism to borders, language, and culture.

By Frederick Meekins

Pastor's Advice Could Result In Prolonged Abuse

In a sermon comparing those that express anything but positive comments to the Ebola virus, a pastor suggested that we ought to concentrate solely on the good in our marriages, families, and churches.

But in the world in which we live, shouldn't that instruction be conditioned to apply only to minor everyday slights?

For example, should a wife say, “My husband only backhands me once in a while, but he certainly buys me pretty things.”

Should the husband say, “I might have caught her in the backyard next door squirming around in the neighbor's lap, but I should just be satisfied because she's the only woman that would consider marrying me.”

And what about church?

Should it be said, “Well, pastor might skim off the collection plate when he thinks no one is looking and, sure, he cops a feel of the teen girls occasionally, but boy can he preach a sermon condemning nearly every last aspect of the contemporary world and how we ought to avoid contact with any church that doesn't embrace our doctrinal peculiarities in their unaltered totality.”

by Frederick Meekins

Will Bridezilla Destroy America?

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Spirituality Of Christians Unwilling To Embrace & Celebrate Death By Ebola Questioned

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Obamaphiles Threaten To Crucify Those Questioning Government Ebola Policy

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Devout Catholics Stand Erect Against Homosexual Penetration

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Burqa Bitch Demands Right To Swim In Pool Wearing Full Heathen Regalia

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Is Ebola Divine Retribution For Gay Marriage?

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Pastor Insists The Critical Should Be Ostracized Like Ebola Patients

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Never Married Singles That Haven't Procreated Accused As Reprobates

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Kentucky Food Fascists Ban Birthday Cake

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reflections Upon Ebola

Thomas Friedan of the Centers For Disease Control remarked regarding the Texas nurse that contracted Ebola in the course of treating a patient with the plague that protocols were obviously violated.

In other words, it is her own expletive fault.

So does the government's medical establishment enunciate the same flippant dismissiveness regarding those that contract sexually transmitted diseases?

Eventually, Friedan did apologize for his remarks.

But if a public health functionary would still need to be punished for verbalizing such sentiments in reference to certain celebrated lifestyles, then why not in this particular instance where a dedicated individual was attempting to assist the suffering and afflicted rather than satisfying some carnal desire?

It was pointed out on Hannity that 900,000 Africans could perish in the Ebola epidemic.

This will undoubtedly rank among the great disasters of the 21st century.

The bubonic plague was one of the events demarcating the close of the Middle Ages and the commencement of the Modern Era?

Likewise, are we witnessing the close of this epoch even apart from any eschatological considerations. How much of the present order will be left standing this time next year?

by Frederick Meekins

Sex Fiend Bill Gothard Launches New Pyramid Scheme

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Burqa Bitch Gets Six Months In Slammer For False Report Against Aussie Cop

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Marvel To Celebrate 30th Anniversary Of Secret Wars

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Trayvonites Attempt To Loot Missouri Walmart

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Houston Thought Police Demand Local Pastors Submit Sermons For Investigation

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Will Ebola Overwhelm The World?

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Nancy Synderman Breaks Quarantine Over Case Of Munchies

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Monday, October 13, 2014

John Kerry Extols The Virtue Of Environmental Dictatorship

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Will Ebola Patients Be Sent To Designated Death Camps?

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An 81 year old British deviant has undergone genital mutilation in the attempt to coerce and dupe the linguistically weak to refer to him as a woman. Mind you, under the same British healthcare system, bureaucrats would probably deny prostate surgery to a man of the same age afflicted with cancer of that particular organ.

Must Life Come To A Screeching Halt For The Good Of The Cause?

Filling in for Chris Plante on WMAL, Austin Hill said that in reference to the jihadist threat that he hopes America can peel itself away from ESPN and The Voice.

So does that mean Americans must dedicate themselves around the clock to politics?

If so, how is this totalization on the right where all resources must be directed by the elites of he cause all that preferable to the revolutionary austerity called for by leftists ideologues.

Decades ago, even soldiers on the frontlines got a Bob Hope USO show with broads in highheels and skimpy (for the time) swimsuits.

By Frederick Meekins

Vatican Operatives Lift Their Skirts In Praise Of Gays

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What Should Be Learned From The American Indian

Critics of Columbus Day have suggested that, instead of the renowned explorer, the nation ought to celebrate the culture and history of so-called “indigenous people”.

Firstly, these indigenous people are no more native to these lands than the Whitey interloper or technically they would not be part of the same human species.

There is no better way to remember and honor the sacrifices of this people group than by barring travelers from other regions with diseases to which there is little immunity that can wipe out entire cultures and civilizations.