Monday, November 18, 2013

A pastor opposed to the cinema tossed in for good measure condemnation of Vacation Bible Schools that attempt to reach children through entertainment. But if it’s not fun, on what grounds are children obligated to attend Vacation Bible School? Given its not directly commanded in the pages of Scripture, you can’t very well guilt them into attending.

Archbishop Of Canterbury Warns Against A Hog Wild Christmas

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A Baptist opposed to movies condemned cinema because the medium can evoke emotions such as fear in response to situations that the viewer is not actually experiencing directly at the moment. But don’t Bible stories and passages often do something categorically similar? For example, those such as the Book of Revelation that describe death on a planetary scale in the hopes that the reader will come to a particular decision regarding Christ.

Steamboat Willie Still Puffing Along After 85 Years

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If Paula Deen should lose her fortune for simply using the “N-Word” in a private conversation with her husband after a gun was put to her head, shouldn’t Oprah be forced into a similar state of financial ruination for having yearned for the death of an entire race of people?

Monster Survival Guide is broadcast on the National Geographic Network. Though always laced with evolution propaganda, I remember back when things connected with that name at least exhibited an air of scientific and scholarly class about them.

Was Crazed Anthropologist Sex Slave Of The Elf Lords?

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A Lutheran Review Of "Thor: A Dark World"

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Pope Confesses Most Marian Apparitions Spiritually Fraudulent

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Oprah Calls For The Genocide Of Elderly Whites Critical Of Obama

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Dark Matter Of Transhumanism

Developing An Apologetic Mind (Part 1)

Huffington Post Badmouths Vigiliant Conservatives Catching The Effort To Normalize Pedophilia

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Deranged Faith Healer No Mercy For The Shell Shocked

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The Lucrative Bodily Fluids Market

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Will Dolly Parton Hologram Keep Her Uplifted & Perky Forever?

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Everyone across the Internet is enjoying a good laugh at the White supremacist whose DNA test on a talk show hardly anyone has heard of until now came back with the results that the racialist is genetically 14% sub-Saharan African. Is that enough to earn him Affirmative Action handouts and set asides? Can he now publically say the N-Word like his kinsmen now without fear of violence or economic sanctions being inflicted upon him? If not, he is still for all intensive purposes White.

Coptic Hierarch Lays Out The Smackdown Against The Episcopal Church

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Innovative Family Economies: Self Publishing

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Are Vatican Luciferians Planning To Assasinate Pope Francis With Mafia Assitance?

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The Story Telling Podcast #16: Writing Fantasy

What's the big fuss about the frozen McRib photo? Is not like you are seeing a picture of the cow or whatever creature those things happen to be made of being killed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Second Act Careers

Alienology: A Leap Of Faith In The Wrong Direction?

Glenn Beck Interviews Ann Coulter About Never Trusting A Liberal Over 3

Will China Conqueor The Moon?

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Almost Human Examines The Implications Of Synthetic Lifeforms

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Culture Fascists Want Duggars Destroyed For Comparing Abortion To Holocaust

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Theology & The Future Of The Southern Baptist Convention

Are Jihadists Training In Syria To Launch Terrorist Attacks Against America?

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Pope Asks This Day Whom Will You Serve

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Carolina Hammerhead Discovered

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Should Animals Be Manumitted?

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What Proof Is There That The Vatican Is Displaying St. Peter's Bones?

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Will British Anti-Annoyance Laws Targetting Christians Also Apply To Radical Islamists?

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Obamacare Celebrates Whoremongery

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Michael Savage 11/13/2013 Broadcast

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Doctor Who Series 3 Volume 1: The Hypothetical Gentleman

National Review: Tattered Liberty

WMAL Morning Host Losing Touch With Moral Conservatism

WMAL is a station in the Washington Metropolitan Area where listeners can turn for solid conservative opinion throughout the broadcast day.

However, regarding Mornings On The Mall co-host Larry O'Connor, one might be advised to turn a skeptical ear.

On the 11/4/23 edition, he intoned that the only law he believed in in regards to the immigration debate was that of supply and demand.

So does that mean that if there was a market for outright slavery that that particular form of peonage would be acceptable?

O'Connor's response regarding news of the alleged harassment by Miami Dolphin's Ritchie Incognito of teammate Jonathan Martin involving death threats and the expression of a desire to defecate in his victim's mouth was little better in terms of the moral position enunciated.

According to O'Connor, instead of filing a complaint about the matter, a 300 pounder should have settled the issue like a man.

That is, of course, being euphemism to take the matter outside.

As we learned from Kenny Rogers' “Coward Of The County”, sometimes you have to fight when you're a man.

However, Martin's girth is of no relevance, especially when he'd be confronting others of similar size possibly given to homoerotic violence.

Why shouldn't Martin avail himself of the procedures intended for the purposes of preventing the situation from escalating to a point of no return where the individual defending himself might end up facing a litany of legal or criminal charges?

By Frederick Meekins

New Age Aliens

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Blue Collar Intellectuals

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The Dark Horse Of Techno-Fascism

Will Totalitarian Dictatorships Seize Control Of UN Human Rights Council?

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Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism

Will The Vatican Go Soft On Abortion?

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Are Christian College Staff Allowed To Engage In Activities That Would Get Students Booted From Campus?

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So I guess the way to keep your status in hardline Independent Fundamentalist Baptist circles if you have been there from day one is to marry a divorced person and then cop that your initial confession of faith wasn't sincere to begin with. Otherwise, you'll not be anything other than a wallet to dump into the collection plate for the rest of your life. Interesting how God can still use you that way but in no other if that is the path you pursue.

Tolerancemongers Demand Uniform Sex Education Policy

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Will Government Detect You Cussing Under Your Breath?

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Columnist Rachel Alexander On The Second Amendment Implications Of Obamacare

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Amish Vampires From Outer Space

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thanksgiving 1932

Anti-Christmas Messianic Rabbi Accuses Christmas Of Spreading Islam

Jesuit College To Punish Students Defending Themselves Against Brigand

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Conan O'Brien Condemned For Observing Islam Sanctions Polygamy

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Will Police Dogs Be Eliminated To Placate Islamists?

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It is quite revealing the steps taken by factions of the New World Order to promote its agenda and undermine the critics against it. For example, NBC slaps a viewer discretion warning on Revolution when all the program does is dramatize what life will be like after society collapses. But little is said before an episode of Dracula begins despite that programs copious fornication, vampirism, and the occult.

Refuting Non-Christian Worldviews

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Jewish Parent Investigated As Neo-Nazi For Questioning Educational Bias

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Pope Francis Admits God Not Necessarily Catholic

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Atheists Establish Megachurch

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Swedish Archbishop Blasphemes The Creed

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A Lutheran Review Of Ender's Game

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Russian Artist Nailing His Testicles To The Pavement In Red Square Deserves Not A Shred Of Pity

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Friday, November 08, 2013

In The Traditions Of Her Father

Hillary Advocates Bull In A China Shop Police State While In Buffalo

In a speech in Buffalo, New York, Hillary Clinton let slip a startling degree of insight into her political ideology and philosophy of government.

Responding to a heckler carted off by security, the former Senator and Secretary of State admonished that citizenship does not involve yelling but rather coming together to sit down and talk about the kind of future that we want as a nation.

Hecklers should be removed from such settings and not allowed to disrupt the message those gathered have assembled to hear.

However, the incident raises a number of questions.

Does this prohibition against raucous and uncontrolled vocalization of a disturbing volume also apply to those the former First Lady and presidential-aspirant would consider her allies or simply her opponents?

Back during the Bush Presidency in her role as Senator during debate surrounding the Patriot Act, Hillary Clinton reminded (in a rather loud voice it should be pointed out) reminded dissent was itself the highest form of patriotism.

Even more disturbing was how Hillary categorized the heckler.

Instead of simply calling for the removal of this disruptive nuisance refusing to exercise the First Amendment in an orderly manner, Hillary suggested that this individual typified any that would dare challenge or disagree with her publicly.

Thus, in a Hillary regime, would those in Congress refusing to go along with her and more importantly the citizens daring to speak out against her be similarly manhandled by the federal security establishment?

We do indeed need to talk about the kind of future we want for America.

However, the kind of future advocated by Hillary will simply bring additional ruination upon this once great country.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Certain Fundamentalists Grasp At Straws In Exaggerating Halloween's Evils

Interesting how Baptists that start out a message assuring that what they are expounding is simply one perspective on a given topic would not allow a second opinion on the same topic to be enunciated from their pulpit until Hell froze over.

One such example is none other than Halloween.

One pastor opposed to Halloween argued that Halloween is wrong because God has not given us a spirit of fear.

As such, the pastor went on , Christ never uses fear but only hope to achieve His purposes.

What about the terrifying images from the Book of Revelation?

Sure, the redeemed come out fine, but what about those that don’t come to accept Christ as Lord and Savior?

And what about the vast majority of sermons (such as those against Halloween) that invoke the most frightening examples, anecdotes, and evidence possible to scare listeners into certain behaviors?

For example, it has been argued that the policy at some Christian colleges of forbidding men and women in the same elevator is justified to prevent rape or false allegations of such.

I have even heard it claimed that Christians should avoid movie theaters altogether not simply because of the content of the movie but because someone once heard a rumor that teens they knew had played tonsil tennis and possible even more while frequenting such entertainment venues.

This same Baptist also admonished that Halloween is wrong because it glorifies death and death is the result of sin, thus something we ought to be ashamed of.

While death is the wages of sin, it should also be made clear that dying is not yet something else we have to beg forgiveness for and feel guilty about.

The necrotic state is more something imposed upon us.

Psychology suggests that fairy tale villains are necessary for youngsters to come to grips with the reality of evil in the world.

So provided the commemorations don’t become overly macabre, doesn’t something like Halloween help make manageable the grim terror that stalks each one of us to the end of the terminal condition known as earthly life?

By Frederick Meekins

Aliens, Angels and the Fourth Dimension

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Humanist Of The Year Calls For Mandatory Systematic Mass Infanticide

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Leftwing Jesuits Call For The Abolition Of Fossil Fuels

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Underwood & Paisley Denounced As Racist For Spoofing Obama Care

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World War III: Are We Losing?

Nephillim Theory Vs. The Ancient Alien Hypothesis

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Do Cops Have The Right To Dig Around In Your Anus Without Proof Searching For Drugs?

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Culture & Contemplation

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Foul-Mouthed Pastor

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Food Fascists Conspire Against Transfats

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

God Versus Particle Phyiscs

Happy Thanksgiving Tract

Try the Spirits: 9 Demons We Fight in Spiritual Warfare

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Loki Develops Devoted Following

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Promoting The Leftist Agenda Foremost Concern At World Council Of Churches Confab

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Is North Korea Developing Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons With Russian Assistnace?

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According to radical homeschooler Kevin Swanson, medical decisions should not be made by corporatist medicine but rather by the church. That sounds all warm and fuzzy in a religious sort of way unless you aren't part of the in crowd at church.

Radical Homeschooler Insists Only Reformed Calvinists Worthy Of Medical Care

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Did Shirley Maclaine Procreate With An Astronaut's Clone?

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Idiot Geezer Drops Dead Day After Running Marathon

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Osteen Asserts Gays Having Nothing To Repent Of

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Pentecostal Accused Of Consorting With Witches

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Churches Seek Booze Hounds With Religious Brewed Hootch

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Will Robo Sapiens Replace Humanity?

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If Republicans are suppose to alter their beliefs in order to appeal to minorities and WOMMENNNNNNN (the term pronounced as the liberals do), how do the Democrats intend to amend their ideology to appeal to straight White men of a religious or morally traditional orientation?

Beatnik Presbyterians Badmouth Thanksgiving Day Dinner

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Will Roman Catholics Reconsider Booze At Youth Events?

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New Ms. Marvel A Muslim

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Fired Coach Insists Hooters Wholesome & Family Friendly

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Tuesday, November 05, 2013