Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney prefers that illegals self-deport. Will there be other crimes residents will be allowed to police themselves over such as whether we file our income taxes or pay child support?

Apparently Mitt Romney believes that those here illegally should not be rounded up and forcibly deported. So if someone breaks into your house and tidies up a bit as they empty a significant percentage of your refrigerator, you shouldn’t be allowed to kick them out.

During the second presidential debate, Romney was asked what will be done with immigrants without green cards and how they might be made part of the American system. See just how far you get as a citizen if your paperwork isn’t in apple pie order.

Apparently Romney's pair are kept in a cup somewhere as well if he thinks it is the role of the government to mandate flexible schedules for women thinking they are too good to stay at home and raise their own kids.

During the second presidential debate, President Obama insisted that we mustn’t tolerate discrimination in any walk of life. Except of course when it is Black Panthers threatening White voters in public polling places.

In the second presidential debate, Romney promised that under his tax reforms there would be no tax on savings. It’s not like the average savings account or even certificate of deposit is earning much of any interest these days anyway.

Obama derisively referred to George W. Bush as an oil man. That is more of a legitimate occupation than that held by many Obama supporters.

Romney should have pointed out during the second presidential debate how at one point that Obama had foretold that under his regime energy costs would “necessarily skyrocket.”

According to President Obama in the second presidential debate, soaring gas prices are actually a sense of economic vitality.

In the second presidential debate, Obama enunciated his desire to see cars go further on a gallon of gas. Then his supporters turn around and gripe how revenue from gas taxes will drop, insisting on the need to enact an additional mileage tax that will track your vehicular movements by GPS monitoring sensors.

Obama claimed in the second presidential debate that Romney believes that those at the top play by a different set of rules. What about Obama deliberately ignoring those laws that get in his way?

As if these wenches b---ching about Romney putting the names of women in binders don't judge men by a set of arbitrary criteria.

If the debates women have been selected to moderate are so onerous as journalist Carole Simpson suggests, women are not forced to moderate them.

If Obama is so concerned about gender-based pay discrepancies, shouldn't he increase the salaries of his own female staff members?

One can be a "child of God" in the biological or ontological sense but not in the soteriological sense. If not, one must hold God did not create the individual and there is nothing wrong with abortion or other assorted forms of unjustifiable homicide.

Did those making a fuss over Mormonism's history of polygamy enunciate as much of a concern about Mike Perotuka's rocky family life if we are having to be ultra-Biblical about whom we vote for?

Of course Obama doesn't track his pension fund closely. He doesn't have to worry at night about whether or not the mantra of his Golden Years will be "Welcome to Walmart."

It is no greater tragedy for a woman than for a man to live in poverty.

How come the poverty rates of men are never mentioned during presidential campaign speeches?

Vintage Halloween Postcard

A Fragrance of Oppression: The Church and Its Persecutors

Obama might have called the assasination of the ambassabdor to Libya an attack early on, but not a TERRORIST attack.

Maybe if these women picked better quality men to bed and reproduce with, we wouldn't have to hear incessantly during presidential debates about increasing numbers of women living in poverty.

Polish Jack-O-Lantern

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

I am sure Afro-American and Women's Studies majors are qualified for and going to work in the kind of manufacturing jobs with which Obama was attempting to mollify his supporters.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I guess no MAN was ever denied a cancer screening according to the tone of these political commercials.

Regarding these "invasive ultrasounds", the wenches griping about them certainly didn't mind the prior probing leading up to the procedure.

Is there any good reason why Obama must prepare for the presidential debate in Williamsburg rather than at the White House?

From these campaign commercials, one gets the impression that women are more obsessed with genitalia than most men are.

The Healthy Christian & His Reading Habbits, Part 1

Is San Francisco Archbishop An Out Of Control Boozer?

A Guide to Bird Behavior

Fanatic Homeschool Demands Christians Procreate Themselves To Jungle Bunny Levels Of Poverty

Darwin Biography Denounced For Exposing Infamous Evollutionist's Shortcomings

Writing the Paranormal Novel: Techniques and Exercises for Weaving Supernatural Elements Into Your Story

What Is Harold Camping Up To Now?

Singultarian Urges Surrender To Artificial Intelligences

Halloween: Christian Or Pagan?

Whores Desecrate Church

Fantastic Four # 260

Monday, October 08, 2012

Students Punished For Knowing More Than Teachers

A number of high school students were suspended for ingesting energy mints on the grounds of their Perkin, Illinois high school.

The thing of it is, the confection is perfectly legal as it consists primarily of caffeine.

Thus, they are technically no worse than popular energy drinks.

But despite learning this, school administrators intend to let the suspensions stand.

The Superintendent insists the suspensions are justified because the students "displayed gross misconduct for taking an unknown product."

The students could have full well know what they were taking.

This is all bureaucratic smokescreen and euphemism that the students are being punished for knowing more than the teachers and for exercising their own judgment apart from certified state authority.

Eventually, this kind of reasoning will be applied to anyone that ingests anything other than the school-provided lunches.

After all, how can teachers be absolutely certain those brownies brought from home don't contain a little flavor enhancing "greenery"?

by Frederick Meekins

The West Coast Avengers #19 : The Times of Their Lives

Will Epigentics Unleash A Potential Apocaylpse?

JCPenny Vows To Decimate The Human Menace Among Its Ranks

Flim-Flam: Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions

In a Marvel Comics universe so politically correct that in many versions of the character Nick Fury has been switched from White to Black, was Hawkeye's comment about the SHIELD director's one good eye on an episode of The Avengers relevant? Are snide remarks made about Professor X being in a wheel chair?

Halloween Tract

Mouse Powered Carriage

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

All Halloween Witch on a Broom by Full Moon Scene

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

An MSNBC propagandists insists that Elizabeth Warren stretching the truth about being an American India should be overlooked. For who are we to criticize how individuals decide to categorize themselves. If so, what is to stop White folks from claiming they are actually Black in order to get their hands in the racial set-asides cookie jar?

Under the ruling handed down regarding the Pennsylvania Voter ID law, those showing up at the poles will be asked to show identification to election judges. The thing is, though, they are not required to do so. Try being defiant like this when you are so ordered by police or even doctor’s office personnel. The League Of Women Voters claimed that the law would be an undue burden upon the disabled. But don’t those suffering from these kinds of afflictions harp the rest of the time about being treated the same as everybody else?

Apparently Someone At The White House Has A Hankering For Succulent Breasts

The Romulan War: To Brave The Storm

Voluptuous Anchoress Bores Skinny Pissant A New One

Obama says it is up to government to teach us how to dress ourselves and set an alarm clock. It's like he wants to turn the whole nation into a New Jersey gas station where it is assumed all motorists are too inept to pump their own petrol.

Peek-A-Boo, Jesus Love You

Halloween Trick Or Treat Tract

Homeless Billionaire Should Be Extended No Pity Nor Admiration

Obama Excuses Racial Violence Targetting Whites

Mouse And Mole: A Perfect Halloween

Are Free Masons Establishing A Genetic Database?
