Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, March 07, 2011
Fox Considers Dropping Glenn Beck
Old man Murdoch must be catching grief from his Islamist & Maoist overlords.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Thursday, March 03, 2011
If multimillionaire media talking heads are really concerned about the runaway debt, why don’t they pool their resources together & donate that portion of their salaries above subsistence level to ameliorate this problem? Or is sacrifice something that they, like Obama, think is something more for we lower sorts?
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Lessons In Apologetics #6: Pantheism
If Deism is the belief that God is so transcendent from the cosmos He created that He no longer participates directly in it, Pantheism must be the worldview at the other end of the continuum believing that a higher power exists as Pantheism holds that God is so immanent with the universe that God and the universe are one. As a worldview, Pantheism has plagued the religious thought of both the East and West from ancient times on up through our contemporary day.
Though there are various forms of Pantheism, most share a set of common characteristics. Pantheists will agree that ultimately there is but one substance.
Parmenides hypothesized that there is either being or nonbeing and in order to exist there must be being. And if everything possesses this quality, everything is of the same substance as to differ by nothing would be not to exist at all.
Though everything is ultimately one under Pantheism, what we perceive as multiplicity or distinction are either manifestations or emanations of the absolute unity.
In the "Enneads", the Greek mystic Plotinus said that from this impersonal unity flowed the various levels of reality starting with unity, then inward into mind, then the world soul, then multiple souls, then to the lowest level of matter. It is man, Geisler writes in "Christian Apologetics" of this brand of Pantheism as "the microcosm who possesses mind, soul, and matter" that the journey back to unity and oneness begins (175).
Though slightly different, other forms of Pantheism share considerable similarity. For example, in Spinoza's pantheism, God is a substance of infinite attributes and we exist as transient manifestations of the absolute that are eventually reabsorbed back into it. And in Hinduism, though that world religion is noted for its multiplicities of divinities, in its philosophically complex variants, the various gods all the way down to the material components of the physical world are the assorted levels of the comprehensive totality known as Brahman.
Though many Pantheists claim to embrace tolerance as they contend all religions are merely human efforts to understand the same all-encompassing God, one is really taking the serpent to one’s bosom when dealing with Pantheism. For example, in much of Pantheist thought, it is held that both good and evil flow from God much in the same way there is both a light and dark side of the Force in the Star Wars epic. Other Pantheists claim that God is beyond good and evil as understood by human beings.
Such positions could be used to not only to justify any number of atrocities but also to view them in a disturbingly detached manner or even positively in an around about fashion. For example, if good and evil are simply just human conceptions useful for ordering social relations, what is so inherently immoral about the Holocaust?
After all, were not the Jews the ones anyway that set the ball rolling on the theism that ended up promoting the conceptual dualism that now hinders the expansion of consciousness? Besides, by liberating them of their physical materiality, aren’t we doing them a favor by reuniting them with universal oneness? Under Pantheism, the “is” becomes the “ought” and that is why one sees cows strutting freely down the streets of India with the baby girls tossed out with the trash.
by Frederick Meekins
Though there are various forms of Pantheism, most share a set of common characteristics. Pantheists will agree that ultimately there is but one substance.
Parmenides hypothesized that there is either being or nonbeing and in order to exist there must be being. And if everything possesses this quality, everything is of the same substance as to differ by nothing would be not to exist at all.
Though everything is ultimately one under Pantheism, what we perceive as multiplicity or distinction are either manifestations or emanations of the absolute unity.
In the "Enneads", the Greek mystic Plotinus said that from this impersonal unity flowed the various levels of reality starting with unity, then inward into mind, then the world soul, then multiple souls, then to the lowest level of matter. It is man, Geisler writes in "Christian Apologetics" of this brand of Pantheism as "the microcosm who possesses mind, soul, and matter" that the journey back to unity and oneness begins (175).
Though slightly different, other forms of Pantheism share considerable similarity. For example, in Spinoza's pantheism, God is a substance of infinite attributes and we exist as transient manifestations of the absolute that are eventually reabsorbed back into it. And in Hinduism, though that world religion is noted for its multiplicities of divinities, in its philosophically complex variants, the various gods all the way down to the material components of the physical world are the assorted levels of the comprehensive totality known as Brahman.
Though many Pantheists claim to embrace tolerance as they contend all religions are merely human efforts to understand the same all-encompassing God, one is really taking the serpent to one’s bosom when dealing with Pantheism. For example, in much of Pantheist thought, it is held that both good and evil flow from God much in the same way there is both a light and dark side of the Force in the Star Wars epic. Other Pantheists claim that God is beyond good and evil as understood by human beings.
Such positions could be used to not only to justify any number of atrocities but also to view them in a disturbingly detached manner or even positively in an around about fashion. For example, if good and evil are simply just human conceptions useful for ordering social relations, what is so inherently immoral about the Holocaust?
After all, were not the Jews the ones anyway that set the ball rolling on the theism that ended up promoting the conceptual dualism that now hinders the expansion of consciousness? Besides, by liberating them of their physical materiality, aren’t we doing them a favor by reuniting them with universal oneness? Under Pantheism, the “is” becomes the “ought” and that is why one sees cows strutting freely down the streets of India with the baby girls tossed out with the trash.
by Frederick Meekins
If I a heretic 4 thinking 1 shouldn't have 2 be a church member in order to vote in a civic election, that 1 shouldn't be executed for advocating an alternative religion, and that marriages between non-Christains ARE NOT invalid. So be it. I don't want to be part of your religion anyway. As much as it infuriates you, you won't be the one deciding who gets to the happy place on the other side anyway.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Farrakhan Retains Friendship & Admiration For Homicidal Madman
Birds of a feather flock together. If given the opportunity, Farrakhan would do the same thing to American Whites & Blacks he'd deem uncooperative as Qaddaffi is doing in Libya.
A Christian Reconstructionist posts that he wants a theocracy & that one must be a complete idiot to not want God to rule over us. However, as a Postmillennialist, he conveniently omits that to Rushdoonyians that does not mean Christ Himself directly ruling over the nations. But rather through self-appointed interpreters who will elevate the slightest interpretative disagreement to the level of treasonous heresy.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Felonious Flatulence, Cannibal Migrants & Cooper Slapped: Headline Potpourri #19
The African nation of Malawi has passed a law criminalizing public incidents of flatulence. This raises the question of what will happen in reference to the quandary where the rectal emissions are categorized as “silent but violent”? This will no doubt be resolved in the precedent-setting decision of “You Smelled It vs. You Dealt It”.
Don't know whether to laugh or cringe at the tone of some articles calling for eager obedience and compliance with government dietary guidelines. Elites wanting to alter the composition of snack foods should be told to go lick a salt block.
Wonder if Anderson Cooper is as enamored now as he once was of the proverbial "Arab Street". Wonder if Anderson Cooper realizes now the considerable differences between Islamists and those he once ridiculed as “Teabaggers”.
Interesting that the unions insisting Obamacare is essential to the Republic's survival have been granted exemptions from ithe legislation. Interesting how the corporations pledging allegiance to the Obama regime are being exempted from his punitive decrees.
The "pro-democracy" demonstrators of the present decade usually end up being the tyrants chased from office decades down the road.
In Canada, a child was excluded from a contest to win a stuffed animal because he brought his lunch in a Ziploc bag. Eventually, parents of students caught trafficking in prohibited forms of nutritional conveyance will find social services knocking on their doorsteps.
According to, students in the “Social Justice” class at Archbishop Caroll School write letters to companies the students believe are exploiting the employees. Do they also intend to write letters about welfare recipients, that obviously don’t know how to keep a zipper up given their number of out of wedlock kids, who eat higher up the food chain than those paying the taxes providing entitlement benefits? Better yet, to understand the full implications of social justice, shouldn’t students acing the coarse have points shaved off their stellar grades and distributed to those that did not put forth as much effort in the class?
Obama is urging Mubarak to leave office promptly and peacefully. Wonder if he'll eventually follow his own advice when it is his own turn to leave power.
If Fox can reject a Super Bowl advertisement for advocating beliefs or practices that might spark “the wrong kind of controversy” in regards to John 3:16, shouldn’t the network ban ads for beer as well? For do not commercials for that particular product promote the position that it is moral to imbibe noxious liquids for nonmedicinal purposes often in pursuit of fornicative ends?
If an advertisement featuring John 3:16 couldn't air during the Super Bowl because broadcasting the segment would spark undue controversy and advocate a certain belief, will the Black Eyes Peas be punished for their ditty calling for increased education spending? Apparently the band is talented in neither music nor public policy.
No matter what side prevails in Egypt, we are pretty much screwed for failing to cultivate our own domestic petroleum resources.
If it is improper to ask potential voters or accused criminals to show their ID's to authorities, there is no reason for Burger King cashiers to ask me what my name is so they can print it on the receipt.
Traditionally, national security is invoked as an excuse to justify any assortment of civil liberties infringements. Thus, if Frau Obama is successful in persuading the policy establishment as to the veracity of her perspective linking obesity and nutrition to national security, just how much control will government exert over what Americans eat.
The White House Super Bowl party menu included bratwurst, cheeseburgers, pizza and beer. Where are the locally grown vegetables and low salt snacks?
Only asinine hippy parents make their kids eat carrot sticks, apple slices, and milk when they go out to eat.
If the federal government is going to send out Presidential Emergency Alerts to the nation's cellphones, is the message going to be charged to the recipients account or is Obama picking up the tab?
A WMAL host laments that the Super Bowl is not family friendly from the standpoint of the late kickoff. How is the NFL responsible if you can't get your kids to bed at a respectable hour? Not like youngsters are going to be irrevocably damaged by missing an ideal bed time. Guess this will be the next thing the Obama's monitor.
In comments at the Washington National Cathedral regarding faith and environmentalism, the head of the National Association of Evangelicals said that we need to revision our entire lives, families, and COMMUNITIES. Perhaps foremost among these is why does there need to be a National Cathedral? For though it is a beautiful and inspirational edifice, if we are to live lives of pious austerity, technically God doesn't really require a structure all that ornate.
In discussing GoProud (a group of gay Republicans) at CPAC, WMAL host Chris Plante invoked a quote by Ronald Reagan about working with those over which you agree 80% and disagree 20%. Does this mean that the Conservative Political Action Conference will eventually welcome a breakaway polygamist Mormon?
The New York Times is outraged that Disney marketers are targeting newborns by visiting mothers in maternity wards and trying to get new mothers to sign up for email updates and complimentary merchandize. Too bad the nation's paper of record is not as eager to expose how Social Services often pressures new parents into home visits.
The Washington Post reported that most handguns in DC were registered in Northwest neighborhoods. In others words, where the rich liberals thinking we rabble should be denied the Second Amendment reside.
Some banks have announced that they may impose fees on basic checking accounts. These financial institutions will no doubt moan and whine for more government handouts when consumers close out accounts.
If George Will is favorable to the presidential candidacy of Mitch Daniels and Mitch Daniels is hinting that healthcare should be denied to those of marginal social utility, does that include Will's mentally challenged son or is this something to be imposed upon those of us that don't wear red bowties, bad toupees or write useless tomes on baseball?
Hispanosupremacists are condemning an Arizona proposal to verify the legality of those utilizing that state's hospitals. You as a real American without lips chronically attached to the welfare teat try to get medical services without the proper paperwork. If You show up at some foreign hospital without proof that you are there legally, they'd probably vivisect you for organ harvesting.
Frau Obama believes youngsters are to suckle teat as long as possible. Is there any aspect of our lives that this government doesn't think is it's place to hand down a proclamation regarding? Guess we'll soon be given instruction as to which position the Obama administration prefers husbands and wives to partake of carnal relations in. A hypothetical future headline will read: "Obamas Insist Lefthand The One For Proper Anal Hygiene". This isn't too far out of a conjecture given their propensity to interfere in all aspects of our lives and for often siding with Third World cultures of a certain persuasion over our own.
It's time to sell off American park lands and museum treasures on Ebay to tackle the debt. It's heartbreaking, but less so than selling your children into slavery. What good is the Hope Diamond, Fonzi’s Jacket, or Archie Bunker’s Chair going to do you when you receive the mid to late 21st century’s equivalent of a jury duty notice that you are to report to a Chinese foundry where you are to render 15 years of hard labor to go towards national debt restitution?
What idea do you prefer and gives you greater comfort: that the First Ladies’ Inauguration Ball Gowns are on display or avoiding an old age living under what use to be a highway overpass as you evade being cannibalized by starving migrant teens?
by Frederick Meekins
Don't know whether to laugh or cringe at the tone of some articles calling for eager obedience and compliance with government dietary guidelines. Elites wanting to alter the composition of snack foods should be told to go lick a salt block.
Wonder if Anderson Cooper is as enamored now as he once was of the proverbial "Arab Street". Wonder if Anderson Cooper realizes now the considerable differences between Islamists and those he once ridiculed as “Teabaggers”.
Interesting that the unions insisting Obamacare is essential to the Republic's survival have been granted exemptions from ithe legislation. Interesting how the corporations pledging allegiance to the Obama regime are being exempted from his punitive decrees.
The "pro-democracy" demonstrators of the present decade usually end up being the tyrants chased from office decades down the road.
In Canada, a child was excluded from a contest to win a stuffed animal because he brought his lunch in a Ziploc bag. Eventually, parents of students caught trafficking in prohibited forms of nutritional conveyance will find social services knocking on their doorsteps.
According to, students in the “Social Justice” class at Archbishop Caroll School write letters to companies the students believe are exploiting the employees. Do they also intend to write letters about welfare recipients, that obviously don’t know how to keep a zipper up given their number of out of wedlock kids, who eat higher up the food chain than those paying the taxes providing entitlement benefits? Better yet, to understand the full implications of social justice, shouldn’t students acing the coarse have points shaved off their stellar grades and distributed to those that did not put forth as much effort in the class?
Obama is urging Mubarak to leave office promptly and peacefully. Wonder if he'll eventually follow his own advice when it is his own turn to leave power.
If Fox can reject a Super Bowl advertisement for advocating beliefs or practices that might spark “the wrong kind of controversy” in regards to John 3:16, shouldn’t the network ban ads for beer as well? For do not commercials for that particular product promote the position that it is moral to imbibe noxious liquids for nonmedicinal purposes often in pursuit of fornicative ends?
If an advertisement featuring John 3:16 couldn't air during the Super Bowl because broadcasting the segment would spark undue controversy and advocate a certain belief, will the Black Eyes Peas be punished for their ditty calling for increased education spending? Apparently the band is talented in neither music nor public policy.
No matter what side prevails in Egypt, we are pretty much screwed for failing to cultivate our own domestic petroleum resources.
If it is improper to ask potential voters or accused criminals to show their ID's to authorities, there is no reason for Burger King cashiers to ask me what my name is so they can print it on the receipt.
Traditionally, national security is invoked as an excuse to justify any assortment of civil liberties infringements. Thus, if Frau Obama is successful in persuading the policy establishment as to the veracity of her perspective linking obesity and nutrition to national security, just how much control will government exert over what Americans eat.
The White House Super Bowl party menu included bratwurst, cheeseburgers, pizza and beer. Where are the locally grown vegetables and low salt snacks?
Only asinine hippy parents make their kids eat carrot sticks, apple slices, and milk when they go out to eat.
If the federal government is going to send out Presidential Emergency Alerts to the nation's cellphones, is the message going to be charged to the recipients account or is Obama picking up the tab?
A WMAL host laments that the Super Bowl is not family friendly from the standpoint of the late kickoff. How is the NFL responsible if you can't get your kids to bed at a respectable hour? Not like youngsters are going to be irrevocably damaged by missing an ideal bed time. Guess this will be the next thing the Obama's monitor.
In comments at the Washington National Cathedral regarding faith and environmentalism, the head of the National Association of Evangelicals said that we need to revision our entire lives, families, and COMMUNITIES. Perhaps foremost among these is why does there need to be a National Cathedral? For though it is a beautiful and inspirational edifice, if we are to live lives of pious austerity, technically God doesn't really require a structure all that ornate.
In discussing GoProud (a group of gay Republicans) at CPAC, WMAL host Chris Plante invoked a quote by Ronald Reagan about working with those over which you agree 80% and disagree 20%. Does this mean that the Conservative Political Action Conference will eventually welcome a breakaway polygamist Mormon?
The New York Times is outraged that Disney marketers are targeting newborns by visiting mothers in maternity wards and trying to get new mothers to sign up for email updates and complimentary merchandize. Too bad the nation's paper of record is not as eager to expose how Social Services often pressures new parents into home visits.
The Washington Post reported that most handguns in DC were registered in Northwest neighborhoods. In others words, where the rich liberals thinking we rabble should be denied the Second Amendment reside.
Some banks have announced that they may impose fees on basic checking accounts. These financial institutions will no doubt moan and whine for more government handouts when consumers close out accounts.
If George Will is favorable to the presidential candidacy of Mitch Daniels and Mitch Daniels is hinting that healthcare should be denied to those of marginal social utility, does that include Will's mentally challenged son or is this something to be imposed upon those of us that don't wear red bowties, bad toupees or write useless tomes on baseball?
Hispanosupremacists are condemning an Arizona proposal to verify the legality of those utilizing that state's hospitals. You as a real American without lips chronically attached to the welfare teat try to get medical services without the proper paperwork. If You show up at some foreign hospital without proof that you are there legally, they'd probably vivisect you for organ harvesting.
Frau Obama believes youngsters are to suckle teat as long as possible. Is there any aspect of our lives that this government doesn't think is it's place to hand down a proclamation regarding? Guess we'll soon be given instruction as to which position the Obama administration prefers husbands and wives to partake of carnal relations in. A hypothetical future headline will read: "Obamas Insist Lefthand The One For Proper Anal Hygiene". This isn't too far out of a conjecture given their propensity to interfere in all aspects of our lives and for often siding with Third World cultures of a certain persuasion over our own.
It's time to sell off American park lands and museum treasures on Ebay to tackle the debt. It's heartbreaking, but less so than selling your children into slavery. What good is the Hope Diamond, Fonzi’s Jacket, or Archie Bunker’s Chair going to do you when you receive the mid to late 21st century’s equivalent of a jury duty notice that you are to report to a Chinese foundry where you are to render 15 years of hard labor to go towards national debt restitution?
What idea do you prefer and gives you greater comfort: that the First Ladies’ Inauguration Ball Gowns are on display or avoiding an old age living under what use to be a highway overpass as you evade being cannibalized by starving migrant teens?
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tolerancemongers Condemn Crackdown On Pirates
Evidence of the doctrine that a liberal is a conservative that hasn't been mugged yet.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Frau Obama Wants Youngsters Suckling Teet As Long As Possible
Is there any aspect of our lives that this government doesn't think is it's place to hand down a proclaimation regarding. Guess we'll soon be given instruction as to which position the Obama administration prefers husbands and wives to partake of carnal relations in.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Does Hooters Promote Family Values?
While we're at it, perhaps we can also have a blessing of the boobs there with the laying on of hands.
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