Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Regarding the Violence Against Women Act up for reauthorization before Congress. Firstly, unless there is companion legislation specially protecting men, this law technically violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Secondly, since these crimes occur within the border of one particular state, why should they be of national federal concern?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Whoring Secret Service Agents Deserve No More Respect Than Drunken Paper Pushers
Sean Hannity is apprehensive about discussing the Secret Service prostitute scandal because of deep respect he possesses for the agency.
Then shouldn't he be as reluctant in detailing the GSA convention shenanigans as not every member of that agency participated in that squandering of taxpayer funds either?
Law enforcement or military personnel that betray the trust of the American people are deserving of no more respect than any other public employee that fails to live up to their obligations.
And they are perhaps even more deserving of greater condemnation since, unlike errant paper pushes caught going wild on someone else's dime, when these servants neglect their obligations the innocent could very well end up losing their very lives.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case snidely remarked that, unless one has been involved in a similar kind of case, we mere serfs can't possibly understand the complexity of the issues involved. So perhaps George Zimmerman should point out that, unless a rampaging is beating your head against concrete, you can't possibly understand the necessity of defending yourself with such decisive force.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
If Cuban Americans rampage in the streets wanting to deny the expression of ideas that they oppose, what makes them really all that different at their core than the dictator they claim to oppose? It’s just that they have not yet been able to violently put down their adversaries. So I guess the moral of the story is that opposing anyone opposing the prevailing ideological consensus should have an array of persecutions inflicted upon them ranging from outright existential liquidation to the deprivation of livelihood. Granted, the Florida Marlins are well within their rights contractually to dismiss an employee propagating an embarrassing message. However, one would think a group claiming to know the pains resulting from a disregard for freedom would be a bit more reluctant imposing a blossoming tyranny of their own.
Mayor Bloomberg has announced a campaign to abolish Stand Your Ground Laws across the countries that allow the individual to defend themselves against violent assault. As a mere municipal official, what business is it of Bloomberg what the laws are in another state. Perhaps rural sheriffs should now interject themselves into the policies decisions of Babylon on the Hudson. And if the average citizen cannot protect themselves with firearms, why ought police be permitted to?
Eric Holder has assured that Americans feel the pain of Trayvon Martin's parents. How about the pain of the White child set afire for daring the answer a Black history question? How about the pain of the elderly White man in Ohio nearly kicked to death by rampaging Trayvonites? Or how about the pain of the elderly couple driven from their home as a result of inaccurate tweets on the part of Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr? But I guess the victims of these crimes insufficiently resemble the visage of our exalted leader.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 09, 2012
Sunday, April 08, 2012
A yahoo headline condescendingly quips that Thomas Kincaid drew many fans but few critical raves. Wouldn't you rather rake in a fortune rather than snooty accolades? Most art critics are leftwing deviants anyway. Nearly everyone has heard of Thomas Kincaid. How many foo-foo art critics can you name? Thomas Kincaid's art emphasized the good, the true, and the beautiful. Most contemporary art emphasizes despair, the degraded, and the profane.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Friday, April 06, 2012
Burger King has been condemned for featuring a Black singer in a commercial about fried chicken. Diversitymongers claims a stereotype was promoted as a result. There is no winning with these people. If one had produced an advertisement featuring White folks, these malcontents would be all uppity about that.
Clucking Biddies Henpeck President
At a White House forum on woman's issues where President Obama was to be henpecked by a bunch of clucking biddies, he announced that his healthcare legislation included domestic violence screening.
The thing about bureaucrats is that they end up finding what they want to see even if what they are initially charged with looking for really isn't there.
So expect these investigations to go beyond black eyes and broken bones.
It must be warned that to these nags a man doing nothing more than raising his voice in frustration at a wife that's been texting all day rather than cleaning house or merely disrupting a woman during a verbal berating constitutes abuse of the first order.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Food Fascists Want Ice Cream Trucks Banned
So in leftwing hovels where such a policy is implemented along with medical marijuana dispensaries, the Good Humor Man will be more of an outlaw than the sanctioned drug dealer.
So in leftwing hovels where such a policy is implemented along with medical marijuana dispensaries, the Good Humor Man will be more of an outlaw than the sanctioned drug dealer.
Octomom On $2000 Per Month Of Foodstamps
An integral part of Obamacare is the curtailment of medical procedures to those deemed to be a poor return on the investment. Perhaps one of the procedures that ought to be abolished is artificial insemination, especially for the unmarried.
An integral part of Obamacare is the curtailment of medical procedures to those deemed to be a poor return on the investment. Perhaps one of the procedures that ought to be abolished is artificial insemination, especially for the unmarried.
If Obama mouthpieces are now handing down edicts as to what genders should be admitted to the membership of a private country club, how long will it be until federal officials are telling you what genders may occupy your church pulpit? Will Obama demand men be granted access to female gyms and aerobics classes?
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Monday, April 02, 2012
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The 3/30/12 episode of Fringe featured a Sumerian cult obsessed with directed transgenic evolution for the purposes of bringing about the New World Order. Will mostly likely be the last season of this series. There is only so much truth elites will allow. Like how no one will ever see again the episode of The Lone Gunman that predicted the flying of a jetliner into a skyscraper.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Marko Rubio is being considered for the Vice Presidency in part because he can allegedly bring in the Hispanic vote. Had anyone considered the importance of solidifying the “White Vote”? Does anyone realize that if Rubio shoots a Black man, given Rubio’s light pigmentation, he’d likely be considered a “White Hispanic”?
Black Rabblerouser Threatens Riot If Welfare Benefits Cut
Am not sure what's more shocking: the threat of violence or that one of these deadbeats would actually get off their backside and exert themselves.
Am not sure what's more shocking: the threat of violence or that one of these deadbeats would actually get off their backside and exert themselves.
DC Mayor Vincent Gray is justifying the erection of additional speed and red light cameras as way to protect bicyclists. Will cameras also be set up to protect motorists and especially perambulating pedestrians from narcissistic bicyclists that just as blatantly flout the standards of vehicular propriety and decorum?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
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