Monday, July 22, 2013

MSNBC Media Skank Dons Tampon Earrings To Support The Right To Hurl Urine & Feces At Prolife Legislators

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Sexbot Ethics

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Germany Caught As Foremost NSA Client

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Satanism Spreads In India

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Will Ultron Be The Next Avengers Film Villain?

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So is stand your ground and self defense a concept Al Sharpton would deny to his Somali pirate allies or just something he would snatch away from his fellow Americans?

People should be allowed to marry outside their race all they want. Just don't expect the rest of us to deny a fundamental anthropological fact that different races of human beings exist and that those that decide to breed with their own variety should not be condemned or that those that couple outside their phenotype aren't worthy of special applause.

Trayvon Martin's mother said her son was a child and acted as a child. So I guess "children" slam adult's heads against the concrete. If Trayvon was such a child, perhaps his parents should have made an effort to control him better. So I guess children should be allowed out to go purchase soda and Skiddles in the middle of the night?

Will Batman Be Featured In The Next Superman Film?

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Geraldo's towel shot is still not as bad as O"Reily's lewd phonecalls.

Did Bloomberg Convert To Islam?

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Iowa Human Rights Commissioner Tells Pastor To Rot In Hell

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Friday, July 19, 2013

In reference to an image morphing together Trayvon Martin's trademark hoodie and Martin Luther King's visage, King's niece Alveda assures that her uncle would have never worn one. But is there something inherently immoral about a hoodie? The garment meets nearly every conceivable standard of modesty. The garment is merely a sweatshirt/jacket with a hood attached and predates the ascent of ghetto culture. In Martin Luther King's time frame, gangsters often wore suits, ties, and fedoras. Does that mean that under those circumstances that honest upstanding citizens should never be found with those items in their wardrobe?

Bloomberg A Threat To Liberty On Multiple Levels

In a radio interview, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped a comment providing a degree of insight into his warped perspective.

Regarding a potential loophole in proposed gun control legislation that would overlook the sale of a firearm within a family, Bloomberg said, "I would argue if you want to sell your gun to your son, maybe you have a problem in your family. Why don't you just give --- I don't know if you should have a gun or not, but if you have a commercial transaction of $100 with your son, there is something wrong in your family."

This is coming from an elected official so deluded in his own thinking to conclude that it is the place of government to tell you how much salt you can put on your food, what size soda you should be allowed to purchase, or even how much pain medication you should be allowed to have in the hospital.

Perhaps some parents believe requiring a child to purchase an heirloom firearm symbolically invests its transfer with a sense of responsibility.

Extrapolating a generalized principle from Bloomberg's musing, ought it to be frowned upon for parents to receive financial reimbursement should parents decide to grant titles of family dwellings and automobiles to their own children?

If there is one thing that liberals hate as much (maybe even more) than mere commoners defending themselves is daring to conduct an economic transaction that the government might not be able to seize a portion of.

by Frederick Meekins

Contrary to a remark between Albert Mohler and a caller regarding her grandchildren, there is no reason to lament if the young are less than fanatically eager for Jesus to return right this very second. Isn't it a good thing for the young to look forward to the blessings and joys of this life? Doesn't the Bible say that all those that hate God love death? Maybe if Muslims weren't so worked up into a froth for the next world, there might be a little less heartache in this one now in terms of violent conflict. Frankly, isn't it a little hypocritical for those that have experienced and gotten what they have wanted out of life to expect those that have not yet to be as eager for it to come to its conclusion?

Liberal Black Debauchery Destroyed Detroit

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Obama Declares It's Now Racist To Lock Your Car Door

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Zimmerman A Reptilian & Trayvon Compared To Che?

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"O, SHLOMOEEEEEEEEE!" Kosher Lubricants Open Jews Up For Whole New World Of Erotic Pleasures

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Oprah Denounced As "Biotch House N.."

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Barry Sotero Claims To Be A Time Traveling Trayvon

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Shiite Fanatics In Solidarity With Trayvon

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Clinton's Troll Condemns Whites To Live In Ghetto Squalor

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Little Dick Durbin Feels Like A Big Man Underming Self Defense

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Slim Goodbody Douses Enterprising Lad With Urine Bomb

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Trayvonite Hooligans Sack San Bernadino

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Chris Matthews Celebrated As Race Traitor Poster Child

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Comic-Con 2013

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Rampaging Blacks Have Only Themselves To Blame

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ACLU Allow Trayvonite Horde To Rampage Unhindered

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Pope Covers Up Sex Crimes Receiving Stiffer Sentences

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Transvestite Summer Camp

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Chinese Lion Dancers Defile Communion

Did Trayvonite Assassins Take Out Zimmerman Partisans?

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Guess it will be those vile White people that will be picking up the tab for the deadbeats that get heat exhaustion at the Sharpton riots this weekend.

Camel Jockeys Jail Rape Victim For Illicit Sex

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A caller to the Chris Plante radio show said that ones does not have a right to self defense if one provoked an attack. Like nearly all forms of revolutionary socialism, on the surface such a claim sounds reasonable. However, to comprehend what the radicals are really advocating, one must peer behind the curtain. To fanatic Obama Voters and Trayvonites, the fact that you even exist, White and Black conservative, is itself a provocation. Therefore, whatever criminality these frothing ne'erdowells inflict upon you is justified in their eyes. Any response on your part but passive acceptance and gratitude will be deemed as illegtimate.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Borg Cube Orbitting Sun?

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Is Ben Carson A Closet Trayvonite?

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Whoremongering Babykillers

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Butch Baptist Insists Pulpit Not A Urinal

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Did Satanists Infiltrate The Vatican 50 Years Ago?

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Will Il Duce Abolish Double Jeopardy Protections?

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Denomination Embracing The Transgendered Considers Discouraging Ministers Over 45

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White House Denounces Courageous Lad Daring To Admit That The Emperor Has No Clothes

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Carmen Terminal Cancer

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Interesting how Piers Morgan is smitten by the intellect of Trayvon's wench but for years mocked as utterly stupid numerous contestants on America's Got Talent.

Eco-Catholic Promotes Sufi Islam

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Larry Elder Bores Piers Morgan A New One

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Lazy Trayvonites Demand Looting Opportunity Come To Them In Light Of Record Heatwave

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Will Following The Pope's Twitter Account Shorten Your Stay In Hell?

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Trayvonites Denounce As Racist Those Unwilling To Let Their Homes Be Burned To The Ground

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Is Law Enforcement Siding With Trayvonite Scumbags Attacking Marines?

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Do Biblical Prohibitions Against Female Clergy Apply To Other Spheres Of Authority?

Since there are certain Biblical passages that do not allow for female clergy, a number of hardcore legalists also insist that the doctrine forbids women from holding elected political office.

The logic behind such a position contends that there is no distinction between what contemporary society views as secular and sacred authority.

Thus, it is immoral for a man to submit to a woman in either cultural sphere.

If we are obligated to be this rigorous in our religious thinking, there are other applications of this principle that you are required to implement if you are insisting that you are only striving for consistency in these matters.

Foremost, to say that one is under such and such pastor or minister is to say that one regularly subjects oneself to their teaching.

A book is nothing more than an extended lecture or sermon committed to print.

Thus, shouldn't those wanting to present for public display as evidence of their piety how enthusiastically they adhere to the admonitions of Scripture refuse to set their eyes upon any text composed by a woman?

The aspiring canonists advocating for the extremeism of their initial hypothesis will no doubt try to wiggle out of this corner by saying at most such an interpretation would only apply to doctrinal expositions or monographs.

But if we are operating from the principle that all authority is sacred authority, then why does one suddenly attempt to hide behind the distinction between secular knowledge and sacred knowledge in the area of epistemology?

Next, if one holds to the position that women should be forbidden from holding elected office because such would violate Biblical prohibitions against women exercising spiritual authority over men, on what grounds does the person advocating such a perspective then work for a corporation that allows for female managers, supervisors, and executives?

For if the political realm is to be viewed as another sphere of ministry, on what grounds does one then say that economics and business are separate and distinct from the spiritual?

And most importantly, isn't the person that is employed in such an organization adamant about female exclusion from public life guilty of possessing the same kind of dead faith they are extremely eager of insinuating and accusing so many other Christians around them of suffering from?

By Frederick Meekins

If a conservative talk show host would be condemned for explicitly distributing scholarships only to White students, why isn't Tom Joyner condemned for deliberately furthering the education of only Black students?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Police standing by as motorists were attacked by marauding Trayvonites prove why concealed weapon laws are necessary.

So, if a 17 year old attacked an elected official, would it be an outrage if the Secret Service agent on duty was required to utilize his sidearm to neutralize his sidearm to stop the threat posed by such a small child?

Filthy Camel Jockeys Raping British Taxi Passengers

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Trayvonites Assault Grandmother Rushing Anaphalaxic Child To Hospital

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If Rabid Negrophile Al Sharpton Isn't Attracted To Ultradark & Homely Women, Why Are The Rest Of Us So Obligated?

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Holder Would Grant Trayvonite Mobs The Right To Seize White Property

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Is Tsarnaev The Next Pop Culture Trayvon?

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Trayvonite Bandits Prowling LA Streets

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Spitzer Paid Vet $500 To Examine Hooker's Pussy

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Colonel Sanders Dropped To Suck Up To Multiculturalists

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Does The Presbyterian Church USA Release A Press Statement For Every Gun Death In America?

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Trayvonite High Priestess Hands Down Elocutionary Pronouncement

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Trayvon Martin Attends Church In Radical Leftist Denomination

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WOOOOOO! Arrest Warrant Issued For Ric Flair

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MSNBC Calls For The Genocide Of White Children

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Obama Voters Spend $100 Plus On Kanye West Plain White T-Shirt

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Muslim Cannibals & Rapists Stand In Solidarity With Trayvon Martin

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Indian Squalor & Filth Kill 22

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Leftwing Catholic Propagandists Denounce America's Cultural Preservation

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If media liberals lament lack of coverage of black on black crime, isn't that lack of coverage their own fault?

Mental Defectives Wants To Become Welfare Cripple

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Eric Holder announced a firm stance against violence targetted at and affecting the young. Unless of course the young person injured is in an attack by Puerto Riccan terrorists. Then he would find the perpetrators worthy of presidential clemency or pardon.

Evangelical Socialist Brownnoses Afrosupremacists

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Al Sharpton Calls For Open Season On White People

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Explicitly Anti-White Broadcaster To Fund Dimwitted Welfare Cow's Education

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The cover story of the July 6th edition of the Spectator is titled “Here Comes The God Squad: Damian Thompson On The Rise & Rise Of Evangelicalism.” Pictured is a buffoonish caricature with gruesome overbite of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the background a caricature of Pope Francis. The article warns of these religious leaders that actually take seriously the implications of their ...See More

And will 10% smaller Twinkies cost 10% less?

If we are expected to say the names of foreign countries with the same accent and pronunciation as the natives, how about cashiers in fast food establishments enunciate the names of the item in understandable American English?

It would have made for a fascinating experiment for police to have allowed Trayvonite hooligans to do as they pleased to the CNN building and to see if Van Jones would have been allowed to stay in the network's employ suggesting that ghetto youth should be allowed to run wild terrorizing whomever they please.

Eric Holder announced before the coven of an Afrosupremacist secret society his concern about violence directed at young people. What about violence directed on the part of the young at the chronologically advanced?

So at what age would 17 year old Trayvon Martin no longer be considered a “little boy”? In legal proceedings, are we going to start applying the 26 year old standard advocated by Obamacare?

Do these celebrities campaigning against Stand Your Ground and self defense laws intend to renounce their own use of armed body guards and personnel protection details?

If Paula Deen is supposed to be destroyed professionally over a comment made following a gun thrust into her face, why not these athletes and celebrities threatening and advocating violence following the George Zimmerman verdict?

DARPA Develops Battle Android Troopers

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Filthy Hindus Rape Nun

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Catholic Youth Group Lets Go Of Nude Polock

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Turtleman A Fraud

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Leftwing Religionists Insist Whites Morally Obligated To Be Victimized By Blacks

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Trayvonite Mob Attack Milwaukee Commuter

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Tolerancemongers Force Zimmerman's Parents From Their Home. Holder must not have much problem with these since these are old folks.

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Trayvon Praised As Propitiation

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Trayvonite Fanatics Threaten To Murder Jury

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Obama Voters Attempt To Loot Walmart

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Crazed Academic Uplifts Trayvon As The New Christ

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Beatnik Catholics Attempt To Undermine US Nuclear Deterrent

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