Monday, October 13, 2014

Vatican Operatives Lift Their Skirts In Praise Of Gays

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What Should Be Learned From The American Indian

Critics of Columbus Day have suggested that, instead of the renowned explorer, the nation ought to celebrate the culture and history of so-called “indigenous people”.

Firstly, these indigenous people are no more native to these lands than the Whitey interloper or technically they would not be part of the same human species.

There is no better way to remember and honor the sacrifices of this people group than by barring travelers from other regions with diseases to which there is little immunity that can wipe out entire cultures and civilizations.

Friday, October 10, 2014

On The O'Reilly Factor, Democratic consultant Marjorie Clifton said that the media today is anyone in pajamas in a blog. But isn't consultant simply a euphemism for an unemployed political operatives that talks out of their rearend?

Does Queen Sasquatch Brutalize Her Mate?

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Snobs Demean The Economics Of Cosplay

Granted, some cosplayers are psychotic weirdos that are mentally imbalanced.

But so are some that have to be in church every time the door swings open even if they aren't on the payroll.

To a number, it is merely a creative outlet.

I guess opponents would rather a number of these artists instead descend into mental illness so they can be reamed for that from the pulpit as well.

The article opens by pointing out the number of Japanese young adults that have turned to this form of recreation who hold low-paying contract jobs.

Shouldn't the emphasis be on low paying jobs?

It seems these individuals are working.

And so long as they are not on public assistance as they pursue this hobby, is this really anyone's business?

Unlike the analyst posting this article, not everyone can land a prestigious gig at the American Enterprise Institute.

As was emphasized on the Syfy Channel series Heroes Of Cosplay, often participants pursue this hobby as a way to network into the highly competitive fields of theatrical costume design and even the video game industry.

So in that sense, how is what they do any different than someone that dedicates an inordinate amount of time in pursuit of Olympic gold?

Lutheran Church Planting

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Can Thought Police Evict Citizens For Espousing Criminal Ideas?

A campaign commercial opposing Maryland gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan insists that assault rifles have no place in Maryland and neither do his dangerous ideas.

In a state that wallows in its embrace of diversity, who is to say what ideas belong there? More importantly, how would this be policed?

The statement goes to a level much more profound than electoral politics.

In all likelihood, Larry Hogan will continue to reside in the jurisdiction (and thus his ideas) even if he loses the election.

What if a similar advertisement was broadcast promulgating nearly the same perspective insisting the proponents of gay marriage, amnesty for illegals, and radical Islam were not welcome in the state of Maryland either?

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Obama Not Owed Ultimate Loyalty

Critics are appalled at Leon Panetta for publishing a memoir and analysis of President Obama's appalling foreign and military policy blunders.

Panetta did not take an oath to the President.

A president is only owed loyalty if a president is loyal to his own oath of office.

It has been insisted that Panetta should have kept his concerns to himself until Obama left office.

Would the same ones applaud Rommel for having ignored what his Christian conscience was telling him about Hitler's moral failings and evils?

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Religious Leftists Agitate Politically

According to the 10/15/2014 issue of the Christian Century, a coalition of religious leftists is launching a campaign to encourage voter registration in low income and immigrant communities.

In other words, populations likely to elect candidates more likely to promise the largest handout payments.

This mobilization effort plans to organize under the banner of Let My People Vote.

Mind you, these are likely the very same agitators insisting that the pro-life, pro-family, and pro-American policy preferences of Religious Right organizations such as Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition cheapen the cause of the Gospel.

The Roman Catholic Church will probably lavish praise and honor for heroism all over the missionary priest that died from Ebola. So is the institution going to do anything for the nursing assistant that contracted Ebola from the priest?

Broadcaster Hints Ebola Plague Could Be Retribution For Violating Mosaic Dietary Guidelines

On the 8/5/2014 broadcast of Viewpoint, Chuck Crismier examined the threat posed by the Ebola virus.

In his analysis, he pointed out that the virus can be spread through the fruit bat, which a number of Africans consume as part of their native cuisine.

Crismier interjected that such a practice is not Biblical.

If the apologist is insisting that Old Testament dietary regulations are binding upon New Testament non-Jewish believers, he is not correct.

In Matthew 15:11, Christ Himself counsels that an individual is not defiled by what goes into one's mouth but rather by what comes out of the elocutionary orifice.

This New Testament alteration of the Old Testament law seems to be sustained by a number of other passages.

In I Timothy 4:4, the Apostle Paul asserts that ALL foods (not just the list of Mosaic kosher foods) can be enjoyed with thanksgiving.

To clarify that God was the God of both the Jews and the Gentiles, in Acts 10 Peter was instructed to eat from a selection of foods that up until that point that he had been conditioned to avoid as unclean.

God would not have compelled Peter to do something that was still a violation of God's law.

It's not like Peter was told to marry a man or to offer worship up towards a false god.

It is a correct observation that very few Americans would want to eat a bat.

However, is Chuck Crismier going to insist that he has never eaten or since repented of partaking of crab, shrimp, or lobster which are also forbidden under Old Testament dietary guidelines since these creatures are essentially underwater coach roaches?

Likewise, if Chuck Crismier believes this strongly about strict adherence to the Mosaic law in its entirety, does he intend to broadcast an episode of his Viewpoint news and cultural analysis program condemning the Duck Dynasty clan for the consumption of yet another food clearly forbidden in the pages of Old Testament revelation?

And what about the fast food industry such as Burger King and McDonald's?

A common complaint among certain factions of the more doctrinally enthusiastic is that contemporary Evangelicals are insufficiently Hebraic in their approach to the interpretation and application of Scripture.

So if Africans are to be condemned for consuming bats which might be one of the very few food items available to such impoverished populations, does one have to be consistent and declare an all out crusade against the All American cheeseburger?

By Frederick Meekins

Tolerancemongers want Columbus Day reformulated as Indigenous People Day. Perhaps it can be celebrated with liquor store sales and special Indian casino promotionals.

Pope Threatens Income Redistribution In The Name Of Humane Immigration Policy

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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Pat Buchanan On The Rise & Fall Of Civilizations

Will Infected Missionaries Decimate Europe With Ebola Virus?

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Religious Lunatics Panic Over Eclipse

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Some comedy bit on Rush Limbaugh mocked young adults still living with their parents. Will their also be one mocking those married four times with none of the marriages ending in the death of the spouse, those being so addicted to painkillers that it blows out their ears, or getting caught returning from the Third World with Viagra in someone else's name when you claim to be more chaste than the Pope?

Penis-Hating Feminists Outraged Method Developed To Dupe Women Into Liking Sports

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Obama Sacrifices 4000 US Soldiers To The Ebola Plague

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Would An Ebola Patient With A Temperature Below 101 Be Allowed To Sit Next To Queen Sasquatch On Air Force 1?

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Will Colleges Be Required To Brownnose Perverts In Order To Retain Accreditation?

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A Lutheran Review Of "The Maze Runner"

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Beloved Actor Confesses To Pedophilia

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Walmart plans to eliminate health insurance coverage for its part time employees. I told you that was why years ago the corporation produced a commercial featuring aspiring thespians with a vacant brainwashed gaze to their visages articulating how much they supported the healthcare reform act on behalf of all Americans.

Will J..K. Rowling's Next Book Be Set In The Harry Potter Universe?

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Proper Resistance To Tyranny

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President Obama has assured that new Ebola procedures are under consideration. That translates as nothing is really being done.

Of course those on public assistance should be exempt from the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Tax. Such individuals need funds for new tattoos and the latest iteration of the Iphone.

How To Kill A Zombie

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Monday, October 06, 2014

The Calloused Digiit #2

The Calloused Digit #2 by Frederick Meekins

New Batgirl Series Debuts

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Tolerancemongers Insists Americans Should Embrace Death By Ebola

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Have Demonic Entities Sustained Heathen Savage Without Food Or Drink For 70 Years?

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Lollipop Guild Member Downloads In The Council Chamber

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Would Jesus Attend You Halloween Party?

In all fairness, I doubt he's want to be at most church services either.

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Transhumanist Fanatics Demonize Critics

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Does Pope Francis Put Too Much Credence In Angelic Interventions?

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Does The Archbishop Of Canterbury Prefer Fellowship With Perverts & Apostates?

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Obamavirus Kills Preschooler

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Female College Not So Much Pro-Woman As Anti-Penis

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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Is The Southern Baptist Missions President More Interested In Your Stuff Than Your Soul?

There is no pleasing some theologians unless you word to the most exacting detail everything the way that they would.

A Facebook meme attributed to Southern Baptist International Missions Board president David Platt is quoted as saying the following: “Accept him? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don't we need Him? Jesus is no longer one to be accepted or invited in but one who is infinitely worthy of our immediate and total surrender.”

Is there really a reason to get one's backside up on one's shoulders over a pastor or evangelist that phrases the soteriological appeal in terms of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior?

Granted, as part of the infinite triune Godhead, Jesus can hobble along quite fine without us no matter how much Pastor Platt believes world missions might collapse without his particular brand of religious over-enthusiasm.

What it simply means when someone accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior is that the person assents to the truth and validity of the claims and conditions made in the Gospels.

What is interesting is Rev. Platt's phraseology of immediate and total surrender.

Traditionally, that is what occurs when the sincere individual comes to a saving knowledge of Christ, meaning one makes a concerted effort with the help of the Holy Spirit to resist those more sinful desires.

However, what Platt may mean by that, given the perspective taken in a number of his books such as “Radical” and his sermons available on sites such as Youtube, is a bit different.

To Platt, it is not so much that your life and possessions are Christ's to determine directly how these are to be used to His glory but rather that is to be determined by your betters up the ecclesiastical food chain.

According to sermons from the likes of Rev. Platt, in taking up your cross, it is not sufficient to endure a particular struggle or trial that has come into your life but rather that you are to think of yourself as on the way to execution in terms that you are supposed to be wracked with profound guilt for a standard of living above that of the subsistence level.

However, religious superstars such as David Platt are to enjoy a semi-luxurious lifestyle flying across the country and around the globe having accolades and wads of cash tossed in their direction over how wonderful they are for being outraged that you have what you have.

Christ Himself says in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

The text does not say that Jesus will beat down the door.

Customarily, when someone knocks at the door, it is your right to either open the door to invite them into your dwelling or to decline their request along with whatever it is they might be happening to bring you.

But then again, we are in the age where apparently the theological celebrities know more than Christ ever did.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Pastor Apparently Selective In What Pagan Practices He Condemns

In a sermon titled “The Satanic Deception Of Halloween” posted at, Pastor James Cooley details the history of how black cats came to be connected with this autumnal celebration as the spirit familiars of witches and as a result of an alleged Druidic belief that cats were the reincarnated souls of evil people.

To this, the podcaster interviewing Pastor Cooley remarked that he knew there was a reason why he did not like cats.

Pastor Cooley concurred with an “Amen.”

But who is it that created cats?

Surely it was not Satan.

Was it not the God that we are supposed to be so dedicated to that we can't even participate in a festival that does not possess any meaning for most other than dressing up in a silly costume to collect candy from door to door?

Cats are not inherently evil.

That is merely the connotation they have been imbued with from a cultural and literary standpoint derived from subjective existential or psychological sources.

In other words, from nothing more than what someone happened to think or feel regarding them.

Should something be abandoned because a number construe a conceptual or ontological category to be evil rather than it actually being so?

So does this include Fundamentalist Baptist Churches?

For years, that form of ecclesiology's most ardent adherents rightly condemned the pedophile scandals that wracked the Roman Catholic Church.

However, it turns out that nearly the same perversion had gripped a number of hardline Independent Fundamentalist ministries.

Therefore, isn't it logical to contend that there have been more innocent people hurt in a spirit of appalling wanton sin perpetrated by those that should have known better than were ever hurt by cats exhibiting a similar degree of deliberate malice?

So does that mean we should refrain from attendance at these particular houses of worship to avoid offending the weaker brother?

Often, the conspicuously pious will homiletically insist that Halloween ought to be avoided altogether not so much to refrain from actual wrongdoing but to avoid the appearance of such and out of the necessity to separate from unclean things as counseled by Scripture.

As such, shouldn't we also consider the source of this sentiment against cats if the propriety or impropriety of a thing is to be determined not so much by how it is practiced today but rather by ideas affiliated with it at the time a custom came into existence?

By the pastor's own admission, this particular prejudice is supposedly Druid in origin.

Thus, if we are to severe all connections with Halloween for being pagan in origin, why not this unfounded contempt for felines as well?

By Frederick Meekins

Dyke Stuck With Mulatto Pygmy

These lesbians wouldn't have to deal with a wrong color baby if they had gotten their goo straight from the tap.

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Albert Mohler Praises Islamic Call To Reduce Women To The Status Of Breeding Cows

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Abortion Tourism A Growing Tennessee Industry

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Farrakhan Claims The White Devils Immune To Ebola

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What Unlucky Bastard Will Be Forced To Wipe Up Ebola Pantient's Vomit?

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There is nothing in the Constitution requiring the United States to grant admission to potentially diseased foreigners.

Networks Pull Plug On Saturday Morning Cartoons

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Michael Savage How Ebola Coupled With Political Correctness Could Destroy America

Tolerancemongers Condemn Tom & Jerry As Racist

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Obama Apparently Plans To Welcome Ebola Zombies

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Reporter Threatened Not To Interview Sasquatch Eyewitnesses

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Has Ebola Spread To Utah?

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Did Diseased African Deliberately Intend To Infect The United States?

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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Peek-A-Boo Jesus Love You

Will The Roman Catholic Church Attempt To Deny The Divorced Access To Salvation?

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Maoists Obssessed With Pigeon Rectums

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So we are suppose to believe healthcare experts on the payroll of the Obama administration regarding the Ebola outbreak when these are the same wonks that assured us that if we liked our healthcare plan, we could keep our healthcare plan.

Will Ebola Outbreak Force Undesireables Into Death Camps?

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Legendary Broadcaster Stan Monteith Passes

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Will White Liberal Guilt Destroy America?

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Are Heathen Plagues Part Of A Biowarfare Assault?

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CDC Advises Funeral Homes To Prepare For Mass Casualties

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Barney Fife Mistakes Spaghetti Sauce For Meth Residue

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Apparently the privacy of a single jungle savage is a higher priority than the survival of Western civilization.

Will The American People Be A Blood Sacrifice To The Gods Of Open Borders?

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North Carolina Legislator Denounces The White Race

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Does Global Warming Erode The Penis?

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The vandalism of Hindu property is deplorable. But technically, if they are to be consistent with their worldview, don’t the Hindus maintain it really doesn’t exist? Their belief system holds that what we perceives as reality is just an illusion anyway.

Third World Plague Spreads

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Batman's Wife Shirt Outrages Homely Crones

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2014 Benjamin Netanyahu UN Address

Will Reprobates Subvert The Synod On The Family?

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Queen Sasquatch Doesn't Give An Excrement About What You Want To Eat

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Is Ron Paul Attempting To Destory The United States On Behalf Of His Russian Benefactors?

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Is Cardinal Dolan Edging Closer To Embracy Moral Degeneracy?

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Episcopal Loon Worships The Creation Rather Than The Creator

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Episcopal Panties In A Wad Over What To Call Female Clergy

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Is Rep. Jim Moran A Terrorist Sympathizer?

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Schoolyard Bullies Snitch For Food Fascists

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Obama Refuses To Admit Overwhelming Majority Of Terrorists Are Muslim

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The Coming Police State

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Apostate Insists The Bible No More Binding That Star Wars Or Lord Of The Rings

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German Perverts Insist Incest Prohibitions Undermine Sexual Self Determination

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Greedy Statists Confess Traffic Cameras Not About Public Safety

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Sandheathen Pitches Bitch Fit Over Classic Ditty

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