Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Saturday, October 12, 2013
I should probably look at it this way. The women that by their own uncoerced choice that go into marriages that are going to have the Bible beaten over their heads about headcoverings and pants are probably getting exactly what they deserve and want. The ones to feel sorry for are the children (especially the girls) born into such situations that have no say in the matter.
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
In the October 2013 edition of “Perspectives On History”, a National Park Service historian is profiled in the “What I Do: Historians Talk About Their Work” segment. Part of her duties included interviewing longtime employees about their service and careers. What guarantee do these bureaucratic functionaries have that the information gathered about them won't be used to manipulate them out of their retirements?
It is claimed that retirement is not a Biblical concept. Neither is really anything other than grueling physical labor mentioned in the pages of Scripture either. However, those insisting the elderly remain in the workforce until they literally drop have hardly soiled their hands in this fashion a day in their life.
Just Because Early Christian Martyrs Had No Time For Sex Doesn't Mean We Can't
While that may be historically accurate, it does not follow that the sum total of the Christian's interest need to be circumscribed by the concerns of those living during that era of history.
Granted, the last thing the church needs is a pastor making love to his wife on a webcam as was to have been attempted at one particular megachurch a few years back.
However, it is constantly pounded into our heads that either Christ is Lord of all or that He is not Lord at all. Was He not the one that decreed that reproduction and certain emotions to be shared between husband and wife were to be expressed in a manner the parties involved found pleasurable to a certain extent?
It could be argued that the tendency to sweep this aspect of existent behind a closed door as if it is something to be a shamed of even within its proper sanctioned context in favor of a spirituality of disincarnation is one of the psychological pathologies that set the ball rolling to the point where much of the culture is now characterized by an overwhelming debauchery.
By Frederick Meekins
Obamacare Websites Gathering Intelligence For Various Law Enforcement Agencies
Frau Obama Lets Move Campaign Actually Wants Children To Remain Perfectly Still
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Will Meat Share Tobacco's Fate?
The point of the article is that, with declining meat consumption, producers are exporting to markets overseas.
The assumption is that Americans are preferring more plant-based meal options.
But is that because of personal preference or because fewer can afford it?
Because who in their right mind after a long day at work looks forward to vegetables at dinner; carbs, maybe in terms of pasta or desert, but not vegetables.
But the more important question to ask is the following.
If medical establishment propaganda is casting meat in the negative light once reserved for tobacco, how long until rules, laws and polices once applied to tobacco will be applied to meat?
For example, will it one day be illegal to eat meat in front of children in a confined space where they will be exposed to the aroma as it is now illegal in some states to smoke while children are in an automobile?
Will supervisors be allowed to deny employment to job applicants to that consume meat?
Will commercials for meat products and the purveyors of such delights one day be banned from the nation's airwaves?
by Frederick Meekins
Thought Police Demand Uniformity Of Expression In Referencing The Glorious Leader
Isn't it Hitlerian to dictate someone cannot be referred to as Hitlerian? Click On The Headline
Chicken Nuggets Still Probably Healthier Than Locally Grown Organic Hippy Slop
Monday, October 07, 2013
Under the kinds of medical insurance reforms advocated by fanatic leftists, “gender reassignment” would be covered. However, prostate cancer likely wouldn't since it is usually a condition that afflicts the elderly. So since many prostate therapies and procedures rob the individual of the joys of possessing a masculine organ beyond the passage through which liquid waste exits the body, perhaps those suffering this disease should just go ahead and get a sex change operation. And when it's all over with, such individuals can also be lavished with the benefits, approval, and applause now being lavished upon same sex couples these days.
Obama Grants Pedophiles A Holiday By Temporarily Taking Down The Amber Alert Site
Under the Obama regime, jackboots have removed an elderly couple living in a privately owned home located on public land. With nowhere else to go, the couple has sought shelter in their ice cream shop. How long until in the name of the couple’s health and safety the ice cream shop is burned to the ground with the couple in it?
Herr Obama Seizes Private Homes On Public Lands In The Name Of Government Shutdown
Bureaucrats Ordered To Make Life Miserable Under The Rise Of The Obama Police State
Americorps & Leftist Presbyterians Form Alliance To Subvert The US Food Supply
Will Priests Be Jailed For Doing The Lord's Work Without Herr Obama's Blessing?
Pentagon Weighs In On SEAL Vs. Ninja Debate
Should start a wagering pool how long it takes for liberals to get jacked out of shape about being better at blowing things up being said positively
Click On The Headline