Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Does The God Of Thunder Lose His Pounding Hammer In Sex Change?

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Obama Launches Biowarfare Attack Against The American People

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NASA Predicts Extraterrestrial Contact Within 20 Years

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Will Jack Bauer Return To Provide Fans For More Terrorist-Killing Amusement?

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Will Suspended Animation Revolutionize Medicine?

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C.S. Lewis On Darwinism & Intelligent Design

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In a podcast condemning American Evangelicals reluctant to ship their progeny to the foreign mission fields, it was suggested that Westerners were guilty of greed while the noble savages (these days referred to as indigenous populations) were not guilty of such. I guess that’s why they’ll sell their kids for a pair of blue jeans and hack each others hands off in the attempt to gain control of diamond mines.

Interesting. Some of the same radical homeschoolers indoctrinating that young women should be denied the opportunity to attend college are now suggesting that your Christianity is second rate or less than acceptable if you don’t ship the youngins off to some Third World sewer pipe.

Will You Go To Hell Unless You Suck Up To Foreigners?

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Democrats Say To Hell With Religious Liberty

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20th Century Christian Author & Apologist C.S. Lewis

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Will Sodomites Penetrate The Pulpit Through The Back Door?

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Discerning Deviant Doctrine

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In addressing the theology of hunting in “Rise, Kill & Eat” by Doug Giles, too bad theologian and apologist Kevin Boling did not ask the author why it is necessary for Americans to travel to Africa to kill animals. If you are rich enough to travel to Africa, you have more than enough money to procure food and clothing from other sources.

Ebola Epidemic Kills 500

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Does Asteroid Careening Towards Earth Have A Pyramid On Top?

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10 Reasons To Love The Episcopal Church

Monday, July 14, 2014

Transborder Migrant Attempts To Spread His Misunderstood Brand Of Child Love

Mind you, I am only wording that headline in a way that would be approved by both the Obama and future Bush administrations Click On The Headline

Glenn Beck Worshipers Lavish Handouts Upon Invading Horde

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Religious Hispanosupremacists Abet Invasion Force

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Is Cardinal Dolan More Outraged At Latin Mass Than Mass Said On Behalf Of Gay Rights Orgy?

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Famed Whoremonger Defends Tebow's Morality

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Holder Condemns As Racist Those Unwilling To Embrace Totalitarianism

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Freak Demands Right To Use Lady's Room Prior To Mutilation

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Is Breaking Amish Tramp A Lesbian?

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Federal Thought Police Dispatched To Investigate A Parade Float Questioning Glorious Leader

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Humanists Organize To Spread Unbelief Around The World

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Youthful Idiots Clamor For Dictatorship

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Pacific Rim Animated Series Planned

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The same liberals jacked out of shape over Stephen Spielberg hunting a dinosaur probably mock Christians believing in a literal seven day creation account.

Will Terrorist Sympathizer Bergdhal Be Returned To Active Duty?

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Depraved Third Worlders Rampage Following World Cup Defeat

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Will Archie Die Saving The Life Of His Homosexual Lover?

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Will Relgious Leftists Abandon Gospel Standards To Attract Repropate Millennials?

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Did Obama Requesting Fisting From Transvestite?

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It is being claimed that 33% of the migrant children swarming over the border are being sexually assaulted. Given this tragedy occurs on the Mexican side of the border, why is that the responsibility of we Gringos? Doesn’t such a tragedy speak more to the flaws inherent to Third World cultures?

A Washington Post profile of a Honduran woman here illegally attempting to smuggle her offspring into the United States as well asks what’s so wrong with those coming here simply wanting a better life for themselves and their children. Given that he’s such a big fan of amnesty, according to this kind of logic why should squatters in one of Bill Gates’ many spare rooms be evicted?

Is Rowan Williams A Closet Buddhist?

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Farah Launches Into Hysteria Over Lunar Phenomena

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Jihadists To Recruit Rump Rangers & Butt Pirates

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Frau Obama Extends Blessing To Hispanosupremacist Subversives

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Afrosupremacist Rabblerousers Insist Adorable Black Kids Have No Place In Advertising

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The Gay Proud Whopper

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On a Gay Pride Whooper advertisement, a child exclaims that we are all the same on the inside. If that is the case being uplifted as the most important truth, why are these preferences even being mentioned and everyone conditioned into accepting this particular lifestyle. You don’t see Dairy Queen going out of its way to market to men that like a little more bounce to the ounce in that department.

So if people donate to the Robotech Academy kickstarter campaign and it flops, like so many other proposed Robotech projects over the past three decades it seems, will they get their money back?

Leftwing Religionists Whore Themselves To Obama Money

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Will Americans Be Compelled To Board Immigrant Insurgents In Their Homes?

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In a Dallas Theological Seminary podcast regarding the phenomena of Emerging Adulthood and Extended Adolescence, it was remarked that, in 1960, 70% of the population had achieved what are considered milestones of adulthood such as marriage and procreation by the age of 30. Today, however, only about 40% of the population achieved these by the age of 30. Given the epidemic of divorce, the unhappy marriages that lead to the dissolving of what ought to be a lifelong bond, and the resultant social upheaval that has transpired since 1960, that isn’t exactly a good track record of why it is advisable to push the young into situations they might be entering more out of social pressure and conformity rather than as something they actually sincerely desire.

Do Dallas Seminary Scholastics Insist Church Has More Right To Children Than Christian Parents?

It use to be that the name “Dallas Theological Seminary” was akin to a Good Housekeeping Seal Of Approval” in conservative Evangelical Protestant circles.

Upon hearing that name, it was pretty safe to assume that what you were subjecting yourself to was sound theological teaching.

However, as in the case of the Good Housekeeping Seal Of Approval, it seems this once great name in theological erudition and learning can also be bought for a price in an era of declining standards and quality.

One comment in a podcast about the phenomena of Emerging Adulthood produced by that particular institution ought to send chills down the spines of the discerning.

One of the speakers in the discussion remarked that parents ARE NOT to think of themselves as the primary disciplers of their children regarding the Christian faith.

Instead, that is an area over which the parents are to yield to the authority of the Church.

Frankly, I doubt that is a concession even the most sincerely devout of Roman Catholics are willing to make to Vatican hierarchs.

So just how much control over what is taught in the home in regards to doctrine and practice in regards to secondary issues are the parents suppose to surrender to the pastor and his underlings?

Ideally, the parents are to be the primary teachers of the faith to their offspring.

The church is there as a source a general teaching and consultation should the family face an issue over which they do not feel equipped to address.

This mindset where the parents are looked to as glorified innkeepers and hotel bellhops with the real task of character formation left to credential and positioned experts has worked out splendidly in terms of the public education system.

Why should we assume it will work out any better in the confines of the Church.

By Frederick Meekins

Has Handout Mentality Penetrated Dallas Theological Seminary?

A Dallas Theological Seminary podcast tackled the issue of Emerging Adulthood.

That is the phenomena where many youth do not assume all of the responsibilities of adulthood all at once but rather over a span of time that can extend into the 30’s.

In reflecting, one of the seminarians remarked how in his own life as soon as graduating from Biola he set out straight to Texas to embark on his ministry.

Essential to his own success were regular checks from his church COMMUNITY.

Instead of simply offering a statement of gratitude, the seminarian went on to lament how this practice was no longer usually the case.

Why should it be?

Most people are struggling financially on their own to keep their heads above water.

On what grounds are those that are in jobs or occupations that they might not care for obligated to turn hard-earned money over to an Evangelical Christian equivalent of a shiftless beatnik meandering about trying to “find themselves” or are unwilling to lift a finger on their own until landing in their dream job?

Shouldn’t church money or money from church people instead go to those enduring ACTUAL hardships?

By Frederick Meekins

Christian Quislings Urge Interbreeding With Muslims

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How Emerging Adulthood Affects The Church

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Will Transhumanism Rebrand Itself In The Attempt To Gain Broader Acceptance?

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Patriotic Kitty

Photo by Frederick Meekins

Obama needn't feel bad. Heinrich Himmler got nauseated in the camps he himself set up as well.

If topless beaches are allowed in Australia or New Zealand, on what grounds do feminist marms from Down Under complain about a flight safety video from that part of the world starring bikini models?

Calvinists Overly Critical Of Altar Calls

A meme with an image pirated from Disney's Beauty & The Beast reads, “This Bible is so old that's I can't find 'altar call' in it.”

Such humor is an attempt to ridicule the practice where pastors and evangelists encourage those under conviction to come forward so that they might invite Jesus into their hearts for forgiveness and salvation if they are not exactly how to commence this journey towards a beatific eternity.

Granted, such tactics might prompt an insincere or misunderstanding person to rush forward thinking the profundities being approached are formulaic.

However, what those spreading this missiological propaganda fail to reveal is that they don't really want you making a decision irrespective of the venue.

If they had their way and preached sermons consistent with their soteriology, you'd remain neutral with your fingers crossed (unless they make a fuss about that gesture also somehow being pagan in origin) with the mystery resolved of whether you'll awaken after death in Heaven or Hell only after you arrive in one of these two regions of the Afterlife.

It is claimed that this ritual urging the penitent to march forward to receive Christ is not in the Bible.

But neither are many other traditions that these hardline Biblicists of a Calvinistic persuasion insist upon retaining.

For example, it should be pointed out to those holding to this variety of predestinarianism from a Presbyterian or Anglican perspective that there is nothing about infant baptism providing salvatory protection for a baby.

It might be a beautiful symbol of welcoming a child into the covenant community.

But if you, dear Christian, are relying on that liturgical act to protect your precious little one from the fires of Hell throughout a lifetime and do nothing more to introduce that child to Christ as the Savior they must claim for themselves, spiritually you have doused your child in gasoline and edged them to the brink of those unquenchable flames.

Next, there is really not a thing in the Bible about formalized membership in one particular church organization.

At most, the Scripture speaks of one church in a particular town.

So if we are going to be such a stickler on detail, if your church is not the oldest congregation in town, are you guilty of being a schismatic?

Interestingly, those looking down their noses at those congregations that make use of altar calls as part of their order of service certainly don't mind going out of their way to whack me over the head about not “belonging” to a particular congregation even though I go to church most weeks out of the year, listen to sermons and conservative talk radio at least four hours per day, and nearly every day post conservative and/or Christian content to the Internet.

The Bible provides the basic rules by which the Creator expects us to abide if we are to please Him and for us to receive His blessing even if that reward is not granted this side of eternity.

However, one truth that each of us often struggles with is that the specifics in which those absolutes are implemented on the practical level might not be as clearly spelled out.

By Frederick Meekins

Texas Towns Refuse To Cooperate In America's Conquest

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Yankee Tolerancemongers Symbolically Defecate On The Grave Of Robert E. Lee

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is Your Pastor Dabbling In Porn?

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Martin Luther On Preaching

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ISIS Terrorists Seize Control Of Appartently Non-Existent Chemical Weapons Plant

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Chinese Contingent Joins Amassing Invasion

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If these foreigners swarming here are so multilingual, how come at a local hospital there are signs in MULTIPLE languages (some of them in heathen chicken scratch) how it is a patient’s RIGHT to have access to health services in their own tongue. How about a right to doctor’s that don’t sound like they are working the drive in window PA system down at the fast food place?

John McCain was instructed that he could not bring a cellphone into an Obama detention camp because the children have a right to privacy. So why do these non-Americans possess a right that real Americans walking the streets do not?

Third World Deadbeats Riot Over World Cup Defeat

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Will Detroit Be Surrendered To Central American Swarms?

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Pious Sandheathens Fly Into Criminal Rampages During Ramadan

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Bob Richter On Flea Market Finds

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Dyke Bursts Forth: Will Rosie Return To The View?

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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Halle Berry Evangelizes On Behalf Of Extraterrestrial Messiahs

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Pro-Criminal John Walsh Intends Assault Against The Constitution

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Tom Wood Interviews Pat Buchanan On Richard Nixon

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Will The EPA Garnish Wages Without Judicial Due Process?

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Will Citizenship Become Nothing But The Burden Of Jury Duty?

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Does Facebook Endorse Hunting Humans As Sport?

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Will Merging With Super-Intelligent Computers Obliterate Humanity?

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George Will Warns Against Sex Assault Witchhunts

Christianity & Capitalism

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Does James Robison Contend Those Questioning Unity With Vatican Will Be Stricken Down By Plague?

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Smartphone Journalism: The Changing Face Of News

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Buchanan Proven Right About The Border

Will The Pentagon Replace Human Soliders With Nanotech Cyborgs?

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Will Refugee Status Lavish Illegals With Additional Handouts?

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Milwaukee Educators Refuse To Suck First Lady’s Desiccated School Lunch Teats

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Will Scientists Bioengineer Sleestak

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Is Environmental Dictatorship Desirable?

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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Feminist Harlots Denounce Morality Of The Little Sisters Order

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Hitler's Black Magic & Satanism

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Insuregents Prepare For Uprising

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Does Obama Find The Humorous Cinematic Murder Of Whites Highly Amusing?

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Buddhist Terrorists Threaten Pope Francis

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Aquinas & Natural Law

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Do ISIS Terrorists Rank Among The Swarms Overwhelming The Border?

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The Technological Basics Of Transhumanist Assimilation

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Is The European Union Conspiring To Takeover America?

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To What Extent Has The Mafia Infiltrated The Roman Catholic Church?

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Naive Episcopals Nearly Duped By Radical Jihadists

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Today's Religion & Spirituality

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Bill O’Reilly snapped that Hillary Clinton being confronted about Benghazi during a book signing was an ugly incident. So was the mutilation of the ambassador and the murder of the security personnel attempting to defend the embassy.