Saturday, October 05, 2013

Does Eatery Offering A Burger Mocking Christianity Possess The Backbone To Market Pork Product Mocking The Religion With An Explosives Fetish?

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Just as “The Avengers” really isn't the greatest superhero film of all time despite the press accounts claiming as such, neither is Agents Of SHIELD the best show of the fall season. While entertaining, the plot twists of The Blacklist are much more exciting and intriguing. Couldn't the show's wardrobe department have put a little more effort into designing a traditional SHIELD uniform instead of having everyone with the exception of the Asian chick running around in their street cloths? Most fans already know that the series takes place in the same universe as many of the Marvel blockbuster films. So perhaps producers should stop the name dropping in what seems to be nearly every scene of characters that will likely never appear on the program. The strained effort is even more annoying than the deliberate closeups on the Sherlock Holmes drama of characters using Microsoft Windows 8 software.

On The Fox Report with Bret Baier, isn't it a bit of overkill to feature George Will and Charles Krauthammar on the same panel since both of these pundits essentially represent a nearly identical variety of establishmentarian conservatism? One ponders if a commentary superstar such as Will was added to the Fox lineup in the attempt to counter CNN's resurrected Crossfire. The announcement of his appearance prompted me to forget all about my 6:30 PM viewing preference.

Certain theologians are arguing that federal employees and retirees unsettled by their financial prospects during the government shutdown are serving government rather than God. So if someone working in the private sector expressed similar concerns, would they be condemned for serving Mammon? Not everyone can be a missionary capable of standing before a congregation and guilt trip the assembled into emptying their wallets into the collection plate. Furthermore, from what sector of the economy does the tribute flowing into ecclesiastical hands originate anyway?

O'Reilly and Geraldo are blaming the DC motorist altercation at the Capitol on the Internet and Under The Dome. Don't others make similar allegations regarding Fox News? According to O'Reilly, if you support free expression online, you are likely a NAMBLA sympathizer.

I guess law enforcement should have instead tossed welfare checks and complimentary smartphones at the lunatic WOMANNNNN during the vehicular incident at the U.S. Capitol.

Biker gang members threatening motorists should be run over.

Why shouldn't mothers barreling towards police and barricades like bats out of Ghenna have a cap popped in them?

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Tom Clancy Dead

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In an economic shutdown, Obama warns, Social Security checks won't be sent out on time. It will likely have very little impact on the regular Wednesday night parties at the White House and the weekly presidential round of golf.

During the government shutdown, it was reported that the technicians of the National Hurricane will continue to monitor atmospheric conditions. However, the agency's public affairs specialists were categorized as non-essential and were not responding to inquiries. Obama is probably in the White House conducting ritualistic libations to whatever demonic entity he is in league with hoping to conjure a storm to wipe out the United States while forbidding meteorologists in the federal employ from warning the American people.

Under Obamacare, if most forms of insurance cover 100% for breast exams for women, why is only between 70-80% covered for prostate tests? Is a man that dies from prostate cancer less dead than a woman that dies from breast cancer? And what of the small number of men that develop breast cancer? Will their costs to combat this disease be covered to the same percentage or are their penises too large?

Under Obamacare, young adults can remain on their parents' health insurance until they are 26 years old. However, that is only if their parents are granted the privilege of being extended the privilege of having insurance under the affordable care act.

In coverage of a ship of African migrants damaged off the coast of Italy, it was pointed out that one of the fatalities was pregnant. But if the unborn inside an expectant mother is just at best, part of her body and at worst a disease, why weren't we informed of the passengers lost that also suffered from spastic colon or spinal stenosis?

So apparently being an anarchist is a good thing when beatnik filth is defecating on police cars and desecrating church buildings but being an anarchist is a bad thing when using the legislative process to slow down questionable government programs vast numbers of the American people oppose.

What Is A Worldview?

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Christians & Classical Education

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Is The Episcopal Church In A Death Spiral

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Florida Educators Crackdown On Black Market Romulan Cloaking Technology

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Harry Reid Insists Cancer Patients Should Count It An Honor To Die For The Glory Of The Regime

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Is The Obamacare Hotline 1-800-FUCKYO?

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Saudi Gets 10 Years In Prison For Getting His Groove On

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Propagandists Celebrate Herr Obama's Magnamity

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By requiring a photo ID, isn't the State Department bookfair spreading the plague of illiteracy among disenfranchised populations such as illegal immigrants?

Liberal Catholics Insist UN Doesn't Redistribute Enough Global Wealth

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Senator Harry Reid remarked that Tea Party radicals have done the unthinkable by shutting down the government. Hasn't Harry Reid done the unthinkable by pitching a fit by refusing to compromise on disputed matters that would keep the government functioning?

If federal operatives are cordoning off access to assorted monuments that aren't normally manned to any considerable extent, what is to stop Obama from closing down the entire federal interstate highway system if he gets his backside any higher up his shoulders?

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Are the monuments and memorials cordoned off with barricades during the government shutdown constantly patrolled round the clock by federal operatives during budgetarily covered times?

Shouldn't Obama be the last one outraged over government officials ignoring the laws they don't like?

If the baby panda at the National Zoo is being look after despite the government shutdown, why does the pandacam need to be switched off? Can't cost any more to operate the camera focused on this animal than those that are continuing to collect reams of footage on the American people.

Were barricades set up to prevent Occupy deadbeats from defecating and fornicating on public property in the same manner they were erected to prevent veterans and taxpayers from accessing the monuments to the sacrifice of these noble Americans?

Why shouldn't Obama and the members of Congress be subject to the same shoddy medical service which they want to victimize the American people?

It is claimed that the Constitution forces elected officials to be paid their salaries during the government shutdown. So apparently there are provisions of the federal charter that the President and Congress are principled enough not to violate. Why can't an amendment be set into motion to correct this oversight?

On the 10/1/13 episode of Crossfire, Senator Debbie Stabenow claimed that on the first day of Obamacare availability five times as many attempted to access the program's website than any day on the Medicare website. That's because Medicare is targeted towards the elderly adverse to spilling their guts online whereas Obamacare appeals to youthful deadbeats so hooked on the web that they have to post a status update every time they take a bowel movement.

On the cover of the October 2013 edition, the title Christianity Today is printed in a smaller font that the initials “CT”. If you are that ashamed of the word “Christianity”, perhaps its time to cease publication and closeup shop.

If Bush Surrounded Himself With This Many White Folks, You'd Never Hear The End Of It About The Lack Of Diversity

Veterans Didn't Stop One Dictator Abroad To Be Stopped By A Dictator At Home

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Did Pope Francis Communicate With A Disembodied Intelligence?

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How Robots Will Change The Future

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Will Altered Vatican Constitution Bring Greater Freedom Or Despotism To The Roman Catholic Church?

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Israelis Like Only The Chrisian's Money Not The Christians Themselves

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Will Jewish Meddlers Conspire To Derail Chesterton's Canonization?

From the way they sound, you would have thought he was a guard at Aushwitz or Dr. Mengele's lab assistant.

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What Is Transhumanism?

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Rick Santorum A Crypto-Luddite?

Rick Santorum appeared on EWTN's “Women Of Grace” program to shill for a movie titled “The Christmas Candle” being distributed by the production company of which the former Senator and presidential candidate is CEO.

Santorum shared that the electric light central to the storyline symbolizes man's over-reliance on technology and lack of reliance on God.

But without the electric light, isn't it doubtful that the cinematic tools would have been developed whereby the artists working under Santorum would be able to share this narrative vision with a wider audience?

More importantly, weren't the candles he lionizes as a beatifically superior conveyance of illumination at one time the cutting edge of technology?

As such, would the holier thing to do have been to simply sit in the dark waiting for the sun to rise the next morning in compliance with God's timetable rather than man's?

by Frederick Meekins

Dartmouth Professor Lays Groundwork For Jihad Against Whites

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Is Pope Francis' Heart Open To God?

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How To Do Apologetics

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Pope Denounces Materialism Surrounded By Gaudy Splendor

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A Lutheran Review Of "The Wolverine"

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Two Whackjobs Show Up For Massive Atheist Protest

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Lord Obama To Cure Cancer By Redefining It By His Very Word

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Deck Chairs Rearranged As The Episcopal Titatic Sinks

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Dominican Reflections Upon Honesty

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Chesterton is allegedly in Hell. Single people should be viewed as likely pedophiles. Those that formulate their own words should be spoken of with vocabularly reserved for the vilest of unbelievers. And I'm suppose to beg to be a part of this kind of religion why?

Rick Santorum On Values In Media

Despicable Christianity

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Contrary to the propaganda in a CNN News story, unless you are a telekinetic, knowledge or brainpower does not deflect bullets.

A bit sad that the most conservative perspective regarding China on The Five on Fox News is actually enunciated by liberal Bob Beckel.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Theocrats Equate Enunciating Meteorological Preferences With Blaspheming God

It has been threatened that to complain about the weather is to murmur against God.

So where does degree of nitpicking end?

Taking this idea to its logical conclusion, is it murmuring against God to express dislike for a certain food that He has created?

It is an accepted postulate of Christian historiography that empires and potentates cannot rise without God allowing them to in the sense of at least not doing anything to block the ascension of these onto the world stage.

Thus, is one spitting in the face of the Almighty each time one expresses dissatisfaction with an elected or government official?

Often, those holding to this strict of a view regarding the sovereignty of God also believe in the idea of theocracy or theonomy where the Bible does not merely serve as a source inspiring the moral principles enacted into law but rather in its totality serves in its totality as the non-negotiable legal code.

So in such an idealized regime, would those verbalizing otherwise innocuous preferences about the prevailing atmospheric conditions be arrested for further interrogation?

If believers are to be so pent up and stifled that they can't even mention how they really feel about the weather, they are going to end up with stress ulcers and mental depression.

But I guess the upshot of that is that the clergy will be provided with additional fodder to heap condemnation up the congregation for the purposes of sewing the seeds for further spiritual manipulation.

If this is how and to the extent to which a pastor should control a church, the minister should not be dumbfounded when hardly sticks around the parish for very long.

By Frederick Meekins

Michael Savage To Seize Sean Hannity's Radio Slot

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Clinton Bequeaths White House To Chelsea

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Baboon Proves Male Fascination With Bosoms Only Natural

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Anti-Halloween Sermons Start Early This Year

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Southern Baptists Policy Takes Stand Against Sodomite Chaplains

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Was Audit Of North Carolina Baptist Newspaper A Bureaucratic Mindgame?

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Have UFO's Scheduled A December 2013 Attack?

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Will Baseline Humans Be Phased Into Extinction?

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Pope Assures That Christ Is The Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother

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Constantine & Christian Archaeology

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National Cathedral Spreads Hate Crime Propaganda

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Pentagon Embraces Skynet

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Escaping From The Jehovah's Witnesses

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Spat Erupts Between Cosplayers & The New York Times

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In a homily, Pope Francis has suggested that God be sought through Mary. While she is of impeccable moral character for an individual stained by sin needing a Savior like the remainder of humanity, if you really want to have an encounter with God beyond the literary or historical, you are going to have to go through His only begotten son. As in the case with her Son, the Virgin Mary is no doubt embarrassed at times by what some of her well intended by errant followers have to say about her.

Pope Francis wishes good will and peace to the people of Egypt. Wonder if he will direct the same kind sentiments to Protestants which, unless he's going to cave in regards to this issue as he seems on the verge of doing in regard to so many others, he doesn't even view as real Christians as part of a real church.

If Bette Midler can accuse Ted Cruz of not being a “real Christian”, can she be accused of not being a “real Jew” without tolerancemongers falling into apoplexy?

Papa Smurf Dead At 62

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The Founding Fathers & The Constitution

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Terrorist Sympathizers Hoist Jihadist Flag Over New York City

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If a child can be punished by a school over a recreational activity the student participates in during the student's own time on the parents' property, what is to prevent educational authorities from punishing students that attend a house of worship violating the school's diversity and inclusion policy?

Refuting Astrology: What Is It?

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Issues Etc Examines Pope Francis' Statements On Abortion, Contraception & Homosexuality

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Purple Pie Man Banished As Too Terrifying For TV

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Britsh Marine Saves Over 100 From Human Turd Piles

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Rift Develops Between Heritage Foundation & The Republican Party

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How To Integrate Apologetics Into Your Personal Ministry

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Scholastic Theology Likened To Cryptozoology

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Is Cardinal Dolan As Giddy As A Schoolgirl Over Loosening Moral Standards?

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The Work Of Ministry

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