Friday, November 23, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Homeless Man Hassles Hackman

Considerable consternation erupted online over actor Gene Hackman striking a homeless person.

The headline initially informing of such was formulated without a modifier or a more colorful description such as "crazed deadbeat" or "lewd indigent" in order to make Hackman appear to be this vile individual that makes a habit of accosting the downtrodden or deriving some kind of buzz from doing so.

Quite the opposite seems to be true.

From the complete account, Hackman was actually protecting his wife and the vagrant properly got what was coming to him.

Why should we care that Hackman's attacker was homeless?

Would the public have been informed of this incident if the assailant domiciled in a more traditional mode of habitation?

As in regards to race and ethnicity, many leftists will so romanticize destitution that they cultivate the perception that those characterized by this economic plight or social condition can do no wrong.

If so, are the hypertolerant going to insist that they would allow some filthy, possibly disease ridden, bum to put his hands all over their wives, daughters, or dinner dates they are hoping to impress?

The Declaration of Independence insists that, in terms of fundamental being, all men are created equal.

If we are to accept the notion that the homeless are no less human than the rest of us and are deserving of the same degree of respect and courtesy that we expect from other members of our species, it also follows that we should expect from them the same kind of character flaws plaguing the remainder of our kind and that we should be allowed to protect ourselves from them accordingly.

by Frederick Meekins

Leading 2016 Republican Contenders Castigated As Creationists

Ben Carson Urges Parents To Be Niggardly With Praise

In a Baltimore parent's magazine, in an interview famed surgeon Ben Carson seemed to suggest that a child should not receive any praise for the accomplishment of ordinary tasks.

What if those are the only things that a child is good at?

And if a child should not receive any praise for the accomplishment of ordinary things, applying this kind of logic why ought run of the mill parents then be fawned all over by children on Mother's or Father's Day.

After all, it was the parents that took it upon themselves to engage in those motions that result in a child coming into existence and should have known what it was they were getting themselves into.

Unless you are a Mormon or something, the child wasn't consulted in the matter.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Is the media making a fuss over Islamist rockets raining down on Israeli civilians?

The best wat to support Israel may be to let that nation fight its own battles.

I don't see why a spiritually meaningful yet materially enjoyable Christmas are mutually exclusive propositions. Do those making such a claim subsist on nothing but bread crusts and rainwater collected in a cistern while wearing a haired shirt while sleeping on a straw mat on a stone floor?

IKEA Employed East German Slave Labor

Gingrich Brownnoses Deadbeat Minorities & Lewd Women

Jindal Insists Popularity More Important Than Morality

Raghead Beat Elderly Woman Rescuing Puppy


According to homeschool activist Kevin Swanson in his sermon "Using Yourself Up", it is a sin if parents don't leave their children much of a financial inheritance. Well excuse the contemporary individual if they eat more than a single saltine cracker with a single sip of water per day and aren't amenable to living under a bridge like a common troll waiting for an unsuspecting goat to perambulate by. And what if, as in the case of many of the elderly, what you did save is eaten up by overwhelming medical expenses? Not only are we forced to suffer sickness as a result of the sin curse placed upon mankind, but according to this line of theological reasoning, we must also feel guilt for implications of the sickness itself now?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Those Spewing Respiratory Expellant Should Remain Home From Church

In a Facebook comment, I admitted that I wasn’t too keen on being showered with viscous respiratory expellant by someone in the pew behind me trying to hack up a lung.

There is no reason why those suffering such afflictions shouldn't stay home.

As an omniscient deity, it's not like God is not able to determine whether you are legitimately sick or trying to pull a fast one over His eyes.

This sentiment is especially pertinent in a church that insists upon some asinine handshaking ritual where some won’t return to their pews until they’ve smeared their palms over every last palm in the congregation.

For sharing this observation that has no doubt crossed the mind of others, it was insinuated my faith was not as sincere as those that participate in foreign missions.

For responding that not everyone’s cup of tea is made of Third World sewer water, I had James 1:27 tossed back in my face about pure religion being visiting widows and orphans in their time of trouble.

I have visited people in hospital settings despite the near phobia I have of those places.

But I guess those I visited were too White and American to rack up any brownie points over yonder.

And unlike missionaries that send out photocards with their fifteen kids all dressed the same like they are members of some sort of cult, I don’t stretch out a hand expecting something to be placed in it while droning on incessantly how morally superior those dwelling in these heathen trashpile countries are to the run of the mill American Christian that doesn’t practice the faith at the level of a religious fanatic.

by Frederick Meekins

So I guess an associate forced out of their job because they were willing to work while their Colored coworkers wouldn’t didn’t have enough of a minority outreach effort?

After being forced out of business as a result of union pressure, what snack food company will Obama minions attempt to destroy next?

These Republicans censoring mention that Obama won as a result of deadbeats and trampy women are as much a threat to America as Obama Administration officials refusing to enunciate the word terrorism.

Police Provide No Reason For Unannounced Raid

Ron Paul: America Is Gone

Killer Stuff and Tons of Money: An Insider's Look at the World of Flea Markets, Antiques, and Collecting

Study The Scripture Before You Preach

The Aim Of Preaching

Leftist Hovel Eager For Takeover By Hispanic Interlopers

Jungle Fever Republicans Pander To Ghetto Deadbeats

Obama Voters Destroy Hostess Bakery

Freedom & Virtue with Os Guiness

Thanksgiving Church Bulletin

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In a direct email fundraiser for their Angel Tree Project, Prison Fellowship Ministries invoked the passing of the ministry's founder Chuck Colson as a tactic to solicit contributions. The appeal closed by asking, "We need your church to ensure that no child is without a token of their mom or dad's love." What is the organization doing for the children who lost their parents as a result of the criminal actions of these convicts?

Certain theologians contend that parents ought to avoid Halloween as a way to protect children from the perverts that use the celebration to prey upon children. Using that logic, shouldn't these parents also be warned to stay away from church and Christian youth activities as well?

Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts

FEMA & Red Cross Guilt-Trip For Cash Donations To Finance Posh Accomodations

Obama Nativity Figurines

UFO's: Chariot Of The Beast

Planned Parenthood Publishes Pedophile Pamphlet

Elmo Gay But Not A Pedophile

Fantastic Four Annual #2 Cover: Dr. Doom

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Halloween: Innocence Lost?

Consistent Size Apparently Does Matter

Nativity Scene

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dependent upon the age of consent in the jurisdiction where the alleged inappropriate relationship took place, on what grounds do PBS heads criticize Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash? Any other time, liberals at the network advocate any number of lifestyles and social arrangements undermining traditional conceptions of morality. If Sesame Street and its backers claim these kinds of allegations will hurt the financial bottom line, don’t these cultural effetes rank among the vile capitalists these artistic types go out of their way to denigrate and despise?

Wine Tasters Test How Much Booze Necessary To Make Hillary Sexy

Something to consider of secessionists get their way and there is a second civil war. What if common Americans refuse to fire on their fellow countrymen? If you are going to die on the battlefield anyway, Americans conscripted on either side should simply turn their guns on their officers when ordered to fire.

So do those clamoring for secession intend to protect the innate liberties of speech and belief of those living in the particular territories that do not agree with this jurisdictional tactic? If not, what makes them better than the Union they are desirous to escape?

The opening of Sean Hannity’s radio program claims that freedom is back in style. Then why did Obama win the election?

So will these geezers agitating for secession from the United States remain as ecstatic when the United States cuts off Social Security payments and the like to those residing in the disunited jurisdictions? Of course, those getting these payments have no problem cutting off the young of today from ever receiving any, but certainly let you hear about it when it comes to the loss of their own civil honorarium.

Why Did The Vatican Name Its Space Telescope After Lucifer?


Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto

The Very Next New Thing: Commentaries on the Latest Developments That Will Be Changing Your Life

BloomTURD Starves Homeless For Their Own Good

Virginia To Let Minority Students Slide By With Less Effort


Wonder if those giddy over the prospects of seccession remember anything about the horrific bloodshed involved the last time it was tried. From what I've read, neither side was overly kind to the other.

FEMA Guilt Trips The Charitable Donating Anything But Cash

Of course they want cash.  It's easier to abscond with.

Did Obama Rig The Election?

Nearly Half The States Desire Secession From Obama Dictatorship

Thanksgiving Turkey and Corn Sheaves

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

LA Food Fascists Promulgate Meatless Monday Decree

Mom Confronts Obama Voters Leaving Son For Dead

Monday, November 12, 2012

Does Differential Instruction Undermine Achieving Students?

A new educational buzzword is "Differential Instruction."

This form of pedagogy is defined in the "Fiesta" 2012 edition of the Prince George's Suite magazine.

Before going further, perhaps it should be pointed out to a bimonthly publication that, in the standard American calendar, Fiesta is not a month.

But getting back to the subject at hand, differential instruction is described in the following manner: "After participating in a group lesson, students log into their account and find a passage of text just right for them --- challenging enough but not too difficult."

Efforts to approach each student as an individual rather than as part of a herd are to be commended.

However, the approach may be less than ideal.

For when it comes time for grades and academic assessments or accolades to be distributed, will there be any kind of annotation differentiating an "A" granted for remedial work from an "A" granted for a level of achievement more at the level of talented and gifted?

But then again, it probably doesn't really matter as pretty soon we will all be living in conditions reminiscent of a Mad Max movie anyway.

Ironically, the very same teachers griping that one student should not be concerned if another student put in the same effort for the same grade would be among the first to take to the streets in a rampage if years of service were no longer determined in the calculation of pay levels and benefits.

By Frederick Meekins

An analyst at Commentary magazine has correctly categorized the Obama phenomena as a personality cult. Thus, it must be asked what will happen when it comes time for this pseudo-messiah to leave office? Seldom in history have such things ended well. Jonestown anyone? Just remember it has come to light that not everyone at that tragedy drank the infamous Kool-Aid willingly.

An analyst at Commentary magazine has correctly categorized the Obama phenomena as a personality cult. Thus, it must be asked what will happen when it comes time for this pseudo-messiah to leave office? Seldom in history have such things ended well. Jonestown anyone? Just remember it has come to light that not everyone at that tragedy drank the infamous Kool-Aid willingly.

If voters shouldn’t be asked to show ID in order to vote, then why do I not only have to show ID to purchase Sudafed but also have that ID entered into yet another government database?

One of the primary lessons to be learned from Isaiah 39 is that a nation ought to limit and better police the number of foreigners allowed within its borders.

It has been argued that Republicans must learn to talk about their ideology in a way that appeals to radical minorities. In other words, as in the case of many Seeker Sensitive and Emergent Churches, those elites imposing this stipulation expect average conservatives to hop onboard the bash Whitey and anti-American bandwagon.