Friday, January 17, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I guess the Let's Move Campaign sponsors public service announcement promoting fitness trageting the demographic with names such as Mya and Miguel so they can swftly violate the border and to later evade immigration enforcement officers.

A convicted Ohio murderer and rapist gasped as it took him nearly 15 minutes to expire during his execution. Critics warned that the combination utilized to carry out the sentence would cause the felon to die in agony and terror. And the pregnant woman (and thus also her baby) that he raped and murdered did not? Are we to suppose he lulled her to her eternal rest through tender caresses and verbalized sweet nothings?

UN Functionary Praises The Environmental Records Of Totalitarian Regimes

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Cal Thomas apparently shills for Liberty University during his WMAL commentaries. Wonder who had to pay off who to sweep his scathing criticism of Jerry Falwell in “Blinded By Might” under the rug.

Obama Despises White People

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Jesuit Operatives Gather Intelligence On Vatican Functionaries

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Will Leftwing Catholics Embrace Homosexuality In The Name Of Natural Law?

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Judge Rules Sand Heathens Should Be Allowed To Rape & Pillage

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Evangelical Seminarians Pervert The Bible To Accept Homosexuality

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Same churches that gripe about folks having fewer kids will cry and scream even louder should tithe dollars dwindle as congregants would make the rational and ethical decision that the higher moral priority is that they keep their own progeny fed than whether the church gets new carpeting or that the pastor goes on “pilgrimage” to Israel or the savannahs of Africa.

Fanatic Homseschooler Condemns Those Refusing To Procreate Themselves Into The Poor House As Materialists

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Will NYC Mayor Subvert Religon To Promote Marxist Agenda?

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Episcopal Bishop Of Atlanta Embrace Apostasy At Mayoral Inaugural

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Apple Sued Because Parents Can't Control Their Kids

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Christian Themes In C.S. Lewis

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Crap-Smoking Iranian Hasn't Bathed In 60 Years

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CNN Journalist Learns Not To Ask Forbidden Questions

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Is Pope Francis Abetting The Third World Takeover Of The Vatican?

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Was The West Virginia Chemical Spill A Preplanned Op?

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Human Deadbeats Spread Like Cancer

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Kittens In The Clouds

Panda & Child Fishing From A Bridge

So if Dennis Rodman sang Happy Birthday to the North Korean dictator Marilyn Monroe style, does that mean he is being "bedded" by the North Korean dictator as well?

Gov. Christie insists "I am what I am." But doesn't he look more like Brutus than Popeye?

So apparently it's an outrage to artificially manipulate traffic patterns for political purposes when that goal is to get back at an electoral rival but perfectly acceptable to arbitrarily manipulate traffic patterns in order to get motorists to abandon their individualized vehicles in favor of public transportation.

Fascinating. Apparently Chris Christie's minions orchestrating a traffic jam to get revenge on a political adversary is proof that the New Jersey Governor is unfit for presidential office. However, if one points out that Obama attended a church for two decades advocating the destruction of the White race, that he began his political career at a fund raiser held in the home of a domestic terrorist, or that he had millions kicked off their health insurance policies to prove the need for the establishment of a nationalized system, you are the one at fault for even bringing these things up.

Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias Of The American News Media (Heritage Foundatio Lecture)

Being A Christian In A Post-Christian Culture

Did Obama Assassinate Bureaucrat Involved In Birth Certificate Controversy?

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In a Point Break remake, will it be OK for the antagonists to wear a Nixon mask but racist to wear an Obama mask?

Indian Diplomats See Little Wrong With Abusing Their Slave Labor

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UFO Disclosure, The Transhumanist Agenda & Human Robotization

Why Shouldn't Apostacizing School Teacher Be Fired?

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Pat Buchanan's 2014 Predictions

Trayvonite Indoctrination Begins At Early Age

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Obama Surrenders Public Schools To Trayvonite Marauders

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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The Founders At Home

Dragon Hoarding Gold

A Lutheran talk show discussed whether or not a church should cancel services for inclement weather. One caller suggested a make-up day be scheduled. One already has. It is called next Sunday. For regulars, there really isn’t much that goes on that can’t be delayed until the following week. And those that close to death, it’s likely they would not have made the cancelled service to begin with.

Was Ronald Reagan A Practicing Occultist?

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Muslim Headshrinker Suggests Most Women Could Use A Good Beating

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Effective Apologetics In The 21st Century

Immigrant Student Warns America's Education System Becoming Increasingly Communistic

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Warning: May Offend Christians

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Ken Ham To Debate Bill Nye The Science Guy In Apologetics Wrestlemania

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Disney Committee To Establish Star Wars Canon

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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Romantic Western, Jan.

Superman With Snowflake

Teen Witch

Protecting Clones

Though it was not the only reason, the American Civil War was fought in part because a significant percentage of the population came to be seen as less than completely human. It is said if we don’t learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it and the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn anything from history. As such, if society as a whole does not stop to consider certain bio-technical developments now being considered, the world could be in for a nightmare that could make the bloodshed, death, and heartache of the Civil War pale in comparison.

In popular culture and elite scientific circles alike, cloning is being heralded as a process through which humanity will be ushered onto the cusp of a golden age in terms of advances in the areas of agriculture and medicine. As with most advances, those with an entrepreneurial inclination are already positioning themselves to take advantage economically of the opportunities looming on the horizon.

For example, on April 3, 2001, the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued Patent US 6,211,429 for a process for animal cloning. One must keep in mind that, apart from agricultural applications, such research is initially tried on animals with the hopes of eventually perfecting the techniques for human usage.

One scholar concerned about the application of this utilitarian mindset to human beings where people could end up being used as something not all that different than barnyard livestock is Paige Cunningham of the Center For Bioethics and Human Dignity. In response, he has formulated a set of principles that could very well stop this tragedy before things get too far out of hand.

The first principle has been stated as the following: “Every human being, however conceived or created, is unique and deserving of protection. From a religious perspective, humans are different than animals and above all animals because humans alone are created in the image of God.” This principle is Biblical as it respects the individuality of the human being as a unique creation no matter how he might have been brought into the world. Even though we might find it unsettling that an individual might be grown in a laboratory and not as the result of a loving (or at least pleasurable) coupling of his parents, that is no reason why, as Cunningham’s declaration argues, such a person should not be granted the same privileges and protections enjoyed by the remainder of our species.

Part of the justification for the first principle, while theologically sound from a religious perspective, that human beings are different than animals because humans alone are created in the image of God, unfortunately may be tougher to sell in a culture contaminated by Darwinian materialism. It is not only from a religious perspective that human beings are different from the remainder of the animal kingdom but in the manner of our fundamental ontology as well. When was the last time someone saw chimpanzees constructing medical facilities or dolphins cogitating on declarations to protect themselves from doing harm to one another? Someone might think they are an animal when it comes to themselves but seldom do they want to be treated like one.

Cunningham’s second principle has been stated thusly: “Every human being has the right to individual autonomy; i.e. that his or her bodily integrity must not be invaded or compromised by others.” The first principle was forceful in its conviction to the point of almost being too explicitly religious in that it overlooked the biological uniqueness of man in favor of the theological,. The second, though well intended, rings with a bit of the vagueness this declaration was promulgated to protect against.

While the Christian can agree with the principle that in most instances that the bodily integrity of the individual must not be invaded or compromised by others, the proposition is not always absolute. Unless enunciated in a strong pro-life context as intended, platitudes about not compromising the bodily integrity of the individual were the very kind of statements that got the ball rolling down the hill of human devaluation in the first place all in the name of “choice” and banshees wailing in the street slogans such as “keep your laws off my body”. One must be clear that the unborn child (either growing in the womb or in the laboratory) possesses the same protections against bodily harm as those enjoyed by the parents.

The third principle, that no person has the right to enslave, own, or control any human being regardless of their stage of biological development is a sound reminder of the basic principles this nation was founded upon, went through numerous struggles to extend to all those living here, and continues to expand into the twenty-first century. This principle does a superb job of upholding the innate dignity of the individual as created in the image of God and the equality of all men before Him irrespective of their power or status.

The fourth principle contends that any organism that is genetically human is a human being. While this statement is necessary in this Postmodern age that loves nothing better than to play word games in an attempt to justify all kinds of moral outrages, in academic circles and the popular press where secular philosophy and the Christian worldview clash almost constantly the position may already be in need of modification.

Though it may sound like science fiction, there is a growing movement called “Transhumanism” that seeks to expand the abilities of mankind beyond the limitations imposed by the biology of the species through genetic or technological enhancements. Some propose to accomplish this by combining human and animal DNA.

Therefore, at some point ethicists, theologians, and concerned scientists are going to have to sit down and hash out what is the bare minimum of human DNA a person can have and still be considered a human being. For example, is an organism with only 90% human DNA worthy of protection as a human being? Such statements may cause one to chuckle, but the matter is so serious, according to Tom Horn of, that neuroscientists experimenting on mice by injecting human brain cells into the skulls of these rodents are under orders to destroy these vermin if they start to exhibit signs of intelligence.

The fifth principle holds that “A cloned embryo is distinct and separate from the person donating the genetic material, and therefore is a unique being protected in law.” This is a principle that Christians need to be at the forefront of championing.

Often the cloning discussion is framed in terms of setting aside a genetic savings account for a rainy day. For example, if someone needed a spare kidney or liver, one could simply thaw out a non-sentient replicant kept in suspended animation for just such an emergency. However, what really happens when a cloning takes place is more akin to forming a twin of oneself or, if one is unsettled by such age differences between siblings, parenting a child in a non-traditional format. As close as these human relationships are, at no time may we use our family members as spare parts without their consent.

The last principle holds that, “No person or institution has the right to control or profit from any process designed to clone a human being.” While it is a good idea to take the profitability and power out of the cloning process as such an action would cut down on firms entering into this undertaking (including government), if we wait to the point where we attempt to regulate the procedure where it is legislated that the technique must benefit all mankind, things may have already reached the point of no return. Such a response would imply that cloning had already become widespread. Rather, Christians in positions of influence should instead get busy cultivating, as Pope John Paul II use to call it, an ethic of life where blatant disregard for other human beings is such an anathema that no self-respecting scientist would consider participating in such research.

Overall, the policy declaration suggested by Paige Cunningham is to be commended as a good starting point for those within the church to start thinking about these kinds of issues that they may have not taken the time to consider previously but that are about to role over our country and change it in fundamental ways that we do not like unless we rise up now to set things on a better moral path.

By Frederick Meekins

Sand Heathens Attempt To Retake Iraq

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Did Hunter Murder Bigfoot?

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Is Rock & Roll Of The Devil?

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FBI Confesses Catching Criminals Not As Important As Snooping On Average Americans

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Virginia Denounced For Persecuting Burglars

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Former Canadian Defense Minister Insists Extraterrestrial Pussy Puts Strain On Marriage

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Pope Warns A Fixed Morality A Threat To Global Stability

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Minister Unqualified In Theology Attempts To Propagandize On Science's Behalf

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Yankee Carpetbaggers Demand Virginians Change Roadway's Name

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Since he is spewing environmentalist hysteria on Crossfire how we are suffering ecological catastrophe for releasing an eon's worth of carbon in the span of a century, Van Jones should be asked if he travels by foot from the CNN Washington studios to his fellowship at the Aspen Institute Of course, Gingrich isn't going to have the spine to raise the issue. The former Speaker of The House has been wined and dined or on the payroll himself of the very same New Age boards and think tanks.

Daft Punk

Monday, January 06, 2014

The Friars In Ireland

Generations Of Children Watched Television Gun Violence

Daydreaming Dragon

Retirement & Wellness

Listen To Self Help Internet Radio Stations with The Wellness Coaches on BlogTalkRadio

Express Your Faith

More Christianity Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Celtic Cross Radio Ministry on BlogTalkRadio

Leftwing Catholics Applaud Welfare Extravagance

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The Six Woes Of America

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Alienology: Aliens Preach World Salvation

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Will The Vatican Recognize Gay Civil Unions?

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Debauched Heathens Stage Transgendered Nativity

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Apostates Then & Now

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Alderman Resigns In Klingon

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Multimillionaire Donor Suggest Capitalism-Denigrating Pope Finance Cathedral Renovations Himself

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Obama's Temporarily End Marriage?

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Friday, January 03, 2014

Elf Archer With Owl

The Best Of Bob Grant

Will Gay AIken Run For Congress?

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Talk Radio Pioneer Bob Grant Passes

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The cover of the Jan. 2014 issue of Sojourners reads “Twisted Theology: Churches That Still Treat Women As Inferiors Are Distorting The Image Of God”. On the surface, that is correct. However, will this mouthpiece of leftwing theological radicalism be as bold with a similar headline condemning abortion, unrepentant homosexuals in the pulpit, and gay marriage?

The cover of the Jan. 2014 issue of Sojourners reads “Twisted Theology: Churches That Still Treat Women As Inferiors Are Distorting The Image Of God”. On the surface, that is correct. However, will this mouthpiece of leftwing theological radicalism be as bold with a similar headline condemning abortion, unrepentant homosexuals in the pulpit, and gay marriage?

A story in the 12/13/13 issue of The Nation is titled “Solving Gentrification”. Apparently it is proper to prevent rich White folks from moving into certain neigborhoods. But if it is proven you are conspiring in a similar manner against Black people and poorer foreigners, you'd probably be ruined financially as part of a civil rights lawsuit.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

St. Basil

Posing Pixies

Gnome Hangs Decorations

Duck Dynasty, Homosexuality & Christmas

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