Wednesday, January 09, 2013

If the government comes around to take away guns, how long after that until the government comes around to take away Bibles?

So in regards to the Scholastic publishing math book assignment urging students to “Distribute The Wealth”, does that include the fortune the corporation has made off of Harry Potter?

Even as a Christian, when one’s mind wanders and ponders the unending nature of Hell, it’s nearly enough to give the contemplative an anxiety attack.

I fail to see how Alex Jones' yelling is any worse than Michael Savage or Mark Levin raising their voices. I fail to see how his tears are any more a sign of mental instability than Glenn Beck's. And unlike the Speaker of the House's crocodile tears, at least Jones' are in relation to the horrors American children will no doubt be forced to endure in the years to come and not over some melodramatic disappointment from his own childhood.

Shouldn't someone as exposed to the ways of the world as Hugh Heffner realize that a woman 60 some years younger than him is only after his money? I'm sure its not for the long, hard cigars he has concealed under that smoking jacket.

If a woman with children is involved with fractal petroleum distillation, does that make her a mother fracker?

By hinting that he may act without Congressional authorization on the matter, doesn’t that mean the only thing that might be backing up Obama’s potential gun control directives is the threat of executive branch guns used against the people of the United States?

You aren’t going to convince me that Hannity had little idea who Alex Jones was before the Piers Morgan interview. Hannity use to play the Twilight Zone theme whenever anyone would raise issues such as the Bilderbergers or Bohemian Grove.

Isn’t Biden about the last one that should lecture the rest of us as to what constitutes acceptable mental health?

Too bad Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor was not as concerned about protecting the border in California as he is as the sheriff of a town in his latest movie.

"SHHHHHHH! Mom's On The Warpath"

Old Pervert Paying $20,000 For Child Bride Claims He Was Ripped Off

Atlantic Monthly Ponders The Looming Borg Threat

National Cathedral To Desecrate Its Halls With Sodomite Nuptials

Should we be surprised if the next earthquake topples more than the spire tips?

Starship Humanity

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Former General Stanly McChrystal insists that certain weapons should only be carried by soldiers and never civilians. Given that his expertise is in a theater of operations where the goal was to pacify an insurgent population likely by disarming them, what guarantees, other than the word of a government and administration that regularly reneges on its promises, are there that armed forces won’t one day use these weapons on American civilian populations denied access to such means of defense?

Obama Voters Sack Mall

Is Science Knowledge Better Than Lawyer Knowledge?

Faiths Of The Founding Fathers

Paleontologists Hypothesize 45 Foot Snake

Homeschool Activist Opposes Female Olympians

Theology in America: Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War

What Is the Ancient Astronaut Theory 02: Did Aliens Create Life on Earth?

Buzz Aldrin's Ex-Wife Takes Off With An Out Of This World Divorce Settlement

Monday, January 07, 2013

The cover article of the 11/19/12 issue of Broadcasting & Cable is titled “The New Faces Of Talk: Why Programmers Are Courting African American Viewers With Their Choices Of Talent.” Probably because they are primarily the ones at home during the day enjoying their Obamaphones and other assorted handouts provided by working Americans.

Would liberals jacked out of shape about a police officer shooting an elk that wandered into a Colorado neighborhood be as quick in their condemnation if such swift action had prevented the rampaging ruminant from trampling an abortion clinic to smithereens?

Did The Russian Prime Minister Admit That Extraterrestrial Operatives Have Infiltrated Earth?

Redesigning Humans: Is It Inevitable?

What Is the Ancient Astronaut Theory: Did Aliens Create Life on Earth?

Is It OK For Christians To Vote For A Mormon?

Dealing With False Doctrine, Part 1

Michigan Caliphate Perpetrate Jihad Against Michigan Pig Farmers

Superman vs. The Elite

Obama Voters With Too Much Time On Their Hands Hold Vigil For Slain Elk

Conditions For Powerful Preaching

Incarcerated Sex Offenders Permitted To Watch Violent Erotica

Dr. Doom & Magneto: Masters Of Evil

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

The Visit Of The Magi

Audio: Racemongers Rally To Gay Marriage's Defense

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Racemongers Rally To Gay Marriage's Defense

The Maryland referendum on gay marriage has been decided for now. However, the mindset and motivations leading up to such a decision are still in need of analysis and examination.

A couple of observations relating to it can be made regarding a column by Elbridge James of Progressive Maryland published in the 10/27/11 Gazette newspapers of suburban Maryland.

For starters, it is thoroughly established that Elbridge James is Black and borderline racist. He mentions his ethnic identity at least nine times in a piece of no more than 300 words.

Some of these references have very little to do with the topic at hand he is attempting to address.

For example, James writes, "Because I travel the state regularly speaking to Black voters of all ages and experiences on a variety of issues facing African Americans, I consider myself pretty plugged into the Black community." He concludes, "Continue to count on me when looking at African American support."

From his tone, one might assume this pigmentation narcissist was addressing a topic focusing particularly on HIS people such as sickle cell anemia awareness and prevention. It is in fact an oration in support of gay marriage.

So in regards to a topic that transcends race, why ought we to give added weight if a majority of Black folks supported gay marriage? All that tells the reader is that, given the mentality of dependency engineered into that particular demographic over the decades, those of this background can be manipulated into accepting a practice the religion so many of them claim to adhere to actually finds abhorrent.

If a majority of White southerners believe gay marriage is wrong, why shouldn’t that carry as much weight in determining the morality of the controversial practice?

Elbridge James also asserts, “The values of commitment and family aren’t confined to a person’s religion or race.”

But with some estimates of nearly 75% of Black babies being born outside of marriage, obviously commitment and family are not as valued among this particular human classification as he is persuading his readers to believe.

If Mr. James really loves his race rather than the status that has accrued to him as a fomenter of ethnic discord, perhaps he ought to spend his time addressing this lamentable development rather than promote an arrangement that will further tear down what little moral foundations remain of a rapidly deteriorating society.

by Frederick Meekins

Are Cyborgs The Key To Global Domination?

Has Humanity Lost The Robot Uprising Before It Even Begins

Sunday, December 30, 2012 Headlines Insinuate Indian Children More Precious Than Whites

A prominent headline posted at on 12/30/12 read "Choctaw Family Devastated In Miss. Suv Wreck."

Sympathies go out to any family that loses five children in a single automobile accident.

However, had these individuals been run of the mill White people, would the news of their deaths have been as prominently placed?

Are we suppose to weep more for them just because they are American Indians?

And if they had been boring, regular White people, would the headline have read "Caucasian Family Devastated In SUV Wreck"?

And if their Prius had been flattened would that have been pointed out or is that sort of vehicle of such shoddy construction that that would have been expected anyway?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wayne LaPiere of the of the NRA astutely observed that, if the President is worthy of being protected by armed security, why not the nation’s school children. However, a number of issues need to be addressed before his proposal of a national school security force is implemented throughout the country. For example, what if the administrators of a private school do not want such federal operatives roaming their halls? Furthermore, will the purview of their authority be restricted to stopping actual gun incidents as they unfold or will they also be trolling for the crimes of thought and non-sociability many are being duped into believing are even greater threats than the actual discharge of a firearm.

Eventually, it will be designated a symptom of mental illness if you would rather live in your own house on private property rather than in a resettlement and reeducation COMMUNITY.

I do hope most realize the definition of mental illness is going to be written so broadly that everyone will be caught up in the dragnet that does not have a silly brainwashed grin plastered across their faces over the direction in which the country is headed.

The world is so philosophically warped that contemporary culture is on the verge of categorizing men that recreationally wear camouflage as threats to public safety largely on account that they are individualists but applauds and protects with special laws the men that wear frilly dresses because they are souls willing to follow their own path.

A fuss is made that the United States has a higher homicide rate than other wealthy nations. But doesn't the US has a higher percentage of non-Whites other than Japan?

Rapper Hopes Baby Grows Up To Be A Drug Addict

Are Muslims Attempting To Take Over Factions Of The Tea Party Movement?

NRA Membership Soars

The Night Before by Thomas Kincaide

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Cure For Horrible Hands Advertisement

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Anti-Nativity Scrooges Selective In What Gods They Toss Out Into The Cold

For decades, Santa Monica churches erected nativity scenes on municipal park land there in celebration of the Christmas season. However, the onward march to abolish the assorted foundations upon which America was built continues unabated and is now even seeming to accelerate as evidenced by increasing numbers of the able bodied voting for demagogues promising bounty the recipients did not have to lift a finger for and to solemnize with one of society's highest recognitions relationships once considered so far beyond the boundaries of acceptability that the respectable were often too ashamed to even speak of. As such, even those trappings held over from the previous world order that brought joy and happiness to the adherents of beauty and truth must be eliminated.

In 2011, the authorization process for erecting the Nativities was altered so that many of the permits ended up going not to churches but rather to a motley assortment of unbelievers. As a result of the hassle and embarrassment, under the excuse of the necessity maintaining an unobstructed seaside view, municipal authorities decided to do away with depictive winter displays altogether.

The ultimate reason though is to deny access by any particular viewpoint by suppressing them all equally. Sort of the socialistic notion that everyone is equal because everyone is equally miserable.

Cutting edge commentary will likely focus on the here and now with how the tradition has been abolished in its entirety. However, the way the issue was handled in 2011 still gives rise to observations as pertinent today as they aptly apply to the overall tenor of the age in which we live rather than the narrow focus of a particular year which has already elapsed.

In 2011, one of the displays erected by the apostates and unregenerates read "What myths do you see? 37 million Americans know myths when they see them." Pictured along with the slogan were images of Neptune, Santa Claus, Jesus and Satan.

Of course, the Old Deluder, the Devil himself, has no problem being depicted as a buffoonish cartoon villain since, though he has a massive ego having at one time conspired to set his throne on the mount of the congregation in his attempt to usurp the place of the Almighty. At this point in the game, he is more concerned about dragging down as many as he can with him to eternal damnation rather than to get as many as possible to swear an eternal positive affirmation to his infernal name.

Of course, especially in a place like California, it really doesn't take all that much courage to thumb one's nose at Christ either. After all, He was the one that admonished the insulted to turn the other cheek and those ready to call for Crusades on behalf of His name, even if not in His spirit, don't exactly hold he sway they once did.

So shouldn't those wanting to take a courageous stand in the name of the Great Emptiness or however else one might be inclined to depict nothing whatsoever take on a figure whose backers show a little more teeth? For instance Islam? These fanatics threatened the producers of South Park for even obscuring the view of the specific personage that was suppose to be in the bear costume.

However, it seems these leftists converging upon California only go out of their way to have Judeo-Christian religious figures removed from view on public property. They seem to exhibit little opposition to deities advocated by less than Biblically acceptable religions and forms of belief.

For in California, in the mid 90’s a monument costing the taxpayers nearly $500,000 was erected to Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl is the winged serpent god from Aztec mythology around which a number of Hispanosupremacist front organizations hope to repaganize and de-Christianize this targeted demographic in preparation for the uprising against the United States when insurgents intend to slaughter the remaining Whites in disputed Southwestern territories.

Atheism is the belief that God does not exist. To be consistent, that would include those of a non-Christian variety as well.

Thus, it would be reasonable to conclude that there must be a greater overarching, more pragmatic commonality linking those that believe in no God and those that believe that higher order beings condescended down to our level who, rather than shed their blood and died on our behalf, insisted that our blood be shed and lives sacrificed to placate the base lusts of these craven entities whether the victims were willing or not. That shared commonality is nothing less than an outright hatred of the God that is there and a desire to see His followers silenced.

by Frederick Meekins