Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Chicago school's policy of controling what students eat an example of threat posed 2 human liberty by public ed. Sad thing is many private educators r just as eager 2 usurp parental authority. Compounding that, if schools r religious, they'll then compile lengthy theological justifications y u r not a "good Christian" if don't have a smile plastered across ur face regarding the handed-down decree.
Monday, April 11, 2011
If it catches on in conservative Christian circles that average believers employed by government r somehow "ungodly" irrespective of their actual occupational tasks or mass giggle fits erupt over such individuals losing their pay during a government shut down, perhaps such "heathens" ought not put anything into the collection plate for awhile especially if such comments originate from the pulpit.
If it catches on in conservative Christian circles that average believers employed by government r somehow "ungodly" irrespective of their actual occupational tasks or mass giggle fits erupt over such individuals losing their pay during a government shut down, perhaps such "heathens" ought not put anything into the collection plate for awhile especially if such comments originate from the pulpit.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Co-Ed Showers?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Nature Enthusiasts Trash Mt. Everest
Blacks Flee Cities To Get Away From Foreigners
So, are they going to get lectures and sermons tossed at them by leftist clergy and school administrators for preferring their offspring grow up around certain kinds of people?
Likely not.
Any catch phrase used to rhetorically frame the issue won't be quite as catchy as "White Flight".
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Motivational Speaker Kills Himself
Sort of comforting in a distorted way that those thinking they can tell the rest of us to be happy probably rank among the most despondent.
Monday, April 04, 2011
As expensive as books are, these preachers and loose canon ministers burning assorted religous texts and other books they don't like obviously don't need any more money put into their collection plates since they have more than enough if it can be tossed about so carelessly and in less than optimal ways.
How in the name of Ghenna does the NYC Health Department plan to enforce it's "no easedropping rule"? And if it plans to cut in half the portion size of snacks served at agency functions, what is to prevent someone from taking two. And if you rat out your fellow bureaucrat for doing so, isn't that violating the spirit of privacy embodied by the no easedropping rule?
New York Food Police Ban Fried Foods From Health Department Lunches
Friday, April 01, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Blue Alert System Assumes Police Officers Lives More Important Than Mere Commoners
And since "hate crimes" are considered a greater offense than regular homicides, would the slaying of a minority officer be deserving of a more eye catching shade of blue than that used for a run of the mill Caucasian officer?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
At a Newsuem forum on advocacy journalism, a panelist remarked that 84% of undocumented immigrants favored comprehensive immigration reform. Since such people don’t even have a right to be in the country to begin with, why should their perspective even be consulted in terms of the policy AMERICANS will implement to address this issue?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Interesting that on the 3/24/11 edition of his program, Michael Savage condemned those not marrying early in life when he himself is on his second marriage. Then again, what sane woman wants to be yelled at nearly constantly. Contrary to Savage (as well as Mohler & Dobson in all fairness), marriage is not an indicator of adulthood.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth
In his comments regarding the cancellation of a football game, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell actually let slip the contempt he feels towards the citizens of the United States in general and the people of the Keystone State in particular.
In one remark especially, Rendell posited that the Chinese are to be extolled for the hypothetical situation that they would likely attend a scheduled athletic event despite dangerous weather conditions and march down to the arena on foot in the process.
While most of the hypertolerant zeroed in on what they perceived as the disparagement of the Chinese, that comment is actually quite revealing regarding Rendell's most deeply held social and political convictions.
For instead of being a mockery of China, Rendell's statement is the expression of a desire that our system become more like a totalitarian one.
Cancelling the game on account of foul weather is an acknowledgement of the principle that the individual possesses an inherent worth that certainly surpasses something like a football game that is not essential to maintain a function that could not be done without.
In China, the value of an individual life is next to nothing whatsoever. If a number of people die there, it is not seen as that big of a deal.
With the demographic situation there being what the government would categorize as an excess of population, a thinning of the social herd if handled delicately during an event that would bring glory to the state could be viewed as a win/win situation.
If Rendell thinks that we have an obligation to attend such communal functions irrespective of the consequences, another important issue is raised.
As a supporter of Obamacare with a number of its policy architects insisting that those having crossed the peek of midlife are less worthy of the full attention of the medical establishment, would Governor Rendell endorse the removal of treatment from the elderly heeding his admonition that they endanger themselves on hazardous roads?
Ed Rendell thinks that cancelling a game for count of snow contributes to the wussification of America. Perhaps he will be the one to slip on the ice and shatter a hip or have a loved one perish in a traffic accident on an icy road.
by Frederick Meekins