Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, April 04, 2013
Pro-Farrakhan Catholic Priest Previously Scheduled As Government Diversity Day Speaker
Quite fascinating that those that would deny the binding nature of divine revelation would grant such status to the edicts of the Associated Press stylebook. If fundamental moral precepts in Scripture such as those condemning the assorted varieties of adultery and fornication are dismissed by ultramodernists as mere suggestions, why shouldn't the linguistic preferences of this particular reference guide be categorized in a similar manner?
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Obama Continues Tradition Of Midweek Parties Despite America's Economic Hardships
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
A leftwing website asserts that many White men worship guns in compensation for insufficient sexual endowment. So using this logic, ought we to conclude that minorities tend to use guns in acts of inner city violence because of mental capabilities insufficiently development to keep their desire to unholster their firearm under control?
As part of its gun control legislation, the State of Connecticut has authorized the investigation of students engaged in disturbing behavior. In such a liberal state, such phraseology is usually interpreted broadly enough as to include those opposed to gay marriage, those believing in Creationism over evolution, and those professing that believing in Jesus Christ as part of the Triune Godhead is the only way to avoid eternal Hellfire.
As part of its gun control legislation, the State of Connecticut has authorized the investigation of students engaged in disturbing behavior. In such a liberal state, such phraseology is usually interpreted broadly enough as to include those opposed to gay marriage, those believing in Creationism over evolution, and those professing that believing in Jesus Christ as part of the Triune Godhead is the only way to avoid eternal Hellfire.
Obama has announced a research project intended to map the human brain in action. By this, does the President mean that this will only include objective biological functions or will scientists attempt to decipher what a brain contemplating "terrorist", racist, or sexually harassing thoughts look like so as to develop scanners detecting when minds wander in unapproved directions?
Would Women Toss Panties At Tom Jones If They Knew What A Rotten Father He Is?
Monday, April 01, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Obama Funnels Millions To Planned Parenthood Fronts To Turn Tots Into Sex Addicts
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Some Observations Regarding Gay Marriage
This is how liberals and even a number of conservatives clamoring for the approval of secularist elites are farming the issue.
These factions oppose legislation and policies at the national level such as the Defense of Marriage Act claiming that the matter should be left up to states to decide.
However, when certain states decide not to authorize the practice, these activists then want the federal courts to nullify the decision arrived at constitutionally sovereign electorates.
If increasing numbers justify acceptance of the practice on the grounds of evolving cultural standards, should standards revert back, on what grounds does it remain legal?