Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
If transgender beating victim had been a run of the mill White person, the story would have likely gotten next to no press attention. The IT would have then been lectured to be grateful to experience firsthand the affliction of the oppressed. The perpetrators would have then likely received an increase in their welfare check.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
In condemning Roy Moore for enunicating his message in a way that would appeal to all Americans & simply not to a particular variety of Christianity, a particular Christian Reconstructionist reveals that there is no room in his version of America for anyway of another worldview or theological interpretation.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Obama Threatens Reporter
FL Spends $14,000 On Superhero Capes
World Totters Closer To Starvation
So if certain Christian Reconstructionists believe that the only valid marriages r between Christians wedded in churches recognized by their regime, does that mean everyone else would have to be remarried? I do realize even raising this kind of question is likely enough to get me stoned or burned at the stake someday
Since Judge Roy Moore has allied himself with Christian Reconstructionism, before he gains wider support among Christian voters, he needs to be asked what is his position regarding the execution of people that "violate" the Sabbath. A religious dictatorship is no more desireable than a secularist one.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Charles Manson Calls On End To Global Warming
Friday, April 15, 2011
So if certain Reconstructionists are going to hold to the assumption that only marriages between Christians are valid in God's sight, will among the unforgiven sins the damned will be punished for in Hell include each instance where they made love in the form of the copulative act with the person they believed to be their lawfully wedded spouse?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ruminations Regarding Libya
Officials have let it slip that the CIA has operatives on the ground in Libya.
Shouldn't the proper response be when such a question is raised "neither confirm nor deny"?
Better yet, what is so wrong with outright prevarication in regards to such a matter? Some truths are not necessarily owed at the time they are initially raised.
Doesn't the discerning individual already realize that the great powers, by default, have operatives at work in nearly every other great nation around the globe?
In his speech to the American people, the President assured that the Libyan resistance could be trusted since the ranks of the movement consists of lawyers and doctors.
In other words, these people aren't the common street rabble employed as greeters at the Bengazi Walmart or Tripoli Target (the store that is, not the air strike coordinates).
Interesting how Obama applauds these desert nomads for clinging to their guns and their God but thinks it is somehow a threat to the Republic when the armed theists in question happen to be from Pennsylvania.
In regards to the alleged moral superiority of doctors and lawyers over we mere common laborers, weren't a goodly percentage of Nazi managerial functionaries drawn from the professional classes? As Mark Steyn remarked while filling in as a guest host on the Rush Limbaugh program, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara not only rank respectively among modern history’s most famous lawyers and doctors but also among the discipline's most bloodthirsty revolutionaries as well.
Interesting in the case of Libya how in Obama’s mind doctors somehow rank without investigation among the noblest of civil servants that sacrifice willingly for the good of the broader society. But here in America during the healthcare debate, the President depicted the practitioners of medicine as so lecherous as a whole that such wanton avarice had to be contained by layer upon layer of new bureaucracy.
If Qaddafi threatens to go house to house killing Libyans to put down the revolt, what makes him any worse than Prince Phillip who wants to be reincarnated as a killer virus to decimate world population?
Considering they consider themselves enthusiastic members of Qaddaffi's retinue, Americans must ask if given the chance would Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan inflict here the kind of bloodshed their patron is in enacting in Libya.
The propriety of intervention in Libya is now sort of a moot point. Given the Lockerbie Bombing, Qaddaffi must now be taken out if for no other reason than to prevent another similar tragedy.
Guess those Americans living in Libya being interviewed by Geraldo realize now living in the trashpile nations of the earth isn't so glamorous after all.
Qaddafi has been a plague upon mankind for decades. This human pustule has been allowed to fester ignored for so long that no matter what action is taken, the aftermath will infect the world for a long time to come.
by Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Obama Plans To Seize More Of Your Money
According to the President, you don't need it anyway as you are not to eat what your want, drive what you want, or even climate control your domicile.
Heck, before it's all over with, Obama or those following in his path will even attempt to persuade you that you don't even need your own privately owned home but should rather dwell in a government relocation center.
Interesting how mainstream journalistic outlets such as the Washington Post bemoaning the decline of the status of Blacks as the majority in the nation's capital offer no similar lamentation how in some area kindergartens less than 10% of the class is White? Who do they think then will buy their worthless paper in the future? Barely literate Hispanics aren't exactly renowned for the acumen in nuanced policy discussions.
Is Painted Toenail Ad Sound & Fury Signifying Nothing?
Before the debate erupts, who decides anyway it is the inviolable standards for girls to paint their toes since such ornamentation is not inherent to nature anyway?
Most of women's fashions tend to be what men expect women to dress like anyway.
Chicago school's policy of controling what students eat an example of threat posed 2 human liberty by public ed. Sad thing is many private educators r just as eager 2 usurp parental authority. Compounding that, if schools r religious, they'll then compile lengthy theological justifications y u r not a "good Christian" if don't have a smile plastered across ur face regarding the handed-down decree.
Monday, April 11, 2011
If it catches on in conservative Christian circles that average believers employed by government r somehow "ungodly" irrespective of their actual occupational tasks or mass giggle fits erupt over such individuals losing their pay during a government shut down, perhaps such "heathens" ought not put anything into the collection plate for awhile especially if such comments originate from the pulpit.
If it catches on in conservative Christian circles that average believers employed by government r somehow "ungodly" irrespective of their actual occupational tasks or mass giggle fits erupt over such individuals losing their pay during a government shut down, perhaps such "heathens" ought not put anything into the collection plate for awhile especially if such comments originate from the pulpit.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Co-Ed Showers?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Nature Enthusiasts Trash Mt. Everest
Blacks Flee Cities To Get Away From Foreigners
So, are they going to get lectures and sermons tossed at them by leftist clergy and school administrators for preferring their offspring grow up around certain kinds of people?
Likely not.
Any catch phrase used to rhetorically frame the issue won't be quite as catchy as "White Flight".
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Motivational Speaker Kills Himself
Sort of comforting in a distorted way that those thinking they can tell the rest of us to be happy probably rank among the most despondent.