Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
If social ineptitude is to be an indicator as to whether or not someone is likely to go postal according to the advocates of Minority Report style crime prevention, will adolescents fidgeting awkwardly in the school cafeteria eventually provoke the same response as two suspects exchanging wads of cash that bolt like deer when a police cruiser turns down the street?
A caller to WMAL's Chris Plante program argued against citizens possessing weapons technologically beyond those available to the Founding Fathers at the time the Constitution was adopted. Only White property holders could vote back then also. Should we return to that arrangement as well? That might relieve America of deadbeats voting themselves lavish welfare benefits.
Newsweek Trashes Christ’s Name During Christmas Season
Instead of providing a balanced perspective on this topic, editors instead allowed the topic to be addressed by Bart Ehrman.
Bart Ehrman's claim to fame is essentially undermining every tenet of orthodox Christianity by casting doubt on the sources that serve as the foundation of the faith in favor of texts more gnostic in origins and interpretation.
Thus, it must be asked, would Newsweek publish an article casting aspirations on the founder or central figure of another world religion deliberately during a time of the year held to be one of the most sacred among a significant percentage of the faith’s adherents?
Would Newsweek pull something like this during Ramadan?
Both Voltaire and Nietzsche in their respective eras remarked how the name of Jesus Christ was on the wane and that God was dead.
Now, a Bible Society has turned Voltaire’s former home into an office and it is Nietzsche that is dead.
As the periodical prepares to publish its last print edition towards the close of 2012, perhaps Newsweek should stop and reflect where its name will be 200 years or so in comparison to the Name Above All Names.
by Frederick Meekins
Monday, December 17, 2012
Analysts and pundits are suggesting that eliminating the Second Amendment may be the best way to prevent incidents of mass violence such as the Connecticut elementary school massacre. When that does not work as a cure, what will be there to protect the American people when it is argued that what is really needed to make the United States safe is the elimination of the First Amendment?
So if fanatic homeschooler Kevin Swanson initially summarized that the Connecticut elementary school massacre represents 27 reasons why to abandon the public education system, does he intend to modify his original claim and say the same thing about homeschooling since reports seem to indicate that Adam Lanza was educated in part through that form of pedagogy as well?
Liberals are going to need to make a decision. Are we still going to go with the line of just be yourself and everything will work out fine (one of the greatest loads of excrement pounded into children's heads)? Or should we put up enough of a front that we really give a crap so as to avoid being categorized by intelligence agencies as subversively introverted or reclusive?
Will Knowledge Of Doctor Who Be Categorized As A Mental Disorder
Read down to about paragraph 11.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
According to Dominionist theologian Don Paulk, average Americans should be denied access to so-called “assault weapons” because the only purpose for such firearms is to quickly kill large numbers of people. However, he does not have a problem with police or military having access to such implements of carnage. Thus, how are innocent citizens suppose to protect themselves should the day eventually arrive when government forces are turned against innocent civilians?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
A fuss is being made that it was difficult to identify the gunman of the Connecticut elementary school system because he was carrying his brother's ID. Thus, when the time comes for the Mark of the Beast to be implemented, those opposed to what will likely be a biochip identification system will be castigated as encouraging schoolhouse massacres.
Fanatic homeschooler Kevin Swanson is categorizing the tragic Connecticut elementary school shooting as 27 reasons why to abandon the public school system. Twenty-seven is the number slaughtered by the gunman. So should the shooting at the Amish school some time ago be categorized as whatever the number murdered reasons why to abandon private Christian education? Likewise, should someone ever go off at some kind of homeschool or church function, should such an incident be invoked as to why homeschooling or even church attendance should be abandoned?
Thursday, December 13, 2012
NBC medical correspondent claims that religion "mucks up" Christmas. Would she say such a thing about Ramadan? Just as importantly, if medical journalists are being allowed to hand down authoritative pronouncements regarding religious matters, will clergy be brought on to hand down unquestioned opinions regarding matters of biological science?
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Gangnam Gook Anti-American
Of course, some will make a bigger fuss over me using the word "gook" than this human turd wanting to kill Americans.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
In Mark 13:41-44, Jesus praised the widow that did not necessarily put the largest offering into the plate but who gave from what she did have. He did not proceed from behind the pulpit to ream the congregation a new one that what they had given was a "waste of time" because it was a single serving size rather than economy portion. These deadbeats and indigents are certainly a bunch of foodie snobs these days if they expect to eat at a level beyond what average Christians are able to extend in terms of charitable giving. It's not exactly a winning homiletical strategy to start in the announcements ridiculing what some have brought forward as part of the annual homeless mission outreach only to end the sermon in a sob story how giving has declined overall for the past two years. The result is only to prompt me to clamp down on my change purse all the tighter.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
WUSA 9 broadcast an investigation into taxis failing to pick up Black passengers. Of course, in the attempt to foment racial discord, the fact was conveniently overlooked that nearly every cabby caught perpetrating such an offense was themselves Black. If journalists care so passionately about this issue, are they willing to risk their own lives by vehicularly transporting shady characters to even more questionable areas.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
A fundamentalist blathering on about the evils of celebrating Christmas condemned children wanting to sit in Santa's lap rather than that of Jesus. However, there is not someone dressed in a Jesus costume down at the mall that a child can relate to in such a physical manner. Thus, isn't this a condemnation over a child not having reached a level of cognitive development over which they have no control rather than rebuking an actual sin? There is no winning with such clergy. They create an atmosphere where one is afraid of Hellfire if one does not reveal every last detail of one’s existential inner life and then commence another round of verbal castigation when what is revealed does not measure up to some ideal that few have ever achieved in an unblemished state.
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Monday, December 03, 2012
Vagrant Aided By Police Officer Morphs Into First Rate Media Whore
It seems the vagrant provided a new pair of shoes by a good natured police officer was seen once again lurking barefoot around the streets of New York City.
It seems he has placed the shoes in hiding, thinking they will grow in value as a recognizable icon from the early days of social media.
It might be one thing to think a few steps down the road in terms of investments and the future.
However, this indigent has crossed over the line into outright greed.
No one would have known about this act of assistance without it having been photographed by a passing shutterbug that uploaded an image of the touching moment to Facebook, from where it went viral.
Now the recipient of the photographed act of kindness is demanding his cut of any royalties that might accrue or some other form of compensation since no one asked permission to take his picture.
Hopefully, he will get frostbite as a result of his decision to go discalced, but that will probably just earn this bum an even larger government handout.
By Frederick Meekins