Sunday, February 24, 2013

Palestinian Sperm Smuggling Ring

Click On The Above Headline

Friday, February 22, 2013

Obama threatening to lock the doors of restrooms in national parks. Just give back to nature and relieve yourself behind a tree if you've got to go that badly. It's all organic anyway. Least that's what they say when they try to sell vegetables grown in the stuff at marked up prices in the supermarket.

A story in the 2/18/13 edition of the Christian Science Monitor examines why the new breed of gun owner has decided to bear arms. The Monitor categorizes such individuals as "mainstream" and "temperate". These are usually terms of approval extended to those agreeing with the bland liberal establishmentarianism espoused by the Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor has not usually propagandized on behalf of its eponymous creed. However, the paper is described on its masthead as “An activity of the First Church of Christ, Scientist. How moderate and temperate is it to believe, as this cult does, that the pain caused by a gunshot doesn’t really exist or that the truly spiritual would overcome such agony through the power of Jedi mind trickery?

Would it be proper for a U.S. President to be interviewed by a media personality openly hostile to Black people? Then why did Obama consent to an interview by Al Sharpton that he was so proud to do that it was noted on the official White House schedule for 2/12/13?

Liberals Throw Hissy Fit Over The Design Of Licences For Illegals

This story is indeed an outrage. THESE DEADBEATS SHOULDN'T GET ANY LICENSE!!!! Click On The Headline.

Washington Post is threaten that the sequestratrion could threaten the exhibits at the National Zoo. That place has been deteriorating for years with signs even put up to excuse the lack of landscaping as "urban wildlife habitat".

Bigger Fuss Made That Peterson Raised His Voice Than That He Killed His Wife

Typical feminism that yelling at the prospect of being tossed in the slammer for 30 plus years is proof one is capable of murdering one's wife. According to these radicals, failure to reply with anything but "Yes, dear." with one of those cheesy Oral Rpberts backup singers smiles plastered across your face to anything your wife says is grounds for a domestic violence charge.

So if Orson Scott Card is left out of the PR campaign for Ender's Game because of his opposition to gay marriage, why should we give a flip when liberals whine on about "blacklisting" in Hollywood during the "McCarthy Era"?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Top Yahoo headlines consist of an announcement of Superman & Batman teaming up in new upcoming ongoing title. While the title itself might be new, is this really all that novel of a concept? Hasn't there been a title of this pairing, often under the branding of "World's Finest", in some form or the other for nearly 50 years now?

Contrary to Chuck Hagel, sometimes you are better off if you are thought of as the meanest cowboy on the block.

In an article chronicling the slide of Adam Lanza into homicidal violence, a fuss is made that his family's home cost $500,000. Would radical collectivists have preferred that his mass murderer dwelt in a less expensive domicile? Do they now intend to point out which inner city murders are on public assistance despite owning the latest IPhone and gold plated teeth?

If Adam Lanza during his attack on Sandy Hook elementary was changing magazines more frequently than required, then why all the fuss over high capacity magazines to the extent that we are required to alter our way of life when the technology wasn't even being utilized?

In the 2/18/13 issue of America: The National Catholic Weekly, an article on the entitlement's society and the devaluation of labor concludes, "When social policies encourage the cessation of work at midlife, those early retirees no longer have access to work's non-material benefits." Interestingly, nothing was said about the able-bodied young, especially among the migrant groups pandered to by certain factions within the Catholic church, sucking off the system. The Pope would have stepped down long before reaching the age of 85 if the extent of his daily physically exertion went beyond waving at the assembled throng outside his balcony.

Joe Biden insists you have no right to be defended by high powered weapons. Then why should the highest office holders of the executive branch be allowed to enjoy such a privilege?

In the February 2013 issue of Perspectives On History, a letter to the editor reflecting on the future of the discipline suggests that intellectual and religious history be grouped together under the rubric the history of orientations to better focus on how over time how people made sense of the immaterial aspects of existence. However, one must ask is this also being done to further legitimize the academic study of the history of homosexuality elevating it to a status shared by the examination of ecclesiastical and philosophical pursuits?

To deter rapists, liberals are counseling that, instead of caring a firearm, victims should instead urinate on their attackers. Haven't Democrats especially been doing that to America for quite awhile now?

Tebow Prefers Man's Approval Over God's

Click On This Headline

Chessie Calendar 2013

Girls Uncomfortable Urinating In Front Of Transgendered Boys Subject To Reeducation

Click On The Headline

Will 3D Printable Appendages Stop At Ears?

Click The Headline

Who In The Name Of Hades Is Going To Open A Message By Someone Named "Misty Hancock"? Sounds like a stripper.

Click on the headline.

The Battle of Midway: The Naval Institute Guide to the U.S. Navy's Greatest Victory

Is The Vatican Rottening To The Core?

Click The Above Headline

One should be mindful of not being a stumbling block to a fellow Christian. However, at some point this concern can become an excuse to meddle in an individual's private affairs. And what about the codification of arbitrary standards commonly referred to as legalism itself becoming a stumbling block?

Friday, February 15, 2013

School Denies Whites Academic Enrichment Opportunity

Cyborg Murders Girlfriend

Screenwriter Tony Kushner claimed that the ideologies promoted by the Reagan administration pose a threat to the idea of human COMMUNITY and the very survival of the species. In other words, Reaganism undermined the notion how the collective is entitled to ever increasing percentages of your stuff. Isn’t Kushner confusing principled individualism with the gay marriages of the type of which he is a participant?

"Zombie Apocalypse" is a code phrase for the government plans to systematically murder those with epidemic pestilences or radiogenic poisoning.

Will A Geriatric Han Solo Appear In Next Star Wars Film?

This Just In

Science Fiction Quarterly: Woman With Forehead Transmitter

Obama took his wench to get liquored up at a $900 bar. Yet you are the one that is condemned for eating what you want, riding around in an SUV, and keeping your dwelling climate controlled at 70 degrees.

Former San Diego Mayor Didn't Know When To Hold Them, Fold Them, When To Walk Away Or When To Run

"I Would Have Gotten Away With It If It Wasn't For Those Pesky Conservatives"

An Overview Of Scientology

Meterorite Careens Into Russia

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The cover of the 2/25/13 issue of New Republic consists of a blank background with words written in gray reading "The Republicans: The Party Of White People". Would the editors of this screed posses the backbone to publish an issue titled "The Democrats: The Party Of Black People" or "The Party Of Jewish People"? And even if the Republican Party was the party of White people, why is that something inherently evil? Ironically, it is only White people that despise being White that make such a fuss over such things. Do not those of other racial backgrounds and ethnicities have political organizations lobbying on behalf of their interests? So why are Whites expected to bend over and have what they've worked for pulled out of their backsides?

A caller to WMAL said that Marco Rubio can't relate to the average Hispanic person. That is an euphemism meaning that he seems unwilling to lavish more extravagant public handouts on this particular ethnicity than he is already willing.

Does Obamacare Contend That The Health Of Whites Not As Important As That Of Colored Folks?

I guess Obama has never needed a sip of water since the media would assure us that he is the waters from which we drink and shall not thirst.

Archon Invasion: Nephillim

Crazed Cop KIller An Avowed MSNBC Viewer

CNN Propagandists Celebrate Crazed Cop Killer

Valentine Rocket

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Will The Next Pope Deal With The Anti-Christ?

Ditzy CNN Blonde Ponders If Global Warming Spawned Asteroid

Myth Of The Superhero

If Princess Kate doesn't want pictures of her pregnant gut splashed all over the newspapers, she should have kept her top on.

Castro is whining about the aches and pains of aging. Still probably hurts less than those he had submerged in Communist prison camp manure pits.

Did The Pope Resign In Part Over The Vatican Money Laundering Scandal?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Write Science Fiction In Five Simple Steps

Mexican Drug Gangs Infiltrate American Neighborhoods

Wildlife Documentaries Denounced As Heterosexist Propaganda

Medal Of Honor Winner Refuses To Be Obama's Dancing Monkey

Supporters Admit Obama Descending Into Madness

Storage Wars Personality Found Dead

Amazing Spider-Man #665

Will The Pope's Resignation Increase The Influence Of Queers Over Vatican Morality?

Malfunctioning Cruise Ship Becomes One Giant Poop Deck

Authorities Downplay Zombie Alert Warning

The Cult, scheduled to air on the CW Network, is about the crimes committed by the viewers of a popular television program. So does the program basically predictv what deranged viewers of The Following on Fox are going to end up doing?

Valentine Terrier

So is this going to be some Dallas type plot twist on the revived 80's prime time soap opera? If actress Judith Light was born in 1949 and is not really wearing any kind of makeup appliance to look considerably older than what she is in real life, isn't it a stretch of credulity to have Mitch Peliggi play her son when the actor was born in 1952?