Monday, June 09, 2014

How about a version of the V8 commercial where a man whacks a woman in the head?

The punchline of this latest X-Men movie is that the time line has been so altered that all previous X-Men movies never really took place.

Fascinating. Ben Stein praised McDonalds last week but claimed the line about the castrating hog farmer cutting pork is cruelty to animals. It's not like McDonalds is renowned for their free range animals.

Apparently Fox News talking heads are losing their spines and manhood if they are outraged at the Congressional candidate who says that as a farmer she castrated pigs so she knows how to cut pork. Don't know anything about the candidate, but shouldn't that line be considered rhetorical genius?

The terrorist Simone getting hit by the double decker bus will be one of those 24 moments you just can't help laughing out loud at.

Honestly, I think I preferred Godzilla when he was an actor in a suit stomping remote control toy tanks to pieces than the latest CGI version.

To paraphrase Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, worst Godzilla movie ever. I think Darth Maul got more screen time in the Phantom Menace than Godzilla did in this latest Godzilla movie. The big lizard certainly phoned in this performance, as they say. The Japanese movies from the 60's and 70's had a better understanding that if the viewer plops down the price of admission they are not paying to see human reaction to Godzilla but rather Godzilla himself.

Does the DC Mayor intend to congratulate other principals that publicly enunciate a desire to rub their privates against a member of the opposite sex?

If Bergdhal was sincerely troubled by the US war effort and no longer wanted to participate, he could have done what has been done from time immemorial. If he wanted out, he could have shot himself in the foot.

It baffles me how some that wanted Paula Deen financially destroyed over something she said to her husband in the PRIVACY OF HER OWN HOME FOLLOWING A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE are now looking for excuses for an individual that defected to the terrorist enemy in a time of war and likely cooperated with these scumbags to improve the quality of attacks against the armed forces of the United States.

Online Entrprenuers Discuss Semi-Retirement

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Butch Dykes Condemn Damsels Defending Themselves

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Will Frau Obama Run For Senate?

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Reshaping The Future

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Does Obama Have The Hots For Bergdahl's Mother?

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Is Obama Warehousing Illegals In Death Camps? (So much more humane than a 50 foot wall patrolled by snipers)

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Are Science Snobs Outraged Over Rocket Raccoon?

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How are those making death threats against Bergdhal's family much better than Taliban scumbags?

Did Leviathan Consume 9 Foot Shark?

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Kings Of Religious Bling Meet To See Who Has The Biggest Steeple

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National Cathedral Contingent Marches In Sodomite Perambulation

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is Slenderman Cult The New Joe Caroll?

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Vatican Bergdahled

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A Lutheran Review Of Maleficient

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Turing Test Passed

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Is Maleficient A Redemption Story Or Flirting With Fire?

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Fanatic Atheist Propagandizes On Behalf Of The Extraterrestrial Conquest Of Earth

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Female Defensive End Should Be Knocked Around Like Any Other Player

Regarding news of the first female to play defensive end on the collegiate level, Larry O’Connor WMAL remarked that it was never acceptable to lay hands on a woman.

In certain circumstances, why not?

Though the assailant ultimately ended her own life, utilizing the broadcaster’s logic it would have been inappropriate for a man to subdue one of the aggressors in the Las Vegas shooting incident leaving a police officer and Walmart Shopper dead.

Likewise, should O’Connor be targeted by a woman on the streets of DC as part of the knockout game, is he going to sit there and take it?

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Thursday, June 05, 2014

Dana Parino said she admires someone that has the honor to do what they think is right. Then why does she always badmouth Snowden?

So if we are to honor the service of Bowe Bergdal irrespective of whether or not he was a deserter, does that mean we must similarly celebrate that dominatrix chick from Abu Grab?

Berghdal wandered away from the post. Most likely because Afghanistan is the Bourbon Street or Daytona Beach of the Third World.

And we are obligated to lodge out noses up the backside of a veteran that betrayed America to the enemy why?

Apparently Bergdahl is the one veteran having endured the hardships of war that is getting medical treatment promptly as needed.

So if we are to hold the military in suspicion any other time, why should we believe the claim that Bergdhal served honorably?

So I guess Bergdahl was eager to speak with the Taliban so he could conduct missionary outreach and a comparative religious dialog with members of the misunderstood Islamic sect.

The Implications Of The UFO Phenomena

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Glenn Beck Denounces As Monsters Discerning Christians Unwilling To Surrender To Mormonism

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Revolutionary Fidelity Of Gay Rights Functionary Questioned

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Would The DC Mayor Threaten Muslims In The Same Manner?

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Will Tolerancemongers Also Crucify Paparzi Whose Taunting Prompted Jonah Hill "Slur"?

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Holder Threatens Internet Crackdown

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School Award Ceremony Bestows Sex Toys Upon Horniest Students

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Lesbian Mayor Grants Sex Fiends Access To Restroom Of Choice

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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

National Review Columnist Condemned For Holding If You Have A Penis You Are A Man

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Hollywood Harlots Let It All Dangle Free

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Archibishop Of Canterbury Likes Welfare Cuts To Jihadist Genocide

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Pimpin Ain't Easy: Sexual Harassment Prevention Officer Accused Of Running Prostitution Ring

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Eleanor Holmes Norton suggested caution in condemning Berghdal as a deserter. Was she as judicious regarding George Zimmerman, Paula Deen, Donald Sterling, or even Dan Synder?

Church Condemned For Exposing The Threat Statists Pose To Children

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Berghdal wandered away from the post. Most likely because Afghanistan is the Bourbon Street or Daytona Beach of the Third World.

It is insisted that the return of Berghdal should be celebrated even if he did defect to the terrorist enemy. Would he still be deemed worthy of a heroes welcome if he uttered the “N-word” or enunciated opposition to gay marriage?

Lunatic Hangs Aborted Baby Jesus Dolls Throughout Hobby Lobb

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Diversitymongers Accuse Grass Skirts & Coconut Bras Of Imposing "White Male Hegemonic Structures"

No doubt an accusation made by those with nothing to put into the shells. Note not a word about whether or not the costumes looked modest.

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Monday, June 02, 2014

In South Korea, preferred female only parking spaces are being established. Why is a 35 year old female porn star or yoga instructor that can twist like a pretzel more deserving of a parking space than a 35 year old man with spinal stenosis because one has a vagina and the other a penis?

If the released POW had initially walked off the base illegally in protest of military policy, perhaps he should have been left in terrorist hands.

Bible College Accused Of Exploiting Students As Slave Labor

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Christian B-tch Forbids Men To Express Emotion

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Religious Fanatic Insists Women Are Nothing But Transferable Property

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A pastor opposed to church hopping remarked that church is not about being a spectator but about serving. But what if one is not allowed to serve in a church unless one has exhibited a degree of personal and doctrinal perfection that has next to nothing whatsoever with the tasks at hand?

Obamaphiles Rule Medicare Must Fund The Multilation Of Sagging & Withered Genitals

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Legalistic Baptist Equates Church Switchers With Whoremongers

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From Evangelical to Agnostic:The Errors of Bart Ehrman"

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Legalistic Baptist Equates Church Switchers With Whoremongers

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Mutilated Freaks Agitate For Preferential Treatment

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Will Church Embracing Gay Marriage Remain In The Southern Baptist Convention?

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Is Released POW's Father A Jihadist Sympathizer?

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Anglican Unscripted's 100th Episode

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Episcopal Hierarch Emphasizes Unity Over Doctrine

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Local news anchor remarked that he’d be concerned about the heat if the World Cup was held in Qatar. Shouldn’t one be more concerned about the possibility of terrorism in that turd pile?

Farmer Responds To Islamist Threats With Pig Races

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Will Synethetic Bioweapons Exterminate Humanity?

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Obama Imposes Environmental Dictatorship

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A police chief and wife are correct that the hardships of celebrities do not compare with those endured by military personnel. However, we should also be slightly concerned about law enforcement officers in uniforms handing down pronouncements regarding what is and is not acceptable speech.

Was Released POW A Homeschool Weirdo?

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Does Marvel Intend To Cancel The Fantastic Four?

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Thursday, May 29, 2014