Wednesday, January 23, 2013

If it doesn't matter if the Benghazi horde was set off by the film producer or not as Hillary insisted at the Senate hearing, why is the producer of the film still rotting in a jail cell?

Prohibition Gangsters

Peter The Cat Loves Books

"If Not Us, Who: Bill Rusher, National Review & The Conservative Movement"

Did Charlie Brown Grow Up To Be A Domestic Abuser?

Over 12,000 Apostate Clergy Deny The Genesis Creation Account

Evidence Confirms A Young Earth

The Growing EMP Threat

The Gospel In The Days Of The Anti-Christ

Prince Harry Condemned For Assisting Heathen Savages Into The Afterlife

Was Star Trek Rand Corporation Propaganda?

G. K. Chesterton: A Biography by Ian Ker

Will Transhumanists Coopt Biblical Rhetoric In The Attempt To Justify Their Abominations?

The Bookless Library

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Al Roker So Excited At Inaguration It's A Wonder He Didn't Poo His Pants A Second Time

Flu Vaccine Potentially More Dangerous Than Flu Itself

Golfer Denounced As Counterrevolutionary For Considering His Freedom Of Movement

CBS Political Director Calls On Obama To Wipe Out The Republican Party

Herding Cats

Sodomites Converge On God's House To Spit In Almighty's Face

Will Department Of Homeland Security Gunshot Detectors Record You Muttering The N-Word Under Your Breath Or Romping In The Sack With Your Spouse?

Perhaps Women Supporting Increased Gun Control Deserve Whatever Slapping Around They Get

Obama Celebrates Gay Violence Against Police

Colin Powell Further Shoves His Nose Up Obama's Backside

"I'm Not Rich, But Secure"

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Frankly, other than that you have trusted in Christ, what other assurance do you possess that you are saved? The doctrinal sticklers making a fuss splitting soteriological hairs this thin insisting this is dangerous would be the same ones to look down their noses at those driven insane by the fear of hellfire and external damnation.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Bill O'Reilly insists that, if you see something on the Internet, you shouldn't trust it. Don't some say the same thing about Fox News in general and Bill O'Reilly in particular?

In announcing plans for Jonestown 2.0, Glenn Beck said the entrance to the compound would be reminiscent of Ellis Island. This would be because all arriving there would be forsaking all that they previously had. The Kool-Aid stand would be the last place I would want to visit there.

In announcing plans for Jonestown 2.0, Glenn Beck said the entrance to the compound would be reminiscent of Ellis Island. This would be because all arriving there would be forsaking all that they previously had. The Kool-Aid stand would be the last place I would want to visit there.

In describing his plans for Jonestown 2.0, Beck badmouthed the concept of the backyard. Apparently, in the ideal COMMUNITY, it is not enough for neighbors to simply wave to each other as they pass each other going about their own business. Instead, they are suppose to be up in each other's business. Ultimately, Beck is becoming no better than the Emergent Church crowd and even the "Progressives" he spent much of his career at Fox News ranting about.

The New York gun control legislation did not grant an exemption to law enforcement to carry fire arms onto school property or to use high capacity magazines. Why should police be exempt? Doesn't the propaganda assure that this legislation will prevent tragic incidents of gun violence?

Bloggers In PJ's Overdressed Compared To One Ebay Vendor

Wisconsin School Caught Teaching A Hate Whitey Class

Will Star Trek Replicators Undermine Gun Control?

Obama Voters Duped Into Believing The Inaguration Has Already Taken Place

Ann Coulter Points Out Most Gun Violence Not The Fault Of White People

"Is It Always Illegal To Kill A Woman?"

An Examination Of Beck's Jonestown 2.0

Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance

Fanatic Homeschooler Opposes Women In The Workplace Because Men Can't Control Their Doodad

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pope Enunciates Admiration For An Occultic Evolutionary Pantheist

The White House has said an NRA ad in favor of armed school security is repugnant because the President’s children should not be used as political pawns. But why is it OK for the President to use every other American child in that manner?

It is being pointed out that in certain jurisdictions that it is illegal to hunt dear with a weapon holding more than six rounds of ammunition. Liberals then snip how deplorable it is that we as a society care more about the deer than our fellow human beings. But aren’t the liberals the ones that have promulgated this spirit of jurisprudence where animals are often elevated to a position of superiority over human beings through largely pointless regulations and penalties that serve no real purpose.

If a newspaper can publish a list of addresses where the gun owners are believed to reside, what is so wrong with a political advertisement highlighting celebrities and public officials whose children go to schools protected by armed security?

New York city police want GPS devices placed in prescription medicine bottles. Perhaps Mayor Bloomturd would like an odometer placed in a roll of toilet paper to determine how many sheets at a time one uses to wipe oneself.

Two boys were suspended from an Talbot Country, Maryland school for playing cops and robbers with digits extended as make believe firearms. Is the real threat pretend violence or the distinctively male aspects of the childhood imagination?

The New York gun control legislation outlaws pistol grips dangling conspicuously beneath a firearm’s undercarriage. Is this law about preventing gun violence or the further codification of hatred of the male anatomy.

Under the merger of Obama's healthcare and gun control programs, doctors are suppose to ask about firearms in the homes of their patients. What if patient's lie or finagle the truth like nearly everything else one is asked by the doctor?

If doctors are going to gather intelligence on the extent and placement of guns in your home, will they also add to your government file the position in which you prefer to make love?

Butch Napolitano Organizes Against The Second Amendment

Tripod Aliens

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Baby Momma Show Cancelled Not For Promoting Fornication But For Exposing How Ghetto Filth Lives

What kind of carbon footprint was expended airlifting the children to the White House to be deployed as human shields?

Like the vast majority of winning school scienc fair projects, were the letters written to Obama about gun control actually written by the children or more likely by the parents with the kid's named slapped on it.

A judge decides a teacher is unable to escape her past in pornography. Wonder what grueling legal research this esteemed jurist used to reach such a decision.

Brats gathered to kiss Obama's feet probably the ones with beatnik parents that would never let them play with war toys (or eat McDonald's food for that matter).

So bullets up to the seventh are non-lethal when discharged from the barrel?

So what is inherently evil about a pistol grip? It's not the pistol grip that flies out of the gun's barrel and hits people.

Interesting. Liberals are outraged the NRA has produced a video game where you shoot paper targets but shockingly mum over the game produced by malcontents where players shoot the head of the NRA.

Joe Scarborough Condemns Parents Unwilling To Sacrifice Children To The New World Order

NRA Condemned For Asking Why Aren't Other Children As Worthy Of Protection As The President's

Sailor Girl

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In expounding his vision of his proposed utopian community (in other words, a cult compound), Glenn Beck intoned, "There isn't going to be a Gap here. There's no Ann Taylor. You want an Ann Taylor, go someplace else." However, the question must be asked. Once people move there, will residents be allowed to travel beyond its boundaries to visit these retailers as they see fit? And if neighbors spot you with merchandise from these merchants, will you have to fear assorted forms of retaliation? Years ago, in a letter to the editor criticizing a column I had published, one of the criticisms insinuated was that I dared to shop at establishments that were not in the COMMUNITY.

Obama has categorized Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as having an insufficiently developed legal mind. A clear cut example of the doctrine of it takes one to know one.

It would be interesting to keep track over the years down the road just how many whelps at the Obama gun control oration will themselves go on to instigate assorted violent crimes despite pleading with the government to take away our right of self defense.

Shouldn't law enforcement be as enthusiastic to investigate a video game where players can shoot the president of the NRA as they would a video game targeting a sitting President of the United States?

So will students attending Obama's gun control pronouncement be marked absent from school or be granted Master's degrees for having instantaneously received in the course of a single morning a graduate level education in psychological manipulation and political indoctrination?

Governor Cuomo of New York insists no hunter needs 10 bullets to kill a deer. No law enforcement officer then needs 10 bullets to incapacitate a suspect.

Obama Not The Only Black Guy At The White House Full Of Crap

Superman: Brainiac

Will Feinstien Surrender Her Concealed Weapon Or Is Her Life More Valuable Than Yours?

Glenn Beck Further Expounds His Vision Of Jonestown

Artistic Rendering Of The Cosmos

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Students Contemplate The Visual Implications Of Hyperspace

Monday, January 14, 2013

In a CNN interview, Jesse Jackson insisted that manufacturers should be held responsible for gun crimes. Applying this logic, shouldn't newspapers be held liable for any crime befalling their status in relation to the promulgated gun ownership address list?

Obama claims he does not want America to become a dead beat nation. The only reason he got elected was because a significant plurality of Americans have degenerated into deadbeats.

So if the incident of Achan in Joshua 7 is to be exegeted as meaning that God will thwart the efforts of a church because of a single unconfessed sin, does that mean a network should be set up where the members and attenders of a particular congregation can rat out alleged transgressions to the ecclesiastical authorities? The fact that Achan and his family were ultimately put to death in the passage doesn't exactly contribute to an atmosphere where those hearing this narrative will be wanting to own up to their shortcomings willingly if we are to heed its warning so literally. Furthermore, it is a bit of an interpretative stretch to insinuate that a congregation, where the age of the average attender is probably over the north side of 50, is guilty of Achanism because the swarms of children flocking to the annual summer vacation Bible school don't usually end up sticking around to be Sunday school regulars. Shouldn't those that have been around organized Christianity for any amount of time know that is just the way the ball rolls?

Colin Powell claims many Republicans look down their noses at minorities. Frankly, the average Obama supporter hasn't done much of anything worthy of looking up to.

Obama Poopoos Americans Exercising Second Amendment Rights

Are Wal-Mart's Loyalties With The New World Order Rather Than The Free Market?

If The South Is To Be Politically Isolated, Have Urban Minorities Pick Up Their Own Welfare Tab

Naked Cultists Dip In Filthy River

Does High-Ranking Vatican Astronomer Contend Jesus Was A Human/Extraterrestrial Hybrid?

Powell Demands Republicans Pander To Minorities