Friday, July 27, 2012

Peter Parker was better acted and written the previous series of Spider-Man movies.

Batman Shooter A Neuroscientist That Went Haywire

It seems that the Batman Shooter may be a neuroscientist that went haywire.

So will the media issue numerous exposes and reports how this individual had likely been subjected for years to evolutionary dogma how human beings are nothing more than an accidental conglomeration of chemicals and electricity?

Leftists will remark that such insinuations are offensive and irresponsible.

But are such claims any more so than those of ABC news correspondents hoping that the act of terror was Tea Party related?

Such an insinuation was bandied back and forth between Brian Ross and George Stephanopolous.

If the gunman had been named Abdul Hassan, would this journalistic outlet had latched onto the first one they could find especially if an activist with the local chapter of CAIR?

Thinking from more conservative voices was no less muddled.

Responding as additional information was made available to the general public, Brain Wilson of WMAL radio remarked it was good news that it seemed likely that the shooter was a “lone wolf” not connected to international terrorism.

But how is a victim any less mangled or dead if shot by a loner or by someone more inherently group oriented such as a member of a gang or terrorist organization?

Sophisticates will opine that this deed does not rise to the level of terrorism.

But why not?

When I first took an interest in this subject over twenty years ago, terrorism was defined as an act of violence committed for the purposes of garnering attention to get people to alter their behavior or shift their perceptions.

If not terrorism, what else do you call an attack with the purposes of attaching forever in a sick and twisted way one’s name to one of America’s most beloved cultural icons and literary characters?

by Frederick Meekins

The impression I am getting from certain hyperlegalists is that, to the Christian, the life of the mind is to be as mundane as common everyday existence. For nothing that does not exist in the everyday world ought to be permitted to exist in the realm of the imagination either. It seems that would include scientific advancements as well. I was informed that science was occultic (as they proceeded to instruct me on the matter through a scientific device known as a computer). Movies produced by these people must be a real hoot or a thriller. I suppose such cinematic master pieces would consist of little more than a two hour prayer meeting.

A cover story on an issue of Ebony Magazine read "Black Wealth". Given that the publication is geared towards Black folks, are its readers so racially narcissistic that they have no interest in money unless the article tickles their sense of ethnic superiority? What about a magazine titled Alabaster with an article on “White Wealth”?

If Rahm Emanuel does not speak out against plans by the Nation of Islam to patrol Chicago streets, what would be wrong with Klansmen or Skinheads doing the same there or elsewhere in America?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Federal Food Fascists Target PsyOp At Nation's Ranchers

Butch Napolitano Opens Arms Wide To Terrorists

Ties Between The Batman Shooter & U.S. Supersoldier Programs Deepen


Leftist Media Ignore Afrosupremacist Flash Mobs

Rahm Emanuel says Chick Filet is not in keeping with Chicago's values. And what exactly do those consist of? Widespread municipal corruption? So are we to assume that the Nation of Islam minions to prowl the city in the attempt to curb the skyrocketing homicide rate (another Chicago value?) represent the virtues embodied by that particular Midwestern metropolis? So apparently you aren't welcome in Chicago if you oppose gay marriage, but its arms are open wide to you if you believe that White people were created by a Satanic genetic engineer and that there is a giant flying saucer hovering above the Earth that will one day rain nuclear annihilation down upon unsuspecting White people whose only crime was having been born White?

And how is Joe Paterno any worse than assorted Catholic prelates that swept incidents of alleged abuse under the rug for the "good of the program"?

One person likes creamy sausage. You like chicken fillet sandwiches. Diversity means that not only does your friend not have to eat chicken fillets but that you shouldn't be allowed have chicken fillets either and that you must ascent to how wonderful it is that others prefer creamy sausage.

Thinking Theory Thoroughly: Coherent Approaches To An Incoherent World

THE HERO AND THE DRAGON: Building Christian Character Through Fantasy Fiction

Doctor Who A Global Entertainment Phenomena

Can Encore Careers Bridge The Retirement Income Gap?

Future Babble: Why Expert Predictions Are Next to Worthless, and You Can Do Better

Global Trends: Facing up to a Changing World

UFO's & The Pyramids

Exopolitics: Political Implications of Extraterrestrial Presence

Sissyfied Olympians Neglect Munich Attack To Placate Terrorist Sympathizers

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Was The Batman Shooter Studying Government Mind Control?

Marry Poppins To Battle Voldemort In Olympic Showdown

Time For A Dog The Bounty Hunter/Whale Wars Crossover?

Stephen King has exhibited tendencies towards violent fantacies. Should he be institutionalized?

Sire As Many Bastards As You Want By As Many Women, Just Don't Take Care Of Any Of Them

Taxpayers Pick Up Tab For Spanish Exercise Classes

Was Sally Ride A Lesbian?

Given the riots in Anaheim, it doesn't look like police cracked quite enough heads.

Superman: New Krypton, Vol. 1

Grow Your Handmade Business: How to Envision, Develop, and Sustain a Successful Creative Business

Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection

We're All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press & Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age

Radical Homeschooler Heaps Condemnation On Christian Youth Prefering Not To Live In Squalor

Ridley Scott Asks If Aliens Or God Created The Human Race

Political Ideologies & Worldview Considerations in The Dark Knight Rises

Life After Work: Redefining Retirement

News In Focus Analysis Of The Dark Knight Shooting


The Coming Revolution: Signs from America's Past That Signal Our Nation's Future

Bloomberg Wants Americans Gunned Down In The Street

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

If the Muppets want to position themselves as so gay-friendly, why did they poke fun at at transgender pig in their last cinematic installment?

The difference in Romney reminding us to remember those that helped us get where we are is that, when Romney proffers such an admonition, such an oration is not a prelude to additional taxation.

A number of Christians I have been sparring with on a social network site have condemned science as a false religion because of the questionable spiritual backgrounds of that epistemological methodologies foremost practitioners. Then perhaps Christian youths should instead be encouraged to pursue callings in these fields and in the creative areas that reflect upon the implications of these fields instead of constantly beaten over the head into becoming foreign missionaries. How about fighting for our own culture for a change instead of glamorizing the pygmies overseas?

Radical Homeschooler Insists Those Shot By The Batman Gunman Got What They Deserved Because Of Colorado Abortion Laws

If some kind of total prohibition is enacted, does that mean law enforcement personnel and government security agencies will be required to surrender their assault weapons as well?

A clarification. Man is a animal (particularly a mamma) biologically but distinct from animals ontologically. That does not conflict with a literalist seven day view of creation. Like mammals, humans are warm-blooded, grow hair, and produce live young which are usually fed by milk from their mothers when born. Admitting humans are animals in this sense no more undermines the unique nature of man being made in the image of God than does admitting that man is composed physically of matter. Only heretics such as Gnostics deny that the material component of man is as essential as the spiritual at least in the world in which he now finds himself.

Travel Gestapo Humiliate 95 Year Old Cancer Patient

An Exopolitical Perspective On Transhumanism, Part 1

Listen to internet radio with Ohio Exopolitics on Blog Talk Radio

The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington

Social Media & Your Ebay Business

Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, and Why It Matters

Marketing Your Ebay Business

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future

Monday, July 23, 2012

Those given over to pathological yammering and incessant socialization have inflicted greater harm on this society than the average loner ever has.

The thing is that the revenue Obama insists will go towards things like roads and bridges that businesses and individuals of accomplishment use will instead go towards GSA drumsticks and commercials to entice Mexicans onto the Food Stamp rolls.

Did Elements Within The Vatican Finance Obama’s Indoctrination In Political Radicalism?

So are the parents that let their kids be abused under Penn State football going to have their professional accomplishments stricken from the historical record because of their failure to pay proper attention to their progeny? As many no doubt indoctrinated into the minds of their offspring that these coaches were nearly gods walking among mere mortals.

Perhaps someone should make a fuss it will likely be Black kids denied these Penn State football scholarships.

So does the NCAA have a time machine? Penn State won the games. Apart from some kind of temporal incursion, you can't erase the time line.

If Batman Shooter James Holmes admires the Joker so much, perhaps part of the punishment ought to be disfiguring his visage with caustic substances.

And I wonder how many low level clerical and janitorial staff will be laid off so Penn State can pay off its fine.

In NPR coverage of the Batman Shooting, one witness lamented that the gunman shot women. And that is worse than shooting men why?

Gullible Podiatrically Mutilated During Cultic Ritual

So will the fine imposed upon Penn State by the NCAA go to the victims or be used to line that association's pockets?

The Garage Sale Millionaire

The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics

2025 : Scenarios of US and Global Society Reshaped by Science and Technology

The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic by David Limbaugh

So You Created a Wormhole: The Time Traveler's Guide to Time Travel

Batman: The World of the Dark Knight

Friday, July 20, 2012

Occutard Types Enunicate Support For The Batman Shooter

In Batman Beyond especially, there was a gang in the future that emulated themselves upon the Joker in the memory of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Now it seems this phenomena may be popping up in real life in adoration of this scumbag that followed in the Joker's footsteps.

This is in essence the next stage of the Occupy movement.

FBI Refuses To Remove Elderly Citizen From Terrorist Watchlist Despite Clerical Error

Business Mastermind Soaks Foo Foo Liberals Wanting Gourmet Water

Ukrainian Organ Harvesters Busted

Border Patrol Rubbed Its Hands All Over Gay Man's Chocolate Eggs

Was Batman Shooter An Acolyte Of The Occupy Movement?

The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors

Critical Mass by Whitley Strieber

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free: Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor