Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vintage Frosted Flakes Ad

Pumpkin Ghost Rides Broom

Why Yet No Wonder Woman Movie

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The Emerging Church, Part 1

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Snobs often remark about the average newspaper being written on an eighth grade level. Are those with only that level of comprehension suppose to be kept in the dark or something as to what is going on in the world?

Fifty percent of adults have not read a book in the past year. And why should we care? Not everyone is into the same hobbies.

Radical Homeschooler Condemns Parents Whose Children Don't Like To Read

If homeschool activists are going to condemn parents that have professional educators teach their children how to read, does the same judgment also apply to parents unable to remove their own child’s appendix?

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Will Coporatist Elites Seize Control Of America's Water Supply?

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Frau Obama Too Lazy To Toil In Her Own Garden

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Secularist Media Mocks Scalia For Believing In The Existence Of Satan

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Inside Media: What's Happening In The News Business?

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Transhumanism: Hidden History & Agenda

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Tea Party Catholic: The Catholic Case for Limited Government, a Free Economy, and Human Flourishing

Vintage Halloween Card

The Perfect Pumpkin

When attempting to come up with ways America is better than Europe, all NBC personality Al Roker could postulate was artisanal cheeses. Had the meteorologist stuffed his gut with them beforehand, he might not have crapped his pants at the White House.

Young Evangelicals Duped By Theological Pluralism

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Will the New York Giants be required to change their name since a robust physique undermines Frau Obama's nutrition propaganda?

Eventually, will the New England Patriots be compelled to change their name since the concept of patriotism detracts from multiculturalism and global citizenship?

And I suppose the Minnesota Vikings are named in honor of that ethnicity's skill at longboat carving and oceanic navigation.

What To Do With The Doodoo?

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In a HH Greg commercial, a Black spokesman ends the spot with the remark with “whatever it is people do on Columbus Day.” Would a similar advertisement featuring a White spokesman commenting, “whatever it is people do on Martin Luther King Day” be broadcast?

On the National Geographic series “Snake Salvation”, the misapplied scripture regarding serpent handling is obvious. However, what's the deal about dancing around the church with a Molotov cocktail in hand?

Interesting how those worked up in favor of a perpetual literal application of women in headcoverings aren't as fired up for Jesus in regards to the perpetuity of snake handling. I guess being bossy towards women provides the more satisfying yet safer buzz.

School Supports Sick Perv Harassing Girls In The Restroom

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It's not being a tax cheat if you move somewhere legally to no long have to pay the taxes to which one was previously subject.

And what if Richard Branson legally left Britain for tax purposes? In the New World Order, will we only be granted the privilege of movement for a list of preapproved reasons?

Will The Assemblies Of God Surrender To Mormonism?

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John Shelby Spong Wallows In Unbelief

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Some Prefer Dark Meat

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Trayvonite-Obamaphiles Loot Walmart Over Failing Benefit Cards

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Man Hacks Off Doodads Before His Wedding

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Welfare Leech Pastor Defends Snake Handling

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The antagonist on the new version of the Tomorrow People was named Jedekiah. In the original British version, didn't he turn out to be an extraterrestrial?

Will Star Trek Return To TV?

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Did Once Upon A Time really need to hint at Mulan being a lesbian in love with Sleeping Beauty?

The World & The Church

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lessons In Apologetics #10: Naturalism & The Supernatural

In the third section of his book, Geisler examines the matter of distinctively Christian apologetics more closely. In a technologically advanced age, many of the attacks against the faith center around doubts as to the extent to which God can intervene in the world and to what degree can we trust the accounts purporting to be a chronicle detailing this intervention.

In the chapter "Naturalism & The Supernatural", Geisler examines the argument against acts of God classified as miracles. The basic argument, presented in its textbook form by David Hume, is stated in the following manner: "(1) A miracle by definition is a violation of (or exception to) a law of nature. (2) But the laws of nature are built upon the highest degree of probability. (3) Hence, a miracle by definition (as an exception) is based on the lowest degree of probability. (4) Now the wise man should always base his belief on the highest degree of probability. (5) Therefore, the wise man should never believe in miracles (266)."

The variations of this argument that have been developed over the decades and centuries since the time of Hume share a number of assumptions. The first is the assumption that the universe operates in accord with repeatable norms which we refer to as natural law. The Christian also shares this belief as God has chosen these to imbue the physical creation with what we perceive as order and what causes events contradicting these principles to stand out as events worthy of special attention.

However, it is beyond this point that the Christian and those that believe God does not intervene in the creation must part company. The naturalist essentially pursues two lines of reasoning that the Christian cannot endorse.

One principle basically eliminates miracles by definition. This is accomplished by postulating that whatever occurs in the natural world is a natural event. We as finite individuals might not be able to explain or understand why something happened in the way it did, but that does not mean there is not some kind of reason within a closed system to account for the phenomena in question without having to appeal to an interdiction by an outside higher source.

The other major assumption underlying arguments against the miraculous is that miracles do not occur because such events would be a violation of the probabilities natural laws are derived from. While natural laws are descriptions of what transpire in most instances, the sincere researcher aspiring to the distinction of scientist must study the events that actually take place and not sweep away those that do not conform to preconceived notions as to what is and is not possible. It is only by carefully scrutinizing these instances out of the ordinary that the researcher is able to uncover either explanations that fit within the normal operation of natural systems or rather the intervention of an intelligence beyond that which mortal minds are not generally accustomed to interacting with.

Even though the Christian must accept and defend the notion that natural laws as we understand them are not so inviolable, neither should the Christian go to the other extreme and herald every unexplainable occurrence as an undeniably direct intervention by the hand of God. As Geisler deliberately points out, there is a set of criteria an event should be evaluated by before the Christian accepts it as a miracle (280-282).

Foremost, the investigator seeking to determine the nature of an event contradicting normality must ascertain if its origin is possibly Satanic. Scripture warns that in later times there will be deceitful signs and wonders that would deceive the very elect if that were possible. The Christian must always let God’s revealed message rather than experience be the final court of arbitration.

Secondly, the Christian must be careful to distinguish between miracles and anomalies. For example, if someone appears to die on the operating table, is hauled off to the morgue, and seemingly comes back to life several hours later, though there would be reason to rejoice and look to this as a gift from God, there still might not be sufficient grounds to declare this a miracle. This is because such an occurrence could very well be an anomaly firstly because the event may have a cause which may be naturally explainable but at the time beyond the boundaries of our scientific understanding. And secondly, there is not necessarily any moral or theological claims connected to the unexpected healing.

To help the believer through this confusion, Geisler provides a number of guidelines an alleged miracle must measure up to in order to be categorized as such: (1) A miracle must be an exception to the normal pattern of events. (2) A miracle involves some kind of theological truth claim as an act of God would not contradict what God has revealed about Himself. (3) A miracle must also have good moral impact as God would not violate his standards. (4) And lastly, miracles suspend normal patterns rather than violate natural processes (282).

by Frederick Meekins

It's splendid that TV has gotten to the point where you can turn it on nearly any time of day and find Star Trek: The Next Generation playing somewhere. Now how about extending that same respect to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and even perhaps Star Trek: Enterprise occasionally?

In certain hardline Fundamentalist Christian circles, is compliance with secondary standards about pleasing God or avoiding the disapproval of the hierarchy?

Regarding these men that go around beating their chests how women should be forced to wear headcoverings and not allowed to wear pants: the effort is probably more about the approval and rewards from the group (primarily that of other men) than actually about the approval of God.

I should probably look at it this way. The women that by their own uncoerced choice that go into marriages that are going to have the Bible beaten over their heads about headcoverings and pants are probably getting exactly what they deserve and want. The ones to feel sorry for are the children (especially the girls) born into such situations that have no say in the matter.

Symposium Claims Jesus Nothing But Part Of A Roman Advertising Campaign

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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The War Over Lemuria

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Modern Witch Rides A Vaccum

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If a pastor argues that it is a sin to gaze upon Halloween imagery, is it a sin for the pastor to mention and describe Halloween imagery verbally since vocalized words produce images in the mind?

The same educators banning nearly every activity a rambunctious child would enjoy stand around dumbfounded over increasing obesity rates and the inability of students to sit still in the presence of pedagogues that can barely teach.

It is amazing how the same liberals fretting now over how the government's bills will be paid are the same ones that agitated to run the tab through the roof in the first place.

In the October 2013 edition of “Perspectives On History”, a National Park Service historian is profiled in the “What I Do: Historians Talk About Their Work” segment. Part of her duties included interviewing longtime employees about their service and careers. What guarantee do these bureaucratic functionaries have that the information gathered about them won't be used to manipulate them out of their retirements?

It is claimed that retirement is not a Biblical concept. Neither is really anything other than grueling physical labor mentioned in the pages of Scripture either. However, those insisting the elderly remain in the workforce until they literally drop have hardly soiled their hands in this fashion a day in their life.

Just Because Early Christian Martyrs Had No Time For Sex Doesn't Mean We Can't

It has been observed that there were no Christian martyrs killed for believing Christianity will give you a more satisfying sex life.

While that may be historically accurate, it does not follow that the sum total of the Christian's interest need to be circumscribed by the concerns of those living during that era of history.

Granted, the last thing the church needs is a pastor making love to his wife on a webcam as was to have been attempted at one particular megachurch a few years back.

However, it is constantly pounded into our heads that either Christ is Lord of all or that He is not Lord at all. Was He not the one that decreed that reproduction and certain emotions to be shared between husband and wife were to be expressed in a manner the parties involved found pleasurable to a certain extent?

It could be argued that the tendency to sweep this aspect of existent behind a closed door as if it is something to be a shamed of even within its proper sanctioned context in favor of a spirituality of disincarnation is one of the psychological pathologies that set the ball rolling to the point where much of the culture is now characterized by an overwhelming debauchery.

By Frederick Meekins

Obama Exerts Control Over Elderly Bladders & Bowels

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Apparently Obama has greater respect for the body of Bin Laden than for those of fallen American veterans.

Will Rick Warren Surrender Christianity To Islam?

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Obamacare Websites Gathering Intelligence For Various Law Enforcement Agencies

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Shouldn't Capitol Hill police have opend fire on the illegal alien rally for blocking the street the way they did the lunatic motorist?

Frau Obama Lets Move Campaign Actually Wants Children To Remain Perfectly Still

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Atheist Cathedral Dean Admonishes Opposing Homosexuality A Sin

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Will Prison Inmates Get Better Health Care Than The Elderly?

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Brad Thor Eulogizes Tom Clancy

Technognostic Cabal Initiated At Singularity University

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Is Christian Halloween An Oxymoron?

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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Agent Carter Gets Spinoff Short

St. Francis With Goldfinch

Cloaked Pumpkin Halloween Card

Will Meat Share Tobacco's Fate?

The cover article of the autumn 2013 issue of Good Medicine is titled, “Meat Is The New Tobacco: Exporting A Dangerous Habit”.

The point of the article is that, with declining meat consumption, producers are exporting to markets overseas.

The assumption is that Americans are preferring more plant-based meal options.

But is that because of personal preference or because fewer can afford it?

Because who in their right mind after a long day at work looks forward to vegetables at dinner; carbs, maybe in terms of pasta or desert, but not vegetables.

But the more important question to ask is the following.

If medical establishment propaganda is casting meat in the negative light once reserved for tobacco, how long until rules, laws and polices once applied to tobacco will be applied to meat?

For example, will it one day be illegal to eat meat in front of children in a confined space where they will be exposed to the aroma as it is now illegal in some states to smoke while children are in an automobile?

Will supervisors be allowed to deny employment to job applicants to that consume meat?

Will commercials for meat products and the purveyors of such delights one day be banned from the nation's airwaves?

by Frederick Meekins

Are Unisex Aprons A Lesbian Plot?

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Faces Of The One World Relgion, Part 1

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Thought Police Demand Uniformity Of Expression In Referencing The Glorious Leader

Isn't it Hitlerian to dictate someone cannot be referred to as Hitlerian? Click On The Headline

Are Overweight Students Under Obamacare Surveillance?

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If WorldNetDaily is announcing that the so-called Blood Moons of 2014 are heralding the possible Apocalypse, aren't they on verge of making the same errors as Harold Camping?

Apostates Undermine U.S. Immigration Law

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Chicken Nuggets Still Probably Healthier Than Locally Grown Organic Hippy Slop

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Will Madonna Convert To Islam?

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Patriotic Display Condemned As Racist Gang Activity

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Magic Rabbit Eager For Snow's White Burrow

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West Virginia Episcopal Bishop Inserts His Rod Into The Gay Marriage Debate

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Will Obama Remain Silent As Trayvonites Murder Veteran?

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School Attempts To Remove Students' Balls

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The Franciscans In The Middle Ages

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Monday, October 07, 2013

Dragonslayers: From Beowulf to St. George (Myths and Legends) by Joseph McCullough

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Witch Dancing With Pumpkins

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X-Men Celebrate 50th Anniversary

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The Post Human

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Under the kinds of medical insurance reforms advocated by fanatic leftists, “gender reassignment” would be covered. However, prostate cancer likely wouldn't since it is usually a condition that afflicts the elderly. So since many prostate therapies and procedures rob the individual of the joys of possessing a masculine organ beyond the passage through which liquid waste exits the body, perhaps those suffering this disease should just go ahead and get a sex change operation. And when it's all over with, such individuals can also be lavished with the benefits, approval, and applause now being lavished upon same sex couples these days.

If we aren't going to be told the identity of the lunatic that set himself ablaze on the Mall in Washington, we should assume he was a radical Jihadist until told otherwise.

If contemporary liberals insist that homosexual behavior is no more deviant or shameful than mainstream marriage, why was portraying the Speaker of the House as one on Saturday Night Live deemed humorous?

Obama Gives Veterans The Finger But Welcomes Illegal Aliens

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Obama Attempts To Outlaw The Creation Itself

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Pope Francis Revolted By Pantheism

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