Monday, May 30, 2011

What Does Christian Education Only Really Mean?

When someone makes a statement like "The only education we should be interested in is Christian education", it might earn brownie points with certain fanatics.

However, it really needs to be clarified before the wider scope of the Church can endorse it.

For example, does the person making the statement include the entire breadth of human knowledge derived from reflection upon the creation and applications deduced from such cogitation?

If so, the statement can be endorsed.

If the postulator means that the true believer should only concern themselves with those areas carved out as exclusively as "religious", they are sadly mistaken.

For while the decree would seem to highlight the piety of the person making it, it is woefully inadequate to the complexity of the epistemological realities in which we find ourselves.

This is especially brought to light when the person is making such a proclamation over Internet technology in general and Facebook in particular.

For while the scientific advances making such wondrous technological breakthroughs possible are based upon principles established by God, I am not sure these devices would have come into existence by those that only sat around having the Scriptures drilled into their heads in a manner reminiscent of cultic brainwashing.

By Frederick Meekins

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Will The Dimwitted Lose Faith Over Camping's Deception

Certain Manners Reveal How Much Some Adults Despise Children

Yahoo has promulgated a list of manners that it insists all children should know and abide by.

Many of these such as saying "please" and "thank you" or sending a "thank you note" are important courtesies. Others are simply a reminder just how much certain adults despise children.

Some of these serve no other purpose than to condition the individual into docility so as to be easier to control as adults.

For example, though a child ought to be trained to express their dislike of something in a polite manner, rule number six insists that "the world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults."

Are adults so delicate that their world is going to be shattered should they hear that a child doesn’t like something? If society is that week, no wonder the Muslims are about to take over.

Furthermore, if this is harped upon as an adsolute, at what age does it end?

As an adult, might the person forced to live by this dictum then develop an inhabitation to speak out against anything imposed upon them by a self-appointed authority figure?

Most dictatorial regimes view governing institutions as the adults and the citizen or subject in the role of the child.

If one never speaks up to vocalize what is commonly referred to as a complaint, how will things ever change or improve?

Adults should try to get children to eat a healthy variety of foods, but there are some items you are just never going to like. I will have to pretty much be on death's door before I'll eat beets.

So if a child is never to inform an adult as to a food that the child does not like, should the child's gag reflux be adversely stimulated, will the adult clean up the regurgitation likely to result? Or will the child be duly beaten and told what a wretched example of original sin and unwillingness to submit to authority that they are?

Parents that insist upon slavish adherence to what has been agreed upon as good manners that force their children to consume all kinds of rotgut swill underaged taste buds and digestive tracts aren’t accustomed to should not be shocked fifty years from now when Junior or Sally are eager to toss them in the cheapest nursing home they can find and never look back.

I just might be rude. Some things I simply refuse to eat. Since you're not going to be there in the middle of the night holding my hand as I attempt to soak away a stomach cramp in hot water at 2 am, I don't really care how offended you are I didn't eat the slop you consider a culinary masterpiece that will no doubt taste as bad coming up as it did going down.

I one time remember reading a Gospel tract that the young Christian was obligated to eat whatever any authority figure put on their plate in order to prepare them for their future careers on the mission field. Newsflash: though it is a sacrilege to say so in some circles of Fundamentalist education, not everyone is called to go to the foreign mission field, especially if you can’t stand the site or smell of what the savages stick in their mouths. Besides, most of them want to come to America now anyway where we have decent tasting food.

My great grandfather use to threaten my grandmother that, if she or her siblings didn't eat something, he was going to shove it down their throats himself. So don't tell me the parents of centuries past were by default superior to the parents now.

As a society, we've gone too far into permissiveness, but neither is an overcorrection something to be desired. Treating your children with the respect and dignity is the best guarantor that they will emulate these qualities in the years and decades to come.

by Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If rappers the celebrate cop killers are "socially conscious", does that mean that wife beaters are merely practicing rigorous interactive marital communications?

Is the prevention of the interstate transport of bovine mammary secretions about protecting public health or revenge of uncollected taxes or loss of agribusiness revenue?

In a church that claims to stand for the whole counsel of God, in a balanced presentation of marriage, shouldn't the references suggesting you are just as well off not getting married as getting married be presented as part of the same exposition as those seeming to suggest you are pursuing a course of life less than what God intended if you are not married?

Quite revealing how establishmentarian conservatives are in an uproar over Gingrich's remarks regarding the Ryan Budget but nary a peep over Newt's website pandering to Hispanosupremacists.

Convicted Felon & Accused Murderer Snoop Dog Denounces Sean Hannity As Immoral

If federal lunch programs were abolished altogether, students could have all the potatos products they wanted.

Didn't poets use to talk about how trees looked at God all day rather than inflicting violence against presidents named Bush?

If federal lunch programs were abolished altogether, students could have all the potatos products they wanted.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Obama Downplayed 9/11 Commemoration

Guess not enough Hispanics or Blacks died in this tragedy.

Peace Corps Run By Sexual Deviants

Shouldn't this evoke as much outcry as the Abu Grab incidents?

Will liberals be as outraged over this as they are over Bin Ladin getting what he deserved?

Bed Bugs Conveying Pestilence

America's further decline to Third World status.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So it's civil dialogue to threaten cops and president Bush but not to expose the socialistic nature of the Obama adminisration.

Aspiring Cop Killer Attended Jeremiah Wright's Church

Many Childhood Behavioral Expectations Reveal Just How Much Adults Despise Children

Schools Ban Chocolate Milk

Presidential Propaganda Alert Chip Added To Every New Cellphone

Why does Revelation 13 come to mind?

For now, "voluntary".

But mark my words.

Eventually it will be illegal to own a cellphone without one or that you will be deemed an unfit parent or potential child molester if you don't accept the upgrade the way parents are now that don't buy their kids conventional cellphones.

Obama Foments Hispanosupremacist Uprising

Does Glenn Becls Pet Psychiatrist Advocate Abolishing Marriage?

Whose Digny Did The Pope Ride?

Obama Birth Certificate Disputed Since 1965

Monday, May 09, 2011

Pakistan Reinerates Nuclear Threat

Is Pakistan Eager To Flex Its Nuclear Muscle?

Do Hasidic Jews Have The Hots For Hillary?

Also makes you wonder if under Reconstructionism would woman, as well as images of them even in modest attire, simply vanish from public view.

Some will snap what a bizarre comment to make.

But I am not the one insisting every last Old Testment regulation be implemented as civil law and Orthrodox Jewish sects do provide a bit on perspective as to how such regulations might be implemented.

Has David Barton Embraced Islamic Law?

Was Obama's Birth Certificate Faked?

Audio: Church Financially Rewards Unwed Motherhood

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Does The DC Government Care If Terrorists Kill Christians?

A story posted at Yahoo News detailed the steps taken in Washington, DC to prepare for a retaliatory attack on the part of Al Qaeda over the death of Osama Bin Ladin. Among the measures included increased police protection of synagogues and mosques.

What about Christian churches?

Aren’t these structures as worthy of protection?

However, they were not mentioned in the article.

If not, shouldn’t the DC government admit that they are not as concerned about any Christians that die in an attack as they are Jews or Muslims?

Those that properly recall their history will remember that one of the things that turned Bin Ladin against the United States initially was the presence of “Crusaders” in lands deemed sacred and holy by devout Muslims such as Saudi Arabia.

“Crusaders” is a term some Muslims utilize when speaking of Christians in reference to the conflicts during the Middle Ages where Roman Catholic authorities attempted to liberate the Biblical Holy Lands from Islamic control.

As such, if you wanted to strike back at an enemy that you thought was attacking your religion wouldn’t the Washington National Cathedral or the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception --- prominent structures admired and beloved not only by native Washingtonians but by enthusiasts of religious art across the county --- be better targets?

A fundamental principle of American jurisprudence is equal protection under the law. When a terrorist bomb explodes, the projectile shrapnel of the device can just as easily take out the lives of bystander Christians, Jews, or even Muslims.

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Church Financially Rewards Unwed Motherhood

Featured in a twitter post I stumbled across was a promotional by a church promising to give $100 to every single mother that shows up at the congregation for Mother's Day.

If a family lives as some of these fundamentalist churches demand, with dad working and mom at home, they are bringing in no more income than a household headed by a single mother In many instances, single mothers are no more necessarily deprived materially than an intact single income family.

So why doesn't a church handing out $100 to every single mother also give the reward to families that have stayed together as well?

If a church plans to give $100 to every single mother on Mother's Day, do they plan to give $100 to every single father on Father's Day?

Likewise, if a pastor is going to use Father's Day to bash the shortcomings of the contemporary father, shouldn't they use Mother's Day to bash the shortcomings of the contemporary mother?

Why is anyone deserving of a reward in most instances on the basis of their failed relationship status? Jesus can forgive if you ask, but sometimes you must live with the consequences of your actions.

For example, where an associate of mine works there is a woman that has procreated multiple times with nearly as many men. Both my associate and his coworker make around the same amount, with her perhaps a bit more. So should my associate be punished because he has made proper decisions in life and as a result have to subsidize someone that has made less advantageous ones?

Perhaps on Mother's Day in churches where this kind of commemoration is taking place, singles that have not yet reproduced and couples living in the context of intact unbroken marriages should consider withholding their tithes from the collection plate for that particular week.

Scripture says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. As such, anyone feeling a tugging on their heart that they are in need of forgiveness should be welcomed.

Often it is insisted that at the foot of the cross all are equal and that one repentant sinner cannot look down on what another did before coming to Christ. If so, then do not extend a tangible reward to those that have engaged in particular behaviors while withholding it from those that have in good faith lived by the expectations of the group.

by Frederick Meekins

So is Obama going to pay mileage tax on all the miles he travels that cannot be justified on the grounds of national security?

Fox News Tells Huckabee To Put Up Or Shut Up

Chinese Scientists Insist UFO May Be Approaching Earth

Did Pakistan Just Threaten To Nuke The United States?

Eventually, everyone will be forced to wear special gadgets that will tax you for each breath you take. It will be argued that those with higher respiration rates contribute more to green house gases. This could be one of the things monitored by the Mark of the Beast.

Obama Threatens To Tax You For Daring To Leave The House

New York Times David Barton Profile

Still doesn't explain how this figure that can grasp such minute detail has these extraordinary gaps in his knowledge when it comes to Mormonism.

Is Obama's Advisor On Ecumenical Affairs A Closet Jihadist?

It's Asian-Pacific Heritage Month. When do White folks get a month?

Wednesday, May 04, 2011