Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Extraterrestrials & The Medieval Church

Theology In Science Fiction

Mary Marvel In Wow Comics

Girl Performing At Obama Inaguration Murdered In Obama's Chicago

Captain Future: Wizard Of Science

Navy Destroys Vessel To Placate Environmental Nutjobs

Scientists Celebrate Collective Consciousness

So are high paid media personalities clamoring for immigration reform willing to take a cut in pay or hand their positions over to podcasters and bloggers who would be willing to do much of the work for free if that is what the free maket requires?

Mexican Sex Cult Leaders Claims To Be Jesus Christ

Egyptians Preparing To Invite Christians FOR Dinner

Immigration Reform Could Add 7 Million To Obamacare Welfare

A caller to WMAL claimed immigrants are good Christian people trying to find work. So I guess those are hymns blaring at 2 am and they are whizzing on the fense because they've had too much communion grape juice.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

If the state of Maryland takes no steps to deport illegals that are pursuing higher education in compliance with its “Dream Act”, isn’t that a greater interference in federal immigration law than the Arizona ID check law?

A story in Forbes 2013 extols the wonders of the “share economy”. So what happens when drugs or illegal pornography are found on your property or in driving someone somewhere you get in a massive traffic accident?

During his first campaign for the presidency, Obama criticized individuals and corporate executives traveling to Las Vegas. Then why did the President travel there for his immigration oration? The policies would have gotten a similar reaction in the slums of Langley Park, Silver Spring, and Tacoma Park just mere miles from the White House.

Being drafted in a number of ways would be similar to jury duty, just far worse. If selected, you go if you can’t get out of it, gripe the whole time about it, do the bare minimum required of you because those running the place can place a gun to your head if you don’t cooperate, and the only ones really wanting to be there are the ones that run the show.

C. S. Lewis - A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet

If it is wrong for the government to hunt down illegals, why is it proper for the IRS to track down taxcheats?

Hispanosupremacist Rabblerousers Demand Linguistic Capitulation

Ancient Greece By Peter Benoit

University Blows $3000 On Seminar On How To Have A Better Orgasm

Taco Bell Condemned For Admitting People Don't Go To Parties To Eat Vegetables

If police can issue fines to adults for smoking while operating a motorvehicle carrying children because it endangers the health of the children, if police officers see overweight children riding in an automobile does that mean they can issue tickets because the obesity is harming the health of the children especially if the vehcile wreaks of fastfood?

An Apologetic Response To The Film Prometheus

Adopt The Doctrine Of Clean Your Plate

Couple Face Jail Time For Saving Fawn


Is Cardinal Mahoney The Joe Paterno Of The Catholic Church?

John Warwick Montgomery On Discussing Abortion In The Public Square

X-Men: FF

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What exactly does one hope to accomplish by repeatedly emphasizing that not even believing in Christ is sufficient in order to achieve salvation other than to reduce your congregation (either electronic or [for lack of a better term] embodied) to the status of foundlings rocking back and forth in a Romanian orphanage or perhaps to be fawned over as to how obtusely you can deconstruct the vagaries of Calvinist theology?

The predictive programming theory holds that elites often place hints of things to come within the stories of TV shows and movies. If so, Young Justice admitted that one of the foremost public figures to be duped by aliens will be none other than Glen Beck (as the version of the G.Gordon Godfrey utilized in the series bears quite a resemblance to the famed broadcaster). There was also an interesting plot how extraterrestrials in league with a secret society will utilize genetically modified foods to activate dormant traits in the human genome.

The films to be included in what's being referred to as Marvel's Phase 3 will highlight superheroes lesser known to the general public such as Antman and Dr. Strange. So in Phase 4 or 5 will we get a Bartok the Leaper movie?

An excellent finale to Last Resort. Was a shame this program could not have been allowed a longer run. However, in terms of the various factions competing for power and what was depicted as its proposed solution to stop an aspiring tyrant, I guess it was just one of those programs elites had to have taken off the airwaves

Friday, January 25, 2013

Could a President give White members of Congress a sneek peek at proposed legislation ahead of the members of other races without the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharption, NAACP, and La Razzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza calling for upheaval in the streets?

Republican Elites Vow To Pander To Deviants, Uberfeminists & Radical Minorities

Would the sending of the woman clamoring to be on the frontlines of combat there be much of a loss to the gene pool anyway?

Is Obama Excluding Whites From Immigration Negotiations?

If NFL players are sueing on the grounds that they were never told the game could result in series injury, they were pretty much brain damaged before they ever set foot onto the field.

If you were married to Hillary Clinton, you'd probably steal a glimpse of Kelly Clarkson's backside at the Inaguration as well.

Will Heathen Savages Fly Into A Rampage Over Jabba's Palace?


The "Hitler Myth": Image and Reality in the Third Reich

So will Tina Turner becoming a Swiss citizen evoke as much outrage as golfer Phil Mickelson merely considering moving to another state to avoid crippling tax rates?

Gun Control Fanatics Would Rather Child Be Sacrificed To Rampaging Pit Bull

Is Hillary Suffering Profound Neurological Disorders?

Leftwing Religionists Insist God Told Them To Seize Your Guns

Retired police officers should be no more exempt from gun bans violating the Second Amendment than any other citiizen.

Jindhal Applauds Lavish Government Spending

Tell Nobody, Not Even Her

Is The Chandra Levy Case Still Unsolved?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interesting few have manhoods of sufficient girth to point out concerns about women in combat are not so much about what's best for the women but rather what's best for the other soldiers.

If it is justifiable to compel a man to go into a war against his will in which he may lose his own life, why ought it be such an outrage for the state to impregnate a woman against her will if an insufficient number are having children in their optimal breeding years?

These women opposed to women in combat are participating to an extent in the false altruism scandal described by Ayn Rand. They are not arguing such because of some profoundly held conviction regarding rigidly defined gender roles. Are they going to oppose women going into other inherently male occupations? It is that they are as much in fear of their lives and a desire not to be inconvenienced as any man that does not want to go to war.

It has been posted, "The US government intimidates not with the capability of its soldiers but with size, money, and a history that tells others that it will go to war and kill anyone, anywhere, if they don't capitulate with 100% of demands." Why should that be seen as a bad thing? Isn't the #1 rule of the playground that you should appear that if someone hits you that you will hit them back harder. This standing around saying how wretched America is is no way to conduct a foreign/defense policy.

Especially if they are not sent into frontline combat, there is no reason why young women should be subject to the draft and selective service registration as young men. For were not the laws governing compulsory national service formulated in a time when women primarily went on to lives of sheltered domestic service and motherhood. If young women can saunter across the face of the earth these days primarily in search of booze and fornication, why can’t they be required to do so for more productive reasons?

Especially if they are not sent into frontline combat, there is no reason why young women should be subject to the draft and selective service registration as young men. For were not the laws governing compulsory national service formulated in a time when women primarily went on to lives of sheltered domestic service and motherhood. If young women can saunter across the face of the earth these days primarily in search of booze and fornication, why can’t they be required to do so for more productive reasons?

Pope Rallies The New World Order Against Social Media

Eight Against Utopia

Inaguration Poster Equates Obama With Christ

If most young women aren't today tending house and birthing babies, why shouldn't they be subject to the horrors of the draft like young men?

Terrorist Sympathizers Infiltrate The Department Of Education

Will Christopher Eccleston Return For Doctor Who 50th Anniversary?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

So are these women opposed to women in combat going to oppose women entering other traditionally male occupations? If not, aren't they just as cowardly as men that wouldn't want to go to war?

So if someone's daughter shouldn't be subjected to the draft, why should someone's son? Is a man maimed and killed in a war less dead than a woman killed in a war?

New Mexican Gunman Was Homeschooled

I feel no shame over the Obama administration authorizing women in combat. I didn't make the policy decision so I have nothing to apologize for or repent of. However, those permitted to go into combat should be required to exhibit the exact same athletic endurance as a man. Though few have sufficient manhood to admit it these days, the rational for excluding women up until this point was not so much that their lives were so much more valuable than that of a man's but rather so that they wouldn't be a burden and thus endanger the lives of men finding themselves amid the upheavals of armed conflict.

If it doesn't matter if the Benghazi horde was set off by the film producer or not as Hillary insisted at the Senate hearing, why is the producer of the film still rotting in a jail cell?

Prohibition Gangsters

Peter The Cat Loves Books

"If Not Us, Who: Bill Rusher, National Review & The Conservative Movement"

Did Charlie Brown Grow Up To Be A Domestic Abuser?

Over 12,000 Apostate Clergy Deny The Genesis Creation Account

Evidence Confirms A Young Earth

The Growing EMP Threat

The Gospel In The Days Of The Anti-Christ

Prince Harry Condemned For Assisting Heathen Savages Into The Afterlife

Was Star Trek Rand Corporation Propaganda?

G. K. Chesterton: A Biography by Ian Ker

Will Transhumanists Coopt Biblical Rhetoric In The Attempt To Justify Their Abominations?

The Bookless Library

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Al Roker So Excited At Inaguration It's A Wonder He Didn't Poo His Pants A Second Time

Flu Vaccine Potentially More Dangerous Than Flu Itself

Golfer Denounced As Counterrevolutionary For Considering His Freedom Of Movement

CBS Political Director Calls On Obama To Wipe Out The Republican Party

Herding Cats

Sodomites Converge On God's House To Spit In Almighty's Face

Will Department Of Homeland Security Gunshot Detectors Record You Muttering The N-Word Under Your Breath Or Romping In The Sack With Your Spouse?

Perhaps Women Supporting Increased Gun Control Deserve Whatever Slapping Around They Get

Obama Celebrates Gay Violence Against Police

Colin Powell Further Shoves His Nose Up Obama's Backside

"I'm Not Rich, But Secure"

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Frankly, other than that you have trusted in Christ, what other assurance do you possess that you are saved? The doctrinal sticklers making a fuss splitting soteriological hairs this thin insisting this is dangerous would be the same ones to look down their noses at those driven insane by the fear of hellfire and external damnation.