Thursday, September 02, 2010

Those touting Zipcars as an alternative to automobile ownership should stop and think seriously for a moment. This concept is gaining in popularity on college campuses. As such, are these cars thoroughly screened and cleaned between renters. If not, when you are pulled over by police, are you willing to go down on a drug charge for the last person that borrowed the car and forgot to take their pot with them when they parked it?

John Lofton has threatened to "report me" if I dare post anything on his facebook wall. Guess he doesn't like me questioning his desire to see Glenn Beck executed as a false prophet. People need to wake up not only to the vipers outside of Evangelical Christianity but as well as the snakes they have let inside the tent as well.

Vitamin Water recruits Gary Busey as spokesman. Not exactly the comeplling embodiment of physical vigor and mental vitality you'd want associated with a healthfood product.

If John Lofton believes that every last stipulation of the Old Testament law must be implemented literally without being tempered by God's grace, the food at the Institute on the Constitution picnic must be kosher.

Movie Depicting Gringo-Killing Hispanosupremacist Applauded As Hilarious

Obama Blows Up Another Oil Rig

Youth Groups Wallowing In Regurgitation, Feel Up & Homoerotic Activities

The Discovery Channel building hijacker wanted a stop put to the birth of parasitic human beings. How is he any worse than the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger? She played a role in the death of millions of human beings while this fruitcake didn't kill a single person.

Taser-Happy Cops Zap Cardiac Patient

Cops tell man to stand up and then shock him for compliance. To show how brainless many police are, the nervous system runs on electrical impulses and then law enforcement act all surprised when someone is convulsing on the floor as if they have control over their reaction. Police like these are one reason why the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment

Burro orifice John Lofton forbids me from posting on his profile asking him to clarify his position on wanting to execute those he disagrees with such as Glenn Beck. Given that the show he hosts for his employers at the Institute on the Constitution, the American View, sounds similar to some of my websites The American Worldview which the IOTC use to link to years ago, you'd think I'd deserve a bit more respect.

The Discovery Channel building hijacker wanted a stop put to the birth of parasitic human beings. How is he any worse than the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger? She played a role in the death of millions of human beings while this fruitcake didn't kill a single person.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Ecoterrorist takes Discovery Channel Building hostage. Are we now going to blame Whale Wars in much the same way we blame talk radio for every gunnut that goes off his rocker?

Did Prince Phillip Have Lady Di Murdered For Refusing To Bed Him?

But perhaps an even more shocking headline is that apparently there was someone she wouldn't sleep with.

Islamists Launch Propaganda Campaign

Ought one be careful about calling for the execution of false prophets? Because no doubt in someone else's theology, those calling for the death penalty against false prophets could very well be considered false prophets.

If one of the organization’s primary spokesman thinks that Glenn Beck and Harold Camping should be executed, should average Conservatives and Christians feel at ease at a meeting of the Institute on The Constitution? For if one of the meeting’s organizers had his way, he would just as likely burn you at the stake. At the groups upcoming barbecue, just stop and think that it might very well one day be you turning on the rotisserie.

Should Mike Peroutka be asked his opinion on one of his key staff members hinting that Glenn Beck should be executed?

Contrary to a commenter of one of my columns posted at, my purpose as a commentator is not “to get conservative Republicans elected to office. To paraphrase the Bard,. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in you electoral system.” Politicians are to serve us and not we them. Anyone that believes that thought and expression should be curtailed to serve the alleged needs of establishmentarian Republicans are as much enemies of human liberty as any Democrat.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Red China Turns U.S. Human Rights Molehills Into Mountains

The United States and China discussed human rights at a round of high-level talks. One might be surprised that the meeting did not so much focus on the egregious atrocities that have gone on under this Communist tyranny from the time of its founding to this very day. Rather, Obama administration officials allowed America to be berated on issues such as homelessness and the new Arizona immigration law.

Before America as a nation takes this criticism seriously, perhaps we should consider what the law entails and how this compares with what goes on in Red China.

The Arizona law will permit police to ascertain an individual's identity and thus legality after initial contact. Essentially, this isn’t anything that isn’t already authorized by law and is perhaps an even better guarantor of individual liberty and dignity than what is already permitted.

In a number of decisions, the Supreme Court ruled that police could compel an individual to identify themselves even when it had not been established that the law had even been violated or that there was probable cause indicating such. Interestingly, there were no riotous mobs in the streets when it was thought these kinds of identity checks were only going to be aimed at actual Americans.

Even if scores of those with no legal standing in the United States are removed from the streets of Arizona as a result of the new law, they will still fair considerably better than those taken into custody in dictatorships. In Iran, several American coed tourists straying over the Islamic Republic’s border with Iraq were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

And unlike illegals here, those there are not fawned over with lavish government handouts with their bureaucratic benefactors hoping the outsiders will recast the entire society in a foreign image.

It could be properly argued that the American students deserved some kind of punishment for violating another country’s sovereign borders. What likely cannot be argued against is that the accommodations they languished in made Camp Gitmo look like a swanky New York City hotel. Guards there are not going out of their way to provide American delicacies or to treat our holy books and founding documents with a nauseating degree of deference.

In China, one house church pastor sentenced to prison was allowed to languish and suffer without access to his diabetic medicine. And it could be argued that he can be considered one of the lucky ones. It has been claimed that organs are regularly harvested from dissident Tibetans and Christians.

If Red China had the illegal alien problem plaguing the United States, do you honestly believe authorities there would do little than look over the papers of these transnational vagrants, whisper sweet nothings in their ears, and release them on their recognizance which many have very little of to begin with given their connections to the drug trade, human smuggling, and assorted gangs. And given the propensity of a certain atrocity to occur throughout Chinese history (be it during the Great Cultural Revolution or in rumors a few years back regarding what was being done to fetuses), if a wife in China told her husband that they would be having a little Mexican later that evening that wouldn't mean he should expect to have a taco or burrito for dinner.

Many infringements upon human rights stem from an improper understanding of the relationship between social institutions such as government and the individual. In America, the extremes of these have been minimized in part due to the assumption that the individual possesses worth of his own created in the image of God. The individual is not owned by the state.

As an officially atheistic socialist country, the Chinese Communist Party and state see themselves as the highest authority with these determining that it is not so much the individual that counts but rather the group as a whole. After all, if we are simply nothing more than animated primordial ooze as the Darwinian insists and upon which Marxist-Leninism rests, it is kind of hard to get worked up over one person when there are over a billion more walking around easily capable of taking the place of a defective cog in the machine of state.

Since in the Communist system you are less an individual, the more the system provides of those things deemed to be necessities by the overseers (under whom fewer things end up being defined as necessities than in a free market economy) in such command societies such commodities extended only so that the goals mapped out for you by the COMMUNITY might be achieved. In a constitutional republican system, it is believed that the individual is best suited to determine for themselves which needs and desires should take priority for oneself and one's family. Granted, the system is not perfect, but it is far preferable and more in line with what God intended for humanity.

Thus, that is no doubt why China would rank homelessness as a human rights violation while not batting an eye at putting a bullet in the back of the head of a House Church pastor so that his kidneys might remain undamaged for organ harvesting. In America, those who love liberty must first inquire as to why the individual is homeless before formulating an appropriate policy response.

Though it is not politically correct to mention it these days and even if they represent only a fraction of those without a domicile, frankly there are those that simply refuse to do that which is necessary to maintain a residence or they engage in behaviors that cause their homes to be lost. Of those that went into vapors when Glenn Beck critiqued the subject, tell me where is the social justice to take from those working and scrimping in order to hoe their own path to give it to those living irresponsibly and demanding a standard of living far above a subsistence level with a few basic comforts that they are not willing to exert the labor necessary to acquire?

One might feel sorry for the children of such deadbeats and somehow provide enough for the children to get by without hardly a single bread crumb going to such pathetic excuses for parents. It is preferable that such outreach come from the private sector free to point out the deficiencies of individual character and the blunt steps necessary to correct the situation. Often in these times where we must constantly walk around on eggshells for fear of offending some self-enlightened leftist do-gooder with a law degree or a bullhorn and definitely too much time on their hands, government is unable to articulate those steps necessary for complete restoration.

And while we are at it, perhaps something needs to be said about and to these women that fall for scumbag men. If you find the boozing and carousing attractive when you are young only to have it morph into not knowing how you are going to feed the five kids because he's blowing the milk money on beer and backhanded you across the face because you dared ask where he was the night before, other than for tossing his rear in jail, don't expect much pity and especially don't expect some behaved guy you wouldn't give the time of day to 15 years ago to take you in as if he has some obligation to provide for another man's progeny.

One of contemporary liberalism's most glaring intellectual deficiencies is that it assumes that the remainder of the world, when you come down to it, lives no differently than the people of the United States. Before we pull out the sackcloth and ashes to belittle ourselves embarrassingly on the world stage, let’s at least make sure we don’t waste the effort on autocrats, thieves, cutthroats, and homicidal mass murderers.

by Frederick Meekins

Veteran Facilities Permitted To Crumble While Millions Dished Out To Foreign Mosques

What is Planned For The Ground Zero Mosque Mystery Floors

According to this story, the ground zero mosque contains a number of "mystery floors" where it has not been explained what will be going on. Usually in embassies, these unlisted floors are where the intelligence service operations (spying, sabotage) are planned and carried out.

If Obama thinks it is a bother to have his "birth certificate plastered to his forehead", then why isn't it a burder for businesses now to file a notification with the IRS for every purchase over several hundred dollars?

Thespian Calls For The Ritual Murder Of Newt Gingrich & Fox News

Will Glenn Beck Dupe Americans Into Accepting Mormonism?

Once the idealism of the Beck rally settles, how will the Tea Party and affiliated movements react to clergy not hopping onboard the universalist version of Glen Beck's interpretation of the Black Regiment?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Aspiring Lackeys Now Pay For The Privilege To Do Jobs No One Else Will

Parents Letting 13 Year Olds Race Motorcylces Are Downright Negligent

If parents can end up having social servies step in these days for refusing to let their children attend school dances, making them attend church, or for keeping tabs over what they read, perhaps it ought to be considered when they allow their progeny operate a vehicile that they could not do so legally on the street for several more years.

Beck Bends Knee To Chairman Obama

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lessons In Apologetics #4: Pragmaticism & Combinationalism

The next theory of truth and religious knowledge is pragmatism. Developed initially by Charles Sander Pierce and expanded by William James, pragmatism is the theory that truth is not determined by what one thinks, feels, or discovers but rather by what works.

Christians may instinctively recoil from this initially. However, the proper response to this epistemological methodology needs to be more nuanced than the believer might originally suspect.

Providing in part an alternative to the early 20th century viewpoint promoted in large part by Sigmund Freud that belief in God was psychologically harmful, in works such as "The Varieties Of Religious Experience", James believed religion should be judged by its results in the life of the individual. Overall, James concluded that, "In a general way...on the whole...our testing of religion by practical common sense and the empirical method leaves it in possession of its towering place in history. For economically, the saintly group of qualities is indispensable to the world’s welfare (109).”

However, any alliance the Christian apologist may make with William James is tenuous at best. For example, James categorized the pantheistic outlook of Mediterranean paganism as healthy and those emphasizing the need to be “twice born” as epitomizing a Germanic dourness characterized by an obsession regarding man’s fallen nature and need to be saved by God (105).

Though few in number, Christian apologists have adapted pragmaticism to the defense of the faith. Foremost among these is Francis Schaeffer.

Schaeffer’s method might not be considered solely pragmatic by the methodology’s purists as he does not allow a worldview’s viability to determine whether or not it is true but rather to show how the Christian worldview is the most consistently livable. Schaeffer refers to this test as an experiential teleological argument (110).

In a Schaefferian apologetic, one takes the propositions of a particular worldview and projects them onto the movie screen of life. For example, Schaeffer noted how the materialism of Jackson Pollock drove the artist to suicide and how musician John Cage did not adhere to the philosophy of chance that categorized his music when it came to picking potentially deadly mushrooms

The next epistemological methodology is combinationalism. Throughout this discourse thus far, it has been observed that, while each methodology contributes something to our understanding of God and knowledge, none of these approaches is sufficient enough to stand alone as the only way through which to obtain an understanding of reality. But instead of falling into a state of solipsistic dismay that nothing can be known since each approach falls short, combinationalists suggest that the insights of each method ought to be knit together in order to produce the most comprehensive understanding possible.

One such apologist utilizing this approach is Edward J. Carnell. Carnell combines rationalism, which he defines as a “horizontal self-consistency so that all of the major assumptions of the position can be so related together that they placate the rules of formal logic” and evidentialism, which he categorizes as “a vertical fitting of the facts” in that one’s assumptions must cohere with the “real concrete facts of human history (122).” Together, these elements make up systematic consistency.

However, even combinationalists must proceed with caution. As Geisler points out in “the leaky bucket argument”, if the other methodologies are insufficient on their own, these do not necessarily hold the epistemological water any better when they are combined together (129). Furthermore, often when one proceeds to evaluate a worldview, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of presupposing the worldview before it has been established or the facts are spun in such a way to fit into the worldview.

For example, Geisler uses the example of Christ's Resurrection. Geisler writes, "An apologist...cannot legitimately appeal to the miracle of Christ's resurrection as a proof for the existence of God (129)." This statement, shocking on its face value, means that God is already presupposed if the event is categorized as miraculous in terms of its explanation. Geisler reassures, "On the other hand, grant that God already exists, then the resurrection may very well be a miraculous way of confirming that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God (129)."

Geisler, Norman. "Christian Apologetics". Baker Academic, 1988.

By Frederick Meekins

If Nancy Pelosi thinks everybody has the right to express their religious beliefs on their own property, is she going to come out as enthusiastically in support of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church as she has the Ground Zero mosque?

If Nancy Pelosi thinks everybody has the right to express their religious beliefs on their own property, is she going to come out as enthusiastically in support of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church as she has the Ground Zero mosque?

Eyescanners To Turn World Cities Into Virtual Police States

Pentagon Castigated For Noticing Chinese Military Expansion

Billionaires Minding Their Own Business Shouldn't Have To Explain Why They Haven't Taken The Oath To Give Away 1/2 Their Fortunes

Only those that drone on about giving back to the COMMUNITY or how we mere commoners have too much should have this matter rubbed in their faces.

Establishmentarian Headshrinkers Denounce Superheroes As Sarcastic & Insufficiently Communal

Mind-controlling Parasites

If no independent photojournalists were permitted to accompany him, how can it be verified that those were Gulf waters that President Obama was frolicking in?

Farah & Coulter Spat Over Homocon

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

U.S. Government Financing Mosque Repair & Upkeep

Welfare Deadbeats Rampage

Just see what the TSA would do to you if you grabbed two beers and deployed the escape chute no matter how justifed your actions were.

Apparently Jennifer Anniston Comprehends Neither Biology Nor Social Sciences

The actress claimed that women no longer have to "fiddle with a man" in order to have a child.

If there is no "fiddling" involved, from where are the necessary gametes acquired?

More importantly, if women don't need any assistance from men in raising children, don't let them look towards a fat uncle named Sam either in terms of handouts nor to strongarm the deadbeats fathering these youngsters.

Seems Elton John is as prominently featured as the bride along with Rush Limbaugh's wedding pictures posted on Facebook.

If passengers have to remain quiet & pliant at the hands of abusive airline staff & security out of fear of terrorism charges, shouldn't airline staff also have to take the beration from irrate passengers as well?

UN Attempts To Seize Control Of Public School System

Audio: Olympics Subtly Lure Tots Into Paganism's Embrace