Monday, February 10, 2014

Did TSA Nazis Detain Crippled Traveler For Reading Jewish Newspaper?

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Creation Debate Commentary

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Defensive End Demands To Be Brownnosed For Being Gay

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Those Who Can't, Blow The Class To Pieces

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Friday, February 07, 2014

Colonial Williamsburg (Winter 2014)

Why is The US Postal Service Stockpiling Ammunition?

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Will Intellistreets Monitor Those Cussing Softly To Themselves?

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Is Bill Gothard A Sexual Predator?

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Independent Separated Fundamentalist Baptist Committs Murder At Traffic Light

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Is Phillip Seymour Hoffman's Death George Bush's Fault?

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Will Google Vaporize Humanity Into Nanotech Clouds?

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The New World Order: Crisis & Control

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

McGruff The Crime Dog Tossed In Slammer For 16 Years For Drugs & Weapons Charges

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Sochi Deprivations Highlight Life Under Neo-Bolshevism

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Does McCain Applaud The Slaughter Of Syrian Christians?

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If we can’t believe in a God capable of creating the universe in seven days, why ought we to believe in a God that can pull off other things like the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection? If we are to view the opening account of the Book of Genesis as literary and figurative, why not these other essential doctrines the faith would be pointless to follow without?

Will Vatican Globalists Remain Part Of The Child Rights Treaty?

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Will Obamacare Racial Survey Be Used To Deny White Folks Medical Treatment?

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Francis Schaeffer's Apologetic

How To Stay Christian In Seminary

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Is The Mark Of The Beast Ready?

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Revenuers Teach Child To Embrace Life As Slave

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Leonard Nimoy Announces Lung Disease

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Will Google Give Batman The Finger?

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Heathen Body Mutiliation Grows More Ornate

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American Electrical Substation Attacked By Terrorists Of Undisclosed Racial & Religious Background

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Thursday, February 06, 2014

Spacefighters In Formation

Hussy Demands The Pope Renounce The Virgin Birth

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Pat Robertson Denounces Young Earth Creationism

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The Hannity/Savage War Commences

Has National Review & First Things Been Infiltrated By JIhadist Sympathizers?

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Obamaworshippers Reeducate The Masses To Embrace The Liberating Nature Of Unemployment & Destitution

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Apparently the only thing these days still considered wrong is ticking off certain fawned over and coddled minorities. Wonder if that would still be true if they did not have a propensity towards violent upheaval and destroying the lives of those that make them mad.

Why shouldn’t a Catholic school be allowed to fire a teacher that got pregnant outside of marriage? Though the Catholic schools usually aren’t as fanatical, from my own first hand occupational research I know that there are some Christian schools with a moral clause so ironclad that it equates going to the movies with joining a secret society. Thus, in such eyes, watching Star Wars is as bad as lighting a cross as a member of the Ku Klux Klan or prancing around naked in some Free Mason ritual.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

No Solider Dies So.....

Space Station & Ships

Feminists Fear Rape By Sleepwalking Statue

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Nude Zombie Cannibalizes Teen

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Was Bill Nye's Equus Africanus Handed To Him In Creationist Debate?

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Bill Maher Calls For Mass Murder At The CMA Awards

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Muslim Pedophile Ring Prowls The UK Unmolested

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Deranged Dyke Admits To Desire To Be Iranian Dictator's Love Slave

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Vatican Tells UN Human Rights Committee To Go To Hell

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In a Facebook update in reference to a blizzard, Glenn Beck writes, “In the middle of the country we don't complain, we shovel.” Technically, that is a veiled complaint. First, it is complaining about complaining. Secondly, it is vocalizing in a roundabout way how dissatisfied one is with the conditions one is referencing.

Cousin It Claims To Have Been A Freak Since Two Years Of Age

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Episcopal Cathedral Castrated Of Christian Iconography

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What About Male Heart Disease?

February 7th Is being advertised as National Wear Red Day to promote awareness of heart disease among WOMENNNNNNN (the word said with the proper feminist vocal inflections).

As one must do repeatedly in this politically correct culture, one must ask are men that die less dead than WOMENNNNNN that do so?

And if, statistically, women live longer than men and men are having fewer years of life, then why aren’t those deaths just as deserving of a targeted propaganda campaign?

Furthermore, shouldn’t WOMENNNNN so wrapped up in what is between their legs so as to ignore health warnings that do not directly address individuals on the basis of what is between their legs be condemned for failing to embrace the comprehensive range of gender identities displayed by the human species?

Mohler Condemns The Curious Noticing The Cruelty Of The Calvinist God

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Does Southern Baptist Functionary Limit Reasons Over Which One May Leave A Church?

Southern Baptist Theologian Albert Mohler was asked if it was proper to leave a church that was advocating the Word of Faith movement.

That is the idea, to phrase it bluntly, often referred to as “Name It, Claim It” where it is believed the Christian can through the power of God in general and the Holy Spirit in particular speak into existence physical health and material prosperity.

Mohler’s position was in the end correct, assuring the caller that this doctrinal aberration was sufficient grounds to leave a church.

However, a few of the assumptions used along his chain of ratiocination ought to give one pause.

According to Mohler, one may only leave a church over explicit violations Biblical doctrine.

One may never depart over secondary matters or more intangible concerns where if not addressed won’t result in overwhelming physical or spiritual harm but would very well prevent an individual from living life to the fullest.

So why then is a pastor permitted to pull up stakes and head for pastures where he can obtain a fatter salary or more satisfying opportunities?

Why shouldn’t they be stuck there like the saps in the seats?

Will Mutant Cyborg Armies Slaughter Humanity?

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If There Is Nothing Wrong With Pot, Why Can't It Be Consumed Openly?

With the legalization of medicinal cannabis in the nation's capital, the DC city council is now debating whether or not to legalize public consumption of this disputed substance.

But if there is nothing inherently questionable about this pharmacological compound and its preferred form of combustible vaporized conveyance, why shouldn't one be able to use it out in the open?

Should a diabetic be fined if they need to use an insulin pen on a public street?

Should an asthmatic be detained by police if they need a puff from their inhaler while walking down the sidewalk?

WMAL morning host Brian Wilson astutely remarked that this issue focuses around what kind of image Washington, DC wants to project to the world.

But if marijuana is to be considered as no different than anything else an individual wants to take into their body, what is to prevent legislation from being enacted forbidding the consumption of junk food in a public picnic area or even in front of children as part of a campaign to encourage healthy eating and nutrition?

By Frederick Meekins

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Technocrats Urge Eilimating Gun Rights Without Due Process

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School Forbidding American Spirit Day Forces Students To Honor Hispanosupremacist Celebrations

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Maybe if Churches Had Interesting Activities, People Would Participate

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Cop Kills Dog Just To Watch It Die

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Is Part Of A Russian Cyberattack?

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Modern Technology & Public Life

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Singing Animals Propagandize On Behalf Of Obamacare

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Fundamentalism Vs. Evangelicalism

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Nigerian Bishop Astutely Reminds Doctrine Must Trump Unity

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Preach Even If They Won't Let You

A sermon titled “Ministry Expectations: Christ's Calling & Sending” posted at attempts to elaborate upon the conditions under which one may publicly serve Christ.

Right off the bat, the Presbyterian pastor delivering the message concluded from Matthew 10:1-16 that one should not attempt to do so unless called to do so by Christ.

That is all well and good because nothing without Jesus at the center will endure.

The thing of it is is that Jesus is not exactly here right now in the physical, objective sense to tap the individual on the shoulder to convey these intentions.

This pastor warned that the believer must not pronounce religious or doctrinal exhortation without permission granted by established ecclesiastical authorities.

But what if one lives in an era or milieu where one is not likely to be extended such a blessing by nearly any organized authority? Does that mean we are to remain silent?

If we are to dig around in the New Testament for examples upon which to model our actions, it seems to me many of the founding Evangelists continued to speak out despite the overwhelming opposition of religious elites.

When commanded to stop the proclamation of the Gospel, Peter and the other Apostles responded in Acts 5:29, “We are to obey God rather than man.”

You might not be welcomed in a church building, but these days the electronic pulpit is nearly everywhere and available to anyone willing to step forward.

By Frederick Meekins

Radical Pluralists Denounce The Pope's Admonition For Catholic Universities To Teach Catholic Doctrine

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Monday, February 03, 2014

Studious Wizard

Super Bowl Coke Commercial Condemned As "Multiculturalist Bullshit"

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Jihadist Professor Exhorts That Christians Are Excrement Worthy Seizing Property From

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Will Pope Francis Be Accussed Of Child Trafficking?

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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Unicorn Befriending Fawn

Michael Savage has condemned those that watch sporting events at times such as these. So why does he subject his audience incessantly with his particular food fetishes and ramblings about his dog or boat?

Human Leeches Ticked Obama Hasn't Yet Eliminated The White Race

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Ministry Expectations: Christ's Calling & Sending

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Southern Baptists To Convene Sex Summit

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Fanatic Homeschooler Insinuates The Unmarried Are Gospel-Denying Apostates

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Obama's Terrorist Mentor Calls For The Elimination Of The Constitution

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On the 1/30/14 edition of Generations Radio, homeschool fanatic Kevin Swanson said that the church has no use for single people. So I guess these sectarians have no use for their alleged Savior then.

Richard Simmons Whistling Between His Legs Catches Auditor's Attention

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Hamas Lays Claim To Pagan Idol

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How To Have A Ministry In The Church

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Bishop Exploits Children To Subvert U.S. Immigration Law

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By excluding the Anti-Christ from the remake of Left Behind starring Nicholas Cage, are producers intentionally soft pedaling the Apocalypse or setting viewers up for a drawn out series. And you thought the books were too long to make it to the end of the saga about the End. (I don't think I made it much past the volume Assassin).

Tolerancemongers Damn Christian Fleeing Grammy's Debauchery

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Freaks Taking Over Democratic Party

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Katy Perry Renounced By Pastor Father

No doubt an example of how a legalistic strictness can chase a child into the embrace of the things a parent rightfully opposes.

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The Afrosupremacist website has posted a list of 10 Black child geniuses. Do those making a fuss over these prodigies intend to put out a similar list exclusively celebrating White child geniuses? And by establishing a separate list for Black child geniuses, isn’t one thus admitting the inferiority of the Black mind to that of the White? Interesting how we are obligated to look on the inside rather than the outside when it comes to lavishing honors and accolades with the exception of those specifically targeted for those that fly into homicidal, property destroying rampages when the mistake is made in regards to other demographics.

China Perfecting Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hydra Attack

Audio: Despising The Old Rugged Cross

Dinosaurs & The Bible

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Jihadist Obama Calls For The Destruction Of Israel

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Environmental Propagandists Extol Reusable Ass Wipes

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