Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Lessons In Apologetics #7: Panentheism
To the Panentheist, God is to the world what mind or soul is to the body (193). Like many of the worldviews and methodologies already discussed, Panentheism can be traced back to the days of ancient Greece.
Perhaps one of the foremost examples of Panentheism would be the Demiurge of Platonic thought. Whereas the Judeo-Christian God created matter out of nothing, Plato’s Demiurge did not create the world out of nothing but rather shaped and crafted it out of independent eternally existent matter.
Since the matter which coexists with this version of God is just as eternal as God, God does not necessarily have the ultimate say. As such, Panentheism is also known as finite godism or process theology.
According to Alfred North Whitehead, God is bipolar. No, that does not mean God is depressed though you might be if this system posited is the best man can hope for. The theology of bipolarity hypothesizes a God with one end in eternity where His potentiality and the things He hopes to accomplish are located and His other end located in the temporal world where His actuality is manifested but not always to the extent He might intend as His creations possess their own autonomy.
Since the world and those in it are able to exhibit a degree of independence thwarting God’s will and ends, the bipolar theory of God is also a form of process theology or finite godism. According to process theology, God changes over time, must rely on us for the accomplishment of His plans in the world, and cannot assure from eternity past that He will ultimately prevail.
In his analysis of the theory, Geisler writes, "How can anyone worship a god so impotent that he cannot even call the whole thing off? Is not such a god so paralyzed as to be perilous (210)?” If the Christian has no assurance that God will triumph, from the way the world appears to be going, one would be better off hedging one’s bets by siding with the Devil or sitting the whole thing out all together.
by Frederick Meekins
Extremeist Christian Reconstructionists wanting to reintroduce the death penalty for adultery need to answer a few questions before the Evangelicals like myself they'd condemn as cryptoheathens even considered the idea. Under their regime, if somesome took a gander at a particularly luxuirious backside or bosom, would they be hauled into police headquarters for interogation?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Then They Came For The DVR's.....
It is claimed that these machines use too much electricity.
In light of this mandatory asceticism, before it's all over with they will probably summarily execute those of us wearing eye glasses and march everyone else out to toil in the rice paddies.
All of this will likely fall under Frau Obama's "Let's Move" campaign.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
When The Residents Are Away.....
But with that area of the country infamous for its gang violence, do authorities intend to assure homeowners that during their absences steps will be taken to prevent their property from being looted or to prevent squatters from seizing homes outright?
The road is no doubt in need of repair.
Social planners are also no doubt looking at this as an experiment to see if denying infrastructure access could serve as a viable strategy to voluntarily depopulate an area authorities no longer want contaminated by human habitation.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Throwaway Lines Reveal Potential Trends
This conjectures that at some distant point in the future the Pope might be an artificial intelligence construed to be a female.
The idea sounds ludicrous.
However, wilder notions are often considered at Transhumanist conferences and symposia (often at taxpayer expense).
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Food Fascism Lays Groundwork For Additional Control
A Chicago school's policy of controlling what students eat is an example of the threat posed to human liberty by public education. Sad thing is many private educators are just as eager to usurp parental authority. Compounding that, if schools are religious, they'll then compile lengthy theological justifications why you are not a "good Christian" if you don't have a smile plastered across your face regarding the handed-down decree.
If babykillers insist that the government should keep its laws off the body of women wanting abortions, who in the name of Hades are these civil servants to tell anyone what they can or cannot eat for lunch? Students forced to eat food they don't want should toss it in the trash in defiance or preferably hold mass puke rallies and refuse to clean up their own regurgitation.
If educational authorities are granted control over what we eat in the name of protecting us from ourselves, where does this intervention end?
Do education flacks have the authority to tell parents what they may feed their own children in the confines of their own homes?
With each passing decade and generation, it seems the areas central planners claim jurisdiction over continue to expand and the areas over which we exercise jurisdiction and personal preference continue to contract.
A short while ago, parents would have never put up with bureaucrats telling them what they could and could not feed their children. Now the principals at schools where these kinds of policies are being implemented claim no parents have come forward to complain about them.
Thus, once today's young skulls full of mush, as Rush Limbaugh calls them, become acclimated to such detailed micromanaging of their existence at such a young age, expect that kind of command mentality to manifest itself in an array of other issues.
Think you know what career change might make you happy? Sorry, you can't change your job because credentialed government technocrats have determined you are in the position that optimizes their vaunted multi-year plan.
It might be that human liberty and large scale enterprise may not be as closely related as they have been perceived to be in the minds of those that would consider themselves as anti-statist or individualist conservative in their ideological orientation. Already, a number of businesses forbid employees from smoking in the name of keeping health costs in check and I have clashed before with those that think that corporate prerogatives take precedent over those of the individual to such an extent that private property should be forfeit to whatever party has the larger bank account.
So what is to prevent multinational conglomerates as interested in managerial social engineering as they are in raising a profit from forbidding employees from bringing their own food to work? Students already conditioned into this during their school years will think nothing of such a policy as it is extended into the workplace.
It has been said that an army travels on its stomach. Likewise, those seeking to enslave a once free people realize that the surest way of doing so is not so much through grandiose parades and theatrics by rather by conditioning the individual to seek the approval of the state in the most mundane and personal of matters.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
If natural disasters in America are the result of the U.S. government backing a 2 state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, why do these tragedies strike the heartland of the country where the common folk have virtually no sway over foreign policy rather than a particular building in Foggy Bottom. You'd think an omnipotent God would have better aim.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Limp Wristed In Uproar That Palin Ate Pizza With A Fork
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Savages Murder Pastor Over Invisible Magical Phallus
Bet Congressman Weiner wishes his were invisible.
Some days the headlines just write themselves.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
What Does Christian Education Only Really Mean?
However, it really needs to be clarified before the wider scope of the Church can endorse it.
For example, does the person making the statement include the entire breadth of human knowledge derived from reflection upon the creation and applications deduced from such cogitation?
If so, the statement can be endorsed.
If the postulator means that the true believer should only concern themselves with those areas carved out as exclusively as "religious", they are sadly mistaken.
For while the decree would seem to highlight the piety of the person making it, it is woefully inadequate to the complexity of the epistemological realities in which we find ourselves.
This is especially brought to light when the person is making such a proclamation over Internet technology in general and Facebook in particular.
For while the scientific advances making such wondrous technological breakthroughs possible are based upon principles established by God, I am not sure these devices would have come into existence by those that only sat around having the Scriptures drilled into their heads in a manner reminiscent of cultic brainwashing.
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Certain Manners Reveal How Much Some Adults Despise Children
Yahoo has promulgated a list of manners that it insists all children should know and abide by.
Many of these such as saying "please" and "thank you" or sending a "thank you note" are important courtesies. Others are simply a reminder just how much certain adults despise children.
Some of these serve no other purpose than to condition the individual into docility so as to be easier to control as adults.
For example, though a child ought to be trained to express their dislike of something in a polite manner, rule number six insists that "the world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults."
Are adults so delicate that their world is going to be shattered should they hear that a child doesn’t like something? If society is that week, no wonder the Muslims are about to take over.
Furthermore, if this is harped upon as an adsolute, at what age does it end?
As an adult, might the person forced to live by this dictum then develop an inhabitation to speak out against anything imposed upon them by a self-appointed authority figure?
Most dictatorial regimes view governing institutions as the adults and the citizen or subject in the role of the child.
If one never speaks up to vocalize what is commonly referred to as a complaint, how will things ever change or improve?
Adults should try to get children to eat a healthy variety of foods, but there are some items you are just never going to like. I will have to pretty much be on death's door before I'll eat beets.
So if a child is never to inform an adult as to a food that the child does not like, should the child's gag reflux be adversely stimulated, will the adult clean up the regurgitation likely to result? Or will the child be duly beaten and told what a wretched example of original sin and unwillingness to submit to authority that they are?
Parents that insist upon slavish adherence to what has been agreed upon as good manners that force their children to consume all kinds of rotgut swill underaged taste buds and digestive tracts aren’t accustomed to should not be shocked fifty years from now when Junior or Sally are eager to toss them in the cheapest nursing home they can find and never look back.
I just might be rude. Some things I simply refuse to eat. Since you're not going to be there in the middle of the night holding my hand as I attempt to soak away a stomach cramp in hot water at 2 am, I don't really care how offended you are I didn't eat the slop you consider a culinary masterpiece that will no doubt taste as bad coming up as it did going down.
I one time remember reading a Gospel tract that the young Christian was obligated to eat whatever any authority figure put on their plate in order to prepare them for their future careers on the mission field. Newsflash: though it is a sacrilege to say so in some circles of Fundamentalist education, not everyone is called to go to the foreign mission field, especially if you can’t stand the site or smell of what the savages stick in their mouths. Besides, most of them want to come to America now anyway where we have decent tasting food.
My great grandfather use to threaten my grandmother that, if she or her siblings didn't eat something, he was going to shove it down their throats himself. So don't tell me the parents of centuries past were by default superior to the parents now.
As a society, we've gone too far into permissiveness, but neither is an overcorrection something to be desired. Treating your children with the respect and dignity is the best guarantor that they will emulate these qualities in the years and decades to come.
by Frederick Meekins
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
In a church that claims to stand for the whole counsel of God, in a balanced presentation of marriage, shouldn't the references suggesting you are just as well off not getting married as getting married be presented as part of the same exposition as those seeming to suggest you are pursuing a course of life less than what God intended if you are not married?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Peace Corps Run By Sexual Deviants
Will liberals be as outraged over this as they are over Bin Ladin getting what he deserved?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Presidential Propaganda Alert Chip Added To Every New Cellphone
For now, "voluntary".
But mark my words.
Eventually it will be illegal to own a cellphone without one or that you will be deemed an unfit parent or potential child molester if you don't accept the upgrade the way parents are now that don't buy their kids conventional cellphones.