Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"Trust The German Soldier"
Monday, October 25, 2010
Will Foreigners Be Granted The Right To Vote?
All that marriage is an indication of is that a person is married. Contrary to a number of churches, ministries, and political candidates, it is not a barometer of spiritual maturity or standard of eligibility for ecclesiastical or political office. The statistics on broken and unhappy marriages alone are evidence of this truth.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Residents Rally Against Mandatory Smart Meters
Utility Smart Meters To Deprive You Of Life, Liberty & The Pursuit Of Happiness
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Biden Threatens To Murder Uncooperative Republicans
Leftists Kooks Infilitrate Liberty University
A biology professor there is insisting that modern society has developed an unfounded prejudice against bare feet.
As part of his proof, he cites photographs of early 20th century school children with unshod feet.
What he fails to realize or point out is that those children were likely that way because their parents couldn't afford shoes rather than as a result of conscientious fashion choice.
This case reminds me of some nutcase pastor from the Baltimore area, who despite his many trips abroad and such, berated his congregation for having more than one pair of shoes because the Africans he had encountered didn't have more than one pair.
Of course, it was never mentioned if we shouldn't travel abroad because the average African doesn't tend to travel abroad.
Before this foolishness meets its conclusion, as in the case of those that disfigure themselves with religious tattoos or those that made a big production of being discalced in the times of medieval Catholicism, those that go about without benefit of shoes will be applauded as spiritually better than the rest of us and those refusing to participate in podiatric nudity as average Americans will be accused yet another drain on environmental resources.
by Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Historian Distorts Past In Pursuit Of Anti-Christian Animus
In the 4/19/10 edition of USA Today, religious antiquarian Phillip Jenkins, by comparing extremist Islam with assorted atrocities committed in the name of Christianity over the centuries, details from an historical perspective how any religion can be co-opted in the name of violence. Though his warning is in part a timeless one that needs to be considered in all ages, Professor Jenkins' case overlooks a number of important points.
First, it must be remembered that, though horrible, the lynching and dismemberment of Hypatia and the abuses perpetrated by Cyril highlighted by Professor Jenkins occurred centuries ago. The violence committed by Islamic extremists is going on today.
That does not diminish the evils inflicted so long ago or repudiate the lessons that can be learned from such ancient accounts. However, the danger arises when this sense of scholastic detachment is then applied to the issue of contemporary terrorism.
Secondly, it must be remembered that such violence perpetrated solely for expansive religious purposes in the name of the Lord by human hands is not endorsed by Christ during the dispensation of grace. In Acts 17, Paul debated and dialogued with the Athenian philosophers on Mars Hill; he didn’t crack open their heads.
For Christians, Jesus during the time of His first advent and Paul are to serve as examples in regards to faith, practice, and missiological strategy. It could be argued that Muhammad serves a similar function in the life of the Muslim.
It would be factually incorrect to say that all Muslims are prone to fanatic violence. However, those using violence for socioreligious ends are more faithful in emulating the example set by Muhammad and the text he promoted than supposed Christians committing violence are in living up to New Testament standards.
Professor Jenkins would no doubt argue that those emphasizing violent manifestations of Islam while neglecting violent expressions of Christianity are doing a disservice to history. He has committed this very offense by insinuating that violent atrocities are a phenomena exclusive to unhinged religions and not something plaguing other social institutions.
Jenkins writes, "Out-of-control clergy, religious demagogues with their consecrated militias, religious parties usurping the functions of the state --- these were the common currency of the Christian world just a few decades after the Roman Empire made Christianity its official religion. He continues a paragraph or two later, "...given a sufficiently weak state mechanism, any religion can be used to justify savagery and extremism."
Are you going to tell me that an historian of Phillip Jenkins' repute is not aware of the countless deaths that result not so much from a "sufficiently weak state mechanism" but from a state made too strong at the expense of other cultural spheres? For example, Jenkins writes, "Between 450 and 650 AD, during what I call the 'Jesus Wars', inter-Christian conflicts and purges killed hundreds of thousands, and all but wrecked the Roman Empire."
Such conflict is tragic. However, it could be argued that the Roman Empire was, to use a highly technical historical metaphor, heading down the toilet well before then and for a number of additional reasons.
Frankly, the Roman Empire wrecked itself. Christians didn't instigate the debaucheries for which the waning years of the Empire have become infamous such as gladiatorial combat, rampant orgies, and even incest among the ruling elite.
History is as much a reflection of the values of those writing it as it is about the past era being written about. As such, Professor Jenkins needs to be asked why he thinks the violence perpetrated by warring bishops is somehow worse or the victims any more dead than the Christians slaughtered by Roman authorities for little more than quietly adhering to their own convictions.
It would seem that the most important lesson to take away from the great tragedies of history is that innocent human lives are lost when institutions of authority assume power to extents and over matters they were never intended. The regimes more blatantly hostile of Christianity such as Nazism and Communism were actually the regimes that turned the slaughter of the innocent and dissidents into an exact science.
It has been said that those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Concentrating power in the hands of government at the expense of other social institutions in the name of preventing tyranny is one of the surest ways of bringing about that particularly undesirable state of political affairs.
by Frederick Meekins
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
University Abandons Mascot In Order To Brownnose Tolerancemongers
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Rick Springfield Depressed 40 Years Ago
Is The McRib Composed Of Waste Pork That Even A Dog Won't Touch?
Contrary to Glenn Beck's ruminations, one rides public transportation to get from point "A" to point "B". One does not do so for compulsory interactive socialization.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Quarterbacks Claim Breast Balls Too Slick
And will the NFL prounce about honoring prostate or testicular cancer.
Guess the game has become so feminized that there is no need to be concerned about those masculine afflictions anyway.
Can't the game just be played without making everything so solemn and ponderous?
If there is no explicitly Christian running in an election, how can it be a sin to vote for an unbeliever if there is no other alternative? Was Paul in mortal error for living in the Roman Empire? While leftist churches have been quick to chuck the notion of sin out the window, the hyperpious are often overly eager to guilt-trip their respective congregations.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Leftists Snatch Picture Books From Children
Friday, October 08, 2010
Baby Snatched Because Parents Members Of Online Political Forum
Granted, Evangelical Christians need to be cautious of their entanglements with Glenn Beck because he is a Mormon. However, he is about one of the few games in town in terms of exposing a number of the things he does. This is due in part because of the tendency in hyperpious circles to manipulate the young among their ranks into believing that the truly devout worthy of praise and emulation are involved with foreign missions and definitely not politics or mass communications.
Government To Keep Track Of Whose Privates You Like To Jiggle
Thursday, October 07, 2010
International Walk To School Day might have a place if its goal is to raise awareness of motorists to be on the lookout for perambulating pupils. However, if the occasion is promoted from the standpoint of brainwashing students as to the evils of automobiles or to track those least likely to comply with handed-down directives, it is not the business of educational authorities how a child gets to school. Maybe officials want more children run over or abducted so as to have statistical justification for additional surveillance of the American people and curtailment of any number of basic liberties.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
If Rushdoonyian Christian Reconstructionists want to reimplement absolutist interpretation of regulations regarding the Sabbath, are among those they plan to stone publically those that pop a piece of bread in the toaster? Will they also cut off natural gas or electricity to prevent malefactors from cooking?
Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama A Jackass
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Britain Recognizes Druidry As An Established Religion
Congress Fritters Away Money On New PC Monuments
Seems now every group with the exception of White males has a federally sanctioned museum explicitly named in their honor.
Perhaps one day there will be a museum or at least a memorial to fiscal solvency.
Future generations in chains or the decrepit elderly on their way to mandatory euthanasia could be filed through catching a glimpse of murals or displays of what life was like when responsible spending was one of the pillars of character ensuring freedom and prosperity.
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, October 01, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Louisville area schools plan to integrate along income rather than racial lines. This should spark even greater outrage. In most cases, you can look at a person and tell what race they are. However, to hand down decisions as to financial status, one has to dig into private matters that the education establishment has no business asking or make the kinds of exaggerated stereotypes that tolerancemongers always assure us are inaccurate when they disadvantage their particular special interest or front group.
County to hold a lottery for 390 taxicab licenses. Why should government be permitted to restrict free enterprise to this extent? Authorities might have a role in making sure for the sake of public safety that drivers are sufficiently trained and vehicles adequately maintained. However, it is not the place of government to determine or protect profits of an economic system characterized by considerable liberty.
County to hold a lottery for 390 taxicab licenses. Why should government be permitted to restrict free enterprise to this extent? Authorities might have a role in making sure for the sake of public safety that drivers are sufficiently trained and vehicles adequately maintained. However, it is not the place of government to determine or protect profits of an economic system characterized by considerable liberty.
The grandson of a deceased medal of honor winner was denied entry to the West Wing of the White House despite being invited because casual dress is not permitted there. I guess Bill was in his formal wear when he slipped it to Monica. The office can't be any more defaced by a tike in a t-shirt with his grandfather's picture on it than it already has been by a number of its contemporary occupiers.
Obama Picked On Camera Dupes Based On Appearance
Death Threats Issued Over Tea Party Coloring Book
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cowering Whites Keep Sharpton In Power
To the left of the infamous rabble rouser's visage, the title reads, "The Reinvention Of Reverend Al: From Tawana To Obama (What Sharpton's Longevity Says About Race In America)."
What it says is that White Americans have been so beaten over the head with the threat of being labeled "racist" that most are too afraid to expose this huckster for what he is.
At best, Sharpton should only be brought out occasionally as a semi-entertaining buffoon to serve as a foil on media interview programs rather than as any serious kind of policy visionary.