Thursday, September 11, 2014

The National Council Of Churches on 8/18/2014 issued a statement regarding the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The statement read in part, “These killings, as well as those of hundreds of the hands of increasingly militarized police forces is a great and growing concern. A peaceful, healthy society requires trust...between citizens and law enforcement.” One must stop and ask if the National Council Of Churches was a morally reflective and critical of Communists and Socialists when the organization was snuggling up to these kinds of regimes, movements, and revolutions during the Cold War years.

Obama Downplays Atrocities Against Christians & Women In Tirade Against ISIS

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Astute Cardinal Inquires How Does Compulsory Recognition Of Sodomite Matrimony Differ From Sharia Law

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Should Social Engineers Seize Control Of Children As Soon As They Emerge From Birth Canal?

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Are Roman Catholic Prelates Eager To Climb Into The Saddle With Rump Rangers?

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Diversitymongers Condemn Breakfast Cereal As Epitome Of White Oppression

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Afrosupremacists Desecrate Religious Iconography

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How To Find Meaningful Retirement Work

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Biologically, actress Sara Gilbert is not expecting her first child with her wife. The child is with whomever was duped into denoting his man sauce.

Hyperlegalists Commence Assault Against Christmas Three Months Early

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Retirement & Encore Careers

Liberal Pissants Too Good To Look At Camo

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DC Comics Attempts To School Fans In Multiverse Theory

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If Frau Obama's nutritional guidelines forbid hardboiled eggs as inappropriate for school lunches, shouldn't the annual White House Easter Egg Roll also be canceled? After all, though it's hard to say for certain given the kinds of moral permissiveness applauded by this regime, no parent in their right mind would bring their child to participate in a White House hypodermic needle toss or condom follies.

Trayvonites Threaten Additional Violence In Missouri If Demands Not Met

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Washington Post Brownnoses Obama's Pet Mexican

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Golf Courses Shouldn't Have To Pander To The President

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Is Queen Sasquatch Actually A Lesbian?

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Musical Prodigy Categorized As Fugitive Delinquent

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Brian McLaren Insists The Bible Can Mean Anything You Want In The Age Of Apostasy

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Obama Distributes Bayonets To Police To Disembowel Uppity Americans

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Will Religious Fanatics Mass Produce Android Converts?

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Pope Francis Hints Group Of American Nuns Are Ribald Strumpets

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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Should Vatican Pedophile Receive Harshest Punishment Possible?

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Thought Police Interogate NBA Player For Noticing Player Black

Fascinating. Contemporary Blacks drone on incessantly about being Black but Whites apparently to be persecuted for daring to notice.

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How To Utilize Digital Media To Develop A Cult Following

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How To Find Your Passions (2.0)

The same leftists in media and activism agitating for an increase in the minimum wage often get around having to pay their entry level help altogether by categorizing such positions as “internships”.

Would Legion Of Superheroes Be DC's Answer To Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy?

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Is The Respiratory Virus Outbreak An Immigrant Epidemic?

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President Obama is to give a speech regarding ISIS at 9 PM, Wednesday on 9/10/14. You will probably get more accurate insight into the intelligence and counterterrorism process if you instead tune into “Legends” starring Sean Bean and Ali Lauter broadcast on TNT at that same time.

How To Write Comics

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President Obama insists that his plan to eliminate ISIS could take years. No doubt, this could very well result in his attempt to promulgate an executive order circumventing the Constitution (like so many of his other) insisting that he is not bound by presidential term limits.

Wonderful news. Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly dismissively assure that the Travyvonies rampaging through the supermarket wasn't really so bad after all since both White and Black people where beaten over the heads with pumpkins within inches of their respective lives.

Paganism In Today's Culture

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The Present & Future Of Orthodox Theology

Students Should Tell San Francisco Educators To Lick Their Sausage In Defiance Of Meatless Mondays

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SheTaxi is a taxi new service that employs only female drivers and accepts only female passengers. What if someone wanted a taxi driven by someone other than an Al Qadea poster boy who can barely speak a lick of English? What if a passenger demanded a driver other than a vehicularly incompetent Asian woman? What if a transportation company refused to pick up anyone but White customers?

Monday, September 08, 2014

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson condemned as “traitors to the cause of freedom” World Magazine for publishing a story drawing attention to a number of homeschool students believing they were not served well by that pedagogical modality. Swanson is correct that those with a Christian worldview ought to expose the deficiencies and abuses of the secularist system. However, if one's loyalty is to God's truth and just not those claiming to be on your side, aren't those that were possibly mistreated in the name of religion also allowed to verbalize their concerns so as to better protect the movement from falling into Satan's snares? If entire ministries can be established to expose the dangers of the public system, what is wrong with someone doing the same regarding the underside of private and home education? True freedom must remain vigilant to protect against both the overly and areligious.

In a sermon on the purpose of the church, an Orthodox Presbyterian pastor remarked that the believer does not have the right to determine their own mission. It depends what is meant by that. One is not free to pursue a lifestyle in violation of the parameters of the “Thou shalt nots” of Scripture. However, within those boundaries one is free to “work out one's own salvation in fear and trembling”. If you zigged into one legitimate career instead of zagging into another, on what grounds can Jesus get ticked off at you unless He deliberately tells you what to do in the areas marked by considerable individual choice and preference?

Trayvonite Horde Loot Supermarket

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To President Obama, saying ISIS is a manageable problem means that he will be whisked away to an underground bunker while you will be left to deal with your own fester sores oozing with puss should there be a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack.

Do Christian Writers' Conferences Indoctrinate On Behalf Of Leftwing Religious Propaganda?

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Gettysburg Animal Rescue Still Struggling After Devastating Fire

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PA Governor Denounces As Moral Reprobates Those That Watch Amish Mafia

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Are Southern Baptists Becoming Disturbingly Cultic In Praise Of International Missions Board President?

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A pastor enunciated from behind the pulpit that Communism was not inherently in opposition with Christianity. Rather, only that ideology’s anti-religious accretions were evil, not necessarily the systemic imposed material equality. But doesn’t that violate the dictum of “Thou shalt not steal”? And what about the Biblical truism of a workman being worthy of his hirer? Furthermore, if everyone was to be given the exact same allotment, why should anyone break their backside or put forth anything beyond minimal effort?

Isn’t griping about people’s griping itself a form of griping? Interesting when a pewfiller makes a negative observation the verbalization is condemned as “complaining”, “bickering”, or “murmuring.” However, when such pronouncements are enunciated from behind a pulpit, they are categorized as the “sharing of a concern” or “admonition”. Average Christians are told to keep their innermost thoughts and concerns to themselves unless they are confirmation about how peachy-keen everything is. They are then reamed a new one if they fail to articulate sufficiently incriminating confessions during the intelligence gathering exercise known as the taking of prayer requests.

If the Southern Baptist Convention is posting articles in Spanish not simultaneously translated into English, how do we not know that these are not postings on how to eliminate White people and English speaking Americans? Think I’m crazy? Often Yasir Arafat would brownnose in the name of peace in English while continuing in his Arabic tirades how it was his intentions to drive the Jews of Israel into the sea.

What Is The Southern Baptist Convention Concealing From Its Members That Cannot Be Posted In English?

You either post it in English also or you don't post it. Bet those old English speaking GRINGOS are still expected to EMPTY THEIR POCKETS INTO THE COLLECTION PLATE!!!!

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The dictatorship portrayed in The Giver gave a good impression of what life in Canada must be like,

Friday, September 05, 2014

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson in a 9/2014 broadcast suggested that Christian civilization might stand a better chance after America's collapse. But by that does he mean a generalized Christianity that respects economic liberty, private property, and individual theological conscience? Because often in environments characterized by profound social upheaval it is the most doctrinally strident expressions of a faith or creed that ends up imposing its peculiarities not through reasoned persuasion but rather through the force of violence.

Contrary to a suggestion of what might be done to reform America, literal 24 hour around the clock prayer vigils are not required. Aren't such gestures more the worship of prayer rather than the One that prayer is supposed to be directed towards? Is God such an egomaniac that He is going to refuse to grant national revival or restoration unless he is constantly spoken to during those hours He has designed most to be sleeping through? Are around the clock prayer vigils so much about the God of Heaven or the finite human beings organizing such spectacles?

Shouldn't State Department Outrage Be Directed Towards Jihadists Rather Than Fox News?

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Will Jar Jar Binks Republicans Grant President Dictatorial War-Making Powers?

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Hicks Caught Roleplaying Abraham & Sarah In Church Parking Lot

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Kerby Anderson Interviews Pat Buchanan

A Lutheran Review Of Methodism

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Janissary John Kerry Demands Christian West Adopt Neo-Primitivism To Protect Muslims From Global Warming

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Even Al Qaeda Has To Deal With Indian Tech Support

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Technically, the Incredible Hulk should be the last character Marvel ought to include in its bullying public awareness campaign. The decision makes about as much sense as utilizing the Punisher to advance the cause of gun control. In a number of storylines over the years, the Hulk has been little more than a bully. In his rampages, he has flattened entire towns. Both the U.S. military and SHIELD have had units dedicated solely to the purpose of containing that gama-powered menace.

Bullies Douse Autistic Lad In Human Waste During Ice Bucket Challenge

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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Is Chief Southern Baptist Missionary More Eager To Bash America Than Convert The Heathen?

David Platt has been elected president of the Southern Baptist International Missions Board.

The pastor is also author of “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream”.

A description of the tome at reads, “It's easy for the American Christian to forget how Jesus said how his followers would actually live...They would, he [Jesus] said , leave behind security, money, even family for him.”

Here we go with yet another attempt to use missions not so much as a methodology to bring those in other lands to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ but rather as a pretext to bash the American way of life.

For how are those things listed above: security, money, convenience, and family any different than what the inhabitants of nearly every other country on earth desire?

If one does not consider security all that important, perhaps one should be willing to exchange places with the persecuted and slaughtered Christian populations of Iraq and Syria.

Without money and security, it is doubtful that Rev. Platt would have wiggled his way into a megachurch pastorate nor American's rich enough to purchase his reflectively narcissistic manifestos.

God has indeed blessed America with an abundance of these things that have enabled Pastor Platt to become something of a celebrity in Evangelical Christian circles but which he begrudges the remainder of his fellow countrymen and coreligionists.

Is there a reason why we must flagellate ourselves in shame because of what God has given us?

For example, on the list it is insinuated that loyalty to family even when they are not tempting you towards things forbidden by God is not so much a strength but rather a weakness.

Yet the very same leftwing religionists that applaud the renunciation of bourgeoisie values insist that we must embrace nearly every illegal that pours across the border because these new arrivals are such family oriented people (even though the relationship arrangement being admired is not so much pro-child as it is the mother being afraid to cut off carnal access whenever daddy comes home sauced three sheets to the wind).

Interestingly, most of the migrants pour here for the same things we are supposed to be wracked with guilt over like Phil Donahue for possessing.

In his acceptance of the presidency of the Southern Baptist International Missions Board (a body found nowhere in Scripture if one is going to argue how we as Christians could lead more spiritually meritorious lives if we were more willing to embrace penury and destitution), “We talk all the time at Brook Hill [the church Platt pastors] about laying down a blank check with out lives, with no strings attached, willing to go wherever He leads, give whatever He asks, and do whatever He commands in order to make His glory known among the nations.”

And that is absolutely correct.

However, that blank check is to be written out to God, not so much the prelates and functionaries operating in His name through the organized church.

As Ann Coulter quipped, how come no one can serve God in America anymore?

It is about time religious leaders stop bashing those in America leading the perfectly ordinary lives that keep the mundane operations of a complex society functioning so robustly that there exists sufficient leisure time for a particular class to arise that enjoys nothing more than to wallow in this kind of existential criticism.

By Frederick Meekins

After saying that he intended to destroy ISIS, President Obama clarified that what he really meant was to manage the ISIS problem. So in saying that he intends to manage the health care system and the U.S. economy, what President Obama really means is that he intends to destroy the health care system and the U.S. economy.

Graverobbers Squabble As To Whom Gets To Committ Idolatry With Fulton Sheen's Bones

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Will Breastmilk Soap Be The Next Artisanal Market Craze?

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A Scholarly Analysis Of Vehicle Volron

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Marvel & DC Gear Up For September As Superhero Month

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Democratic Chairwoman Hints She Likes It Kinky & Rough

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Caliphate Praised For "Running The Trains On Time"

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Religion Brainwashing Toddlers To Blow Themselves Up Ticked Off About Anti-terrorism Coloring Book

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State Department Takes Hardline Against Fox News

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Will Supergirl Get Own TV Series?

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The Orthodox Stance On Moral & Social Issues

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Pope Hints Those Seeking God Through Christ Rather Than Mary Bound For Hell

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Butch Educators Insist Plane Granted Permission To Land Can Be Forced From The Terminal Before The Passengers Disembark

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Queen Sasquatch Forbids Tomato Soap & Grilled Cheese

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Apostate Minstrel Accuses The Messiah Of Bearing False Witness

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The Genius Of The Reformation

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A Lutheran Review Of Roman Catholicism

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Cardinal Dolan Lifts His Skirt In Support Of Gays Marching In St. Patrick's Parade

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Hurt, Betrayal & Spiritual Abuse

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Aquinas On Happiness & The Study Of Theology

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Apparently Jessica Biel Loves A Well Crafted Man Sack

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Will Ingestible Surveillance Literally Allow Statists To Monitor Subjects Literally From Asshole To Appetite?

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Fascinating. The Black music puts out ditty after ditty referring to women as “bitches” and “hoes” and you’re the bad guy if you notice it. One of them publishes a Tweet manifesting how this socialization might manifest itself and, to quote Heath Ledge’s Joke, everyone loses their minds.

How is Ceelo Green’s tweets about rape any more repugnant than the lyrics belting at 100 decibels from automobiles driven by the average Obamavoter no one is supposed to exhibit any suspicions of?

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

A pastor assured that a difference of opinion is not necessarily wrong. Does that include when there is a difference of opinion over matters that are not clearly discussed in the Scriptures but over which the pastor not only hands down pronouncements as if they were but stops just short of calling down divine retribution upon those questioning these opinions?

Does Language Adequately Convey The Looming Transhumanist Horrors?

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Are New York Hipsters Promoting Demoniac Perversion?

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A somewhat prominent homeschool ministry is suggesting that churches should assume a more direct role in the care of the elderly. So what safeguards will be put in place to ensure that the disbursement of these provisions won’t be manipulated in a form of doctrinal coercion? For example, would a church refuse to provide granny with her heart medication unless she agrees to no longer wear slacks or toss out the Jesus painting hanging in her room if she belongs to a particularly legalistic congregation? Likewise, in such a world, what is to prevent the elderly from joining a church not because it is a reflection of their theology but rather because it is more generous and lenient in terms of its charitable goodies?

A somewhat prominent homeschool ministry is suggesting that the children of the elderly ought to be the ones responsible financially for their ageing parents and required to plan accordingly. They can do so by setting aside a significant portion of their tithe dollar that would have otherwise gone to institutionalized churches or the foreign mission field. Why not? Throughout this podcast discussion, one of the Biblical texts emphasized was James 1:27, admonishing that true and pure religion is that which cares for widows and orphans in their distress. Nowhere does the passage say anything about these funds having to be funneled through denominational middlemen that claim their cut for services rendered. Why can’t assisting your own elderly be some of that overlooked serving God in America asked about by Ann Coulter? Why does it only count for God when the helping hand is extended beyond your own family and especially into the slums of the Third World?

A Facebook meme depicts predestination as a railway track one rides along. The advocate of free will and choice is pictured as riding along in a coal car, mistakenly holding a map detailing the numerous paths which the individual can decide to follow. If that is the illustration one desires to believe in and promote, what one is saying is that God alone is at fault for what ultimately becomes of the individual that has no control over anything whatsoever. For example, using the train track as the paradigm, should this coal car over which the individual can exert no influence whatsoever derails with the passenger being profoundly injured, what the proponents of the illustration are saying is that the passenger is at fault rather than the one that laid the track and sent the car careening towards the destination. Likewise, if the individual cannot do anything whatsoever to alter the destination at the end of the track, there really is no reason after all to tell them beforehand where it is that they are headed.

Sandheathens Plotting Bubonic Plague Attack

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Fanatic Homeschooler Equates Elderly Living On Their Own With Whoremongers & Adulterers

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Obamavoters Rampage In New Casino

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

What Is Eastern Orthodoxy?

Listen To Religion Internet Radio Stations with Trinity Talk on BlogTalkRadio

Judge Opens Floodgates On Polygamy

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