Thursday, July 18, 2013

Do Biblical Prohibitions Against Female Clergy Apply To Other Spheres Of Authority?

Since there are certain Biblical passages that do not allow for female clergy, a number of hardcore legalists also insist that the doctrine forbids women from holding elected political office.

The logic behind such a position contends that there is no distinction between what contemporary society views as secular and sacred authority.

Thus, it is immoral for a man to submit to a woman in either cultural sphere.

If we are obligated to be this rigorous in our religious thinking, there are other applications of this principle that you are required to implement if you are insisting that you are only striving for consistency in these matters.

Foremost, to say that one is under such and such pastor or minister is to say that one regularly subjects oneself to their teaching.

A book is nothing more than an extended lecture or sermon committed to print.

Thus, shouldn't those wanting to present for public display as evidence of their piety how enthusiastically they adhere to the admonitions of Scripture refuse to set their eyes upon any text composed by a woman?

The aspiring canonists advocating for the extremeism of their initial hypothesis will no doubt try to wiggle out of this corner by saying at most such an interpretation would only apply to doctrinal expositions or monographs.

But if we are operating from the principle that all authority is sacred authority, then why does one suddenly attempt to hide behind the distinction between secular knowledge and sacred knowledge in the area of epistemology?

Next, if one holds to the position that women should be forbidden from holding elected office because such would violate Biblical prohibitions against women exercising spiritual authority over men, on what grounds does the person advocating such a perspective then work for a corporation that allows for female managers, supervisors, and executives?

For if the political realm is to be viewed as another sphere of ministry, on what grounds does one then say that economics and business are separate and distinct from the spiritual?

And most importantly, isn't the person that is employed in such an organization adamant about female exclusion from public life guilty of possessing the same kind of dead faith they are extremely eager of insinuating and accusing so many other Christians around them of suffering from?

By Frederick Meekins

If a conservative talk show host would be condemned for explicitly distributing scholarships only to White students, why isn't Tom Joyner condemned for deliberately furthering the education of only Black students?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Police standing by as motorists were attacked by marauding Trayvonites prove why concealed weapon laws are necessary.

So, if a 17 year old attacked an elected official, would it be an outrage if the Secret Service agent on duty was required to utilize his sidearm to neutralize his sidearm to stop the threat posed by such a small child?

Filthy Camel Jockeys Raping British Taxi Passengers

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Trayvonites Assault Grandmother Rushing Anaphalaxic Child To Hospital

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If Rabid Negrophile Al Sharpton Isn't Attracted To Ultradark & Homely Women, Why Are The Rest Of Us So Obligated?

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Holder Would Grant Trayvonite Mobs The Right To Seize White Property

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Is Tsarnaev The Next Pop Culture Trayvon?

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Trayvonite Bandits Prowling LA Streets

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Spitzer Paid Vet $500 To Examine Hooker's Pussy

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Colonel Sanders Dropped To Suck Up To Multiculturalists

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Does The Presbyterian Church USA Release A Press Statement For Every Gun Death In America?

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Trayvonite High Priestess Hands Down Elocutionary Pronouncement

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Trayvon Martin Attends Church In Radical Leftist Denomination

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WOOOOOO! Arrest Warrant Issued For Ric Flair

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MSNBC Calls For The Genocide Of White Children

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Obama Voters Spend $100 Plus On Kanye West Plain White T-Shirt

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Muslim Cannibals & Rapists Stand In Solidarity With Trayvon Martin

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Indian Squalor & Filth Kill 22

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Leftwing Catholic Propagandists Denounce America's Cultural Preservation

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If media liberals lament lack of coverage of black on black crime, isn't that lack of coverage their own fault?

Mental Defectives Wants To Become Welfare Cripple

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Eric Holder announced a firm stance against violence targetted at and affecting the young. Unless of course the young person injured is in an attack by Puerto Riccan terrorists. Then he would find the perpetrators worthy of presidential clemency or pardon.

Evangelical Socialist Brownnoses Afrosupremacists

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Al Sharpton Calls For Open Season On White People

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Explicitly Anti-White Broadcaster To Fund Dimwitted Welfare Cow's Education

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The cover story of the July 6th edition of the Spectator is titled “Here Comes The God Squad: Damian Thompson On The Rise & Rise Of Evangelicalism.” Pictured is a buffoonish caricature with gruesome overbite of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the background a caricature of Pope Francis. The article warns of these religious leaders that actually take seriously the implications of their ...See More

And will 10% smaller Twinkies cost 10% less?

If we are expected to say the names of foreign countries with the same accent and pronunciation as the natives, how about cashiers in fast food establishments enunciate the names of the item in understandable American English?

It would have made for a fascinating experiment for police to have allowed Trayvonite hooligans to do as they pleased to the CNN building and to see if Van Jones would have been allowed to stay in the network's employ suggesting that ghetto youth should be allowed to run wild terrorizing whomever they please.

Eric Holder announced before the coven of an Afrosupremacist secret society his concern about violence directed at young people. What about violence directed on the part of the young at the chronologically advanced?

So at what age would 17 year old Trayvon Martin no longer be considered a “little boy”? In legal proceedings, are we going to start applying the 26 year old standard advocated by Obamacare?

Do these celebrities campaigning against Stand Your Ground and self defense laws intend to renounce their own use of armed body guards and personnel protection details?

If Paula Deen is supposed to be destroyed professionally over a comment made following a gun thrust into her face, why not these athletes and celebrities threatening and advocating violence following the George Zimmerman verdict?

DARPA Develops Battle Android Troopers

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Filthy Hindus Rape Nun

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Catholic Youth Group Lets Go Of Nude Polock

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Turtleman A Fraud

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Leftwing Religionists Insist Whites Morally Obligated To Be Victimized By Blacks

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Trayvonite Mob Attack Milwaukee Commuter

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Tolerancemongers Force Zimmerman's Parents From Their Home. Holder must not have much problem with these since these are old folks.

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Trayvon Praised As Propitiation

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Trayvonite Fanatics Threaten To Murder Jury

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Obama Voters Attempt To Loot Walmart

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Crazed Academic Uplifts Trayvon As The New Christ

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Beatnik Catholics Attempt To Undermine US Nuclear Deterrent

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Trayvonites Exact Flagellation Penance

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Idiot Baptist Insists Christians Obligated To Let Hooligans Beat Them To Death

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If neighborhood watch volunteers shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns, why should any rational person volunteer to serve on a neighborhood watch? Police are authorized to carry guns, but if they get killed in the line of duty, their wives get a hefty pension and the officer a gaudy funeral that blocks traffic for miles around. Can that be guaranteed for an unarmed neighborhood watch volunteer?

Holder Silent Over Ghetto Youth Beating White Man To Death For Entertainment

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Afrosupremacist Apostates Agitate To Avenge Their False God

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Does Michelle Bachmann Want To Spank The President With His Wand?

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Ignorant Cow Insisting "Creepy Ass Cracker" Not Racist Claims Zimmerman Was

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Trayvonites Assert Right To Preemptively Attack Homosexuals

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Did You Hear The One About The Polish Vampire?

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Faith without works is dead. But for Christians that hold legal and honest employment, why can't ones' daily routine rank among such works? For did not God also create the physical realm or other assorted spheres that these various occupational tasks keep functional? Hyperlegalists and the ultrapious will likely respond that such deeds cannot qualify as a good work because one is financially compensated for them. But according to that logic, nothing that a minister does on behalf of the particular church they represent counts as a good work either since the deed is being carried out as part of the duties for which the journeyman theologian is reimbursed.

Dehydrated Urchin Denied Water To Placate Terror Tots

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Cut out the welfare and these deadbeats wouldn't have so much time on their hands to protest.

If you feel the need to assembly outside of a courthouse to hear some jury verdict in an age of instantaneous global communication, you've got too much time on your hand.

It was suggested by a media talking head that me must never profile someone on the basis of what they wear. So does that mean we must hold no preconceptions about someone covered in a pointed white sheet with two eyeholes carrying a lit torch galloping down the street on the back of a horse?

A woman told Fox News that she is dismayed over the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial because of the future of her “mixed race” children. Perhaps she should have been more selective with whom she decided to breed.

NAACP outraged that Trayvon Martin's right to life was violated. To bad this leftwing frontgroup is not as exorcised regarding this deprivation inflicted upon their unborn racial kin.

If George Zimmerman is sued for violating the civil rights of Trayvon Martin, he should counter sue Trayvon Martin's parents for failing to control their hooligan son if the liberal media continues to propagate the fiction of what a young child he was.

Glee Lead Dead

The Golden Age Of Genre Fiction

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Media Silent Over Redhead Left For Dead On The Highway

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Do Subversive Jesuits Want Violent Criminals Prowling America's Streets?

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If Trayvon Such A Good Little Boy, Why Did He Have A Criminal Record?

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Jesuit Propagandists Invoke Trayvon Martin To Undermine The Second Amendment

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Practicing Occultist Beyonce Invokes The Falso God Trayvon

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Will TV Station Be Sued For Being Duped Into Thinking Incomptetent Pilots Named Ho Lee Fuk & Wee To Loo

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Trayvonite Horde Prevented From Looting CNN Studio

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Boy Scouts Embrace Queers But Tells Porkers To Hit The Road

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If Zimmerman Is Being Threatened By Obamaite-Trayvonists, Why Shouldn't He Get His Gun Back?

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Occupy Movement Stirs The Trayvon Pot

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Black Panthers Declare Jihad Against The White Devils

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Episcopal Cathedral Holds Ramadan Celebration

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Apostates Foment Revolution From The Pulpit

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Rump-Loving Episcopals Promulgate Enemies List

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Obama Voters Demand World Come To Screeching Halt Over Trial Disappointment

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Obama Insists The Best Way To Honor Trayvon Is To Undermine The Second Amendment

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Trayvonites Beat White Reporter

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Black Panthers Threaten Upheaval

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Obama Voters Destroy Property In Response To Jury Verdict

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Reflections Upon The Lone Ranger Film

The Lone Ranger as a film is not as bad as it's made out to be by the critics.

However, it is somewhat saddening that in many remakes beloved classic pulp culture characters are held up to ridicule.

As much as liberals complain how Indians such as Tonto were depicted decades ago, this Johnny Depp interpretation exhibited none of the dignity of the original.

Neither did the Ranger exhibit the intelligence and courage that place him in the same league of other great heros such as Superman.

Though not as bad as the Green Hornet a few years ago, before adding unnessary profanity to a screenplay about an American icon, perhaps Disney should stop and consider how it would like such earthy dialogue flying out of the mouth of Mickey Mouse or any character he is interacting with.

At one time, Disney did not want Annete Funicello wearing a two piece bathingsuit on screen.

It's doubtful he'd approve of a film with his brand attached depicting urine flowing into a bucket or someone's head deliberately being dragged through a pile of horse turds.

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, July 12, 2013

Necromancer Leads Police To Body

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Doctrine In The Dock

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Thought Police Probe Astronmer Advocating Theistic Intelligent Design

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Muslims View Rape As Honoring Women

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Are Cardiac Supplements A Conspiracy To Undermine Male Virility?

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Good Riddance, Butch Napoliatano

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World War Z & The Lone Ranger

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Are Non-Human Intelligences Manipulating Mankind Into Embracing The New World Order

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Francis Beckwith Reflects Upon Evangelical Catholicism

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Increasingly, cops are shooting dogs as they raid the wrong houses. Too bad its not the cops raiding the wrong houses being shot.

Leftwing Religionists Condemning Second Amendment As Idolatry Silent Regarding Papal Security Detail

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Pissant Cops Demand Gratitude From Raid Victims

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Pope Francis Cracks Down On Vatican Perverts

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Obama Demands To Know Why You Are Stockpiling So Much Toilet Paper

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