Monday, April 01, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dawkins Claims The Aborted Less Human Than An Adult Pig

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Chris Matthews has compared Second Amendment supporters to Nazis. But weren't the Nazi's the ones that wanted to disarm the populations they tagetted for enslavement or extermination?

Too bad those outraged over a Congressman using the word "wet back" aren't as outraged at groups such as La Raza and MECHA that don't so much intend to call White folks unpleasant names but rather KILL White people residing in certain areas when the great uprising takes place.

How about just abolishing all inheritance taxes rather than legalizing gay marriage?

Obama Funnels Millions To Planned Parenthood Fronts To Turn Tots Into Sex Addicts

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Ebay Censors Mention Of Firearms

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Will White House Egg Roll Degenerate Into An Obama Youth Rally?

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Obama To Increase Gas Prices In The Name Of Decreasing Sulfur (You'd think he wouldn't mind his own natural stench)

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Were Calvinist Holy Rollers Predestined To Fall Into Sex Abuse Scandal?

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Liberal Religionists Flagellate Themselves Over Dark-Skinned Devil

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Religious Fanatics Endure The Pains Of Legalistic Ritualism

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Parasite Catching Ride On Contact Lense Nearly Eats Girl's Eye

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Patriotic Lady

America's Most Wanted Cancelled

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Russian Tycoon Insists Cyborgs The Key To Eternal Life

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In coverage of a lottery jackpot, it sounds so much more culturally fascinating to say that the winner was a foreigner working in a bodega rather than simply calling the place of employment a rundown corner store with questionable adherence to health and hygiene standards.

Some Observations Regarding Gay Marriage

Some observations regarding the gay marriage controversy.

This is how liberals and even a number of conservatives clamoring for the approval of secularist elites are farming the issue.

These factions oppose legislation and policies at the national level such as the Defense of Marriage Act claiming that the matter should be left up to states to decide.

However, when certain states decide not to authorize the practice, these activists then want the federal courts to nullify the decision arrived at constitutionally sovereign electorates.

If increasing numbers justify acceptance of the practice on the grounds of evolving cultural standards, should standards revert back, on what grounds does it remain legal?

FBI Downplays Memo To Hoover Regarding UFO's

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The Georgia Guidestones

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Kim Kardashian Brighter Than She Looks In Admitting To Africa's True Nature

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NBC Propagandists Delude Masses "THEY" Are Having A Baby

The only one having a baby is the one that apparently got what only a man can give.

Is Campell's Soup The Official Food Of World Terrorism?

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Hyperlegalist Pastor Blames His Pedophilia On Malfunctioning Prostate

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Meathead Endorses Sodomite Nuptuals

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Celebrating Easter In The End Times

Jim Carrey Now Fancies Himself As Profound Philosopher

This story about a wave afraid to crash itself upon the beach sounds like it could be used to justify genocide or suicide bombings since it advocates that ultimately one is nothing more than part of the whole or COMMUNITY.

O'Reilly Continues Wallowing In His Contempt For Explicit Divine Revelation

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British Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For Model's Enhanced Knockers

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Prominent Cardinal Had Gay Lover

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PETA doesn't love animals. The organization just hates humans.

If Presidents are too busy to walk their dogs, perhaps either the dog does not get walked or better yet, perhaps such busy figures should not own a dog. We are called on to sacrifice for the good of the COMMUNITY, why not the nation's leaders?

Obama was overseas badmouthing the United States as to how at one time his daughters would not have had much opportunity in America. Before this President is through with things, his daughters will be about the only ones with any worthwhile opportunities.

Does Ben Carson Advocate Backdoor Euthanasia?

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Does Jesuit Pope Intend To Target Protestants?

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What Does A Jesuit Pope Signify

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Pope Francis Continues To Suck Up To Muslims

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Is O'Reilly Bucking To Be Obama's Bootlicker?

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Is Pope Francis A Threat To Those Wallowing In Vatican Opulence?

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Spineless New Yorker Equates Gun Shows With Nudey Dances

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Will The Mark Of The Beast Be Implemented As Dementia Safety?

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Mining The Sky

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Will The Jesuits & Opus Dei Force The Catholic Church To Embrace Extraterrestrials?

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O’Reilly Attempts To Bribe Church Into Sending This Ex-Wife To Hell

That is certainly considerable trouble to go to for someone that has expressed a nearly universalist theology in his books and who nearly shouted down Roma Downey as to how the Bible contains only allegorical legends in regards to the miniseries produced for the History Channel.

Rand Paul Surrenders America To Illegal Aliens

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South African Cardinal Insists Pedophilia Is Not A Crime

Click on the headline link.

For it's Saturday night B-movie, the Syfy channel is airing "Chupacabra vs The Alamo" starring Eric Estrada. So which of these is the rarely spotted curiosity: the chupacabra or Eric Estrada?

In threatening the sequester, Obama sarcastically mused whose funds should be cut: the poor kid or the disabled child. Firstly, what is being defined as disabled or poor? For some of the ways these terms are being defined, no one but bureaucrats in the educational and social welfare establishments would consider such youngsters as characterized by either of these conditions.

Instructive. Obama celebrated a Rosa Parks statue commemorating her courageous refusal to give up her seat but he threatens to punish corporations such as Hobby Lobby and a number of Evangelical and Catholic educational institutions that refuse to give up their values.

If Rand Paul voted to confirm Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense on the grounds that a President should be granted considerable deference in getting to select who they want to fill key positions within their administration, then shouldn't the Senator have voted in the affirmative to confirm John Brennan as the head of the CIA? Isn't an American as likely to be blown to smithereens by a drone under the control of the Pentagon as the CIA?

The cover of the March 2013 Columbia Journalism Review asks "How can we improve American media's coverage of race, class, and social mobility." This translates as why aren't the disenchanted violently rampaging in the street or why aren't there higher levels of White guilt racking the middle class.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Should Protestants Be Allowed To Have An Opinion Regarding The New Pope?

It has been suggested that it is a tragedy for Evangelicals to pray and fast regarding the new pope as called for by Rick Warren.

While it might not be an issue worthy of fasting over as it doesn't look like most of the top contenders to the papal throne have themselves missed too many meals and won't exactly be living in a state of self denial given their opulent surroundings should they get the job, offering up a quick prayer on the matter won't hurt.

After all, the individual selected will play a significant role in steering that interpretation of the Christian faith closer towards true Biblical religion or further away into the assorted errors tempting all that call upon the name of the Lord in one fashion or the other.

What is so wrong with a Protestant praying for the selection of at least a level-headed Pope that adheres to the shared commonalities of Christian doctrine and respects the rights of existence and expression of those he disagrees with?

I guess there are those thinking the atrocities committed during the Thirty Years War by both sides were a good thing.

Nothing wins souls to your vision regarding Christ and His message like a good pillaging and the ravishing of a few unwilling maidens.

Some might ask the question why should Protestants, especially those of the lowly Baptist variety, enunciate an opinion as to the selection of a new Pope or elaborate an explanation as to why those of that particular theological perspective find the power and authority that ecclesiastical institution has asserted for itself as extra-Biblical and questionably dangerous.

Catholics have every right to select whomever they desire as their head honcho.

However, because that institution has assumed for itself a role beyond administering its own internal affairs and undertaken efforts to exert an influence on the world beyond its ornately decorated walls, in a free society those not belonging to this religious tradition have just as much right to speak out regarding the direction as to how this powerful world body might influence the way in which individuals are able to live their own lives and practice their own beliefs.

For though the way in which the Roman Catholic Church gets the message across might be more subtle than the way in which some Protestants do so, relying more on ceremony and glitz rather than a blunt in your face letting you know what they feel and believe regarding the issue often in a gruff and tactless manner, the opposition of the leadership to Protestantism is just as ingrained.

For example, Pope Benedict repeatedly emphasized throughout his pontificate that Protestant churches especially were not real churches and at best could only be thought of as errant theological associations.

No big deal, many not practiced in the art of discernment and worldview implication might conclude.

After all, everyone from the Pope down to the raving village atheist thinks the spiritual path they are journeying down is superior to all others.

However, one may need to stop to reflect for a moment what is being said here.

To the Protestant, the ideal that those of this persuasion endeavor to strive for can be found in Romans 10:13: “For whoseover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

By this, it is believed that there is no mediator between God and man other than Christ Himself for those that believe Jesus as the only Begotten Son of God died in our place for our sins and rose from the dead so that those placing their faith solely in Him might have eternal life in Heaven.

However, official institutionalized Catholicism pretty much holds that their’s is the only game in town determining who it is that will be rewarded with the prize or gift of salvation.

This the organization does in part through its system of sacraments.

So what the Church is really saying when it denies communion to all but those on its own membership roles is not so much that we think it’s best if you participate in this solemn event with those that can better attest to the validity of your faith experience or worthiness of character but rather that you aren’t even a fellow Christian at all.

If the new pope has called for a new evangelization effort in areas where Protestantism has made inroads, unless the campaign is confined to targeting those that were previously Catholic with those born into Protestantism or who became Protestant from a non-Catholic orientation off limits, on what grounds do Catholics have to get jacked out of shape when Protestants sweep up disgruntled and easily persuaded Catholics?

One would hope that no one in their right mind would find the violent acrimony of the past where individuals on either side of the divide were often deprived of property, opportunity, and even their very lives all in Christ’s name a worthy situation to return to.

However, neither are Christians obligated to go out of their way refusing to admit that profound religious differences still exist that are better off left in place for the sake of the entire world at least until Christ Himself returns to set hearts and minds straight and to sort out the mess we as fallen human beings have made of this world.

by Frederick Meekins