Monday, July 15, 2013

Media Silent Over Redhead Left For Dead On The Highway

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Do Subversive Jesuits Want Violent Criminals Prowling America's Streets?

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If Trayvon Such A Good Little Boy, Why Did He Have A Criminal Record?

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Jesuit Propagandists Invoke Trayvon Martin To Undermine The Second Amendment

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Practicing Occultist Beyonce Invokes The Falso God Trayvon

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Will TV Station Be Sued For Being Duped Into Thinking Incomptetent Pilots Named Ho Lee Fuk & Wee To Loo

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Trayvonite Horde Prevented From Looting CNN Studio

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Boy Scouts Embrace Queers But Tells Porkers To Hit The Road

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If Zimmerman Is Being Threatened By Obamaite-Trayvonists, Why Shouldn't He Get His Gun Back?

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Occupy Movement Stirs The Trayvon Pot

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Black Panthers Declare Jihad Against The White Devils

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Episcopal Cathedral Holds Ramadan Celebration

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Apostates Foment Revolution From The Pulpit

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Rump-Loving Episcopals Promulgate Enemies List

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Obama Voters Demand World Come To Screeching Halt Over Trial Disappointment

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Obama Insists The Best Way To Honor Trayvon Is To Undermine The Second Amendment

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Trayvonites Beat White Reporter

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Black Panthers Threaten Upheaval

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Obama Voters Destroy Property In Response To Jury Verdict

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Reflections Upon The Lone Ranger Film

The Lone Ranger as a film is not as bad as it's made out to be by the critics.

However, it is somewhat saddening that in many remakes beloved classic pulp culture characters are held up to ridicule.

As much as liberals complain how Indians such as Tonto were depicted decades ago, this Johnny Depp interpretation exhibited none of the dignity of the original.

Neither did the Ranger exhibit the intelligence and courage that place him in the same league of other great heros such as Superman.

Though not as bad as the Green Hornet a few years ago, before adding unnessary profanity to a screenplay about an American icon, perhaps Disney should stop and consider how it would like such earthy dialogue flying out of the mouth of Mickey Mouse or any character he is interacting with.

At one time, Disney did not want Annete Funicello wearing a two piece bathingsuit on screen.

It's doubtful he'd approve of a film with his brand attached depicting urine flowing into a bucket or someone's head deliberately being dragged through a pile of horse turds.

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, July 12, 2013

Necromancer Leads Police To Body

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Doctrine In The Dock

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Thought Police Probe Astronmer Advocating Theistic Intelligent Design

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Muslims View Rape As Honoring Women

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Are Cardiac Supplements A Conspiracy To Undermine Male Virility?

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Good Riddance, Butch Napoliatano

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World War Z & The Lone Ranger

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Are Non-Human Intelligences Manipulating Mankind Into Embracing The New World Order

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Francis Beckwith Reflects Upon Evangelical Catholicism

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Increasingly, cops are shooting dogs as they raid the wrong houses. Too bad its not the cops raiding the wrong houses being shot.

Leftwing Religionists Condemning Second Amendment As Idolatry Silent Regarding Papal Security Detail

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Pissant Cops Demand Gratitude From Raid Victims

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Pope Francis Cracks Down On Vatican Perverts

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Obama Demands To Know Why You Are Stockpiling So Much Toilet Paper

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dr. Oz Claims Straining On Crapper Killed Gandolfini

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Is Obamacare A Mental Laxative

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Media Outraged Not Over Bieber Whizzing In Bucket But For Mentioning Bill Clinton While He Does It

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If God is going to hold against you as sin that which is a decision where both options are equally moral, wouldn't He somehow be obligated to tell you this directly and none of this business were the moving of the Holy Spirit is indistinguisable from intestinal gas.

Obama Voters Set White Lad Aflame

But it's the victim that should be grilled by authorities to make sure nothing but glowing terms of admiration and respect flowed from his melting and blistering lips for his attackers.

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Actress Accuses Scientology Of Mental Manipulation

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California Beatniks Outlaw Ice Cream Trucks As Noise Pollution

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Will Trayvonites Still Get Their Pound Of Flesh?

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Will Spider-Man Be A Queer In The Next Movie?

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Archbishop Of Canterbury Surrenders To The Sodomites

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Malnourished Imaginations Fail To Comprehend The Significance Of “The Hunger Games”

The Hunger Games ranks among one of the top grossing movies of the past several years. Obviously, something about the film has captured the imagination and interest of a wide range of people and viewpoints.

This includes segments of the Evangelical Christian population as well. One might assume adherents of this particular belief system might be concerned about the violence and language that would seem to be inherent to a tale about teens forced to battle to the death in a form of televised postmodern gladiatorial combat.

Even if details in the story cross the line in terms of propriety, one would think there would be a number of elements within the overriding theme that the believer could find agreement.

A great deal of the saga focuses on how, as the West slides deeper into social decay, conditions revert back to the waning days of Rome. However, the issues raised by homeschool activist Kevin Swanson are in a sense even more shocking than the homicidal lotteries featured in the story.

In a sermon addressing “The Hunger Games”, Swanson focused in on a scene where one contestant plotted to eliminate a fellow competitor while they slept. To determine whether such an action was right or wrong, Swanson consulted the account in I Samuel 24 where David could have slain Saul but did not do so while the king slept because, at that point in the narrative, Saul was still the Lord's anointed King of Israel.

Instead of explicating both the Old Testament account and “The Hunger Games” as an example of where the Commandment against murder might apply, it seemed as if Swanson elevated the actions of David themselves to the status of an absolute applicable in all situations just because it was David.

Let's just hope Swanson doesn't look to what David had done to Uriah as an example of what a man should do when he desires an unattainable woman. So from the story of of Abigail's first husband, should one take away that we should threaten to whack those that diss us (to place the story in the terms of the urban vernacular of those likely on public assistance)?

Yet this is not the most controversial component of Kevin Swanson's thesis. It's not too ludicrous to hypothesize it's not very courageous to slay your enemies while they slept. Swanson conjectures that, since David would not kill King Saul in the monarch's sleep since God had unequivocally selected Saul to be King of Israel at that specific time, the Christian is obligated to allow the operatives of an out of control government to take the lives of Americans without due process or valid cause under the universal precepts of natural law.

If exegetes arguing this position couple this notion with obeying civil authoroties in all instances, where does that end? If during the ambush police, intelligence operatives, or military personnel decide to have their way with the daughters of the proper pliant Christian, would they condemn those resisting such defilement? If not, then why must citizens passively surrender their lives and their property when their other protections from the Decalogue are wantonly violated?

Enthusiasts of unbridled power will remark that such a scenario is unlikely to ever take place. But what of the incident where New York police were alleged to have shoved a plunger up a suspect's backside? If the government is doing such things, is the proper Christian response suppose to be “Please, sir, may I have another?”

In the years ahead, Christians will be required to make ethical decisions of nuanced gradation as the institutions founded from on high to defend the innocent abandon their intended purpose to rank among the foremost of dangers. Narratives such as The Hunger Games, even if Christians cannot endorse them on every point, can assist believers in reflecting upon contingencies beyond the parameters of their normal experience.

By Frederick Meekins

CNN Issues Death Threat Against George Zimmerman

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Man Of Steel: A Christ Figure At The Movies

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Evolution of the Bikini: Is Modesty Making a Comeback?

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Christendom's Three Streams

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Mr. Godsey Dead

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Is Obama Abetting The Trayvonite Uprising?

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Did Terror Suspect Enjoy A White House Independence Day?

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Disclosure, Exopolitics & Planetary Changes

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Blacks More Racist Than Whites

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Batman Robs State Fair

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Pope Bribes Youth To Attend Festival With Purgatory Probation Promise

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Obama Promotes Snitch Culture In The Federal Bureaucracy

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Obama Youth Rally At White House In Praise Of Food Fascism

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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Anglican Monasticism

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Sodomites Threaten To Inprison Baker

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Trayvonites Beat Property Owner Into Critical Condition

Too bad the mainstream media is not as outraged over this as they are Paula Deen.

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Are Establishmentarian Republicans Endorsing An Immigration Plan Devised By Communists?

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Has Boozing Lifestyle Caught Up With Randy Travis?

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When God Doesn't Provide

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Outrage is breaking out over hunger-striking GITMO detainees being forced fed. As it should. These pieces of human excrement should be allowed to starve to death.

92 Year Old Iraqi Pervert Marries 22 Year Old

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Atlanteans & Amazonians Battle It Out In Animated Flashpoint Adaptation

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Mainstream Canadian Anglians Insist Gay Marriage Will Bring New Life

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Is The Vatican Siding With Islamic Efforts To Subvert Western Civilization?

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Lovers' Spat In The Vatican?

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Monday, July 08, 2013

Episcopal Church Holds Gay Pride Disco Mass (Seems the have outdone the blashphemy and debauchery of the "Clown Communion" held some years ago.)

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Knowledge Perfecting Faith

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Papal Encyclical Calls For Balanced Faith In Troubled Times

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Pope Francis: 8 Quotes

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Kenyan Archbiship Accuses Western Establishment Anglicans Of Promoting False Gospel

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Legalists Rally Against The Speculative Fiction Menace

Baptist Pastor James Cooley has posted a homily at condemning the use of the latest Superman film as an apologetic outreach.

This pastor contends that the true Christian ought to avoid the film all togeher since the symbols and motifs utilized in the story could be coopted by the Son of Perdition to delude the unsuspecting into accepting the End Times 'deceiver as the Son of God.

But the question must be asked, how does this pastor know so much about the movie if he is not simply suggesting discernment should one decide to view the film but that the film be avoided altogether?

By bringing up a topicthat does not appear blatantly wicked on the surface, doesn't a pastor worthy of the respect and pay as such have to encourage those in his congregation to be like the Bereans and to then investigate the claims on their own which might entail actually watching the film to determine for themselves whether the conclusions made by the minister are valid or not?

How does Superman not live up to Christian values if we take the narrative at face value? He doesn't make the world bow at his feet demanding worship, he renders his services for free, and for decades let the woman he's attracted to treat him like dirt before she realized who he was.

Doesn't Zod serve as evidence of what Superman would be like if he was not a highly moral individual?

The arguments against comic books and fantasy films spouted from the pulpits of the extremes of fundamentalist Christianity only decline in lucidity from that particular logical plateau.

Pastor James Cooley condemned Batman as a humanist for relying primarily upon his mind to solve crimes.

So I guess we should wait idly by for all of life's problems to miraciously resolve themselves with no effort on our part?

Another pastor condemning the conceptual construct of the superhero narrative said that God has called us to “kingdom work” and not fighting aliens.

But we may be on the cusp of a time when those missions are about to overlap.

A pastor opposed to superhero stories and comic books insisted that such narratives were wicked because intrinsic to the structure was an attempt to save the world.

So by that standard, it would be immoral to write a novel about the military especially during a conflict like World War II?

Pastor James Cooley, in a sermon titled “Super Heroes Replace Christ” said, “JRR Tolkien was a lost Catholic that went to hell, amen.”

Indeed Tolkien did if he did not rely soley on Christ to save him from his sins But so does the confused Baptist that thinks adhering to all of the Baptist peculiarities (including avoiding comic books and fantasy movies) are necessary to attest to the authenticity of one's faith.

In a sermon condemning superhero entertainment, a legalist complained that you can't have a decent understandable conversation with someone that watches movies and plays video games.

Now the legalist knows how the rest of us feel in dealing with someone whose faith doesn't simply inform or influence what they say and do but is the only thing they can obsessively talk about.

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, July 05, 2013

Is Sasquatch An Oppossum?

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Demoniac Perverts Attack Street Preachers

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PCUSA Calls For US Surrender To Mexico

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Presbyterian Church USA Applauds Deliberate Systematic Mass Starvation As Idealized Patriotism

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Presbyterian Youth Brainwashed With Beatnik Food Propaganda

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McCain's Beloved Rebels Raping Their Way Across Syria

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Will Southern Baptist Minister Be Defrocked For Failing To Keep His Wench Complaint?

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Does Law Enforcement Commendeering Of Private Property Violate The Third Amendment?

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The Worldview Of Yoga

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Theological Leftwingers Advocate Income Redistribution In The Name Of Battling "Self-Centerdness"

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Patriotic Anthems Theologically Solid

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Former Anglican Pamphleteer Claims Episcopal Church Imposes Tyrannical Tolerance

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Has Capitalism Failed?

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Pope Suggests Alliance With Conservative Anglicans To Defend Marriage & Family

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Has Earth Been Infiltrated By Human/Alien Hybrids?

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Bankrupt Archdiocese To Publicize Its Pedophile Files

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So if we are to go with the principle that one cannot portrary in film any ethnicity that one is not in real life, should Englishman Patrick Stewart be condemned for his portrayal of Frenchman Jean Luc Picard?

See if warm feelings towards degenerate religions and ideologies will prevent them from hacking your head off or sending your ashes up a chimney after they've harvester your hair and extracted your dental fillings.

So if Johnny Depp doesn't have any Indian ancestry, shouldn't his portrayal of Tonto be condemned? And if we are to adhere to the standard that one cannot portray any enthnicity on film that one is not a member of, shouldn't the actress that plays Ziva on NCIS be condemned for not being an actual Israeli but rather of Chilean origin?

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Bioethics & Timeless Truths For Changing Times

The rate of technological and cultural change is so fast and comprehensive in these days in which we live that futurist Alvin Toffler has likened the phenomena to waves sweeping over society and labeled the feeling of disoriented perplexity that settles over us in the wake as "Future Shock". Many of these changes appear to be so profound that the pressure to abandon traditional values and beliefs from academia, media, government, and even certain factions within organized religion can feel overwhelming. However, there is more at stake than whether we send letters to acquaintances via the post office or through the computer electronically. Rather, such radical shifts of the paradigms through which we sift reality and experience will ultimately impact how we see ourselves and how we value other human beings.

With the technical complexity inherent to many of the latest developments in the fields of biology and medicine, it is easy to fall for the assumption that ethics and morality in these disciplines would better be left to the highly educated such as scientists or philosophy professors. The field of bioethics is a relatively new area of study in comparison to the totality of human knowledge. Because of its frontier nature as ethically uncharted territory, it is a discipline in desperate need of a solid Christian presence as it is pretty much a wide open field in which the ambitious and enthusiastic can plant their flag in the hopes of persuading the masses as to the propriety of a respective position.

As Christians, it is the fundamental assumption of the believer that all truth is derived from God as revealed to us either directly from His word (the Bible), deduced from reflection upon His word, or discernable from His creation construed in the light of His word. II Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All scripture is given inspired of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Likewise, Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands (NIV)."

Since this is the case, God's law is written across the whole of creation. Try as men might to ignore or escape these binding commandments, they ultimately cannot and are seared by their own consciences as evidenced by the responses that often border on violence as typified by homosexual militants reacting whenever someone responds with anything less than a standing ovation or lavish government subsidies for this particular lifestyle. Romans 2:14-15 says, "Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.”

Though the Bible might not address specific bioethical issues directly by name such as stem cells and cloning, a number of the Good Book's foremost passages and doctrines serve as the foundation to a Christian response to these kinds of challenges arising in the world today. As the basis to all divine law contained within both the Old and New Testaments, the Ten Commandments serve as the guiding principles for all healthy relationships with both God and man. Prominent among these is the injunction "Thou shalt not murder."

This admonition was not handed down arbitrarily just so God could laud his authority and power over us. Rather, this commandment was set in place as recognition of man's unique status as a creature made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26-27 says, "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image'...So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." This image of God in each individual is so sacred that no individual should be able to take the life of another without serious consequences. Genesis 9:6 warns, "Whoever sheds the blood of man; by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."

Thus, the fundamental consideration in regards to these complex issues arising as a result of advances in biotechnology is that of personhood. As these scientific developments promise more and more of the things we as human beings crave the most in our earthly lives such as freedom from disease, prolonged life, or even enhanced abilities and children designed to our specifications, it becomes easier and easier to view other human beings as a means to achieve these goals for ourselves rather than as those whose lives we would like to see improved.

For while all of the issues raised in a cursory bioethics survey start off with noble-sounding justifications, when we look behind the lofty pronouncements, many of us would be shocked by the staggering numbers of bodies concealed behind the curtain. Perhaps one of the first bioethics debates to grip the public consciousness was no doubt abortion.

Those opposed to the practice argued that the procedure so dehumanized the unborn that the utilitarian allure of convenience would prove so seductive that the value would be invoked to justify the disposal of other members of the human family not measuring up to some arbitrary standard of productivity or quality of life. Since the time of its legalization, abortion has continued to divide the American electorate. This barbaric practice has been joined by a plethora of additional bioethical conundrums and outrages.

If anything, the potential of human cloning and the use of stem cells harvested from either fetuses falling victim to the abortionists knife or embryos purposefully formed in a laboratory to destroy in order to collect these genetic components garner even more headlines. At the other end of the spectrum of life, physicians are intervening to end the lives of those deemed a waste of recourses such as in the case of Terri Schiavo. This woman would have undoubtedly remained alive if she had not been denied basic nutrition and hydration, actions that could cause considerable legal trouble with the likes of PETA or the Humane Society should you decide to inflict such appalling mistreatment upon the family dog.

Even though the strongest and most direct moral case is the one that boldly stands upon the Word of God as its ultimate foundation, Western culture has become so "de-theized" (the very thing that causes human life to be devalued in the first place) that if one does not introduce these theories and concepts surreptitiously at first, one may find oneself excluded from the public policy debates where these kinds of decisions are made. In “Moral Choices: An Introduction To Ethics”, Scott Rae provides a framework through which the believer can introduce Biblical principles into these debates without initially coming across like some kind of “religious lunatic”. In today’s philosophical climate, all it takes to get that slur hurled at you is to question the prudence or propriety of the increasingly popular urge to copulate with anything that moves (or even with that which doesn’t according to the necrophiliacs who, if you search hard enough, probably endow a professorship at some prestigious university or a public interest lobbying group at some swanky office building not far from Capitol Hill).

A professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Ethics at the Talbot School of Theology, Rae shows that all truth is God’s truth and how the best philosophical thinking reflects this foundation. These seemingly disparate approaches to knowledge (faith and reason) find a connection through natural law. This approach to jurisprudence and ethics holds that there are certain principles binding upon all people with slight variations that produce the kinds of circumstances under which human beings thrive. These include the universality of heterosexual marriage, respect for private property, and prohibitions against murder.

“Moral Choices: An Introduction To Ethics” equips the reader to ferret out the hidden moral assumptions of those opposed to the Judeo-Christian approach to these issues. A number of the alternative ethical systems explored include utilitarianism (the right option is that producing the greatest good for the greatest number), ethical egoism (the morality of an act is determined by one’s self-interest), emotivism (morality is merely an enunciation of the inner feelings of an individual making an ethical pronouncement), and relativism (right and wrong change depending upon the context of a particular situation with there being no eternal absolute). It is emphasized that the advocates of these positions cannot accuse the Christian believer of bias and not being objective unless nontheists want to shoot themselves in the foot as well.

“Moral Choices: An Introduction To Ethics” provides the student with a multi-step framework of analysis that will assist the individual in weeding through complex issues that they may initially find intimidating and beyond their expertise but which can be more easily comprehended once boiled down to their constituent parts (105-107). These steps are listed as follows: (1) Gather the facts (one should obtain as much information about a specific case as possible). (2) Determine the ethical issues (these can be stated in the form of the conflicting claims at stake). (3) What principles have a bearing on the case (these are the principles at the heart of each competing position)? (4) List the alternatives (these consist of possible solutions to the moral dilemma). (5) Compare the alternatives with the principles (in this step one eliminates the possible solutions by determining their moral superiority or propriety). (6) Consider the consequences (in this step, one contemplates the implications of the alternatives). (7) Make a decision after analyzing and contemplating the information.

While this is important information, none of it will do any good unless Christians and those troubled by the disregard for human life sweeping across the culture get their message out to the wider public. Most will assume that as common everyday people not holding positions of influence in either academia, the medical profession, or within the formal ecclesiastical structure of the organized church that there is little that they can do to assist in this daunting struggle. However, with the advent of certain technologies as revolutionary to the realm of communications as the breakthroughs in genetic manipulation are to the field of biology, their voices can reach farther than they might initially imagine.

With technologies such as blogging and social media, independent voices laboring on their own (often derided by critics as geeks in pajamas) have coalesced into a source of opinion and information that in certain respects is coming to challenge the predominance of the mainstream media. Therefore, Christians can very easily use the new media to get their position out to the public regarding a wide range of bioethical issues.

Fundamental to the Christian understanding of the discipline is the pivotal role personhood plays regarding many of the issues at the forefront of bioethics. However, a number of voices within the Transhumanist movement (the ideology that humans should incorporate into their bodies mechanical or genetic enhancements so that the species might move beyond the the limitations inherent to our own nature) believe the definition of personhood should move beyond run of the mill human beings to include cyborgs, androids, and genetically engineered human/animal hybrids.

One doesn't have to be an expert in robotics or genetics to warn of the human rights horrors that would likely result should such a line of research be allowed to advance too far beyond the stages of theoretical speculation. One merely need to have seen a few of the Borg episodes of Star Trek and point out what this kind of tinkering backed by a communistic outlook leads to.

The future is there for those that want it the most. It will either go to those that believe that the masses exist for the benefit of the elite as the push onward towards their New World Order. Or, it will go towards those that view each individual as being created in the image of God, existing within a framework of divine laws that allow the individual to live life to its fullest while protecting each of us from the dangers on the prowl in a fallen world.

by Frederick Meekins