Monday, February 07, 2011

Group Lacks Backbone To Go Through With Palin Appearance

Rather revealing as to the state of affairs in America. The wording essentially says that violence will erupt if we don't surrender to leftist versions of civility.

Chavez Jails Opponent As Terrorist

WMAL host laments Super Bowl not family friendly from standpoint of late kickoff. How is the NFL responsible if you can't get your kids to bed at a respectable hour? Not like youngsters are going to be irrevocably damaged by missing an ideal bed time. Guess this will be the next thing the Obama's monitor.

The super bowl fanaticism where those that dont watch football any other day of the year reminds me of the episode of Babylon 5 where the Drazi beat each other senseless based on what color snotrag was around their necks.

Fail to see how the ad where the girls suggesting that their dad might land a date if he dyes his hair is a threat to morals & sound doctrine. Was essentially told by one Facebooker that I was "feminized" for not thinking the girls should be buggywhipped Amish style for their suggestion.

The White House Super Bowl party menu included bratwurst, cheeseburgers, pizza & beer. Where are the locally grown vegetables & low salt snacks?

Though I have been accused of being a product of public education, I have yet to figure out or have it explained to me how totalist state established by Christian Reconstructionists is all that more preferable to one run by radical socialists or even Islamists of varying stripes

As dimwitted as I am, it is a new one to me that the fact that I point out infringements of liberty from the left and right both secular and religious is somehow proof that I am a theosophist howling at the moon at Bohemian Grove.

A major problem is Osteen is that he fails to mention that many of life's problems and quandries aren't worked out until after your dead.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Tweets Regarding The State Of The Union 2011

Too bad no member of Congress possessed the courage to blurt out "You lie", especially in light how everyone was suppose to make bipartisan goo-goo eyes at one another.

Obama says cutting stimulus is akin to taking the motor out of an airplane taking off. But how can a jetliner even take off when the flue supply has already been burned up?

The camera panned the congressional gallery and showed the head of Xerox sitting in the crowd. Guess they need her to help make all that money that really isn't there.

Obama praised education for beginning earlier in China than in the United States. Guess the government should haul the child off as soon as the youngster emerges from the womb. Perhaps Obama should elaborate to the nation what he thinks of those slave labor camps where children are snatched from their parents and beaten into being Olympic athletes and the like.

Does Obama realize that it's not government that sparks imagination?

Soviets did not beat America into space not so much because of the superiority of their technology or social system but because we were concerned they would disapprove of us using a missile as a rocket.

If Obama believes in spreading the wealth around like he told Joe the Plumber, why should we bother being educated for the complex jobs he is promising?

If more students get college degrees through government subsidies that disrupt the market, the credentials will be useless in securing better employment and higher pay.

I guess $4.00 per gallon gas is reinvented energy policy.

Will one of the promised millions of electric vehicles be Obama’s or will he continue to ride around in gas guzzlers?

Obama is emphasizing rail transportation because the electric cars he is promoting will pretty much otherwise confine people to the areas in which government will permit them to live.

Wonder how many homes will be abolished and how much private property seized to build this fabled high speed train.

By calling the proposed high-speed rail system a "bullet train", isn't the President contributing to the coarsening of the national discourse?

Quite revealing how History is deliberately omitted from the list of subjects such as Math and Science that those advocating an increased federal role in education believe need to be emphasized as part of a renewed national education policy.

If Obama doesn't like foreign students returning to their native lands upon completion of their studies, perhaps they should not be admitted to American universities to begin with.

Obama insists that foreigners are the ones enriching America and fostering innovation. Guess actual Americans are just suppose to keep our mouths shut and paying taxes out the wazoo.

Many of the implications of what Obama says are more between the lines rather than said openly.

For example, the President calls for the leveling of tax rates. This could just as easily mean increasing assessments instead of lowering them.

Obama claims he will eliminate unnecessary regulations. Thing is, he no doubt sees the vast majority of those his minions are promulgating as absolutely necessary.

Contrary to the impression Obama attempted to create, deficit spending just didn't begin a decade ago. My grandfather passed away more than a decade ago and I remember him warning about the national debt when I was a kid.

The way the camera froze and elongated the image, for a moment, Obama looked like the Necromonger emperor in "The Chronicles Of Riddick".

Obama reassured that Muslims are a part of the American family. What about other religions, especially the ones not as inclined to blow things up when they don't get their way?

Likewise, Obama went out of his way to mention gay military personnel. Why aren't the sacrifices of heterosexuals worthy of mention?

Obama hopes to establish new alliances and friendships across the Americas. Wonder how much that is going to cost.

I tabulated 81 rounds of applause during the 2011 State of the Union Address.

by Frederick Meekins

At National Prayer Breakfast, the President assures he and Frau Obama remain faithful to "our God".

Technically, I guess the Egytian mob couldn't be accused of a hate crime for assaulting Christiane Amanpour since wouldn't they be considered her ethnic kinsfolk and co-religionists?

Obama To Bankrupt Power Plants

The "pro-democracy" demonstrators of the present decade usually end up being the tyrants chased from office decades down the road.

Interesting that the unions insisting Obamacare essential to the Republic's survival have been granted exemptions from the legislation.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Will members of Congress thinking the retirement age should be raised foresake their lavish salaries & benefits to rather eke out a subsistence existence toiling away in a Walmart or 7-11?

Octopussies Galore

Don't know what's more disturbing: that thousands of them died or that the native population had to be admonished not to ingest the seashore equivalent of roadkill.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Legislators Too Good For Constitution's Reading Should Be Booted From Office

A number of leftist Democrats either boycotted the reading of the Constitution in the House of Representatives or denigrated the ceremony.

These representatives should either resign or be removed from office.

For if they think that the very thing that authorizes them to hold office and wield authority is irrelevant, shameful or outdated propaganda, they certainly shouldn't be granted a hefty salary under a system that they have exhibited so much contempt for that they can't even grant the respect to to hear read aloud.

Americans would be shocked and outraged to learn of an athlete thinking themselves too good to be bothered with learning the basic rules of the game.

Then shouldn't we be even more so when it comes to those that actually assume that they have more of a right to run and order our lives than we do?

by Frederick Meekins

200 Cows Drop Dead In A Wisconsin Field

Wonder if a Christian Reconstructionist still thinks this is a joking matter.

Will U.S. Nuclear Security Be Controled From Red China?

Harry Reid to be commended for calling the Chinese President a dictator.

An exhibit in Times Square is titled "Experience China". Wonder if this includes forced abortion, the abridgement of free thought, and compulsory organ harvesting.

Did An Entire Chinese Village Vanish Into Thin Air?

Tolerancemonger Threatens To Make Conservative Ear Necklace

Are Rabblerousers Taking Over CPAC?

Will Swiss Underwear Inspectors End Up In The Unemployment Line?

Obama Considers Secure Internet ID's To Control Online Activity

If leftist Jews are going to fly into an outrage over the Gov. of Alabama for saying that only fellow Christians are his brothers and sisters, shouldn't offense be taken at the faith of those raising this objection for thinking they are God's chosen people?

Why do some in Congress think you are any less dead if you have 10 bullets fired at you than 11?

Interesting those that think you are "deceived" if you attend a Glenn Beck rally don't have a problem with hobnobbing with Reconstructionists that would put to death those disagreeing with them on points of theology and likely disenfranshise those they disagree with over matters of ecclesiology

Am no more desirous to live in a world where ecclesiastical authorities pry into one's decisions that are no where clearly spelled out in the pages of Scripture as I am in a world of total licentiousness.

If it will be illegal for average Americans to own high capacity ammunition magazines, there is no reason for police to have them either.

Why is an ammunition magazine that holds ten bullets perfectly acceptable but one holding eleven is an intolerable nightmare that can't be allowed on American streets?

CNN in an uproar over a guest using the word "crosshairs". I remember back in the day before that network lost their gonads on of the channel's most entertaining programs actually being named "Crossfire". That goes a step beyond "crosshairs" because "crossfire" denotes the gun actually being discharged.

Wonder if the spokesman of the Birmingham Islamic Society upset that the Gov. of Alabama only considers fellow Christians his brothers & sisters is in as much an outrage over actual abridgements of human rights by Muslims against those considered infidels in the eyes of that faith.

Audio: Tweets Regarding The Arizona Shooting Tragedy

Monday, January 17, 2011

Observations Regarding Christianity & Fantasy

If Christians are to avoid altogether books such as "The Lord Of The Rings" and "The Chronicles Of Narnia" because these stories contain wizards and witches, by definition does that prohibition also include the Bible since it too mentions witches and the like?

Like the Bible, don't these works warn that what we categorize as magic is not for mortal beings and in many instances depict what happens to those that succumb to this particular temptation?

In regards to Gandalf, though he is referred to as a wizard, in Tolkien's background materials, weren't the wizards beings more akin to angels in terms of their ontology?

More importantly, for hyperpious critics to condemn these books in such minute detail, wouldn't they have had to have read them or at least have had to study them closely?

If so, then on what grounds do they forbid you the opportunity to read these materials if for no other reason than to verify the conclusions that they have arrived at?

Rather, wouldn't the more respectable position be to warn the reader and to let them decide for themselves?

by Frederick Meekins

Friday, January 14, 2011

Heathens Trampled Underfoot

Napolitano Leaves Border Open To Invasion

Not a single penny in foreign or military support to Third World trashpile nations giddy & supportive of rising oil prices.

World Edges Closer To Famine

Gingrich Connives To Screw Civil Servants Out Of Pensions

Before a law essentially allowing a state to declare bankruptcy in order to get out of paying pension benefits to retirees ever went into affect, the former Speaker should be compelled to renounce every last penny and future benefits accruing to his name as a result of his tenure in the House of Representatives.

Failing to fulfill promised obligations to those having reached a certain age seems to be a modus operandi for Gingrich.

He dumped two wives before they ever got the chance to be as fat and gray as he has become.

Is Piers Morgan Cross With Madonna's Buns?

Refers to an incident between the celebrities dating to the 90's.

Food Fascists To Clamp Down On Salt Intake

Government Vampires Suck Every Last Penny From The Bereaved

Why should the Indian witchdoctor at the Tuscon memorial be applauded for simply claiming he is Mexican?

Republicans Brownnose Hispanics

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sell Naming Rights To Tackle Overwhelming National Debt

It was stated on Fox News that each family's share of the national debt is approximately $45,000.

In the attempt to make the amount more manageable, perhaps naming rights could be sold to various government landmarks or agencies in a manner similar to the way corporations currently purchase the ones to athletic stadiums.

For example, the Lincoln Memorial could be renamed “the Lincoln Mercury Lincoln Memorial”.

Social Security checks and statements could have boldly emblazoned across them “Brought to you by Depends Undergarments” or the name of a prominent retirement community in a given area.

The Capitol Building could have a giant Pepsi logo painted on it for the right price.

Prominent national parks could be sold off or contracted out as Disney resorts provided the Magic Kingdom agreed to leave these land holdings in a state close to natural. Given the levels to which gas prices are expected to rise over the coming years, it’s not like anyone other than the elites are going to be able to travel to enjoy these treasures anyway.

Since it has been hinted at in occultic circles that the Washington Monument is actually a gigantic phallus, it could be renamed “Trojan’s Washington Monument”.

Of course in each of these cases, steps could be taken to ensure that corporate influence would be limited to advertising and image purposes only.

Still distasteful and undignified?

Of course it is; but it less so than your children starving to death for lack resources available to feed them, being conscripted into Red Chinese slave labor factories, or having to surrender the nation’s daughters to Arab harems in the attempt to settle astronomical debt.

by Frederick Meekins

It is classic Communist tactic during "reeducation" to berate someone and then forbid them to defend themselves. This is what is being done to Sarah Palin.

Public Educator Defends Vagina Dance As Kinesthetic Learning

Will Neighborhood Eccentrics Be Rounded Up As Part Of Mental Health POGROMS

Leftist Rabble Denounce Sarah Palin For Defending Herself

Renowned Lush Returns To Noxious Liquids

Tolerancemongers Issue Death Threats For Exposing Martin Luther King's Historical Record

Same mental deadbeats that want talk radio banned for being "incendiary".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A quote often attributed to the NEA defines mental illness as an allegiance to the Founding Fathers, parents, belief in a supernatural being, and the sovereignty of the United States. Before we go along with liberals in agreeing that firearms should be kept from the mentally ill, it needs to be deliberately clarified where they stand on the above definition.

Denying firearms to the mentaly unstable is all well and good. But what will leftist elites define as mentally unstable?

Huffington Insinuates The Rules Are For The Lesser People

Observations Regarding The History Channel’s “Prophets Of Doom”

On the History Channel special "Prophets Of Doom", most of the talking heads assembled to discuss a number of the scenarios potentially instigating the collapse of the United States insisted that the nation must return to a system of localized agriculture.

Interestingly, though, none of the gathered researchers and theoreticians looked like they would be all that much into manual labor.

So I guess in their thinking, it will be up to you to give up your standard of living. They, on the other hand, will get to become the new feudal lords still sitting around thinking what by then will be useless kinds of thoughts while you will be the one toiling away in the fields.

Though an intellectually stimulating program and discussion, one couldn’t help but notice the hypocrisy of the analysts filmed driving around in their automobiles lamenting how human beings should have never been allowed to advance to the level of technology that we now enjoy.

Interesting how the old bald guy with the earring gripping about the decline of fossil fuel supplies never said a word about part of that crisis resulting from legislative and bureaucratic prohibitions against exploring for and developing new sources of oil within our own borders and off our own shores where other world powers are beginning to stake a claim.

If those assembled were suppose to be such experts about the threats that could lay waste to modern civilization, how come not a single word was raised regarding electromagnetic pulse weapons?

by Frederick Meekins

If citizens are to be denied high-capacity ammunition magazines, shouldn't police and military forces be denied them as well?