Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Has Christianity Failed You?

BBC Horizon: Life In The Future

Bionics, Transhumanism & The End Of Evolution

Will Same Sex Couples Play A Role In Altering Catholic Understanding Of The Family?

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Does Reddit Intend To Stamp Out Political Dissent?

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Humanist Of The Year Waxes Eloquent About Gorillia Suit Fisting

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A pastor opposed to Halloween argued that Halloween is wrong because God has not given us a spirit of fear. As such, the pastor went on , Christ never uses fear but only hope to achieve His purposes. What about the terrifying images from the Book of Revelation? Sure, the redeemed come out fine, but what about those that don’t come to accept Christ as Lord and Savior? And what about the vast majority of sermons (such as those against Halloween) that invoke the most frightening examples possible to scare listeners into certain behaviors. For example, it has been argued that the policy at some Christian colleges of forbidding men and women in the same elevator is justified to prevent rape or false allegations of such. Have heard it claimed that Christians should avoid movie theaters altogether not simply because of the content of the movie but because someone once heard a rumor that teens they knew had played tonsil tennis and possible even more while frequenting such establishments.

A Baptist admonished that Halloween is wrong because it glorifies death and death is the result of sin. While death is the wages of sin, it should also be made clear that dying is not yet something else we have to beg forgiveness for and feel guilty about. It is more something imposed upon us. Psychology suggests that fairy take villains are necessary for youngsters to come to grips with the reality of evil in the world. So provided the commemorations don’t become overly macabre, doesn’t something like Halloween help make manageable the grim terror that stalks each one of us to the end of the terminal condition known as earthly life?

What To Do About Halloween?

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Interesting how Baptists that start out a message assuring that what they are expounding is simply one perspective on a given topic would not allow a second opinion on the topic to be eunciated until Hell froze over.

Mass Starfish Disintegrations Plague The West Coast

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Is Butch Lutheran The New Henry Emerson Fosdick?

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Christians & Film Making

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Film Glamorizes Lesbian Pedophile

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Woman handing out letters at Halloween to children she deems fat should in turn be handed a letter deeming her a b--ch.

Will The Pope Select Female Cardinals?

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A greater fuss is being made that Richie Incognito enunciated a racial slur against teammate Jonathan Martin than that Incognito threatened Martin’s life and expressed a desire to defecate in his mouth. But I guess that sort of thing is overlooked in the media since that’s the sort of thing a number of gays tend to enjoy anyway.

Audio: Mediocre Comedian Fancies Himself As Historically Astute

Mohler's Biggest Peeves Against Halloween

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Monday, November 04, 2013

Spirit Of 1917: Join The United States Marines

Vatican Tackles Contemporary Slavery

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Will Sabrina The Teenage Witch Be Burned At The Stake For Supporting The GOP?

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Halloween & The Christian

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Will Human Turds Rampage In The Street Over Cut Food Stamps?

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Pastor Expects Parents Of Dead Infants To Applaud God Tossing Babies Into Hell

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Fox News Reporting Charles Krauthammar Profile

Sand Heathens Declare War Against Martians

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Advertisement for the discrete pocket catheter. You better make sure those are earbuds you are sticking in your auditory canal.

Beauty Contestant Accused Of Harboring Too Much Negro Blood

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Too bad World Net Daily does not take as hardline position against those that are setting dates regarding the return of Christ as the news outlet does against those that celebrate Halloween. Seems the one is explicitly frowned upon in the pages of Scripture whereas the second is a matter of personal interpretation.

On the CW drama Arrow, Oliver Queen sponsored a gun by back. If it is unacceptable for the average citizens of his fictional city to defend themselves against assorted criminals, on what grounds is this costumed adventurer justified running around shooting the bad guys with a bow and arrow?

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Friday, November 01, 2013

Grammar Marms Ignorant Of The Looming Genetic Tyranny

At Liberty University, Senator Rand Paul warned of the temptations and dangers inherent to genetic experimentation and manipulation.

But instead of confronting one of the most profound issues that an advanced technological society will face in the years and decades ahead, smaller minds and those of limited imagination are focusing on whether or not the legislator's remarks were rhetorically footnoted with all of the punctuation put in the right place.

Those with too much time on their hands unable to substantially refute the Senator's remarks, such as Rachel Maddow, are claiming that he plagiarized his summary of the film Gattica from Wikipedia.

If truck drivers and hog farmers rather than academics and journalists were the ones that got all worked up over plagiarism, would this linguistic oversight be considered all that much of an outrage?

Snobs siding with Maddow flippantly query what does Gattica have to do with a political campaign stop.

After all, that distracts from much more important work such as the legalization of gay marriage and the distribution of subsidized birth control.

However, will these libertines keep singing the same tune when a test is developed possibly determining whether or not someone might be inclined towards the particular variety of temptation of which Rachel Maddow is herself afflicted as evidenced by her mannish appearance?

Perhaps Senator Paul should have been more careful in observing the protocols of scholastic attribution.

But isn't this response to his remarks akin to dismissing someone warning against the dangers of the looming Final Solution because the analyst in question forget to mention what review of Mein Kampf was being quoted from?

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, October 31, 2013

X-Files: Season 10

Attack Of The Vampire Lobbyists

Pentagon Propagandists Declare Jihad Against White Men

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The Customs Of Halloween

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Should Christians Display Their Nuts On Halloween?

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On what grounds do the ultraBiblical complain about those that attend church on a Saturday night rather than on a Sunday morning when the Biblical method of rendering days is technically evening to evening?

A fanatic homeschooler claims, without further explanation, that you can tell by the demeanor on someone's face whether they are committed to a vision of life or a vision of death. So does that mean I will be condemned as a heretic if I don't have the vacant brainwashed smile of one of the Oral Roberts singers plastered across my face?

Witches, Vampires, and Halloween: The Fascination with Horror

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Archbishop Of Canterbury Reminds Capitalism Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

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Battle Of The Bishops In Vatican Vs. Canterbury Cricket Match?

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Student Punished For Not Wanting To Urinate In Front Of Teen Boys

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A Chestertonian Perspective On Halloween

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Regarding these ministries opposed to Halloween that use the symbols of the day to market condemnation of the celebration. Isn’t that the equivalent of using the image of a Playboy bunny with a heaving bosom capable of poking out an eye to condemn fornication?

Do Ladybug Swarms Portend The Apocalypse?

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Bible Answer Man Halloween Questions & Answers

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So in Ender's Game, I guess Harrison Ford is old enough if not more so to play the Obi-Wan Kenobi role.

Captain America: Winter Soldier

So are Vice President's remarks to be taken in the sense that Biden wasn't able to access the Obamacare website or that this buffoon isn't allowed anywhere near the Internet at all?

Sanford police to abolish the Neighborhood Watch there in favor of one brainwashed and manipulated by law enforcement. And what is to prevent citizens from banding together and forming their own unofficial neighborhood watch. Are we getting to the point of that old Ray Bradbury story where it will be illegal to walk outside of your home?

Guess the theme song of the day given the healthcare hearings in Congress will be Toby Keith's "Red Solo Cup".

If women's privates are so much more complex than a man's that they need special subsidies in the affordable healthcare act mandating free upkeep, why shouldn't women be required to pay higher premiums than a man?

Shouldn't elderly men that can't get it up anymore and elderly women with shriveled wombs, not the government, be the ones to determine whether or not they need pediatric insurance coverage?

Old hag Congresswoman on Crossfire clarifies for the record she doesn't have a prostate. Thing is, I doubt anyone wants to conduct the manual examine to verify such a claim.

Raising A Dark Fist To Heaven: The Witchcraft Of Rebellion

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The Beatific Contemplation Of Horror

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Is FEMA Preparing Mass Gun Confiscation?

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Conservative Anglican Factions Consider Reconcilliation

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Sand Heathens Gang Rape Toddler

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Marvin Olasky Interviews Steve Forbes

A pastor condemning Halloween insisted that one of the sins associated with that celebration consists of individuals pretending to be something that they are not. So does that mean that a child caught in any kind of imaginative play should be taken out and buggy whipped? Just as importantly, if that play is career based, should the child be fined for practicing that particular occupation without the proper authorization? For example, pretending to be a doctor or teacher without the proper government approved credential. In the idealized theocratic regime, could such a child face criminal charges for impersonating a police officer?

Giesha costume deemed racist. If this style of garment wasn't deemed sexy in a classy manner, its failure to arouse would be deemed racist.

Activist Homeschool Wants To Abolish Youth Ministry

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Had Conrad Murray's dead patient been a Walmart cashier and not the King of Pop, this doctor would not have seen a single day in prison.

Eco-Nazis Demand Ranchers Sacrifice Children To Wolves

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Obamaphiles are insisting that those that have been dropped by their insurance will be able to get better policies. Thing is, such propaganda does not clarify what the definition of "better" consists of and for what parties.

Pastor Lumps Thespianism Together With Halloween

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Crazed Asian Hacks Off His Manhood

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Horizon Church Of The Celtic Cross: Faith & Tomorrow

Celtic Cross Radio Discusses The Nature Of Ministry & Family

The Gospel Hour 10/28/13

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CATHOLIC But Not Roman ORTHODOX But Not Eastern: An Introduction To The Old Catholic Church

In a sermon on the seven sins of Halloween, a pastor listed as one of these transgressions the failure to think for yourself. By that, the pastor intended to mean the tendency to go along with the herd mentality rather than for the individual to come to a conclusion regarding a particular topic through a process of personal cogitation. However, in regards to a controversial topic such as this, don't we all have the tendency to degenerate that principle to condemnation of those that don't think as we have told them to in regards to the matter cf secondary doctrine under consideration?

In condemning the seven sins of Halloween, a fanatic Baptist pastor said that it was a sin if a man did not dress and act in a manly manner. While that is true in terms of obviously female articles of clothing such as frilly dresses and high heels, who is to make this determination in regards to less obvious items? For example, in the sermon, the pastor condemned any article of clothing purchased at Urban Outfitters or the Gap. The pastor went on to admonish that men were to talk and act like men. So is a man destined for Hell if he has a greater affinity for cats rather than dogs and wears a particular color on a distinctively male item of clothing?

In regards to the part of the state where only dial up Internet has been available, a Maryland official claims that high speed broadband is a necessity or right like clean running water. As such, will parents failing to provide this luxury for their progeny be punished as child abusers?

Bravehearts No Less Offensive Than Redskins To Consistent Liberals

It is rumored that the Washington Redskins might be renamed the Bravehearts.

It is argued that the name upgrade is necessary because the name “Redskins” offends particular demographics.

But what about those that the new name might offend?

For example, Jews might not find the name all that kosher since one can't help but think of images of Mel Gibson upon hearing the name “Braveheart” because he starred in the popular movie of that title.

Secondly, shouldn't those calling for a return to civility and the renunciation of overly enthusiastic political responses and rhetoric be offended by allusions to this movie?

One of the film's major themes is that there are things worth fighting for even to the extent of what might be considered violence.

After all, critics of the Tea Party approach to the budget crisis on Capitol Hill constantly remind that compromise with one's fundamental beliefs and principles is the only way to prevent the entire nation from collapsing all around us.

Thirdly, shouldn't those such as the President that believe it is the role of the state to comprehensively control and monitor every last aspect of your existence oppose the name Bravehearts since the movie suggested that one of those things most worthy of laying one's life down for is one's very freedom?

By Frederick Meekins

Terry McAullife leaving his wife and new born baby in the car to make a fundraining appearance was quite heartless. However, would his wife have married him if he was a regular working stiff and not a bigshot that puts the accumulation of power above all else?

Artifiical Intelligence, Transhumanism & The Singularity

The Methodology Of Staged Terrorism

Are Spineless Leftwing Protestants Surrendering To Rome On The Baptism Issue?

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Georgetown Students Forced To Do Babykillers Dirty Work

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Are Genetic Elites Casting Rand Paul In The Senator Kelly Role?

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Hackers Piggyback On Giraffe Craze

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High Tech Undies Allow The Flatulent To Pass Gass With Impunity

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Creationists Undermine Credibility By Diverting Resources To Condemn Halloween

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GAFCON Reaction To The Archbishop Of Canterbury Subdued

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Why Does A Stranger Need To Touch A Pregnant Woman's Stomach?

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The Groans Of The Bible

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A dichotomy is being set up that, on Oct. 31, one has to pick either the Reformation or Halloween to celebrate. However, this day is still 24 hours long like any other. So is it going to be insisted that thoughts of the Reformation must occupy all 24 of these? Most kids Trick-Or-Treat for only an hour or two.

Illiterate Dope Fiend Accuses Troy Aikman Of Being Gay

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I have a small scarecrow on my door. Is that a violation of the verse that tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear?

So if Halloween is wrong and the Christian still gives out candy with a tract, how is that different than standing in front of a strip club handing out dollar bills in a tract to the customers going in for a lap dance?

Reformation Or Halloween?

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Utterly fascinating how the elderly justify their own Halloween revelry while condemning contemporary youth for participating in the exact same festivities by claiming theirs was a different time. So if it is Satanic now, why not back then?

Will The Muppets Become International Fugitives?

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Does USA Today Demand America Surrender To The Vatican?

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Spread Of Giraffe Cult Baffles World

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Monday, October 28, 2013