Monday, April 04, 2011

Government Healthcare Kills British Medical Bureaucrat

The trick to easedropping is to not let those your listening to to know you are listening in.

Does Petraus preface every sacred text he mentions with the adjective "holy"?

Pastor Guns Down Wife

Easrdrop all you want. It's not your fault if the loudmouth in the cubicle next to you can't keep their mouth shut or feels compelled to tell the world the status of their hemoiroids.

How in the name of Ghenna does the NYC Health Department plan to enforce it's "no easedropping rule"? And if it plans to cut in half the portion size of snacks served at agency functions, what is to prevent someone from taking two. And if you rat out your fellow bureaucrat for doing so, isn't that violating the spirit of privacy embodied by the no easedropping rule?

If AZ intends to fine overweight, smoking & diabetic Medicaid recepients, do they also plan to impose such punishments upon chronic fornicators & sodomites as well?

New York Food Police Ban Fried Foods From Health Department Lunches

How long until they begin to snoop through everyone else's lunch boxes?

Wasn't cultist Terry Jones offerred a car last year if he'd call off his Koran Burning. If he ever accepted the vehicle, now does he have to give it back since he went through with the textual emolation this year?

If heathen mobs in the Third World have the level of technology to go on murderous rampages over what happens here, perhaps they aren't as underdeveloped as we think and don't need as much of our money as a result.

Aldi's sirloin burger soup isn't as thick as it use to be & it seems they have discontinued the bean soup all together. But so long as Obama can vacation in Rio & have Mo Town Night at the White House, all is right with the world.

Cannibal documentary on National Geographic Channel being advertised with cutesy music. Wonder if the Ku Klux Klan would be approached in the same lighthearted manner or do the cannibals get a pass because they likely dined on those of the same color.

If Libyan rebels have sufficient # of bulletins to shoot them aloft in celebration, obviously they are not in need of our supplies.

Since Qaddaffi is such an SOB, Geraldo should ask the Americans he's interviewing there on the ground why they would move there in the first place.

An interesting Facebook status update by Brannon Howse regarding a Youth Pastor fired for taking his students to a Worldview Weekend conference. Obviously some churches prefer people of all ages remain in a state of ignornance and thus easier to control.

If Rev Terry Jones an honorable clergyman, he'd give back the free car.

Guess those Americans living in Libya being interviewed by Geraldo realize now living in the trashpile nations of the earth isn't so glamorous afterall.

If National Georgraphic is going to make cannibalism lighthearted & entertaining, isn't the network undervaluing the humanity of the victims?

Classic Christian theology holds that marriage is a common grace extended to all humanity. As such, it is not the place of certain Reconstructionists to restrict it solely to members of organized churches.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blue Alert System Assumes Police Officers Lives More Important Than Mere Commoners

So the importance of catching killers is now dependent upon the occupational status of the murder victim?

And since "hate crimes" are considered a greater offense than regular homicides, would the slaying of a minority officer be deserving of a more eye catching shade of blue than that used for a run of the mill Caucasian officer?

Qaddafi brat should have never been allowed in the United States to take an internship position.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth

In his comments regarding the cancellation of a football game, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell actually let slip the contempt he feels towards the citizens of the United States in general and the people of the Keystone State in particular.

In one remark especially, Rendell posited that the Chinese are to be extolled for the hypothetical situation that they would likely attend a scheduled athletic event despite dangerous weather conditions and march down to the arena on foot in the process.

While most of the hypertolerant zeroed in on what they perceived as the disparagement of the Chinese, that comment is actually quite revealing regarding Rendell's most deeply held social and political convictions.

For instead of being a mockery of China, Rendell's statement is the expression of a desire that our system become more like a totalitarian one.

Cancelling the game on account of foul weather is an acknowledgement of the principle that the individual possesses an inherent worth that certainly surpasses something like a football game that is not essential to maintain a function that could not be done without.

In China, the value of an individual life is next to nothing whatsoever. If a number of people die there, it is not seen as that big of a deal.

With the demographic situation there being what the government would categorize as an excess of population, a thinning of the social herd if handled delicately during an event that would bring glory to the state could be viewed as a win/win situation.

If Rendell thinks that we have an obligation to attend such communal functions irrespective of the consequences, another important issue is raised.

As a supporter of Obamacare with a number of its policy architects insisting that those having crossed the peek of midlife are less worthy of the full attention of the medical establishment, would Governor Rendell endorse the removal of treatment from the elderly heeding his admonition that they endanger themselves on hazardous roads?

Ed Rendell thinks that cancelling a game for count of snow contributes to the wussification of America. Perhaps he will be the one to slip on the ice and shatter a hip or have a loved one perish in a traffic accident on an icy road.

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HIV Spread By Organ Donation

Single Sex School Lunches Backdoor Pre-Islamization

Vandal Promotes Crime Spree Online

Contrary to radical leftists, graffiti is only art when it violates someone else's property.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Redskins Demand Washington Post Bribe

American Idol Contestant Applauded For Drunken Carousing

A headline reads that Muhammad Ali has pleaded with the Iranian government to free two detained U.S. hikers. An even more shocking headline would be that Iran even cared.

Regis Philbin is alleged to have said that social networking is a waste of time. Sort of like his TV show then.

If V is granted another season, would be an interesting plot if Project Ares was as much a threat to the free peoples of the world as the aliens.

Another Rapper Done In By Sobriety & Moral Living

Ohio Town Welcomes Dimwitted Blacks To Police Force

Seems Obama thinking that there are 57 states is a more significant lapse of knowledge than Michelle Bachman geographically misplacing a battle of the Revolutionary War. Usually liberals laud ignorance surrounding America's Founding Era as a good thing.

Penalties dropped for absconding Wisconsin Democrats. You skip out on jury duty & see if you get off as scott free.

If R.C. Sproul "Jr" (who technically isn't a Jr, but merely riding on his more famous father's name) can't run a church without it degenerating into abuses of his parishoners, why ought we to believer that his followes siezing control of government would be anymore trustworthy?

Interesting how some willing to overlook the deprivations to liberty & conscience that would occurr under Postmillennialism are opposed to them when enacted by secularist regimes.

If one makes for interpreative allowances that the Rapture is not necessarily Pre-Tribulational, the Anti-Christ could very well be a Postmillennialist that dupes the church to embracing Dominionist or Reconstructionist doctrine.

For you folks out there too obtuse mentally to realize Postmillennialism results in dictatorship, I have better things to than to find exact pages citations and footnotes for you. If you want to pull your heads out of the sand, there is a little thing called a search engine

Postmillennialism results only in dictatorship.

So if a school can ban peanuts because even their aroma can send a single student into fatal apoplexy, if American students are sickened by the stench of the swill eaten by foreigners, will those provisions be banned as well?

School Becomes Virtual Dictatorship Over Single Urchin With Peanut Allergy

Wouldn't the responsible parent simply homeschool the ailing child or acquire a tutor instead of grinding everyone else's life to a screeching halt?

Did Mass Fish Deaths Portend Earthquake?

Bodyslammed Pissant Gets What He Deserves

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tolerancemongers Issue Death Threats Against Those Noticing Asians Failing To Respect American Culture

Hispanic Proliferation Out Of Control

Terrorists & Welfare Deadbeats Granted 1/2 Decade Access To U.S. Border

Snake's Nipple Nip Proves Toxic

Proof that you really can have too much of a good thing.

If Maryland passes a snack tax, those able to should travel to Pennsylvania to acquire sweet & salty treats, smuggling them back over the border by the trunk load. Makes for a nice day trip & it is a form of patriotic protest. Be sure to conduct the transaction in cash in order to avoid a paper trail.

Maryland considers tax on snack food. Does this include flavored condoms? Or do we only tax the vices whose practicioners aren't known for smashing windows & generalized destructive mayhem when you tick them off?

Residence around failing Japanese nuclear plants advised to shelter in place. This is their plastic bags taped to the windows will save you moment.

Comment Deleted By Levin Operatives Apparently

Apparently, whoever is running the Mark Levin Facebook page is threatened by the idea that someone might be as nearly as witty & scathing as that particular host.

For despite listeners posting comments there, my own comment saying "Congress to hold moment of silence for Japan victims. Be back to generalized whoring & mockery of Biblical values within 2 weeks likely."

Couldn't have been the language. Levin has said equivalent to that over the airwaves.

Perhaps I'll go back to listening to Savage from now on.

House of Representatives to hold moment of silence for Japan victims. Be back to generalized whoring & mockery of Biblical values within 2 weeks likely.

Fanatic football fans force ESPN announcer out of town over athletic differences. Can you imagine the violence that would erupt if we faced Japanese level devastation? Buy your guns now before disasters strike.

Wasn't there looting for vital necessities such as big screen TV's at this point following Katrinia? Guess all people groups really don't behave the same.

Mildly amusing that GE chief defending the nuclear power industry is named "Immelt". Like something out of a James Bond movie.

Hopefully, those thinking that illegals deserve instate tuition rates will be the ones victimized by illegals in crimes and traffic accidents.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Priests Rescue Baby From Canadian Death Sentence

If Obama disapproves of bullying, doesn't he have to denounce the insurgents uprising at the Wisconsin State House?

Thousands Of Dead Wash Ashore

Churches Teaching The Eternality Of Hell Denounced As "Toxic"

If Hell is not eternal or doesn't really exist, why bother with Christianity at all if we are all going to "get there in the end"?

Also, by categorizing churches that teach the eternality of Hell as "toxic" aren't we violating the "judge not" hooey that is always propagated in liberal circles and more importantly edging yet another step closer to categorizing traditional Biblical doctrine as "hate speech"?

Will Evolutionists Replace God With Extraterrestrials?