Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
In a story about a church that meets in a strip club, a number of broadcast commentators go out of their way to make a point of their reluctance to call such a hellhole a “gentlemen’s club”. It is pointed out that a gentleman would not pay money to watch women remove their clothes. Interesting how remarks are never made that the women engaged in such acts are lewdness are not ladies. Many of them want to participate in such lewdness and would refuse to work in more respectable trades, crafts, or professions.
Humanism In Our Ranks
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Commentator Doug Giles is propagating the notion that hipster beards, horned-rim glasses, and the inability to change a tire are indicators of a shriveled manhood. Maybe so. But nothing screams impotence like having to travel all the way to Africa to blow to smithereens animals for the purposes of mere sport.
Army Celebrates Secular Humanism
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Southern Baptist Faction Categorizes Opposition To Homosexuality As "Redneck Theology"
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Celtic Cross Foundation Announces Major Changes
Exactly what other forms of private property should be confiscated from you for enunciating politically incorrect assumptions in a conversation that is believed to be private? Should one lose their apartment lease or kicked out of their homes by their home owner association? Should one be forbidden from acquiring nutritional sustenance?
Monday, April 28, 2014
Larry O’Connor of WMAL claims that he is offended that Sarah Palin joked that she sees waterboarding as a way of baptizing terrorists. The pundit's disapproval does not stem from a concern for potential human rights abuses. Rather, as a Catholic, he insists that baptism should only be referenced with the utmost solemnity. Given that he speaks publicly of his divorce and hints at carnal relations with women, too bad he does not esteem the concept of marriage as highly.
Leftwing Propagandists Condemn Those Preferring To Mate Within Their Own Breed
Tolerancemongers are arguing how dare LA Clippers benefit financially from Black folks If he thinks so lowly of them. Are his players are going to be so principled as to refuse the lucrative paychecks he extends to them? Isn’t it a beautiful truth of capitalism that green is one of those colors that can transcend the intractable divisions of mankind?
Heathen Beatniks Rampage Over Artistic Ant Hill Removal
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Outrage has erupted over LA Clippers owner David Sterling vocalizing disapproval over his concubine’s decision to cavort with Black folks. Shouldn’t there be greater outrage that this man is married and that this woman he was spending time with and affection on is not his wife? How can the public be sure that this tramp has not given this whoremonger cause for jealousy in the past?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Propagandists Attempt To Imbue Immigrants With Messianic Perfection
What about it?
A blurb for the book reads, “A Biblically grounded presentation of the value migrants, immigrants, and refugees bring to all of us.”
Does the text also emphasize the Scripture that also urges rendering to Caesar what is Caesars and to obey those earthly laws that do not violate those of God?
As such, the author shouldn't have a problem with a legitimately constituted government determining by a set of standards agreed upon by the CITIZENS of the particular country in question whom might be granted entrance into that particular country and what reasonable documents authenticate membership in that particular nation-state.
If immigrants are to glom themselves onto the Christian narrative, it should be pointed out that Mary and Joseph went dutifully to pay their taxes.
The couple did not rampage through the streets of Nazareth demanding they be granted a hardship exemption.
By insisting that “Jesus was a migrant”, the attempt is made to imbue this sociological and legal category with the sinlessness and perfection of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
However, as much as I have heard these people carouse and booze late into the night, I assure you they most definitely have not yet reached such a state of flawless sanctification.
By Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Atheist Lobby Prefers Debauchery Among Athletes
What college sports really needs instead are more sex and drug scandals.
As evidence of its claim, the atheist front group is citing the inordinate number of players on the team attending VOLUNTARY Bible studies.
Perhaps even worse, the coach subjects those under his leadership to non-sectarian Scriptural admonitions such as a paraphrase of I Corinthians 9:24-25 reading “Run your race to win, don't just run the race.”
Perhaps, in these times of hypertolerance and multiculturalism, a more Hindu or Buddhist perspective is preferred with athletes adopting an attitude that the race does not matter or doesn't exist anywhere but in the minds of the participants.
Perhaps these subversives would also like to expunge the remainder of the Judeo-Christian patrimony from the remainder of the curriculum.
That is the ultimate goal of these agitators, after all, as epitomized by the infamous slogan “Hey Hey, Hey Ho, Western Civ Has Got To Go.”
If nothing else, at least then we'd no longer be subject to the throwaway snide remark about being one's brother's keeper being elevated to the level of justification for income confiscation and redistribution.
Since the Freedom From Religion Foundation gets such a rush from being all bent of shape, when do they intend to get around to taxpayer funds going to provide prayer rooms and footwashing facilities set aside exclusively adherents of that form of sectarian totalitarianism?
By Frederick Meekins
Tasmanian Bishop Insists Easter Is About Letting Criminal Scum Walk The Streets
Leftwing Catholic Propagandists Undermine The Factuality Of The Gospel Accounts
United Methodists Call For The Hispanosupremacist Conquest Of The United States
Monday, April 21, 2014
A fuss is being made that by 2030 China might be the most Christian nation on earth. It is claimed in the Telegraph that the People’s Republic will have more Christians than Mexico, Brazil or the United States. But even if that nation has a higher number of Christians than the United States, does that mean that the percentage professing belief will be larger than the percentage of belief in America? There could be more Christians in China but the percentage of Americans professing belief could still be higher given that America has a smaller population. And if Mexico and Brazil are being upheld as the other nations with sizable numbers of Christian, it doesn’t necessarily mean that will improve the prospects of freedom in China given the pervasiveness of crime, corruption and debauchery in those particular Latin American countries.
Would Jesuit Propagandist Rather Heathen Africans Go Naked Than Wear American T-Shirts?
Christian Daycare Employee Terminated For Enuncinating A Biblical Theology Of The Family
Something Smelled Queer At The White House Easter Prayer Breakfast
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A WRC channel 4 news reporter supports the suspension of the student that dared ask Miss America to the prom. You know, rules are rules and must always be obeyed. Though it is up a notch in terms of severity, I guess using that logic, Rosa Parks got whatever was coming to her and Bull Connor should be applauded historically for turning lose fire hoses and police dogs on civil rights marchers. After all, rules are rules. They must ALWAYS be obeyed.
Are NSA Nerds Obsessed With Prom Date Gossip?
The beauty queen was there to discuss diversity and the importance of math and science.
The school is claiming that the suspension was necessary because he decided to defy academic authorities after being instructed to not proceed with the gesture after they had been informed of the conspiracy.
But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the incident is how the school may have found out about it.
According to WMAL's Saturday morning show, pedagogues were tipped off by the NSA.
If so, is this the kind of national security dictatorship Americans want to live in where federal intelligence operatives troll the dark corners of cyberspace for the purposes of foiling high school pranks and hijinks?
Some are asking what exactly did the student do wrong?
In essence, little more than failing to comply with the directives of the state and causing a disruption. But did the student really cause a disruption?
After all, isn't bringing in Miss America itself an inherently disruptive act?
If the school is so concerned about disruptions to the learning process, why do they have a prom anyway?
Most readily admit that the occasion is little more than an officially sanctioned orgy with the most profound disruption to the lives of these students occurring nine months later.
It's not like the student didn't wait to the question and answer portion of the presentation.
Technically, there is nothing more the students can learn from Miss America than they can a shriveled old maid. And perhaps this is what it all comes down to.
Educated or not, Miss America is not extended that position based solely on the size of her academic credentials.
Given the photo of Miss America that accompanies accounts of this story on a number of websites, it may have more to do with her lush caramel cleavage.
What this lad really did wrong was to admit to that some women are simply more desirable than others.
You can't really dangle that in front of a teen boy's face and not expect him to try for the brass ring.
By Frederick Meekins
Friday, April 18, 2014
Parents Can't Win In The Eyes Of Liberal Elites
Provided he is not on welfare, is that really anyone's business?
The parents are pretty much screwed over any way they turn.
Let your kid run wild, and you'll get slapped with abuse allegations.
Not yet your kid play with matches and stick utensils in electric sockets?
You will liable get slapped with a stiffer penalty for stifling exploration and expression.
Let your child, especially the male ones, roughhouse as they please and verbalize whatever comes to mind, and they will be branded as “predators” and “harassers”, ending up on offender registries forcing them to live in tent cities deep in the woods.
Given that numerous parents have no doubt lost their health insurance as a result of Obamacare or have to pay deductibles through the roof so Sandra Fluke can live on her back with her thighs flayed open are those advocating childhoods of feral adventure going to pick up the emergency room tab?
Or are we suppose to gaze upon these injuries simply as a way of thinning the herd?
by Frederick Meekins