Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lead Us Not Into Clericalism

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New Age Quack Plans Congressional Run

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If the female football fan didn't want to be struck in the face, she should have kept her hands off the dude that clobbered her.

Archbishop Of Canterbury Hints At Overtures To Outcast Anglicans

Liberal Canadian Anglicans Surrender All Souls Day To Santa Muerta

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Halloween, Demons & The Cross

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When a pastor qualifies what they’ve said by assuring that they simply want you to make up your mind on a secondary matter based on all of the available information, will you be allowed to retain your standing or position in a congregation if you come to a conclusion different than what the pastor is advocating?

The Pope Extols The Apologetic Value Of Art

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Something to ponder. Are more children turned off to Christianity as a result of an boisterous hardline opposition against Halloween then drawn towards the occult as a result of a lax position in regards to Halloween?

Geneticist Contends Yeti An Undiscovered Bear Species

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Did Airbags Deploy In Dolly Parton Traffic Accident?

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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Christian Origins Of Halloween

The Christian Origins Of Halloween

Anglican Theology (Doing Theology)

Halloween & The Winter Solstice: What Should A Christian Do?

If Halloween is so wicked, why play the joyful tune before the program? Wouldn't that be the equivalent of doing a show on fornication and beginning it with the Full Monty or the BUCKAWOWOW tune associated with old pornos?

Has Marvin Olasky Gone Soft On The Death Penalty?

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Debauched Libertine Celebrated As Humanist Of The Year

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Are ALlegedly Conservative Anglicans Attempting To Rewrite The Nicene Creed?

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Did Kennedy Use The White House Like A Whore House?

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Interesting how one particular Tea Party website is calling for a coup but I was threatened with ostracism from the movement for simply posting an essay simply examining the principles and implications of atheism.

The Four Faces Of A Christian

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Will Christian Burial Customs Be Altered To Placate World's Gutter Religions?

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Will Fossilized Blood-Filled Mosquito Upset The Evolutionary Appelcart?

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Media Coverage Of John Shelby Spong

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Are Gypsies Smuggling Germanic Children?

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Online Breastmilk Diseased

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American Shiites Threatened With Rape & Dismemberment During Mecca Pilgrimmage

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Pope Encourages That Prayer Overcomes Evil For Good

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The Church, Spirits & Halloween

More of the "I participated in Halloween But Damnation Upon You If You Ever Do" Confessions.

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Vader-Themes Specials Announced

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Mediocre Comedian Fancies Himself As Historically Astute

During an appearance on the 10/8/13 Tonight Show, has-been comedian D.L. Hughley condescendingly quipped how ignorant it was to compare Hitler and Obama.

After all, Obama only wants to provide everyone with health insurance.

Hitler, on the other hand, intended to obliterate and destroy those deemed unworthy of continued existence by the standard of his pernicious worldview while controlling in nearly every last detail those permitted to remain alive.

Since D.L. Hughley is now being promoted as an expert on historical and political affairs, perhaps he might care to enlighten us on the comprehensive array of tactics and strategies Hitler used to rise to power.

Granted, there were always a cadre of followers attracted by the violence and brutality inherent to the National Socialist ideology.

However, an even a greater number of Germans were lured into this deception in large part through promises of lavish social programs encompassing nearly every facet of existence.

One might think of the approach taken back then similar to that of the Life Of Julia propaganda utilized today.

Seldom do tyrants announce their intended deprivations of fundamental liberties upfront.

For example, buried in the bowels of the terms of use on a number of the Obamacare exchange websites is a clause stipulating that any personal information that the applicant submits to obtain the insurance mandated under penalty of law can be forwarded to other agencies for the purposes of law enforcement and audit.

It must be admitted that Barack Obama is likely not as deliberately bloodthirsty as the infamous German Chancellor.

But that said, one of his goals is nonetheless a thinning of the population of those he views as detrimental to the Volk or rather the COMMUNITY.

As the strictures of the Obamacare system tighten their grip around the neck of the American people, increasingly those having surpassed specific plateaus of existential chronology in all likelihood will be denied certain varieties of treatment.

When asked at a campaign forum, Obama himself suggested that a 90 year old still possessing a zest for life might just have to be denied those resources that would enable continued temporal existence.

The thing with those aspiring to exert near total control over the lives of targeted populations, as is the case with the spiritual father of such despots (the devil), you often don't realize what has been stolen from you until it is too late.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Christianity For Modern Pagans

Halloween Rhyme

Law Enforcement Refuses To Admit Attack Perpetrated By Trayvonite-Obamaphiles

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Mr. Peabody Movie

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Fanatic Homeschooler Claims Those Without Children Don't Glorify God

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Kung Fu Fighting Song Categorized As Racist Hate Speech

Are Halloween Constumes Becoming Sluttier?

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Did Congressional Functionary Expose A Masonic Conspiracy?

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Obama Accuses Bloggers Of Undermining Political Uniformity

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Fanatic Homeschooler On SermonAudio.com Condemns The Existence Of SermonAudio.com

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MSNBC Demands Investigation As To Why Viewers Rather Watch Leggy Blonde Rather Than Rachel Madcow

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Same radical fanatics demanding that the truly devout get married by the age of 22 are the same ones that pitch an even louder fit if you marry someone that is not in 100% agreement with the cultism espoused by the ones pitching the fit.

Screwtape Skewers Shelby Spong

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Butch Bishop Prefers Islamic Prayers Over Christian

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Biometric Technology & The Mark Of The Beat

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vintage Frosted Flakes Ad

Pumpkin Ghost Rides Broom

Why Yet No Wonder Woman Movie

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The Emerging Church, Part 1

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Snobs often remark about the average newspaper being written on an eighth grade level. Are those with only that level of comprehension suppose to be kept in the dark or something as to what is going on in the world?

Fifty percent of adults have not read a book in the past year. And why should we care? Not everyone is into the same hobbies.

Radical Homeschooler Condemns Parents Whose Children Don't Like To Read

If homeschool activists are going to condemn parents that have professional educators teach their children how to read, does the same judgment also apply to parents unable to remove their own child’s appendix?

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Will Coporatist Elites Seize Control Of America's Water Supply?

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Frau Obama Too Lazy To Toil In Her Own Garden

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Secularist Media Mocks Scalia For Believing In The Existence Of Satan

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Inside Media: What's Happening In The News Business?

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Transhumanism: Hidden History & Agenda

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Tea Party Catholic: The Catholic Case for Limited Government, a Free Economy, and Human Flourishing

Vintage Halloween Card

The Perfect Pumpkin

When attempting to come up with ways America is better than Europe, all NBC personality Al Roker could postulate was artisanal cheeses. Had the meteorologist stuffed his gut with them beforehand, he might not have crapped his pants at the White House.

Young Evangelicals Duped By Theological Pluralism

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Will the New York Giants be required to change their name since a robust physique undermines Frau Obama's nutrition propaganda?

Eventually, will the New England Patriots be compelled to change their name since the concept of patriotism detracts from multiculturalism and global citizenship?

And I suppose the Minnesota Vikings are named in honor of that ethnicity's skill at longboat carving and oceanic navigation.

What To Do With The Doodoo?

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In a HH Greg commercial, a Black spokesman ends the spot with the remark with “whatever it is people do on Columbus Day.” Would a similar advertisement featuring a White spokesman commenting, “whatever it is people do on Martin Luther King Day” be broadcast?

On the National Geographic series “Snake Salvation”, the misapplied scripture regarding serpent handling is obvious. However, what's the deal about dancing around the church with a Molotov cocktail in hand?

Interesting how those worked up in favor of a perpetual literal application of women in headcoverings aren't as fired up for Jesus in regards to the perpetuity of snake handling. I guess being bossy towards women provides the more satisfying yet safer buzz.

School Supports Sick Perv Harassing Girls In The Restroom

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It's not being a tax cheat if you move somewhere legally to no long have to pay the taxes to which one was previously subject.

And what if Richard Branson legally left Britain for tax purposes? In the New World Order, will we only be granted the privilege of movement for a list of preapproved reasons?

Will The Assemblies Of God Surrender To Mormonism?

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John Shelby Spong Wallows In Unbelief

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Some Prefer Dark Meat

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Trayvonite-Obamaphiles Loot Walmart Over Failing Benefit Cards

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Man Hacks Off Doodads Before His Wedding

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Welfare Leech Pastor Defends Snake Handling

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The antagonist on the new version of the Tomorrow People was named Jedekiah. In the original British version, didn't he turn out to be an extraterrestrial?

Will Star Trek Return To TV?

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Did Once Upon A Time really need to hint at Mulan being a lesbian in love with Sleeping Beauty?

The World & The Church

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lessons In Apologetics #10: Naturalism & The Supernatural

In the third section of his book, Geisler examines the matter of distinctively Christian apologetics more closely. In a technologically advanced age, many of the attacks against the faith center around doubts as to the extent to which God can intervene in the world and to what degree can we trust the accounts purporting to be a chronicle detailing this intervention.

In the chapter "Naturalism & The Supernatural", Geisler examines the argument against acts of God classified as miracles. The basic argument, presented in its textbook form by David Hume, is stated in the following manner: "(1) A miracle by definition is a violation of (or exception to) a law of nature. (2) But the laws of nature are built upon the highest degree of probability. (3) Hence, a miracle by definition (as an exception) is based on the lowest degree of probability. (4) Now the wise man should always base his belief on the highest degree of probability. (5) Therefore, the wise man should never believe in miracles (266)."

The variations of this argument that have been developed over the decades and centuries since the time of Hume share a number of assumptions. The first is the assumption that the universe operates in accord with repeatable norms which we refer to as natural law. The Christian also shares this belief as God has chosen these to imbue the physical creation with what we perceive as order and what causes events contradicting these principles to stand out as events worthy of special attention.

However, it is beyond this point that the Christian and those that believe God does not intervene in the creation must part company. The naturalist essentially pursues two lines of reasoning that the Christian cannot endorse.

One principle basically eliminates miracles by definition. This is accomplished by postulating that whatever occurs in the natural world is a natural event. We as finite individuals might not be able to explain or understand why something happened in the way it did, but that does not mean there is not some kind of reason within a closed system to account for the phenomena in question without having to appeal to an interdiction by an outside higher source.

The other major assumption underlying arguments against the miraculous is that miracles do not occur because such events would be a violation of the probabilities natural laws are derived from. While natural laws are descriptions of what transpire in most instances, the sincere researcher aspiring to the distinction of scientist must study the events that actually take place and not sweep away those that do not conform to preconceived notions as to what is and is not possible. It is only by carefully scrutinizing these instances out of the ordinary that the researcher is able to uncover either explanations that fit within the normal operation of natural systems or rather the intervention of an intelligence beyond that which mortal minds are not generally accustomed to interacting with.

Even though the Christian must accept and defend the notion that natural laws as we understand them are not so inviolable, neither should the Christian go to the other extreme and herald every unexplainable occurrence as an undeniably direct intervention by the hand of God. As Geisler deliberately points out, there is a set of criteria an event should be evaluated by before the Christian accepts it as a miracle (280-282).

Foremost, the investigator seeking to determine the nature of an event contradicting normality must ascertain if its origin is possibly Satanic. Scripture warns that in later times there will be deceitful signs and wonders that would deceive the very elect if that were possible. The Christian must always let God’s revealed message rather than experience be the final court of arbitration.

Secondly, the Christian must be careful to distinguish between miracles and anomalies. For example, if someone appears to die on the operating table, is hauled off to the morgue, and seemingly comes back to life several hours later, though there would be reason to rejoice and look to this as a gift from God, there still might not be sufficient grounds to declare this a miracle. This is because such an occurrence could very well be an anomaly firstly because the event may have a cause which may be naturally explainable but at the time beyond the boundaries of our scientific understanding. And secondly, there is not necessarily any moral or theological claims connected to the unexpected healing.

To help the believer through this confusion, Geisler provides a number of guidelines an alleged miracle must measure up to in order to be categorized as such: (1) A miracle must be an exception to the normal pattern of events. (2) A miracle involves some kind of theological truth claim as an act of God would not contradict what God has revealed about Himself. (3) A miracle must also have good moral impact as God would not violate his standards. (4) And lastly, miracles suspend normal patterns rather than violate natural processes (282).

by Frederick Meekins

It's splendid that TV has gotten to the point where you can turn it on nearly any time of day and find Star Trek: The Next Generation playing somewhere. Now how about extending that same respect to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and even perhaps Star Trek: Enterprise occasionally?

In certain hardline Fundamentalist Christian circles, is compliance with secondary standards about pleasing God or avoiding the disapproval of the hierarchy?

Regarding these men that go around beating their chests how women should be forced to wear headcoverings and not allowed to wear pants: the effort is probably more about the approval and rewards from the group (primarily that of other men) than actually about the approval of God.