Source: via Frederick on Pinterest
Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Walter Williams Misguided On Nursing Care
While filling in on the Rush Limbaugh program, economist Walter Williams insinuated those seeking some kind of public assistance for the nursing care of their decrepit parents are not honoring their mothers and fathers as admonished by the pages of Scripture.
And where exactly are most suppose to get the $9,000 per month to pay for this nursing care?
There are only so many that get to take a turn at filling in for Rush Limbaugh.
Interestingly, the same legalists that like nothing more than putting their piety on display for church members to applaud and fawn all over that would agree with Williams’ conclusion would probably then turn around and heap condemnation on such Christians going bankrupt or working themselves into an early grave themselves directly providing highly skilled medical care they might not be qualified to give if they were unable to send their children to Christian or home school or slack off in what they slip into the collection plate for evangelizing the jungle savages overseas as a result of undertaking this financial hardship.
And where exactly are most suppose to get the $9,000 per month to pay for this nursing care?
There are only so many that get to take a turn at filling in for Rush Limbaugh.
Interestingly, the same legalists that like nothing more than putting their piety on display for church members to applaud and fawn all over that would agree with Williams’ conclusion would probably then turn around and heap condemnation on such Christians going bankrupt or working themselves into an early grave themselves directly providing highly skilled medical care they might not be qualified to give if they were unable to send their children to Christian or home school or slack off in what they slip into the collection plate for evangelizing the jungle savages overseas as a result of undertaking this financial hardship.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Bloomberg Wants New York Redesigned As Giant Penal Colony
The Mayor is already attempting to control what you can eat in terms of salt content and what you can drink in terms of limiting the size of soft drinks. Now he wants to control living space (or Lebensraum as the Nazis use to call it) by decreasing apartment size.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Shiftless Afrosupremacists Demand Increased Handouts
In saying that Romney "doesn't understand Blacks", what the socialist front group is really saying is that Romney doesn't sufficiently pander and cower before their threats at this point in the campaign.
In saying that Romney "doesn't understand Blacks", what the socialist front group is really saying is that Romney doesn't sufficiently pander and cower before their threats at this point in the campaign.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Michael Moore Would Ration Utilities
Filmmaker Michael Moore is insinuating that, if you have spoken out against union excesses, you do not deserve to have your electricity restored.
In other words, access to the necessities of contemporary life should be predicated upon ideological conformity and compliance.
Such a proposal by Moore should come as no surprise.
It seems for decades now that Moore has lavished praise upon the Cuban healthcare system.
In such totalitarian regimes, one’s access to goods and services is not determined by a fairly objective standard such as price where any with the requested amount may qualify but rather but how politically utilitarian one is in furthering the agenda of the prevailing elite.
In other words, access to the necessities of contemporary life should be predicated upon ideological conformity and compliance.
Such a proposal by Moore should come as no surprise.
It seems for decades now that Moore has lavished praise upon the Cuban healthcare system.
In such totalitarian regimes, one’s access to goods and services is not determined by a fairly objective standard such as price where any with the requested amount may qualify but rather but how politically utilitarian one is in furthering the agenda of the prevailing elite.
Monday, July 09, 2012
The cover of a July 2012 issue of the Baltimore Jewish Times reads, "The Jewish community recovers from last weekend's devastating storm." It wasn't exactly bagels and cream cheese for we heathen Gentiles either. Had a Christian publication focused so narrowly on its own woes during a crisis that impacted so many equally irrespective of creed, you'd never hear the end of it from the Anti-Defamation League.
Sunday, July 08, 2012
John Huntsman is refusing to participate in any Republican functions until the GOP puts the country above politics. I am sure so many average Republicans are devastated by such an announcement. However, an even greater number are probably scratching their heads and saying, "Huntsman who?"
To the unsuspecting, such a sentiment might actually sound noble. However, to Huntsman, it is merely euphemism calling for the adoption of more liberal policies.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Vatican Sets Back Ecumenical Relations Decades
The Vatican has set back ecumenical relations decades.
In a statement that can't be described as anything but cultic, the Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith has stipulated that the legitimacy of a church is not determined by a profession in Christ but rather by fidelity to the Pope.
Talk about an inflated ego.
Act 16:13 instructs believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
There is not much there about unwavering loyalty to a stand in that is no less human that and just as much in need of a Savior as the remainder of us.
The Spirit of the Lord is where two or three are gathered in His name.
A certificate of authenticity from a plushly adorned headquarters is not required.
In a statement that can't be described as anything but cultic, the Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith has stipulated that the legitimacy of a church is not determined by a profession in Christ but rather by fidelity to the Pope.
Talk about an inflated ego.
Act 16:13 instructs believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
There is not much there about unwavering loyalty to a stand in that is no less human that and just as much in need of a Savior as the remainder of us.
The Spirit of the Lord is where two or three are gathered in His name.
A certificate of authenticity from a plushly adorned headquarters is not required.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Southern Baptists Contract A Derivative Of Obamamania
It has been said that Evangelicals are five to ten years behind the rest of the culture in terms of embracing fads and trends.
That seems about right.
Last election cycle, a plurality made a considerable fuss over and selected a candidate for the Presidency of the United States primarily because the individual claimed to be Black.
Now it seems movers and shakers within the Southern Baptist Convention have been whipped up into a similar frenzy.
Of the election of Fred Luter to the highest office in that particular ecclesiastical association, the Dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Russell Moore gushed, "To have the son of slaves now leading this denomination as it reaches the world with gospel is a sign of God's mercy."
So as a man well over 100 years of age, Rev. Luter is looking remarkable fit and vital.
Moore continued on in a vein of self-deprecation that would make most Jews blush, “This denomination was once ‘white as a tractor pull’. It that’s the case, the denomination will not, and should not, survive.”
Over the centuries, most to hold the Papacy have hailed from the Caucasian end of the racial spectrum. So should critics call for the end of that institution because it has not lived up to some arbitrary notion of racial diversity?
More importantly, the formulation of Moore’s response to this question put to him is quite revealing and exposes a number of assumptions.
What exactly does “white as a tractor pull” mean anyway?
Are not Whites allowed to have a form of entertainment inherent to their particular culture? Does Moore intend to criticize forms of recreation that tend to appeal to Black folks but not Whites?
Likewise, will this same spirit of condemnation be brought to bear against Black Baptist bodies that do not enact outreach and set aside opportunities particularly aimed towards White people.?
For overall, one will find it is probably more likely that a Black person will advance within the ranks of the Southern Baptist Convention than for a White person to advance very far within predominately Black ecclesiastical administrative organizations and associations.
If the Rev. Fred Luter was elected from a truly Biblical perspective, not a single word would be mentioned about his color. Instead, all that would be said is that he is the most qualified man for the position from the standpoint of his Christian character and his aptitude to apply sound theology to the challenges facing American culture today.
by Frederick Meekins
That seems about right.
Last election cycle, a plurality made a considerable fuss over and selected a candidate for the Presidency of the United States primarily because the individual claimed to be Black.
Now it seems movers and shakers within the Southern Baptist Convention have been whipped up into a similar frenzy.
Of the election of Fred Luter to the highest office in that particular ecclesiastical association, the Dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Russell Moore gushed, "To have the son of slaves now leading this denomination as it reaches the world with gospel is a sign of God's mercy."
So as a man well over 100 years of age, Rev. Luter is looking remarkable fit and vital.
Moore continued on in a vein of self-deprecation that would make most Jews blush, “This denomination was once ‘white as a tractor pull’. It that’s the case, the denomination will not, and should not, survive.”
Over the centuries, most to hold the Papacy have hailed from the Caucasian end of the racial spectrum. So should critics call for the end of that institution because it has not lived up to some arbitrary notion of racial diversity?
More importantly, the formulation of Moore’s response to this question put to him is quite revealing and exposes a number of assumptions.
What exactly does “white as a tractor pull” mean anyway?
Are not Whites allowed to have a form of entertainment inherent to their particular culture? Does Moore intend to criticize forms of recreation that tend to appeal to Black folks but not Whites?
Likewise, will this same spirit of condemnation be brought to bear against Black Baptist bodies that do not enact outreach and set aside opportunities particularly aimed towards White people.?
For overall, one will find it is probably more likely that a Black person will advance within the ranks of the Southern Baptist Convention than for a White person to advance very far within predominately Black ecclesiastical administrative organizations and associations.
If the Rev. Fred Luter was elected from a truly Biblical perspective, not a single word would be mentioned about his color. Instead, all that would be said is that he is the most qualified man for the position from the standpoint of his Christian character and his aptitude to apply sound theology to the challenges facing American culture today.
by Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
On the program Hollywood Treasure someone wanted to sell their Dukes of Hazard General Lee to pay for his wedding. This raises at least two questions. Did he want to sell the General Lee to pay for the wedding or was it his wench that wanted to sell the General Lee to pay for the wedding? And more importantly, does she intend to part with a possession as cherished to her?
How are a tax and a penalty really all that different? In the contemporary assessment system, every tax is a punishment for something. Be it for attempting to better yourself through increased income, for owning something such as property, for trying to enjoy yourself, for simply existing, or for simply ceasing to exist (so called death taxes as well as having to send back Social Security payments for family not living the entire month).
Monday, July 02, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Average Americans Need Not Feel Guilty
On the cover of the 4/20/12 issue of the leftwing Catholic publication Commonweal is a picture of a farm worker.
The caption below the picture reads, "Meet The Woman Who Picked Your Food".
And why should the average American be made to feel guilty about this?
Unlike this leftwing branch of the Catholic faith (as well as the leftwing branches of Protestantism for that matter), average citizens are not the ones wanting borders flung wide open and little done to deport those with no business being here.
Does the magazine also intend to run a cover article about average Americans to shoulder increased tax burdens and how waves of immigrants failing to acclimate to the cultural standards of this country have decreased the quality of life in numerous communities across the nation?
Michelle Obama declared Jesus to be a model citizen. In the eyes of the First Lady, I wonder if that includes the incident of the driving of the money changers from the Temple? Does Michelle Obama applaud Christ's endorsement of the right to carry a concealed weapon (or at least a weapon) when He told his Disciples to sell a cloak to purchase a sword if they did not already have access to the contemporary side arm of the day. And under the kind of healthcare reform advocated by Jesus, contraceptives (at least for the unmarried) would not be necessary since He told the adulterous woman to go and sin no more.
The commencement speaking insisting there is nothing inherently special about individual human beings told the students that they were taken care of by adults that had better things to do. If that is the attitude of these adults, perhaps they ought to have been doing these other things the night they made the baby.
"Building For Social Change"
The cover story of the March 2012 edition of Architectural Record is "Building For Social Change."
For those not yet fluent in speaking the language of Totalitarianstan, this means people will literally be herded into living in tight quarters whether they want to or not.
Most laughable were the pronouncements for the grandiose projects designated for skid row areas with large concentrations of the homeless and others just as likely on government assistance.
After nearly five decades of public housing projects, apparently these central planners still fail to realize that, no matter how pretty you design the building, it's not going to last long if the residents have it so easily handed to them that they have no compunction against defecating in places other than the designated toilet facilities.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Too much is being made over a survey that 30% under thirty have at some point doubted the existence of God. The survey does not indicate that these individuals continued on in that frame of mind. Many renowned theists such as Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis and Mother Teressa doubted at various points in their lives and eventually worked through it for the better.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
In a sermon on systematic theology, the minister said that your primary source of teaching ought to be from the local church. Any books that you research should be construed through what is learned there. If anything, you should view the local church with the same degree of scrutiny in light of God's Word. One might actually need to be more conscientious in keeping one's guard up in regards to the local church because a book is not going to play up to your existential weaknesses not directly related to the subject matter being addressed by the book nor intimidate you if you don't go along 100% with the manuscript on every secondary issue.
Joe The Plumber Right
Joe the Plumber should not be condemned by leftwing Jews over recent comments regarding the Second Amendment.
If Jews had firearms in Germany, at least one of the scenarios would have likely transpired.
Fewer Jews might have died because the Nazis might have thought twice about sending so many to their deaths.
Second, those defending themselves might have taken a greater number of Nazis out along the way.
Even more importantly, if Jews had been permitted to own firearms, there might have not even been a Holocaust since the first step of slaughtering vast numbers of people is to deindividualize. There is no surer way of accomplishing that than by increasing dependence upon the state.
The cover of the July 2, 2012 of The Nation reads, "Islamophobia: Anatomy Of An American Panic". Those given over to such reflection should stop and ask a profound question. That interrogatory is just how many publications in the Islamic and Third Worlds have published articles with titles such as “Christophobia” or “Ameriphobia? It must be observed that those given over to destroying their own neighborhoods upon merely hearing things they don’t like aren’t exactly renowned for their aptitude out critical self-evaluation.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Thoughts Concerning The Avengers
The Avengers was a good film.
However, it was not the greatest superhero movie of all time as has been suggested.
And believe me, I have seen some superhero movies.
Not much thought went into Hawkeye's costume.
It hardly resembled his ensemble from the comics.
The aliens were less than impressive and, along with the wormhole portal opening above a skyscraper, the sequence seemed nearly interchangeable with last year's Transformers: The Dark Of The Moon.
As often as films depict such anomalies manifesting in the vicinity of the Empire State Building with non-terrestrial entities pouring through, that is likely a warning placed by occultic elites to those of sufficient discernment that such an event is prophesied for some point in the future.
Sort of the way all manner of ghoulish symbolism is dispersed throughout the Denver International Airport subtly informing how the facility will be used as a command center by the forces of the New World Order when that tyranny is implemented.
In one particularly reflective scene, the assembled heroes flew into a moral outrage when Nick Fury admitted to plans to develop weapons based upon the tesseract technology.
Thor portends that such research will usher mankind to the next level of warfare as forces beyond humanity from that point onward will take notice of the threat posed by the Earth.
But wouldn't these individuals of enhanced ability themselves be the next step in the development of the implements of destruction and conflict?
Yet other than Bruce Banner wanting rid of his affliction as the Incredible Hulk, none of them seem eager to give up those aspects of their existential makeup that set them above the lumbering common masses of humanity.
Captain America would probably be the sincerest individual among the lot but even he volunteered to undergo the procedure that increased his physiology.
Iron Man is ultimately just a suit of armor.
Thus Tony Stark could give up his alter ego the easiest, but possesses an ego so large that he claims his company no longer produces weaponry even though what he pilots is little more than an anthropomorphized weapon.
So the differences between what he professes and how he actually lives makes Tony Stark the Rosie O'Donnel of superheroes.
Yet Stark in terms of humility is an anchorite monk in comparison to Thor.
Thor's people, a race known as the Asgardians originating from a plane of existence beyond Earth, seem to have done little to dissuade early man from worshipping these transdimensional beings as gods.
Even Thor throughout the film continued to look down his nose at the human race when he insinuated mere earthlings were unworthy of laying hands upon beings from his realm no matter what earth laws such beings may have broken or how many human lives might have been destroyed.
Mary Poppins sang a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.
The cartoonish nature of The Avengers may just be what the doctor ordered to get viewers to contemplate the implications of those that would alter what it means to be human and in essence weaponize our underlying ontology.
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, June 15, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Friday, June 08, 2012
Thursday, June 07, 2012
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