Monday, October 18, 2010

The same human rabble outraged that Sharon Angle though that a group of Asians looked Latino are probably the same ones that have contributed to Hispanosupremacist groups that have discussed openly of their future plans to kill White people.

Glenn Beck quoted someone that China seems "so alive" right now. That is until you checkout the organ-harvesting death camps.

How is Ron Paul allegedly belonging to a secret society in college any worse than George W. Bush or John Kerry belong to Skull & Bones or the shenanigans that go on at Bohemian Grove, the Masonic Lodge, or amongst the Bilderbergers?

Companies are claiming they must increase insurance premiums because of obese people not exercising. Would they dare make a similar justification regarding men piddling around in other men’s rectums?

A Christian Fundamentalist denounces Mary Poppins as witchcraft Christians certain watch. No wonder people become Mormons and Catholics.

A presentation titled something like "Success & The History Major". To be more truthful, needs the subtitle "Something You'll Never See Once Leaving College Unless You Are A Pathological Brownnoser".

Fascinating conjecture on Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" that Lyme disease was an experiment released from the Plum Island research center since the founder of that facility was a Nazi who theorized that ticks could be used in bio-warfare. Both localities are in close proximity to each other.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Those Volunteering In Politically Correct Causes Should Have To Pay Their Bills Like Everybody Else

University Abandons Mascot In Order To Brownnose Tolerancemongers

So why isn't this deemed offensive to those that have been injured by or lost family in bear attacks?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Transgendered Athlete Demands Opportunity To Swing Its Club As A Lady Golfer

Rick Springfield Depressed 40 Years Ago

Perhaps a better headline would read, "Hasbeen Attempts To Milk Fame For Every Last Penny".

Is The McRib Composed Of Waste Pork That Even A Dog Won't Touch?

In other words, it should be the only selection on the menu at GITMO all day, everyday.

Is The State Department Siding With Homicidal Mexican Lake Pirates?

Have been told that I am always negative. So instead of seeing the gulag and concentration camps set up by totalitarian regimes as egregious atrocities, I guess they should be seen as expanded outdoor recreational opportunities for specified populations.

Contrary to Glenn Beck's ruminations, one rides public transportation to get from point "A" to point "B". One does not do so for compulsory interactive socialization.

Unlike Glenn Beck, bet Mark Levin would never equate you with the members of Hispanosupremacist gang, who tortured victims for allegedly being gay, if you tend not to divulge your life story to fellow strangers riding on public transportation.

Single Government Move To Destroy Automobiles & Prompt Mass Starvation

Monday, October 11, 2010

County Law Permits Political But Not Religious Signs

Secretary Of Education Vows To Environmentally Brainwash American School Children

Barbara Boxer Believes Hospitals Can Kill Born Babies

Leftists Snatch Picture Books From Children

Other than promiscious sex and hard narcotics, is there any pleasures liberals don't want to abolish. As C.S. Lewis said, always winter but never Christmas.

Washington Post Joins Conspiracy To Destroy Fox News

Friday, October 08, 2010

Baby Snatched Because Parents Members Of Online Political Forum

Yet the ragheads continue to breed out of control and are often lavished with government handouts for doing so.

Granted, Evangelical Christians need to be cautious of their entanglements with Glenn Beck because he is a Mormon. However, he is about one of the few games in town in terms of exposing a number of the things he does. This is due in part because of the tendency in hyperpious circles to manipulate the young among their ranks into believing that the truly devout worthy of praise and emulation are involved with foreign missions and definitely not politics or mass communications.

Statisticians claim that half of the deported illegals are criminal. Technically, weren't all of those deported criminals since they were here in violation of the law?

Is Rick Warren A Terrorist Sympathizer?

Candidate Denounced For Exposing The Islamic Menace

Government To Keep Track Of Whose Privates You Like To Jiggle

Thought what we did in the privacy of our bedrooms was no one else's business.

Sodomites Demand Mormons Alter Doctrine To Satisfy Perverts

Presidential Seal Committs Harakiri

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Britain Recognizes Druidry As An Established Religion

As disturbing as this is, even more so is a government given the power to determine what is and is not a valid system of belief.

Congress Fritters Away Money On New PC Monuments

Congress is on the verge of approving a National Women's History Museum, which critics such as Concerned Women of America claim will glamorize the practice of mass baby killing referred to as abortion.

Seems now every group with the exception of White males has a federally sanctioned museum explicitly named in their honor.

Perhaps one day there will be a museum or at least a memorial to fiscal solvency.

Future generations in chains or the decrepit elderly on their way to mandatory euthanasia could be filed through catching a glimpse of murals or displays of what life was like when responsible spending was one of the pillars of character ensuring freedom and prosperity.

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Louisville area schools plan to integrate along income rather than racial lines. This should spark even greater outrage. In most cases, you can look at a person and tell what race they are. However, to hand down decisions as to financial status, one has to dig into private matters that the education establishment has no business asking or make the kinds of exaggerated stereotypes that tolerancemongers always assure us are inaccurate when they disadvantage their particular special interest or front group.

County to hold a lottery for 390 taxicab licenses. Why should government be permitted to restrict free enterprise to this extent? Authorities might have a role in making sure for the sake of public safety that drivers are sufficiently trained and vehicles adequately maintained. However, it is not the place of government to determine or protect profits of an economic system characterized by considerable liberty.

County to hold a lottery for 390 taxicab licenses. Why should government be permitted to restrict free enterprise to this extent? Authorities might have a role in making sure for the sake of public safety that drivers are sufficiently trained and vehicles adequately maintained. However, it is not the place of government to determine or protect profits of an economic system characterized by considerable liberty.

The grandson of a deceased medal of honor winner was denied entry to the West Wing of the White House despite being invited because casual dress is not permitted there. I guess Bill was in his formal wear when he slipped it to Monica. The office can't be any more defaced by a tike in a t-shirt with his grandfather's picture on it than it already has been by a number of its contemporary occupiers.

Obama Picked On Camera Dupes Based On Appearance

One must also ask, and what if these people refused and more importantly what kinds of security restrictions were imposed upon the neighbors?

Pentagon Brownie Recipe Exceeds 25 pages

Obama To Compile Eco-Tyranny Slowly

Death Threats Issued Over Tea Party Coloring Book

A typical response on the part of the advocates of civility and inclusiveness

Hispanicists Electorally Threaten Republicans Refusing To Surrender The United States

Il Duce Denounces Fox News As Subversive

Military Undermines Second Amendment Rights

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cowering Whites Keep Sharpton In Power

Pictured on the cover of the 8/12/10 issue of Newsweek Magazine is a portrait of Al Sharpton.

To the left of the infamous rabble rouser's visage, the title reads, "The Reinvention Of Reverend Al: From Tawana To Obama (What Sharpton's Longevity Says About Race In America)."

What it says is that White Americans have been so beaten over the head with the threat of being labeled "racist" that most are too afraid to expose this huckster for what he is.

At best, Sharpton should only be brought out occasionally as a semi-entertaining buffoon to serve as a foil on media interview programs rather than as any serious kind of policy visionary.

Was Dead Restauranter Dipping His Finger In His Pastry Chef

So in Utah, do you face a possible five year prison term if you get caught cheating on your wife and she doesn't know about it, or does the sentence only apply to those who have their wife's blessing?

The Senate intends to bestow upon the late Robert Byrd's family compensation equal to a year's salary. If you croke before the end of the month, your family is expected to return the Social Security check.

Utah police are investigating the stars of a reality series glamorizing polygamy over allegations of bigamy. If the queers, the shacked up, and chronic fornicators are going to insist that what we do in our bedrooms is our own business and in terms of legal benefits there is only one valid marriage among this group, on what grounds does the state turn around and prosecute consenting adults?

Stephen King Sinks Fangs Into Vampire Bandwagon

Mandatory Sex Vaccine Kills Unsuspecting Teens

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Leftists Call For Riot In Washington

Billed as a rally, it is a safe wager there will be more arrests and destruction of property than at any Tea Party. Should make for interesting CSPAN viewing. Won't be able to see as many freaks gathered in one place until January's American Idol auditions.

Obama Propaganda Effort To Violate Property Rights

Don't think so? Ask the neighbors of these dupes if they were allowed out in their yards and such while the New Lord descended upon these patches of earth.

Obama Supporters Embrace Ahmadinejad

Americans Wallow In Religious Ignorance

Just as much blame needs to be placed on the nation's churches for teaching all this COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY garbage these days instead of actual religious and theological doctrine.