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Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Islamist Propaganda Infects Pages Of Green Lantern
Maybe they can show the violence the Islamic Green Lantern would inflict upon the newly out of the closet sodomite Green Lantern (the one with a weakness for hard wood). Nothing scatologiocal about the statement. The gay Green Lantern's power ring was the version of the character whose ring had no effect on wood.
Democratic Convention propaganda insists that the government is the only thing we have in common. English use to be another thing until it was undermined by a lack of border and enforcement and the propagation of educational policies frowning upon cultural assimilation. A second thing use to be an acknowledgement that we were created by God, and it now seems that has been removed from the platform of the party whose mascot happens to be an ass.
Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell once condemned the cancellation of professional athletic event in that student and the residents that did not attend because of a sever ice storm. It was his contention that the Chinese would have attended while doing advanced math calculations along the way. As such, Americans ought to willingly risk life and limb as well to attend such an event in the name of the COMMUNITY. So will he also heap criticism upon the Democratic Convention for moving Obama's acceptance oration inside over threat of evening showers?
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
If assorted conservative personalities are going to paint the impression that retired government employees are to blame for the current economic crisis, perhaps at least one ought to ask how much Clint Eastwood got for his Super Bowl commercial that no doubt was paid for in part by auto bailout funds.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Christianity Today Favors Illegals Over Actual Americans
It is essentially a sob story on how valiant believers are aiding and abetting illegals until amnesty is inevitably granted.
Does this publication also plan to feature a cover story detailing those lives and communities that have been ruined by immigrants that refuse to obey American laws, brutalized by criminals with no business being in this country, and by freeloaders that refuse to adopt an American way of life that includes learning English and keeping their yards clean?
Does Current History Magazine Deny The Existence Of Chinese Brutality?
This raises a number of questions and observations.
Primarily, what is being done with those detained in China for various social offenses that in the Free World would not rise to the level of a crime?
Are you going to tell me they are now enjoying an acceptable level of treatment?
Perhaps such prisoners aren't being detained for very long on their way to organ harvesting.
It must also be asked, given the amount of money being tossed about by the Red Chinese in comparison to American's declining economic power, are academics and analysts being pressured financially or ideologically to turn a blind towards the human rights abuses perpetrated by this rising global power.
At a stop along the campaign trail, Romney gushed that women start more businesses than men. If so, no wonder. Most men undertaking such an endeavor have to do so all on their own. The assorted government and leftist front group hand outs are specifically targeted at WOMEN starting their own enterprises. Also, women often have their husbands incomes to fall back on if the venture fails whereas a man might not be able to forgo traditional employment in pursuit of more ephemeral ends such as success and job satisfaction if he has a wife and children to support.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Mark Of The Geek: Will Bill Gates Force You To Wear Mindreading Bracelet?
For now, such devices measure if a teacher has sufficiently engaged student attention. However, what if in the future these devices are used to determine whether students or employees are thinking "racist" or "sexually suggestive" thoughts even if they do not vocalize them?