Monday, September 30, 2013

Pope Denounces Materialism Surrounded By Gaudy Splendor

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A Lutheran Review Of "The Wolverine"

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Two Whackjobs Show Up For Massive Atheist Protest

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Lord Obama To Cure Cancer By Redefining It By His Very Word

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Deck Chairs Rearranged As The Episcopal Titatic Sinks

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Dominican Reflections Upon Honesty

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Chesterton is allegedly in Hell. Single people should be viewed as likely pedophiles. Those that formulate their own words should be spoken of with vocabularly reserved for the vilest of unbelievers. And I'm suppose to beg to be a part of this kind of religion why?

Rick Santorum On Values In Media

Despicable Christianity

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Contrary to the propaganda in a CNN News story, unless you are a telekinetic, knowledge or brainpower does not deflect bullets.

A bit sad that the most conservative perspective regarding China on The Five on Fox News is actually enunciated by liberal Bob Beckel.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Theocrats Equate Enunciating Meteorological Preferences With Blaspheming God

It has been threatened that to complain about the weather is to murmur against God.

So where does degree of nitpicking end?

Taking this idea to its logical conclusion, is it murmuring against God to express dislike for a certain food that He has created?

It is an accepted postulate of Christian historiography that empires and potentates cannot rise without God allowing them to in the sense of at least not doing anything to block the ascension of these onto the world stage.

Thus, is one spitting in the face of the Almighty each time one expresses dissatisfaction with an elected or government official?

Often, those holding to this strict of a view regarding the sovereignty of God also believe in the idea of theocracy or theonomy where the Bible does not merely serve as a source inspiring the moral principles enacted into law but rather in its totality serves in its totality as the non-negotiable legal code.

So in such an idealized regime, would those verbalizing otherwise innocuous preferences about the prevailing atmospheric conditions be arrested for further interrogation?

If believers are to be so pent up and stifled that they can't even mention how they really feel about the weather, they are going to end up with stress ulcers and mental depression.

But I guess the upshot of that is that the clergy will be provided with additional fodder to heap condemnation up the congregation for the purposes of sewing the seeds for further spiritual manipulation.

If this is how and to the extent to which a pastor should control a church, the minister should not be dumbfounded when hardly sticks around the parish for very long.

By Frederick Meekins

Michael Savage To Seize Sean Hannity's Radio Slot

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Clinton Bequeaths White House To Chelsea

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Baboon Proves Male Fascination With Bosoms Only Natural

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Anti-Halloween Sermons Start Early This Year

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Southern Baptists Policy Takes Stand Against Sodomite Chaplains

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Was Audit Of North Carolina Baptist Newspaper A Bureaucratic Mindgame?

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Have UFO's Scheduled A December 2013 Attack?

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Will Baseline Humans Be Phased Into Extinction?

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Pope Assures That Christ Is The Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother

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Constantine & Christian Archaeology

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National Cathedral Spreads Hate Crime Propaganda

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Pentagon Embraces Skynet

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Escaping From The Jehovah's Witnesses

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Spat Erupts Between Cosplayers & The New York Times

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In a homily, Pope Francis has suggested that God be sought through Mary. While she is of impeccable moral character for an individual stained by sin needing a Savior like the remainder of humanity, if you really want to have an encounter with God beyond the literary or historical, you are going to have to go through His only begotten son. As in the case with her Son, the Virgin Mary is no doubt embarrassed at times by what some of her well intended by errant followers have to say about her.

Pope Francis wishes good will and peace to the people of Egypt. Wonder if he will direct the same kind sentiments to Protestants which, unless he's going to cave in regards to this issue as he seems on the verge of doing in regard to so many others, he doesn't even view as real Christians as part of a real church.

If Bette Midler can accuse Ted Cruz of not being a “real Christian”, can she be accused of not being a “real Jew” without tolerancemongers falling into apoplexy?

Papa Smurf Dead At 62

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The Founding Fathers & The Constitution

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Terrorist Sympathizers Hoist Jihadist Flag Over New York City

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If a child can be punished by a school over a recreational activity the student participates in during the student's own time on the parents' property, what is to prevent educational authorities from punishing students that attend a house of worship violating the school's diversity and inclusion policy?

Refuting Astrology: What Is It?

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Issues Etc Examines Pope Francis' Statements On Abortion, Contraception & Homosexuality

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Purple Pie Man Banished As Too Terrifying For TV

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Britsh Marine Saves Over 100 From Human Turd Piles

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Rift Develops Between Heritage Foundation & The Republican Party

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How To Integrate Apologetics Into Your Personal Ministry

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Scholastic Theology Likened To Cryptozoology

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Is Cardinal Dolan As Giddy As A Schoolgirl Over Loosening Moral Standards?

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The Work Of Ministry

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Fanatics Condemn Youth Groups As Heretical

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Wanting A Jerry-Rigged Wiener Enough For Christianity Today To Refer To An Individual As A Male

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BBC Refuses To Admit Kenya Mall Attack An Act Of Terrorism

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Will HYRDA Appear In The SHIIELD TV Series?

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Did Illuminati Elties Force Revolution Producers To Drop EMP Storyline?

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Will Conservative Catholics Continue To Standby The Lunancy Of Papal Infallibility?

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A fanatic homeschooler threw a tizzy about a growing trend of people being buried alongside their pets. So long as the animal's life is not prematurely ended, does it really matter? It is claimed that this practice undermines the preeminence of human relationships. So I guess you are also a heathen now of your family doesn't feed those assembled to gawk at your corpse that wouldn't pass gas in your face when you were alive.

Pope Benedict Asserts Theology Still Queen Of The Science

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Those calling for more of an emphasis on the Old Testament, in all likelihood, won't be satisfied with increased doses of Psalms, Proverbs, or the Messianic prophecies. In a manner similar to the way these same theologians enunciate the lamentation that no Christian candidates are running in a particular election as code that no candidate embraces their particular brand of theocratic extremism, this call is for a renewed emphasis on the Old Testament is actually a longing to see many of the obscure laws and customs intended specifically for ancient Israel to be imposed upon the world of the early mid twenty-first century.

If President Obama is so concerned about children mutilated by horrifying chemicals, does this mean he will unilaterally act in the way he does in so many areas policy areas to curtail and even abolish abortion?

Since the President decided to turn the Navy Yard memorial service into grandstanding on behalf of increased gun control, perhaps someone should point out that maybe the lunatic might not have wreaked so much havoc if more personnel at the Navy Yard had ready access to firearms.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fanatic Homeschooler Suggests You Might Be A Deviant If You Don't Like To Drive

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Student Refuses To Show Hers Unless Muslims Required To Show Theirs

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Muppets Surrendered To Government Custody

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Bishop Schori A Shrill Nag

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UFO Subculture

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Church History Made Easy: The First Christians AD 1-100.

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Holy Roller Insists Living Like A Big Shot Is His Call To Ministry

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How To Talk To Aliens

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SE Cupp Attacked Not So Much For Being A Pro-Gay Atheist Buth Rather For Not Having Ever Been Married Nor Spawned

In the 14th issue of the 2013 edition of the Accuracy In Media newsletter, SE Cupp’s conservative credentials are called into question because she is a woman that has never married nor spawned. Yet nothing is said about Gingrich’s three marriages, during two of which he was already holding tryouts for replacements in the sack before these unions were legally dissolved.

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The Prodigal Press & The Public

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Viagra Overdose Results In Amputated Manhood

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Zombies & II Corinthians 2

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Presbyterian Communion Service Degenerates Into Earth Worship

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Spider-Man Blamed For Violence In Venezuela

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Trayvonites Vandalize Historic Landmark

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Fanatic Homeschooler Insists Colorado Flood Victims Got What They Deserved

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Zealand Anglican Calling For Return To Fundamental Christian Doctrine Insists He's No Radical

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Recovering The Christian Mind

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Students Confess Obama Menu Tastes Like Puke

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Marriage Of Priests, Worship Of The Saints & Monastic Vows

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Duggar Cult Deem "Frontal Hugs" An Act Of Whoremongery

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Will Stripper Church Practice The Laying On Of Hands?

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Fanatics Conspire To Obliterate The Heterosexist Menace

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Do Jungle Rhythms Lead To Debauchery?

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Interesting how steady exposure to video games supposedly leads one to perpetrating horrifying acts of gun violence but a constant media barrage of ¾’s naked unmarried bodies rolling around in the sack with one another never stirs one towards fornication.

Eventually, going out of one’s way to avoid direct contact with neighbors will be enough to get your firearms confiscated from you. And if you don’t own any, it will probably be enough to get some kind of conspiracy charge slapped against you because it probably means you never acquired any as a result of deliberation that the government was one day going to come after you anyway.

It is now being emphasized that the Navy Gunman was not happy with America. In other words, before it is all over with, you will be encouraged to snitch to Homeland Security on anyone that you know of that speaks of the Obama administration in anything but the highest of regards.

The Navy Yard Gunman worked for a company called "The Experts". Doesn't that sound like an organization that would participate in mind control experiments?

If any trace of an individual in the mental health system will be enough to deny them their Second Amendment rights and protections, won’t they be reluctant to seek this kind of help when they need it?

If fuss is to be over President Clinton implementing an executive order than restricted access to firearms by military personnel at US defense instillations, will fuss be made to inquire as to what steps President Bush took to rescind such an odious decree?

So now that a mass casualty incident was instigated with the kind of shotgun we were urged to acquire by Vice President Biden, how long until leftwing radicals advocate the confiscation and prohibition of this class of firearm as well?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catheter commercials make these medical devices seem so glamorous it's like you are missing out on something if you can control your own bladder.

On What Grounds Do Recreational Hunters Condemn Video Game Players

It has been revealed that Navy Yard Mass Murderer Aaron Alexis was a 34 year old video game player that spent up to 16 hours at a time engaged with the electronic amusements.

It is for this rather than for killing 12 people that he deserves to rot in Hell from the impression one gets from a remark made by a midlist conservative commentator and podcaster.

But on what grounds does someone that goes out of his way to point out to the public how much that he enjoys hunting criticize someone that enjoys video games?

It is one thing to hunt to provide food for one's family or to keep in check a species that would otherwise proliferate out of control due to a lack of natural predators.

However, is it really a measure of one's masculinity to travel across oceans and continents half-way around the world to blow the head of an animal that one clearly doesn't need for sustenance?

In fact, doing so might cause one to speculate just how deficient in certain areas those having to display themselves in such manners might just happen to be.

For nothing shouts manhood like participating in an activity just because it is an expectation of one's peer group.

by Frederick Meekins

If Obama had a son, would he look like Erin Alexis?

Is Pansexuality Causing The Impotency Of The Episcopal Church?

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Washington Post Grants Black Guy Permission To Notice The Navy Yard Shooter Black

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The Official Ass Wipes Of The NFL

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